Episode #18: Functional Bloodwork and Optimizing Women’s Health with Faye Sheridan
NO BS Health & Happiness
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NO BS Health & Happiness
Episode #18: Functional Bloodwork and Optimizing Women’s Health with Faye Sheridan
Oct 03, 2023 Season 1 Episode 18
Amanda Kate

Faye is an Integrative Health Practitioner and owner of Cycle Sisters. Faye specializes in Menstrual Cycle imbalances ranging from PMS, PCOS, Endometriosis and HA. Her coaching helps women have pain free periods, balance their hormones and optimize their health through Nutrition, Movement, education and community.

We're diving deep into the world of functional health and why it's time to unsubscribe from normalizing those common health symptoms that could actually be signs of bigger issues.

Faye breaks down the power of functional bloodwork, which is a game-changer compared to your standard GP check-up especially when it comes to PMS, PCOS, ENDO and more! We explore the power of understanding our menstrual cycle and how it ties into our overall health.

We also talk to the -ve side effects of long term yoyo, extreme, crash dieting, disordered eating on your health long term. We'll be exposing the disappointing trend of bypassing optimal health in the conventional health space and our vision for health care and the integration of collaborative health care in the future.

If you are frustrated because you have been living with pain and discomfort and have yet to get the answers so you can thrive in health, this episode is for you!

Tune in and learn how functional health can transform your life, helping you truly understand what's going on and how you can regain your health!

Faye shares a powerful resource to support you in getting thorough bloodwork done.

Download it HERE 

You can find Faye on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/_cyclesisters/



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About Amanda Kate

Amanda is a Master of NLP therapy, hypnotherapist, holistic lifestyle and empowerment coach and works to inspire women to transform their mind and body for a lifetime of health and happiness. Her mission is to help women kick quick fixes to the curb so they can heal their self image and love the skin they’re in.

After 12 years in the beauty industry (helping women shine from within), Amanda retrained as a personal trainer and coach, with a new focus on guiding women to find health and happiness in their own skin by through nourishing their bodies with movement, nutrition and self acceptance.

Today, Amanda works to coach women to breakthrough the road blocks keeping them from achieving and having what they want. With her signature program, Beyond the Body, Amanda's mission is to help women reconnect. To tune in, put themselves first and nurture themselves to reveal the confident, resilient and empowered woman within.

Amanda lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband Jason and beautiful daughters Madelyn and McKenzie. When she's not working with amazing women like you, you'll find her at the beach or enjoying a cheeky prosecco with friends.

Learn more about Amanda and Beyond the Body here.