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How To Have Healthy Teeth | Ecopify

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Have you ever wondered what made your teeth unhealthy? Get all the answers you need to have healthier teeth!

0:00 - Introduction
1:15 - What Made Your Teeth Unhealthy?  
3:41 - What Made Your Teeth Healthy?
6:43 - How To Have Healthy Teeth?
9:58 - 3 Things To Avoid To Have Healthy Teeth
11:30 - Quick Takeaway

Disclaimer: This information provides a general overview and may not apply to everyone. Talk to your dentist to find out if this information applies to you and to get more information on this subject.

Again, the content is for informational purposes only. Content is neither intended to nor does it establish a standard of care or the official policy and is not a substitute for professional judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

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How To Have Healthy Teeth

Healthy teeth are more important than you might think. Have you ever wondered how important your teeth are to your body?

Beyond the aesthetics of a winning smile, maintaining healthy teeth can have a positive impact on your life, it helps you chew foods, speak more clearly, and even boost your self-confidence.

On the other hand, without healthy teeth or a good daily oral practice, you'll face a world of discomfort problems like tooth decay or gum disease that can challenge you in your work, school, or personal life.

That is why in today's video, we'll delve into the basic strategies and habits you need for optimal dental health. I'm going to show you what is healthy teeth, things to avoid to have healthy teeth, and most importantly, how to have healthy teeth, so your teeth and gums stay strong as you age.

No matter how old you are, it's easier to have healthy teeth than you might think. With a few simple changes, you can pave the way to a lifetime of healthy smiles.

First, Let Look At What Made Your Teeth Unhealthy?

Unhealthy teeth aren't just a matter of bad luck, there are a variety of factors that can lead to unhealthy teeth, some of which may be beyond our control. However, poor oral hygiene is one of the most common causes of dental problems as it allows bacteria and plaque buildup to accumulate on the surfaces of your teeth over time.

Fun Fact: According to News in Health, there are over 700 different types of bacteria in your mouth alone. And scientists also estimate that there are more bacteria in the human mouth than there are people on Earth.

When you don't regularly take good care of your teeth, you could experience the following problems:

Tooth Decay: It happens when your tooth's surface or enamel, the protective outer layer of your teeth, is getting damaged.
Gum Disease: It happens when plaque buildup along your gum line, leading to gingivitis and other severe forms of gum disease. Over time, it can also cause your teeth to become loosen and eventually fall out.
Bad Breath: Without proper care, our mouths, particularly on the tongue and between teeth, become a breeding ground for bacteria leading to bad breath.
Obviously, there are more problems that unhealthy teeth can cause, but the three problems listed above are the common issue of having unhealthy teeth.

Tip: Avoid excessive consumption of sugary foods and drinks. Therefore, all diet forms of sugar including honey, brown sugar, or corn syrup should be limited to have healthier teeth.

Another reason why you could be having unhealthy teeth is that you have too many sugary foods or drinks in your diet. (Don't worry, I'm going to talk more about this soon)

Summary: Unhealthy teeth often result from everyday habits, and poor oral hygiene is the main culprit which lets bacteria buildup and attack your enamel. These harmful bacteria produce acids that can lead to common issues like tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.

So, What Made Your Teeth Healthy?

Simply speaking, your teeth are covered in a hard, outer coating called enamel, and every day, bacteria are trying to buildup plaque to destroy it. To have healthy teeth, you need to pay attention to this outer surface which protects your teeth from decay. Once this hardest material in the human body is lost, cracked, or chipped, it can’t be repaired.

The good news is that your enamel can get stronger and continue to strengthen all through adulthood. Here are several factors that contribute to strong enamel and having healthy teeth:

Proper oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing regularly, can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Exercise can be beneficial as it increases blood circulation throughout the body, which helps promote better overall health, including dental health.

A balanced diet low in sugar and rich in calcium and other nutrients not only benefits your overall health but also strengthens enamel and reduces the risk of cavities.

Also, drink plenty of water throughout the day to help rinse away food particles and bacteria, reducing the risk of cavities and maintaining fresh breath.

Regular dental checkups and cleanings can furthermore help maintain healthy teeth. Dentists will also detect potential problems early on, so they don't become more serious down the road.

Understanding the basics of dental hygiene is key to maintaining healthy teeth and avoiding problems like cavities, gum disease, or other issues that can arise from poor oral care.

Remember: Maintaining healthy teeth is a continued journey, not a one-time fix. I mean, we all know that in order to have healthy teeth, you have to brush and floss your teeth every day to prevent tooth decay and cavities from forming on your teeth. Once the cavity forms on your teeth, you must see a dentist to fix it to avoid further damage.

Plaque can also cause an infection that hurts the gum and bone that hold your teeth in place. So having healthy teeth means your gum has to be also healthy.

Summary: In the pursuit of healthy teeth, it is important to understand the role of enamel. This sturdy outer layer shields our teeth from decay and can strengthen throughout our adulthood. Consistent oral hygiene practices, regular exercise, a nutritious diet low in sugar, drinking plenty of water, and regular dental check-ups are several factors that contribute to having healthy teeth.

How To Have Healthy Teeth? - Try The Following 6 Habits!

Before looking at 6 easy habits you can do to keep your teeth and gum happy, you need to know that brushing your teeth is the foundation for a healthy smile!

Every time you eat or drink something, tiny bits of food particles can cling to your teeth and gums. The debris and its bacteria team up to form a sticky film called plaque. If left unchecked on the teeth for too long, it can lead to cavities and serious gum disease.

But don't worry, that's where proper brushing technique comes in to remove them before they can do any serious damage.

The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests you brush your teeth in rotating motion at a 45-degree angle with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes. Divide the time among the upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right teeth β€” 30 seconds per section.

Fun Fact: According to Dentistry IQ, in a lifetime, the average person spends approximately 79 total days just brushing their teeth. That is 4 minutes per day, 1,440 minutes per year, or one day per year of brushing.

Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you, and it's essential to keep it bright, confident, and healthy. Here are 6 easy habits you should do to maintain a healthy mouth and strong teeth:

Don't go to bed without brushing your teeth: Just don't skip brushing your teeth at night, you already know what it can lead to.

Brush properly and not aggressively: The way you brush is equally important - in fact, doing a poor job of brushing your teeth is almost as bad as not brushing at all!
Consider using mouthwash: Mouthwash cannot be a substitute for brushing your teeth, but it can complement the practices.

Floss once a day: Flossing daily can help remove plaque and bacteria form between your teeth, where a toothbrush is unable to reach. It also helps prevent bad breath by removing food that has been trapped between the teeth.

Replace your toothbrush every three months: The bristles of the toothbrush become matted or frayed after months of using it. The effectiveness of the brush decreases as the bristles become worn.

See your dentist every 6 months: During a routine dental examination, not only does dentist will clean your teeth and remove plaque, but they will also be able to spot potential issues and offer treatment solutions.

Summary: The best thing you can do to maintain a healthy mouth is to brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, use mouthwash, floss once a day, replace your toothbrush often, and visit your dentist regularly.

3 Things To Avoid To Have Healthy Teeth!

You should know that there are a lot of unhealthy practices that can damage your teeth, some are more significant than others, but your process of having healthy teeth will be much easier if you avoid these three things:

1. Limit sugary food and sugary drinks: Some foods help fight plaque buildup, while other foods invite tooth decay. Try to stay away from or limit all the sugary foods and drinks to have healthier teeth!

2. Do not chew on stuff (especially ice and pencil): According to many dental experts, chewing on a hard substance can damage your teeth' enamel and can cause chipped, cracked, or broken teeth.

3. Avoid/Quit Smoking: Smoking not only gives you lung cancer, but it also increases your risk for gum disease. Tobacco products can stain your teeth and cause them to fall out as a result of gum disease.

Summary: It is important to avoid certain habits to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Sugary foods and drinks should be avoided as they can contribute to tooth decay. Chewing on hard materials can lead to tooth fractures, and smoking not only causes oral health problems but also increases the risk of developing cancer or other serious diseases.

Quick Takeaway

There are many benefits that come with having healthy teeth. It helps you chew foods, speak more clearly, and let's be honest, healthy teeth do make you look more attractive.

Key points:

Protect your enamel: Have proper oral hygiene like brushing and flossing regularly, eat a balanced diet low in sugar, exercise often, and visit your dentist for professional cleaning or checkups.

Beware the bad habits: Some habits help fight plaque buildup, while others invite tooth decay. Limit sugary foods, ditch the ice chewing, and quit smoking for healthier teeth and gums.

It takes time and dedication to have healthier teeth, and if you're just an average person (like me), the most affordable and easiest way to have healthy teeth is to simply brush them.

If there is anything I want you to take away after watching this video, that would be to don't ever skip brushing your teeth! (Your breath will stink, and your teeth are not clean... Just don't even try to skip brushing your teeth, everyone around you will appreciate it)