Episode #15: Never Settle! Breast Implant Illness with Jessica Lowe
NO BS Health & Happiness
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NO BS Health & Happiness
Episode #15: Never Settle! Breast Implant Illness with Jessica Lowe
Aug 22, 2023 Season 1 Episode 15
Amanda Kate

In today’s episode, Jessica Lowe - mother of two, business owner, nutritionist, creator of the Happy Healthy Nutrition Club, coach and foodie who is known as the 'The Mindful Nutritionist’ shares her journey with breast implant illness and the long and painful journey to come to the point of having to dig deep and truly advocate for her body and her health and saying NO to doctors who told her there was nothing wrong with her.

We explore how we should never settle and normalize symptoms that cause us distress and how getting curious and truly connecting with the ROOT CAUSE of our discomfort and signs of poor health is the ONLY way to create true health and happiness. 

Jessica started her journey into wellness in her late 20’s when she battled her own health issues, stressors and life challenges. This led her to leave her stressful corporate job and study nutrition and women’s health. In her mid 30’s she struggled with fertility issues and miscarriages and symptoms of burn out but has always taken a natural approach to healing so she continues to thrive and helps others do the same.

Jessica’s story of not settling for symptoms that so many of us have normalised, is truly inspiring. Listening to her body and fighting for answers to feel her vibrant healthy self and complete her family, Jessica healed through her past sexual trauma, social shaming and the effects of that on her self belief and confidence and gained the courage to remove her implants and step into true SELF LOVE. 

I hope this episode inspires you to get curious and settle for nothing less than health & happiness. 


After over 7 years experience as a nutritionist, Jessica realised that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to food and the human body, and that it was more about the complex relationship people have with food and themselves.

This led Jessica to also studying NLP [Neuro-Linguistic Programming] so she could assist my clients with any pre-conditioning that they might have about food and themselves to find ways that they can change their eating habits for the better. To nourish, heal & thrive! 

If you want to feel empowered with food and elevate your health, take the confusion out of creating healthy balanced meals and join the Happy Healthy Nutrition Club

You can find Jessica on Instagram HERE

About Amanda Kate

Amanda is a Master of NLP therapy, hypnotherapist, holistic lifestyle and empowerment coach and works to inspire women to transform their mind and body for a lifetime of health and happiness. Her mission is to help women kick quick fixes to the curb so they can heal their self image and love the skin they’re in.

After 12 years in the beauty industry (helping women shine from within), Amanda retrained as a personal trainer and coach, with a new focus on guiding women to find health and happiness in their own skin by through nourishing their bodies with movement, nutrition and self acceptance.

Today, Amanda works to coach women to breakthrough the road blocks keeping them from achieving and having what they want. With her signature program, Beyond the Body, Amanda's mission is to help women reconnect. To tune in, put themselves first and nurture themselves to reveal the confident, resilient and empowered woman within.

Amanda lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband Jason and beautiful daughters Madelyn and McKenzie. When she's not working with amazing women like you, you'll find her at the beach or enjoying a cheeky prosecco with friends.

Learn more about Amanda and Beyond the Body here.