060 - The Experience Economy and Progression of Economic Value
Grow Your Clinic
Grow Your Clinic
060 - The Experience Economy and Progression of Economic Value
Oct 09, 2018 Season 1 Episode 60
from the Clinic Mastery team

Founder and best-selling author Joseph Pine joins us this week to talk about new ways of adding value to your economic offerings. He teaches businesses how to grasp the nature of the emerging Experience Economy and envision their role in it - whether it be staging experiences, guiding transformations, or mass customization.


“The progression of economic value basically talks about what has happened to create economic value over the millennium in which we had business.”
“Experiences are a distinct economic offering.”
“Doctors must be actors. In addition to demonstrating clinical acuity, the physician is expected to assume a role depending upon the particular situation, the particular patient.”
“You use the experiences to guide your customers to change, to help them achieve their aspirations.”




  • [0:01:46.2]  What is the experience economy and the progression of economic value?
  • [0:04:03.3]  Experience as a commodity
  • [0:07:30.7]  Creating distinct offerings
  • [0:08:35.2]  The realms of experience
  • [0:14:06.0]  Turning mundane interactions into engaging encounters
  • [0:17:32.6]  Why doctors must be actors as well
  • [0:18:07.6]  Personalized, engaging and memorable experiences
  • [0:22:10.9]  Trending strategies and technologies in staging personalized experiences
  • [0:25:29.5]  Steps to personalizing your clinic experience
  • [0:28:49.8]  Going beyond the experience
  • [0:32:07.1]  Joe’s parting advice to listeners
  • [0:33:22.7]  Connect with Joe!

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