Episode #11: Body Image and Self Empowerment with Kove Holistic
NO BS Health & Happiness
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NO BS Health & Happiness
Episode #11: Body Image and Self Empowerment with Kove Holistic
Jun 27, 2023 Season 1 Episode 11
Amanda Kate

A special feature from an amazing episode of the “It’s A Vibe” Podcast by my new friends at Kove Holistic that I was so lucky to be a guest on last month. Make sure you go and give them a listen and a follow! 

Kat asked me so many EPIC questions that helped me to share more of my story. We talked about body image, body dysmorphia, food freedom, self empowerment, how the mind works and how to make lifelong change. 

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did. 


I would love to know if you resonate with my story in any way, so please shoot me a message over on social media, I would love to connect! Find me on Instagram HERE

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Is your block/challenge beyond the body? If you've been on your health and happiness journey for a while but feel you are  getting nowhere, I want to talk to you!  In this free “Get Unstuck diagnostic session”, we'll work out exactly what’s been stopping you from getting results you want and put together an action plan to help you implement straight away!  

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About Amanda Kate

Amanda is a Master of NLP therapy, hypnotherapist, holistic lifestyle and empowerment coach and works to inspire women to transform their mind and body for a lifetime of health and happiness. Her mission is to help women kick quick fixes to the curb so they can heal their self image and love the skin they’re in.

After 12 years in the beauty industry (helping women shine from within), Amanda retrained as a personal trainer and coach, with a new focus on guiding women to find health and happiness in their own skin by through nourishing their bodies with movement, nutrition and self acceptance.

Today, Amanda works to coach women to breakthrough the road blocks keeping them from achieving and having what they want. With her signature program, Beyond the Body, Amanda's mission is to help women reconnect. To tune in, put themselves first and nurture themselves to reveal the confident, resilient and empowered woman within.

Amanda lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband Jason and beautiful daughters Madelyn and McKenzie. When she's not working with amazing women like you, you'll find her at the beach or enjoying a cheeky prosecco with friends.

Learn more about Amanda and Beyond the Body here.