EPAS Unleashed

You do better when you know better

El Paso Animal Services Episode 1

Kicking the year off with our very first episode of EPAS Unleashed! January is National Train Your Dog Month, so this month we are talking to El Paso Animal Services' very own Animal Training & Enrichment Coordinator, Mason Castillo about what animal training is, the importance of puppy socialization, and learning animal behavior. 

El Paso Animal Services offers great resources to new pet parents and foster parents to help ease the transition of welcoming a new pet into your family. Visit our website for a list of resources mentioned in this month's episode!

About Mason Castillo
Mason Castillo is a certified Shelter Behavior Affiliate with the IAABC and Bite Prevention Educator, a professional member of the PPG and holds numerous certifications in animal behavior. Mason was a graphic designer by trade, but after volunteering at the El Paso Animal Services shelter seven years ago, he fell in love with animal welfare and changed career paths to focus on animal training, enrichment and behavior.

Have ideas for future Unleashed episodes? Email us at EPASoutreach@elpasotexas.gov! Don't forget to follow us on social media:

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