That's Good Parenting

069 How Do Moms (and Dads!) Overcome Anxiety and Find Calm Confidence? with Carli Saber

November 30, 2023 Dori Durbin Season 3 Episode 69
069 How Do Moms (and Dads!) Overcome Anxiety and Find Calm Confidence? with Carli Saber
That's Good Parenting
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That's Good Parenting
069 How Do Moms (and Dads!) Overcome Anxiety and Find Calm Confidence? with Carli Saber
Nov 30, 2023 Season 3 Episode 69
Dori Durbin

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Listen to this episode, "How Do Moms (and Dads!) Overcome Anxiety and Find Calm Confidence? with Carli Saber" as Psych-K Facilitator, Carli Saber joins Dori Durbin.

In this episode, Carli explains the developmental stages kids go through so you know what behaviors are age-appropriate. She also dives deep into therapies like Psych-K that help identify and shift parents' unconscious limiting beliefs. Parents will hear how to have insight-building conversations with kids about emotions, stop the cycle of reactionary discipline, and become the calm role models children need. Most importantly, Carli shares why self-care has to be the foundation in order to give kids what they require. Tune in now to transform anxiety into abundant parenting! Carli shares:

  • Sources of Mom Guilt & Anxiety
  • Top Complaints of Parents
  • Limiting Beliefs Feed Parenting Fears
  • Tools to Shift Test Taking Anxiety
  • Human Development Milestones Matter
  • Common Thread is People Pleasing
  • Self-Care Ripples Through Family

More About Carli:
I work with mums (and families) as a Psych-K facilitator to shift and clear limiting beliefs, anxiety and stress. As a former Montessori teacher I work with parents to support and share the understanding of human development, clear anxiety or guilt parents have, and help them along the parenting journey.

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More about Dori Durbin:
Dori Durbin is a Christian wife, mom, author, illustrator, and a kids’ book coach who after experiencing a life-changing illness, quickly switched gears to follow her dream. She creates kids’ books to provide a fun and safe passageway for kids and parents to dig deeper and experience empowered lives. Dori also coaches non-fiction authors, professionals, and aspiring authors to “kid-size” their content into informational and engaging kids’ books! Find out more here:

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Intro for TDP (version 2)

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Listen to this episode, "How Do Moms (and Dads!) Overcome Anxiety and Find Calm Confidence? with Carli Saber" as Psych-K Facilitator, Carli Saber joins Dori Durbin.

In this episode, Carli explains the developmental stages kids go through so you know what behaviors are age-appropriate. She also dives deep into therapies like Psych-K that help identify and shift parents' unconscious limiting beliefs. Parents will hear how to have insight-building conversations with kids about emotions, stop the cycle of reactionary discipline, and become the calm role models children need. Most importantly, Carli shares why self-care has to be the foundation in order to give kids what they require. Tune in now to transform anxiety into abundant parenting! Carli shares:

  • Sources of Mom Guilt & Anxiety
  • Top Complaints of Parents
  • Limiting Beliefs Feed Parenting Fears
  • Tools to Shift Test Taking Anxiety
  • Human Development Milestones Matter
  • Common Thread is People Pleasing
  • Self-Care Ripples Through Family

More About Carli:
I work with mums (and families) as a Psych-K facilitator to shift and clear limiting beliefs, anxiety and stress. As a former Montessori teacher I work with parents to support and share the understanding of human development, clear anxiety or guilt parents have, and help them along the parenting journey.

Carli's Free Children’s Ebook::
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More about Dori Durbin:
Dori Durbin is a Christian wife, mom, author, illustrator, and a kids’ book coach who after experiencing a life-changing illness, quickly switched gears to follow her dream. She creates kids’ books to provide a fun and safe passageway for kids and parents to dig deeper and experience empowered lives. Dori also coaches non-fiction authors, professionals, and aspiring authors to “kid-size” their content into informational and engaging kids’ books! Find out more here:

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Intro for TDP (version 2)

[00:00:00] Carli Saber: So instead of going, oh, I need to put in the money and the space and put all the stuff in my children, but I'm so stressed. It's going, no, this is actually, I need to do it for myself.

[00:00:09] Carli Saber: And this is essential for me to be doing the work and do having the rest and doing whatever's meant to support me, because that will change the whole family dynamic start doing things because once you do, they change. It's crazy. 

[00:00:24] Dori Durbin: We've all felt it that creeping doubt, uncertainty and guilt over our parenting. Are we doing it right? Are our kids okay? Every mom and dad could use a dose of self-assurance now. And then, so how do we get that? 

[00:00:40] Dori Durbin: The first step is working within and on ourselves, but it's so hard.

[00:00:46] Dori Durbin: So, we start by finding these answers. Is my child's behavior normal for their age. What can I do to clear up my own anxiety? How do I teach my kids about emotions without being emotional? [00:01:00] And why should I even worry about practicing self care?

[00:01:03] Dori Durbin: So are you ready to get insight and tools to transform stress into strength? And even have more joy in parenting. If so, then you should stick around for this episode 

[00:01:16] Dori Durbin: today's guest is a former Montessori teacher turned Psych K facilitator. She works with moms to help them understand where their own kids are in their human development, as well as helping moms clear their limiting beliefs, anxiety, and stress using the healing modality called Psych K.

[00:01:32] Dori Durbin: Welcome to the show, Carly Saber. 

[00:01:35] Carli Saber: Hello. I'm so happy to be here. Thank you for having me. 

[00:01:39] Dori Durbin: Yes. I'm so excited. We were just chatting a little bit before and Carly works with families, not just moms. So my question is, what are your two biggest complaints that parents have when they come to you? 

[00:01:55] Carli Saber: So one is they parents might come to me with a bit of like uncertainty [00:02:00] and they're just needing that support and validation, which is really interesting because my job is giving them that validation. But how I do it is. Pretty much supporting them to look inside, understand their intuition to really trust themselves, their observations of their child and do what feels right for them.

[00:02:19] Carli Saber: So it's that doubt, that mom doubt, am I doing enough? Is this right? Should I do this? Is this normal? Are they meant to be that way? And just, Explaining that human developmental side so they really understand it and feel more on top of, the science behind it as well as get them to feel validated in their experience of if they feeling something's wrong, or if they're needing support in some areas, they're here to get that and to, know that they are supported and they're validated for all their feelings.

[00:02:53] Carli Saber: So it's a you know that mom doubt. And then, the other thing I work with is [00:03:00] mom, guilt. As parents, we're always Thinking, am I doing enough or not putting up enough boundaries or projecting our own experiences onto our children? So I work with going into what is that about?

[00:03:15] Carli Saber: What's more there. Let's unpack the emotions and feel strong in ourself. So then we can be this strong model, parent, adult for our children and anyone almost in our fields, because we can be role models for other parents and other. Members of our family so that they can see how. We parent, if we're doing it from a place of self confidence, clearing all those about those needs for boundaries that we're not putting up and all those things that come about from being a parent.

[00:03:49] Dori Durbin: You're so right. I never thought about what other people would see in your families, because I know when we get together at Thanksgiving or Christmas, and you're watching, let's say the [00:04:00] kids unwind from sugar or whatever they've been ingesting. And you start to see parenting, go tos, if I'm going to call them that.

[00:04:08] Dori Durbin: And if you were unsure about how you're feeling or feeling guilty about even disciplining, that's going to having people around you is going to influence what you do, which is really fascinating. I've never thought about that before. 

[00:04:23] Carli Saber: I really love going to those events because I see so much, it's like I love to sit on the fly of the war and be like, this is, that parent said this because they think this, but actually they're projecting their emotions of this onto their child or that child said this and what he's actually needing and wanting is this and I can really have that bigger picture eyes.

[00:04:44] Carli Saber: So it's really fun going for me to see all those things. And I do it, just, I've learned to do it. Not without judgment, because that's just everything's different, but it is so interesting to observe those family get togethers or experiences when everyone [00:05:00] comes together with children, especially the different generations, because all the different generations parent differently.

[00:05:07] Dori Durbin: So do you see any commonalities between parents and what causes the most anxiety and stress? Is it like the disciplining? Is it the, advising? What is it that you see the most 

[00:05:18] Carli Saber: of? So most people come to me because they need support because of their own, uncertainty.

[00:05:26] Carli Saber: So I think. And I obviously do that in my work. I'm supporting people to build confidence and let go of their anxiety or limiting beliefs. So that is very common is the people who are sitting in this anxiety or uncertainty are the ones who haven't yet worked with their own self worth or self doubt because in contrast to the parents that I do see that have done that work or they have that self, that strong self confidence, they know themselves.

[00:05:59] Carli Saber: They [00:06:00] are not projecting onto their child, and they can support their child a lot easier, and they can, not freak out when the child has a tantrum or not freak out that they've done something wrong, they can just observe and go, Okay, my child's being a child, my child has this sensitivity, or they have this sensitivity, there's nothing wrong with them, it just is.

[00:06:21] Carli Saber: And not breaking out. So that's the commonality that I see and I love, I'm such a huge advocate for child children. So I love going, let's do the work as adults so we can feel so confident in ourself and put up our boundaries and accept our own issues and our own insecurities. So then when we're observing our children, we can just allow this to flow without any retaliation or anger or emotions that.

[00:06:50] Carli Saber: will probably exacerbate the problem. I 

[00:06:54] Dori Durbin: was just speaking with somebody today, totally unrelated, but this totally makes me think of it. He was [00:07:00] talking about how his mom's biggest fear was for him to turn into his dad or his uncle. And I laugh, but I think there are some elements of that where you, that there's some genetic predisposition, or you worry there's genetic predisposition.

[00:07:17] Dori Durbin: Maybe there's really not, but in your mind's eye, don't turn into whoever. And I think, as a parent, sometimes that is like a fear that whether it's real or not, it's just like in your mind. Is that part of epigenetics or is that something completely 

[00:07:31] Carli Saber: different?

[00:07:33] Carli Saber: Totally the same. Yeah, completely the same. So obviously we have our genetics that we pass on to our children, as well as before the age of six or seven, a child is just absorbing everything. Bruce... Lipton, he speaks all about it as the hypnotic brain. Maria Montessori uses the absorbent mind, which is my training.

[00:07:55] Carli Saber: So that's what I use. But children are just observing and taking on things. [00:08:00] anything and everything in their way of how they relate to others, how they connect to learning, to money, to society, to people. And you absorb it and you observe it and you just role model it. So definitely that's a real fear because if you're living with your father your whole life before that age, you're going to pick up their tendencies and their nuances.

[00:08:25] Carli Saber: so That there is definitely a real reality in that happening and then a fear of parents wanting to avoid that or not have that happen which is inevitable. So it's learning what to do with that instead of trying to stop that from happening. 

[00:08:46] Dori Durbin: So it's more of that reframing piece for the parents.

[00:08:50] Carli Saber: Totally, Oh, for example, your father's always very anxious when it comes to this. Okay. If you're observing a child being anxious, [00:09:00] doing that activity, organizing his money, for instance, then you can say, okay, how can we understand our beliefs around money? How can we understand our anxiety and then observe them and not get attached to them and shift them instead of trying to avoid or. Stop them from happening if it's probably inevitable that they've already happened and children just pick it up. So even if you're hiding something from them, they pick up that you're hiding something from them and take that on anyway.

[00:09:29] Dori Durbin: That is true.

[00:09:30] Dori Durbin: I feel like a lot of times we do try to. To mask what's really going on, and they're so observant. They know if they may not understand all of it, but they know that something's going on regardless. 

[00:09:41] Carli Saber: Totally.

[00:09:42] Dori Durbin: Okay, so one of the things that you mentioned was, we mentioned was the reframing the epigenetics.

[00:09:49] Dori Durbin: Psyche K, maybe people don't know what that is. There's probably a decent chance they don't. Would you mind explaining that and how it's different from other therapy types?

[00:09:58] Carli Saber: So [00:10:00] site K you connect to this subconscious. So pretty much right now we're talking with our conscious brain, our conscious mind, which is only 5 percent of our whole brain in there's a 95 percent of our brain, which is subconscious and that is taking in anything and everything else in, and then what we choose to focus on is the conscious brain right now.

[00:10:20] Carli Saber: And you're focusing on me talking, you're not focusing on. Maybe how your jacket's feeling or the temperature or maybe a sound outside that if you stop and try to focus on, then you will focus on. So instead of that mainstream talk therapy, where we're just talking with the conscious side, K connects straight to the subconscious limiting beliefs or patterns or beliefs in general, or these emotions.

[00:10:46] Carli Saber: And you do that through. Muscle testing or kinesiology it's really cool. So I'll, I can do it for, if someone comes to me face to face, we'll do it on them, but I can do it on their behalf. So I work with lots of [00:11:00] children, as I said, and I work with people on zoom and I test for them on zoom.

[00:11:06] Carli Saber: Yes, on Zoom. It's like Bluetooth, like when you pass over a picture, like you can't see it, it feels a bit like magic. It's like, how is that happening? It's like that a bit. And then through say, Kasey, say you come to me and you're like, I'm feeling really anxious about a situation with my child.

[00:11:22] Carli Saber: We will go through those feelings and emotions and do whole brain integration activities towards that situation. And what that means is when you're stressed, your amygdala, the part of the brain that gets into fight flight and freaks out, you're using that and that's what we're testing for. And if it is, we're trying to rewire and shift your brain into thinking about that situation or scenario by using their whole brain.

[00:11:54] Carli Saber: The prefrontal cortex and all parts of their brain. And when you do the process. You [00:12:00] feel that lightness or you feel that shift. So most people who have it as well as myself will go, Oh, I felt really anxious and I can now feel that difference. I feel calmer. Wow. 

[00:12:11] Dori Durbin: And that can be done over zoom too.

[00:12:14] Carli Saber: Yeah. And it can be done over soon and it's as powerful. You still feel the feelings and have, yeah, these huge major breakthroughs through the process. 

[00:12:23] Dori Durbin: Okay. I'm putting you on the spot, so let's say there's there's something coming up.

[00:12:27] Dori Durbin: Let's say a kid has a test coming up and they're super anxious about performance. They're not sure if they're, maybe if they fail it, their parents are going to ground them. They're going to disappoint themselves, their teachers, their friends. How do you take something like that and shift the focus from that anxiety?

[00:12:46] Dori Durbin: To maybe a calm state of mind where they can take the test and not have that. 

[00:12:51] Carli Saber: The

[00:12:52] Carli Saber: reason why our brain goes into this anxiety is obviously because of these beliefs around that situation. Yeah, [00:13:00] I'm going to my prep. I'm not going to. Be good in my parents eyes. I'm going to disappoint them. I have to do this or I'm going to be a failure. And if you have absorbed that from society or culture or from your own parents, you can't help that you go into this fight flight response.

[00:13:17] Carli Saber: The parents, or I could come and be like, you don't need to be anxious because blah, blah, blah, blah, but you can't help that you're just switching on this anxiety. So we would do, balances is what they call the whole brain integration activities towards those emotions and feelings, and then dig deeper to see what the underlying issue is, is it that you think you're going to fail and never be successful?

[00:13:41] Carli Saber: Is it that you think you're going to disappoint your parents and then you're getting so anxious because you don't want to disappoint your parents and that might be even deeper. I'm not going to be loved if I'm not successful. So at sometime at that person's life, they picked up these beliefs associated with test taking [00:14:00] and we go into the mind.

[00:14:02] Carli Saber: It's like neural hunting to find out what this is really deeply about and come into calmness, that whole brain state towards the situation and anything associated with it so that, that person can come to an exam and go. Okay, I'm so loved. I can do as best as I can. I can fail and I can redo it.

[00:14:26] Carli Saber: And yes, I'm feeling like I need to study and a bit of nerves is okay, but the outcome doesn't really matter. The brain things that fire together, why together, that's what we learned in psychology.

[00:14:37] Carli Saber: You associate popcorn with the cinema, you associate if you're a smoker, smoking and a club. So when you come to those things, you feel like smoking or you feel like popcorn. So once you get rid of those associated associations, and this was what I was going to say is, as I was saying, it's all different for everyone, then you'll be able to, Really [00:15:00] shift that fear and it might happen in one session, depending how old you are, how big the, issue is, it may be a few sessions.

[00:15:11] Dori Durbin: okay, so that's why if a parent is it's perfectly fine, whatever you do is great. We'll love you anyway. It's good to hear, but it might not release that. That inner feeling, that inner critic, that's going to say, you're not going to be loved if you don't pass this test.

[00:15:27] Dori Durbin: Yeah. That's got to be done by 

[00:15:28] Carli Saber: them. Yes, exactly. Yeah. And that's why I love Psyche so much because it's, it, for me, it was that way of being like, Oh, I can actually support you. I can tell you all these things that. You might not know, or you already know, but it's not going to flick that subconscious fight or flight response off.

[00:15:50] Carli Saber: So we actually need to go into the subconscious, dig deeper to know what's really there to shift it. 

[00:15:56] Dori Durbin: And now I know one of your passions too, is human [00:16:00] development and helping the parents understand where their kids are developmentally, right? So does that play into that whole conversation too? 

[00:16:10] Carli Saber: Totally. So I started my career as a Montessori teacher and Maria Montessori was an anthropologist.

[00:16:17] Carli Saber: She was a doctor. So the way that she observed and understood humans and taught understood humans was just very objectively. Animals. So if you observe an animal at different stages, they will do different things. And she saw that at different stages, humans do different things. And she saw this cross culturally and did work in India and all over the world.

[00:16:43] Carli Saber: So a lot of parents might freak out and go, Oh, this thing's happening or what's happening with my child and I can, do the session and go what's deeper, but then I can also say, Oh, this is so normal. And I can tell you why, because your stage, your child is going through a developmental milestone.[00:17:00] 

[00:17:00] Carli Saber: And this is happening here and here. Also, there's an article about it. Let me show you it. So I can also give them that really big piece of mind for that conscious that wants to understand and know why. 

[00:17:14] Dori Durbin: I remember when my son was growing up the phrase that I kept hearing was boys will be boys.

[00:17:20] Dori Durbin: And I think, as a parent, there's stages where that's, okay. Yeah. That makes me feel better, but. But it doesn't because it's is this normal for their age? Is this normal for a boy? Is this normal for a normal? Like you're so worried about progressing your kids. Like it's your responsibility to make sure that you hit all their milestones and it's really them and where they're at.

[00:17:41] Dori Durbin: But as parents, you do feel like that sense of parental guilt of not getting them there.

[00:17:46] Carli Saber: And you're in a vacuum because you're just having your experience with your child or your children. And probably by the second child or the third child, you're like, Oh, I've seen this before. It's normal, but, um, [00:18:00] you're probably not, you're only maybe having one girl, one boy, or then you're having two very different boys.

[00:18:05] Carli Saber: Cause. Within human development personalities are so different and temperaments are so different. But yeah, it is. It's like you're doing this thing all by yourself as well as dealing with your own. Trauma that you experienced as a child or with your parents and societal and cultural norms.

[00:18:23] Carli Saber: So it can be very tricky to navigate. 

[00:18:27] Dori Durbin: So how do you help moms that are having all of that anxiety themselves ? Cause that's a different thing than just even anxiety about whether or not their kids are developing it's almost like a competition feeling, like you've 

[00:18:39] Carli Saber: got to live up to that.

[00:18:40] Carli Saber: Okay. So the site K process, I just love it because it got, it's guided by the person and it's guided to what they need to come back to the intuition and come back to what's the triggers making them anxious so that they can shift them. I Facilitate, I don't really do [00:19:00] anything except facilitate the person's own process and that's such a Montessori way of saying things, children don't, children's brains develop, they learn, we don't really teach them, we might show them something and guide them and then they do it themselves and come to these epiphanies and through practice, come to mastery, but I really, I don't do anything.

[00:19:21] Carli Saber: I bring in knowledge that they might need and then through the process, helping them work through their own triggers or their own anxiety to come into that peace and non attachment and understanding that they're okay. And this is okay. And, really respect and hold that journey. As much as I can, 

[00:19:42] Dori Durbin: that's awesome to be able to step back and let them do that, that figuring out, which really then it's more ownership for them too.

[00:19:49] Dori Durbin: This is 

[00:19:49] Carli Saber: totally. Yeah. Yeah. And everything is so unique. Every, even though the similarities are just like the test, [00:20:00] the tests. That's, that is unique. It's not unique. It's very common, but the reasons behind it are very unique from what cultural society or feelings have come towards success and test taking.

[00:20:16] Carli Saber: And no one really knows unless yeah. Unless we go inwards to ourself because they'll go, Oh, my mother, she was poor and she was from the war and she really wanted us to be successful. And my father, he was really academic and told me to be really smart. But only the person who's had a unique experience with all their subconscious beliefs. Has, created their reality and created maybe fear around the situation that then needs to be shifted through inward exploration and work. 

[00:20:50] Dori Durbin: Yeah. And I think it's really interesting because you said you work with families, but you also have worked.

[00:20:56] Dori Durbin: with very young and the older than me [00:21:00] generation. And we were talking about some of the common. Themes that run across your work, you mind sharing just even a few of those? 

[00:21:08] Carli Saber: Sure. So I work with moms and then that obviously comes into the whole family and they bring me their mothers and their children and their.

[00:21:19] Carli Saber: They're brothers who might be a 50 year old uncle, so I get to see all people and I love working with families because I'll say, I'll be like, Oh we've worked on this, with your sister or this, X, Y, and Z, I get to see a big picture. And while I'm dealing with maybe a specific issue, if it's that test taking, let's say, or a fear of relationships or having anxiety to school or having anxiety to.

[00:21:45] Carli Saber: Have a job. It's all very much connected to the same root feeling or cause. And the reason is just, it's there and we can talk about it, but the specific example that we use is being a people pleaser. [00:22:00] So those people that have been a people pleaser, the mom is trying to please everyone is burning out, has a lack of bound.

[00:22:08] Carli Saber: So we need to work on coming inwards to listen to what they need and addressing that and respecting that within themselves and having that fear of expressing their needs and putting up their boundaries removed. But I will see that in a five year old child who has anxiety, with friends, but it's because they are being a people pleaser and they just want to help and support their friends.

[00:22:30] Carli Saber: But as a result, they're getting such anxiety because they're not. Saying what they want or need to a point that they like. Are really struggling maybe to go to school or connect with others. And as well, then I'll work with the grandma who has that same kind of issue, the people please issue.

[00:22:49] Carli Saber: So I will say, I will see lots of different age groups and deal with lots of different. Issues, but the underlying root causes are all very much [00:23:00] interlinked and the same like that people pleaser example. 

[00:23:04] Dori Durbin: That's so fascinating because that's something you would think, and I, this is my naiveness, but you would think by the time that you were, let's say, 80, that wouldn't be such a concern anymore.

[00:23:15] Dori Durbin: But I'm sure there's still some underlying need to feel like people love you and care about you because you've made them happy. So yeah, that's really interesting. So in your job, has there been anything that has surprised you? 

[00:23:34] Carli Saber: Okay. Has anything been surprised me? Okay. The SiteK, so I am a huge advocate for SiteK because I went from being a school teacher and just, I found it by whim. I found it for myself and I was like, I need to use this. I need to work with children because I saw children feeling so anxious and work with parents.

[00:23:56] Carli Saber: And I have been surprised to see the huge [00:24:00] shifts and changes that actually really occur. It's like I worked with a child just thinking about this people pleaser. And he didn't really connect or communicate that much and we did a lot of play base, but I said, it's safe. We did some balances on being able to speak his truth and say what he needs and it's okay to say no.

[00:24:17] Carli Saber: And we got a whole lot of work around that. And then, I forgot. And then the next week. I saw him and he was talking and expressing himself and I was like, shocked. I was like, what? Whoa, this session is so different. And then I went back and saw what we worked on and I was like, oh my goodness. So I am surprised by the quick shift of confidence and change that can happen from the session and see that, and I'm observing that because it can be subconscious,

[00:24:48] Carli Saber: people might be very aware and go I can see this total shift in this situation. Or others are like, oh, I don't really know. I'm feeling a better, but then they'll say, oh, but guess [00:25:00] what? I found this incredible job. Blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, no, but do you remember when you came to me and that you said you'd never be able to find a job again and you hate your life and you don't like, having a job was just such an anxious topic.

[00:25:13] Carli Saber: And now, you're saying it with such blasé. So just the shifts. are amazing and continuously surprise me, even though I see it over and over again in multiple clients. It's quite exciting and spectacular to observe. 

[00:25:29] Carli Saber: It's really rewarding. And as human beings, we need validation. So it is. It's so good to be like, okay I meant to be doing this. I'm being shown that this is working. I can see that it's shifting. 

[00:25:39] Dori Durbin: Okay, so if you had two things that you want parents to help their kids know ahead of time when they're young, so that it helps them as they grow as adults, what would those two 

[00:25:50] Carli Saber: things be? 

[00:25:51] Carli Saber: Oh, I could give you a whole list. That's what I 

[00:25:53] Dori Durbin: figured.

[00:25:55] Carli Saber: Okay, two is hard, because I There are so many things I could [00:26:00] say that, so the first one is don't be afraid to share information with your children, especially towards helping them build emotional intelligence.

[00:26:12] Carli Saber: liKe it can take a lot of time. It's a lot easier when there's a fight to just be like, okay, you go to your room, you go to your room. We're taking this game away, but to actually sit down and go, okay, what happened from your point of view? I can see you're getting really angry. Can you notice it in your body?

[00:26:31] Carli Saber: What you do when you're angry? Can you understand why? And just have these long conversations. And support the child to really turn inwards and understand. Oh I've just totally freaked out. And what is this about this sadness here? I feel unheard. I feel on. I don't feel understood. I feel like no one's listening to me.

[00:26:51] Carli Saber: And then switching on these deep. Emotions and understandings so that when they find themselves in those situations again, [00:27:00] they can better deal with them instead of continuing the cycle of, Oh, they get angry. They go to their room and that's that. We don't talk about it again. And it can be hard at the beginning but it just will really support them in the long run. It will support siblings with conflict resolution and help, any type of relationships. Hopefully you're doing as an adult and can model in your own fights. with, your partner or other people around you, as well as guide them to do it with siblings or friends or anyone they have issues with.

[00:27:37] Carli Saber: And why are you really upset? And how can we solve this problem on a deeper level so that you don't feel this again, or when you do feel this again, you can feel more on top of it.

[00:27:49] Carli Saber: Mental health and anxiety is just. It's just such a huge issue, um, and we can't help that we have this fight flight response in us. It saves us. It supports [00:28:00] us. But if we understand it and we understand our rhythm, we can deal with the self doubt. We can deal with the lack of confidence. We can deal with the fear and anger that comes up and instead of shuffling, shoving it down, deal with it in ourself.

[00:28:16] Carli Saber: So yes, don't be afraid to teach that, share that, spend time on it explore it, get support for it and see that as such an important element. , don't be afraid to work on yourself and do things for yourself.

[00:28:30] Carli Saber: I Really love working with moms and, all parents, once you start doing it yourself. You're going to shift your energy, your stress and then it's going to have this huge effect to your whole family and children. So instead of going, oh, I need to put in the money and the space and put all the stuff in my children, but I'm so stressed. It's going, no, this is actually, I need to do it for myself.

[00:28:54] Carli Saber: And this is essential for me to be doing the work and do having the rest and doing [00:29:00] whatever's meant to support me, because that will change the whole family dynamic start doing things because once you do, they change. It's crazy. 

[00:29:10] Dori Durbin: I think we get so wrapped up in trying to fix them that we don't realize that some of the issue is how we're reacting.

[00:29:19] Dori Durbin: And so, taking that step back and saying, okay, what can I do to show them I'm taking care of myself. You can take care of yourself. That good modeling that's there. 

[00:29:28] Dori Durbin: So if somebody wanted to take a couple steps, let's say they are going to work with you, but maybe they, until they can, they take a step or two towards reducing some of that anxiety or the stress that they are aware of.

[00:29:43] Dori Durbin: Are there any simple suggestions that you can give them to maybe even assess if they're stressed or what can they do if they know that they are stressed? 

[00:29:53] Carli Saber: So first thing learn about anxiety and stress as a concept in the brain, and you [00:30:00] can just simply read it on Instagram or some people have explained it or, on Google, like what, how does anxiety and stress work in our brain?

[00:30:09] Carli Saber: Because once you actually know about it, it's Oh, that's what's happening. And. then working and exploring ways that you can shift and change it. If you are stuck in a really stressful situation, the best thing to do is go for a big run or do exercise or do what I call whole brain integration activities.

[00:30:30] Carli Saber: So that is maybe cross calls. Cross scroll is when you place your, like your right hand on your left knee and your left hand on your right knee. So you put one hand on the other knee. So you pick up your right knee, put left hand on it.

[00:30:42] Carli Saber: And you just keep on going or there's, you can place there's many, I could give you a whole rattle off a list. But if you look online to brain gym, or I've got some on my Instagram that I've done, if anyone's Oh, what, let me try find these whole brain integration activities.

[00:30:58] Carli Saber: So when you find yourself [00:31:00] in stress, observe how you can support yourself to, to shift it and calm down. And when, once you start learning to catch yourself, you'll start learning and seeing it that when you have this stress and anxiety and even just like tiny levels of stress and anxiety, so getting to know what anxiety is in isolation, how the brain works, what stress is, and then exploring ways to observe yourself and catch it because as soon as you have your own your own handbook and how you deal with your emotions better, especially stress and anxiety, you're going to feel more on top of them. 

[00:31:38] Dori Durbin: Awesome. Okay. We better tell them where they can find you so that they can work with you. So what is, what are the few easiest ways to find you? And you probably should mention your Instagram page too, since you've mentioned that 

[00:31:49] Carli Saber: too. Yeah. So I have Instagram and I commit to putting up.

[00:31:54] Carli Saber: a couple of posts a week to just share what I love and share what I'm about. [00:32:00] And so that's Carly Saber, carly. saber. That's a great place. Cause that's really where I post, but then I have a website, which is really easy. It's Carly saber. com. And you can read up a little bit about what I do. And Get in touch. You can always book a discovery call or just DM me or email me.

[00:32:19] Carli Saber: So those are the two platforms and Facebook as well, which is the same. It's all interlinked. So that's where you can find me. 

[00:32:25] Dori Durbin: Carly, you given us good, instantly useful information.

[00:32:29] Dori Durbin: And I think the big picture is knowing yourself, and being aware of. Of when you as a parent are starting to get riled up and having a plan for that. And that's one thing we all could do a better job 

[00:32:42] Carli Saber: at. Yeah. And I just, I'm just such an advocate for it and I don't want to stress it off enough because we need to stop and cut these patterns and create.

[00:32:52] Carli Saber: Peace within ourselves to support our children to have inner peace as well because the world is this non stop [00:33:00] place of differences and we're needing to learn how to respect differences and that needs to filter through in these next generations.

[00:33:08] Carli Saber: So we just can build this better world for them as well as us.

[00:33:12] Dori Durbin: That is so beautiful and. Carly, thank you so much for your time today. This has been such a 

[00:33:17] Carli Saber: pleasure. Thank you. It's been awesome.

[00:33:20] Carli Saber: I've really appreciated it.

Sources of Mom Guilt & Anxiety
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Limiting Beliefs Feed Parenting Fears
Tools to Shift Test Taking Anxiety
Human Development Milestones Matter
Common Thread is People Pleasing
Self-Care Ripples Through Family
Where to Find Carli