Making the Grade Podcast

Finding the Right Fit: a Conversation with International Teacher, Greg

Season 1 Episode 10

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EP 010 | Finding the Right Fit: a Conversation with International Teacher, Greg

In the 10th episode of Making the Grade Podcast, Georgia and Christine connect with Greg, an international teacher who has over 20 years of experience. Avid scuba diver, technology guru, author…& most importantly, a teacher at heart. A fellow podcaster from Wisconsin, Greg is passionate in telling others about “the best kept secret in education”: international teaching. Greg is well-traveled - he has visited over 70 countries, and taught in 7 different countries across 5 continents. Given his unique perspective, he speaks to the similarities rather than the differences in teaching children all around the world.

An animated storyteller, Greg has some really incredible (& wild) stories to share from his journeys; some of which may or may not involve scuba diving with great white sharks. Greg speaks to the joy he has found in mixing traveling & teaching, and his desire to “be a tourist, not a traveler”.  He recognizes the privilege in being able to have these experiences & has become so passionate about others doing the same that he wrote a book about it (see notes below)!

This episode covers a lot: technology in education, the importance of autonomy in the classroom, & the reason why he won’t teach in the US. Greg is a laugh a minute - he keeps Christine & Georgia on their toes with his own “this or that '' & you definitely don’t want to miss why his students call him “Mr. Chicken!” His lighthearted approach to teaching & life will help remind you “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey”.

Find out more about Greg here !

Greg’s Podcast, “International Teacher Podcast”:

Greg’s book, “Finding the Right Fit”:

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