Making the Grade Podcast

Failure Free Reading: a Conversation with Author & Reading Researcher Dr. Joe Lockavitch

Christine and Georgia Season 2 Episode 32

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S2 EP 032 | Failure Free Reading: A Conversation with Author & Reading Researcher, Dr. Joe Lockavitch

On the 32nd episode of Making the Grade Podcast, Georgia and Christine connect with Dr. Joe Lockavitch, a former classroom teacher, school psychologist, university professor, special education director, and applied reading researcher who is the author and developer of The Failure Free Reading Program. Failure Free Reading is a nationally recognized, proven non-phonic first reading intervention that accelerates the vocabulary, comprehension, expressive fluency, and confidence of chronically struggling students who defy traditional reading interventions.

Dr. Joe’s story highlights the viewpoints of a lifelong educator: his curiosity, advocacy & belief in access for children & families began when he first started teaching in MA. He has some great wisdom from his teacher years & funny stories from his classroom days (he started his 1st classroom without a door!). He highlights some of the reasons why he developed a reading program including seeing many students (including one of his own grandchildren) struggle with typical phonics instruction. He lives by the motto, “If you can change the approach, you can change the outcome”, and this is evident in his approach & work!

This episode is chock full of interesting data on reading: fluency data, a unique approach to reading instruction & how this reading approach is helping students all over the country today. Dr. Joe’s idea of making the world better is by ensuring that all students can read. Tune in if you want to hear more about an interesting fluency program! 

Find out more about Dr. Joe here!

Dr. Joe Lockavitch’s links: 


Instagram: failurefreereading



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