Episode #14: Are You Just Hungry?
NO BS Health & Happiness
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NO BS Health & Happiness
Episode #14: Are You Just Hungry?
Aug 08, 2023 Season 1 Episode 14
Amanda Kate

When we are in a low place mentally and emotionally a common response is to unconsciously deprive ourselves from our base line of nourishment. Our appetite naturally disappears as we are pulled into the stress, flight, fight or freeze response. What also disappears is our openness to be supported, heard or held. We tend to pull more insular and inwards during times of distress. 

This response can then impede our ability to emotionally and mentally process and heal. 

So next time you feel overwhelmed with emotion or deep in a challenge, ask yourself..

What am I hungry for? 

When you connect to the answer, you are then left with a choice. Do I allow myself to receive this because I am worthy and I know it will serve me? Or do I stay in this experience? 

Healing, personal development and physical transformation and growth all require a solid foundation of health that comes from a whole-istic approach in order for us to see solid progress that supports us long term.

Are you approaching your journey with a whole-istic view?



If you are ready to expand and  get lasting results with your health and wellbeing. The 6 week course THRIVE is for you! 

A course that will Shortcut Your Knowledge and Get All The Tools You NEED To Achieve Lasting Results and Thrive! Invest in mastering the foundation of health so you can break up with the quick fixes and finally thrive in health and happiness. No only will this course completely transform the way you approach your physical goals, it will support you in your mental and emotional healing journey too!

Join The course now for only $275 - you will have life long access to the content and resources so you can tap back in at any time, this is the stuff you have missed and the stuff all of us should have been conditioned with when it comes to having vibrant energy, a healthy metabolism and a nourished mental and emotional home.


Join us within our free women’s Facebook Community - NO BS Health & Happiness and be supported in making massive change mentally, physically and emotionally. 

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Is your block/challenge beyond the body? If you've been on your health and happiness journey for a while but feel you are  getting nowhere, I want to talk to you!  In this free “Get Unstuck diagnostic session”, we'll work out exactly what’s been stopping

About Amanda Kate

Amanda is a Master of NLP therapy, hypnotherapist, holistic lifestyle and empowerment coach and works to inspire women to transform their mind and body for a lifetime of health and happiness. Her mission is to help women kick quick fixes to the curb so they can heal their self image and love the skin they’re in.

After 12 years in the beauty industry (helping women shine from within), Amanda retrained as a personal trainer and coach, with a new focus on guiding women to find health and happiness in their own skin by through nourishing their bodies with movement, nutrition and self acceptance.

Today, Amanda works to coach women to breakthrough the road blocks keeping them from achieving and having what they want. With her signature program, Beyond the Body, Amanda's mission is to help women reconnect. To tune in, put themselves first and nurture themselves to reveal the confident, resilient and empowered woman within.

Amanda lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband Jason and beautiful daughters Madelyn and McKenzie. When she's not working with amazing women like you, you'll find her at the beach or enjoying a cheeky prosecco with friends.

Learn more about Amanda and Beyond the Body here.