Perplexed Podcasts

EPISODE 59 - Who's There

Kate & Sarah Season 2 Episode 59

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Ever stumbled upon a historical tale so bizarre it leaves you in stitches? Brace yourselves as we swap personal yarns for a jaw-dropping slice of the past, involving none other than a dentist, an accidental discovery, and the iconic Thomas Edison. Our 'random blams' segment is set to jolt your sense of curiosity with the electrifying origin of the electric chair - trust us, it's a shocker. And for all our social media comrades, a massive shout-out is in order! The perplexed family vibe is stronger than ever, thanks to your interactions and virtual high fives. This episode is a token of our appreciation, and we're beckoning the uninitiated to join the party over on Instagram and Facebook - it's a hoot, and we've saved you a front-row seat.

Now, let's twist our tongues and tickle those brain cells! Forget about Betty's buttery bakes; we're doing a 180 from that cliché and taking a bear on a tongue-twisting adventure. Say hello to Fuzzy Wuzzy, our fluffy protagonist who's about to put your enunciation skills to the test. In this playful detour, we dissect the whimsy behind selecting just the right tongue twister and explore the intriguing parallels between these linguistic labyrinths and the intricate storytelling we love. Get ready for a giggle-fest as we spin the wheel of narratives - it's not just about the chuckles; it's about the charm of connecting through the complex, the curious, and the downright quirky.

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Speaker 1:

So, first off, I want to say for everybody that follows us on Instagram and Facebook, just for their interaction, like engagement with us, because I know it's nice, isn't?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's so great. I put a post out the other day just asking where everybody listens from, because we live in a very rural area, very secluded place in the UK, and so to think that people all over the country are actually listening to us and kind of enjoying our stories because we started this kind of for us, didn't we? And the fact that people are really, really enjoying the stories, the feedback that we've had, is so, so amazing, it blows my mind. So I want to say a massive thank you to everybody that commented and told us where you're listening from, because it really really made our day, didn't it? I?

Speaker 2:

was absolutely buzzing, and it feels like it's not just us two sitting here telling the stories, like I can almost hear other people that are listening in going oh my God, yeah, I know about this story and it's just so nice. It makes me feel like we've got a little perplexed family.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is really, really cute. So if you don't follow us on Facebook or Instagram, then it doesn't take a second. Go and follow us and it's free. Yeah, absolutely it's free and it helps. Just takes a moment of your time. Yes, so yeah, that was what I wanted to say, thanks, Well said yeah, cheers.

Speaker 2:

Thanks guys Cheers loves. Yeah, I don't really have anything, apart from one little thing which is random blam, so Ah, I've got one, I've got one.

Speaker 1:

So we started random blams. It's just a random thing that we started doing, didn't we? And it's evolved Okay. So we started off random blams, random facts about ourselves, and then I realised that actually I'm incredibly boring. So we moved on from random blams about ourselves.

Speaker 2:

We haven't got that much to tell.

Speaker 1:

No, not very interested. So then we moved on to just random facts in general, and you've started doing tongue twisters.

Speaker 1:

And I actually, I really enjoy doing a random, just a random fact that people generally don't know, and I kind of like it to pertain to the episode that I'm doing. However, this is your episode and I don't know what it is, so I've done a random fact that I found, that I found incredibly interesting. So here it is. The electric chair was first invented by a dentist, and it was invented because he witnessed a accidental but fatal electrocution in 1881 and he thought, hmm, that could be a good idea. I could put this to better use. It was a capital punishment, oh, goodness.

Speaker 1:

And so he then started modifying his dentist chairs into electric chairs, and he actually collaborated with Thomas Edison in order to create these electric chairs, and his first electric chair took two shocks to actually work. So then they had to like develop it further. But, yeah, he was the first one to come up with it.

Speaker 2:

That's a brilliant random blam. I had no idea. I like the way he's thinking. That's the thing I do, where I hurt myself and I think, oh, I wish I could give that to someone else.

Speaker 1:

I wish I could use that for capital punishment.

Speaker 2:

Wish I could push someone else up these concrete steps, ouchie.

Speaker 1:

And he's got, I've got a chair. There are a lot of people sitting that hate it. How else could I turn this into something that people hate?

Speaker 2:

That's brilliant. I like the way he's thinking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you're, you're welcome for that. Tell that to everybody.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I will and I am. Well, my random blam is obviously another tongue twister, but it's not related to the story at all, because it's not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I should think so. Yeah, it's not about Betty's butter, better butter. It's not that.

Speaker 2:

It's not Betty's butter and it bitter. I was going to do one about Susie sitting in a shoe shop, but then I thought that's going to induce a lot of bad language.

Speaker 1:

Swear words.

Speaker 2:

Which you know I do anyway, and I am sorry, but yeah. So this is something a little bit fuzzy because my story is a little bit creepy. So I thought I'd do a nice little fuzzy tongue twister and it's literal Fuzzy wassy was a bear. Fuzzy wassy had no hair. Fuzzy wassy wasn't fuzzy wassy.

Speaker 1:

Fuzzy-wussy was a bear. Fuzzy-wussy had no hair.

Speaker 2:

No, he had no hair. Okay, fuzzy-wussy was a bear. Fuzzy-wussy had no hair. Fuzzy-wasy wasn't Fuzzy-wasy.

Speaker 1:

Alright, Fuzzy-wasy was a bear. Fuzzy-wasy had no hair. Fuzzy-wasy wasn't.

Speaker 2:

Fuzzy-wasy. You said Fuzzy-wasy.

Speaker 1:

Well, were they supposed to be?

Speaker 2:

Fuzzy-wasy was a bear. What's a bear? Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he Right?

Speaker 1:

There's no way I can remember all of those words. I would have to write them down to do it, because I learn visually. You see, I don't take in audio. It goes literally. It hits my eardrums and bounces straight out. It just goes. Uh well, if I take it in with my eyeballs it tends to actually go into my brain. We'll think about a bald bear. Fuzzy was he was a bear. Fuzzy was he had no hair? Fuzzy was he? What's the next? Wasn't?

Speaker 2:

fuzzy, wasn't fuzzy was he?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, okay, fuzzy was he was a bear. Fuzzy was he had no hair. Fuzzy was he wasn't. No, I just can't remember. What are we doing again? Where am I? Where am I? I just can't remember. I do apologize.

Speaker 2:

There, I can't remember it. You guys give it a whirl. Send us your videos of uh trying to do fuzzy, was he? Let us know, random blams done. So today's episode is going to be two reasonably short stories and then at the end I'm going to explain a twist to right that relates to both of them. So pay attention, all of you, and take in as much as you can, and then I'm going to tell you the twist at the end.

Speaker 1:

Right, you've just, you've just heard me taking as much as I can on those three sentences.

Speaker 2:

I'm kind of not so much talking to you, I'm talking to our listeners, okay, so yeah, although obviously Sarah's the only one here, so I will have to ask Sarah's opinion at the end. So, but see what, see what you guys think. Anyway, on with the episode.

Speaker 1:

Morning, morning, sorry, I just had a mouthful of coffee then. I don't know why I wasn't expecting it.

Speaker 2:

I paused and waited for you to swallow a cup away. But yeah, morning morning everyone. Good morning, happy Tuesday, wherever you all are, and we know where.

Speaker 1:

We know where a lot of you are. We do know where a lot of people are now. Yeah, Illinois, Vancouver, Texas.

Speaker 2:

Texas, france. Honestly, there's people everywhere honestly the UK the UK howdy guys we're having. We're having rubbish weather in the UK at the moment.

Speaker 1:

I'm currently sat here watching Caesar outside and his ears are flapping around everywhere. I think he's going to take off. It's so windy. His ears are like whoo.

Speaker 2:

Like little Dumbo out there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, the first story of today's episode is called Paul and Janet. Both the two stories, I have changed the names and I've changed the places. The first story, paul and Janet. In September 1986, there was a young couple called Paul and Janet. Janet was 32 and worked as a teacher at their local school. Paul was 34 and worked for a security company and did a lot of overtime to earn extra dollar. The reason he wanted to earn as much as he possibly could was that he was, or both of them were, renovating an old house that they had bought together six months prior to these events. This house was small, it was dilapidated and it was like a sort of cottage that was situated fairly close to a railway.

Speaker 2:

On Wednesday, the 10th of September, paul was at work as usual. Janet came home from school and decided to head up to bed at around 9 pm, so she went upstairs, got herself into bed. A soft thud downstairs roused Janet slightly from her sleep. She squinted her eyes slightly open to look at the glowing alarm clock on her bedside table. As she did so, she saw that it was 11.02 pm. As this was the time that Paul usually arrived home, she closed her eyes and awaited the usual movement of the bed as Paul climbed in. She could vaguely hear Paul undressing in the darkness behind her, and she felt him climb into bed. Janet remembers feeling slightly irritated by Paul's not-so-subtle advances. However, she made her feelings known by ways of aggressive grunts and hisses, and when a silent compromise was reached by means of naked spooning, janet fell back asleep.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think she just turned over and he went, oh, naked spooning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, naked spooning. Fine if that's all I can get. Some time later Janet woke up and decided to pop downstairs and grab a drink. As she came down the stairs she clicked on the hall light and she noticed that Paul's bulky work coat that he wore for his security work wasn't hanging in the hall. She thought that's odd. Normally it always gets in my face when I come down the stairs and it's not there. So she glanced at the hall table. Paul's keys weren't on the table like they usually were. She nervously looked out the window for Paul's car. It wasn't on the drive, janet said she felt like her whole world had been blown apart. She turned to look up the stairs behind her and saw a shadowy figure emerging from the bedroom. Janet turned and the room opened the front door and legged it. She ran to their neighbour's house and hounded on the door.

Speaker 1:

It does sound like like Frankenferter. You know she thinks it's her Janet's husband in bed. It turns out to be Frankenferter, yeah, it wasn't a Frankenweenie.

Speaker 2:

The neighbour, christine took Janet into her house and together they called the old bill. The police arrived about 20 minutes later and went into Paul and Janet's house. They quickly completed a thorough search of the house but no person was found. After taking a full statement from Janet, the police left. As the police were pulling out of the driveway, paul arrived home. Having seen the police cars at his house, he leapt out of his car and ran inside. He found Janet sitting in her dressing gown sipping tea and being comforted by their good friend and neighbour, christine.

Speaker 2:

Paul asked what was going on. A semi hysterical Janet asked why he the hell hadn't he got home at his usual time of 11pm. And to this Paul was super confused and he, as calmly as he could, although he felt his heartbeat pounding out of his chest he explained to Janet that his usual time to arrive home was never before 1am. Paul's explanation for this. He tried to rationalise it out. He thought Janet had either imagined it and, you know, had a dream or something, and well, obviously I wasn't, you know cuddling up to her in bed. He thought that she was being overly nervous in the new house. He thought she was overtired. Maybe she got the times mixed up and, in short, he could not and would not believe that a stranger had been naked, spooning his wife every night to the point where she was under the impression that he got home at 11 o'clock every night. Oh my god. He climbed into bed with her and he was like nope. But to try and calm his wife somewhat, over the next couple of days they had all their locks changed. Paul fitted security latches on all the windows. He put some big, chunky bolts on the doors for good measure.

Speaker 2:

However, the torment for Paul, janet, just continued Over the following months. She would tell Paul of personal items that had just disappeared. Janet would brush her hair in the morning and the following morning she would reach for her hairbrush gone. She noticed underwear was gone. She noticed that photos were missing, the whole photo, the frame, everything just gone. Her favourite pair of red shoes were missing. And when Janet started to discuss this with Paul and tell him, paul actually started to fear for his wife's sanity. Janet became insistent that they sold the house and moved as soon as possible. She didn't feel safe. I mean, you'd be freaked out like anything, wouldn't you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely you realised that you thought that your husband had been climbing into bed naked and you know, pushing up against you and putting their arms around you and all that, and then obviously for us would be like what the hell Do you?

Speaker 1:

remember when you did the old George's cabin, when the husband was like you haven't seen any of that you're going mad and actually it was. Yeah, always believed.

Speaker 2:

the woman Always believed the children.

Speaker 2:

You know, like in horror films, where the child's like there's a man in my room or something, and the parents always go, come on, come on, jimmy back to bed and they take him in, like, tuck him in, like that's going to solve the fact that there's an old Pido in the cupboard. Yeah, always believed them, always believed them. So Paul felt that this was the only way that he could calm Janet. So you know, he would have to come to terms with the fact that they would. She wasn't going to ever feel safe in that house again, for whatever reason, whether she was bonkers or, you know, overly tired. So I guess Paul, for a quiet life, thought fine, we'll sell the house. So he doubled his efforts to get the house ready to sell. So at this point he turned his attention to their dining room, which to date had been little more than a storage area for them. It was full of, you know, boxes that they hadn't unpacked from when they'd moved in. Paul mentioned Janet and he said I really hope, underneath this old bald carpet in here, that we find a lovely original floor, just like the one that we discovered under the lino in the kitchen. Do you remember the days of lino? Like every house had like lino floor everywhere. We've got lino in our bathroom. Oh, with you we had a lot of lino in our house in Brentwood, janet.

Speaker 2:

So he said about this old bald carpet in the dining room and he was like, oh, I hope it's got this original floor like under the one that we had in the kitchen. Janet said, well, it shouldn't be too hard as the carpet isn't even attached over in that corner. Oh, and straight up. Yeah, exactly, she was right in the corner. The carpet looked like it wasn't on the tax that held it down, it was kind of raised in the corner. I mean, the carpet was ranked by all accounts.

Speaker 2:

So she went over and she actually got hold of the corner of the carpet and she was able to pull the carpet almost like all the way back to the middle of the floor. Obviously, paul was like, hmm, it's easier than I thought and she said, oh, it has got solid wood floor and he was like, oh, that's great, let's have a look at it. Paul, the carpet back and their initial joy at the sight of this lovely solid wood floor was momentary and it was completely shattered when they noticed there was a hatch. Oh to much. To Janet's horror. Paul opened the hatch. I mean I would. I'd be like let's see what that's about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I wouldn't go down there, I'd open it Lung the hatch open, yeah, and when he opened the hatch, it revealed a small metal ladder below and Paul, being the man of the house, began to climb in. Janet, being terrified, grabbed a torch and insisted that she stayed with Paul every step of the way. If he was going to go down there. She wanted to be pretty much like stuck to his back. When the two of them reached the bottom of the ladder, they found themselves in a small passageway that seemed to head away from the house. As they crept down the wet and gloomy tunnel, they see an old door ahead that was slightly ajar, and they could see a dim light shining from within the room. Janet was becoming increasingly petrified and kept insisting that they turn back and just call the police. At this point, hall stumbled on the uneven floor and dropped his torch. Janet screamed and grabbed hold of Paul, then bang, the door at the end of the tunnel slammed shut and they heard a heavy bolt slide across from the other side. This then plunged the pair into almost total darkness. Both Paul and Janet fled back down the tunnel towards what they could see was a faint glow of the hatch in the dining room, to Janet's relief, after moving a heavy bookcase onto the now closed hatch, paul said let's call the police.

Speaker 2:

The police arrived the following morning and entered down the hatch, and they managed to break down the door at the end of the passage and searched what was beyond. When the police came back from doing this, they said to Janet and Paul if they would like to accompany them back down to see what it was all about. Obviously they did. Nope, I'm good. What they found was a small room that had a dirty mattress and some blankets on the floor, packets of half-eaten food. A small gas lamp lit the walls, but Janet hardly seemed to even notice any of this as she was staring mouth wide open at the wall that was completely covered in photos.

Speaker 2:

She noticed that amongst the photos that had come from her photo albums and these photo albums had not even been unpacked they were in the boxes in the dining room. So she then realised that obviously whoever had inhabited this room had been going through all their photo albums and boxes and everything. But amongst these photos were some unfamiliar ones, and she went to the wall. She looked a bit closer and they were pictures of Janet, but fast asleep, and they were very clearly. They had been taken at all different times over what seemed to be several months.

Speaker 2:

As the reality sunk in of what had clearly been going on in their own home, the police pointed out that there was another small ladder in the far corner of the room which appeared to be leading to another hatch, although this hatch was made of heavy, heavy metal, the officers were able to go up the ladder and open the hatch, which they had done previously. When they did this, they found themselves on a sloping wooded area of the railway embankment. Unfortunately, the mystery intruder has never been identified To this day. Nobody has ever been charged. The passageways were filled in and the hatches removed. Janet and Paul never slept a single night again in that house Ever, and the house was sold three months later.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel like I recognise that from somewhere, and I don't know whether it's from American Horror Story, but it was coming from one house to the next, but I think it might have been the watcher. Do you ever watch the watcher?

Speaker 2:

Another tongue twister for you. Do you ever watch the watcher? I did watch a watcher. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure it was something like that on the watcher, something similar. Well, the next story is Stevie and Nicola.

Speaker 2:

So this took place in November 2005. Nicola was 28 years old and she lived in a one bedroom flat or apartment for our American listeners that she had moved into four months prior to these events. She was fighting to make ends meet by moonlighting as a maths tutor to teenagers from the local school. Stevie, who was 14 and studying towards his high school exams, had been taking extra lessons with Nicola as she was a close family friend to Stevie's family. On this particular night, stevie's parents had been attending a fundraiser and were due to collect Stevie on their way home around 10pm. However, 10pm arrived and Stevie's parents did not. At approximately 10.30pm, nicola received a phone call from Stevie's mum saying that they had broken down en route and were awaiting a recovery vehicle. Stevie's mum also said to Nicola could it be possible for Stevie to please stay over and we'll grab him, like the next morning? Don't know how long this is going to take. Don't know if we'll be able to get to you.

Speaker 2:

Nicola felt slightly uncomfortable with this arrangement. Her place only had one bedroom. Obviously, although they're family friends, he's a teenage boy, she's an adult. It just felt a little bit uncomfortable to her. In the lounge there was just a television and a single armchair. Pretty much. There was no sofa that he could have crashed on or anything like that.

Speaker 2:

Fully furnishing her new flat was something that she'd kind of put on her to-do list and she wanted to get money situations fairly reasonable before she started doing that. But she couldn't really see any alternative and there was also a part of her that felt relieved to have another person in her flat with her, because previously Nicola had become quite alarmed at some of the goings on in her new abode. Nicola would come home and find lamps on that. She was certain that she'd switched off before she left. Things seemed to move around the flat by themselves. She would reach for her milk to go in her morning coffee, only to find an empty carton. A neighbour had stopped Nicola in the hallway to complain about the loud volume on her television, although Nicola had not been home since like 8 that morning when she'd left for work. And she informed the neighbour politely but assertively that he's obviously mistaken. It couldn't have been her television, anyway.

Speaker 2:

So going back to this night, nicola gave in and she thought okay, well, it would be quite nice to have someone else in the flat. She grabbed Stevie a sleeping bag out the cupboard and laid it on the floor in her bedroom. So around 11pm they both settled down to go to sleep. Nicola dozed on and off, unable to really get proper sleep because there was someone else in her room. Around 2am Nicola awoke to find Stevie standing at her bedside. He was saying that he was starving, hungry and let's go out and get some food. She was like what? That's not how it works. Yeah, exactly. My reaction would have been a whole lot worse, would have been like get out. Nicola felt irritated and slightly confused and told him that listen, stevie, if you're hungry, there's leftover pizza in the fridge. Go and eat that. Stevie didn't even entertain the idea. He was absolutely insistent Nope, I want to go out for some food. Take me out to get some food. And she was like for God's sake, it's 2am in the morning.

Speaker 2:

No way to open man, get over it, I guess for a quiet life. I thought I'm not having a great sleep anyway, so fine, we'll just go out. So Nicola was quite surprised at Stevie's urgency and she felt quite taken aback with it because he was quite a laid back, timid boy. But she thought, alright, fuck it, let's go. So she threw on a hoodie and some jeans over the top of her pyjamas and she was like alright, come on, let's go. And Stevie was literally like, had hold of her wrist and was like yeah, come on, come on, let's go and get something to eat, let's go and get some food. Pretty much towed her all the way down to the exit of the flat.

Speaker 1:

This is where you got a love. Of 24 hour McDonald's, definitely.

Speaker 2:

When they reached the street below, stevie stood in front of her, blocking her path and said I'm really sorry, nic, I don't want any food, I just had to guess out of your flat. She was like what she said, like she was super confused at this point. He said Nic, I woke up in the night and I turned over and there's a full ass grown man asleep underneath your bed. Oh, and because he was floor level, obviously he could see right under Nicola's bed.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I'm about to freak out now. But can you imagine being in that situation just like oh, I'm so tired, roll over. Oh my god, there's a man.

Speaker 2:

He said that he was sort of a full grown, dishevelled looking man and he was fast asleep underneath Nicola's bed. So they immediately called the police. The police entered Nicola's flat. They came pretty much straight away. They arrested the sleeping man and it turns out that he was a homeless man and he had been sleeping underneath Nicola's bed and living in her apartment for over two months. Jesus Christ, obviously, like I say, stevie had only seen him. He'd only been discovered because Stevie was laying on the floor and he turned over and could see him underneath and he had a clear view.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I'd ever sleep again. Oh god, that's actually a boogeyman underneath your bed.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I've got to say you would have to check under your bed, in your cupboards, all that. But I don't know if anyone else gets this. I'm kind of I get too scared to look under my bed.

Speaker 1:

I know, do you know what?

Speaker 2:

I mean I get too frightened to actually look, in case there's like a face right there or something.

Speaker 1:

I got so scared the other day because there was a little mouse upstairs in our bedroom and I had to go under the bed to get it. And I managed to capture it, this little mouse. I got a little bowl and I put it on top of the mouse and managed to get it. It was this tiny, dead, cute little mouse. But I was so terrified that when I kind of like shimmyed out from under the bed with it and Josie come up to see what you know if I actually caught the mouse and she made a noise, but because I was already on edge, this noise sent me completely over and I did like Tell everyone.

Speaker 2:

tell everyone what you thought that noise was.

Speaker 1:

Please Don't make me tell them. I thought that it was like like a roar from the mouse.

Speaker 2:

You heard it first, guys, and you heard that right?

Speaker 1:

I thought it was like a distress call.

Speaker 2:

Sarah was distressed because she felt that this tiny mouse had let out a distressed call.

Speaker 1:

That was a raw Honestly but you know, I was already really scared and I was already on edge, like my adrenaline was going from having to get this little mouse, that this little noise Just sent me over the edge and I did one of those like terrified non-screens, in that you know, when someone makes you jump and you go but you get your whole body like does this weird, weird thing that you think what, what's that gonna save you from? Where did that come from? Yeah, I kind of like fell backwards. I was, I was kneeling and I kind of like scared myself. Well, the mouse scared me but I fell backwards.

Speaker 1:

But the sheer terror that I felt because I thought this mouse how do you think a mouse is gonna do to you any, even if he was? Listen, I can't. I can't describe why I felt like that or you know why I was that scared. Oh, what happened rationally is a tiny little mouse was gonna do, but I was so terrified, but I thought this mouse had done like this little distress call. It was like and I'm not that person, I'm quite calm in a situation, so I'm annoyed at myself that I was scared by that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because you had a mouse that roared at you.

Speaker 1:

It did, it really did, roar, and I can't, I can't explain. It obviously was not, it was Josie, but I am my natural age, dick was that this mouse had sent out a distress call.

Speaker 2:

Did you think that there was gonna be like 10,000 mouse mates in that rush it here in his core and going oh that's Mickey, come on guys. Really the troops like big wave, like in the film Ratatouille, where they're all in the ceiling, the whole ceiling comes down and they're just everywhere.

Speaker 1:

In that, in that split second, my brain didn't really do much, so I didn't have any thoughts about what it, what it. You know what was gonna happen. I just heard the noise, thought it was a mouse. Well, it's terrified.

Speaker 2:

To all our listeners that are freaked out by mouse stories. Yeah, I did. Speaking of being terrified, I'd clear got up really early the other morning and she went off into the bathroom and I obviously I woke up because Claire's tiny but she's heavy-footed, like you wouldn't believe she goes thundering across the bedroom floor into the ensuite and I thought I Could really scare her because she thinks I'm fast asleep. But how much do I want to get myself out of bed when I don't actually need to get out of bed at this time? And obviously I the urge to scare Claire was greater than my urge to stay in bed. So I very Silently crept out of bed and what?

Speaker 2:

Crept across the floor and just stood there and she was ages in there like a dear a light, turning the taps on and Getting moisturiser out, and I was thinking, oh, come on. And by this time, because I've just woken up, I need to go into the toilet and have a tinkle. And I was like, come on, come on, come on. And then eventually it paid off and she came creeping out out of the bathroom and I said I don't even go, oh, and like, make a jump or anything, I'll do this, I wait, and as she comes out, the moment that I see her face go and Look at me and her brain is like all kates up and she's out of bed, in that exact moment I go and I have to put my hands out towards her as well. So it's like a and that's all I need to do and she pretty much like hits the floor, she like crumples, she just goes oh, for god's sake, no, I don't like it. And then I have to give her a cuddle because she's like terrified.

Speaker 2:

But yeah anyway, we've gone way off subject, but, um, yeah, so that that's the end of, uh, stevie and nicolas story. Now let me tell you the twist. Come at me. The twist is One of those stories is fake and one of those stories is absolutely true, apart from the fact that I've changed their names and things like that.

Speaker 1:

So so have we got a guess which one's fake? Yes, all right, I'm gonna go. I'll probably go for the man under the bed one being fake and that the other creepy ass ones probably real.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, Well, have a think. What do you guys think? What do you think? Do you think it's true or do you think it's fake? Which one do you think is true and which one is fake? Well, I'll say, originally I was going to say I'll tell you which one's real in the next episode, but I'll probably forget and then I'll go, I'll have to do it on the next one.

Speaker 1:

Then I'll probably forget Months later.

Speaker 2:

People will never know. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to tell you which one's true and which one's fake, and the reason why I've changed my mind. So, Sarah, you're saying the man under the bed.

Speaker 1:

Fake and the secret tunnel photo one is real.

Speaker 2:

Well, the answer is the man under the bed in Nicola and Stevie's story is true. Oh OK, the first one was fake. Stevie and Nicola's story, absolutely true, and it is called frogging.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Where someone lives under your bed when someone lives in your house, unbeknownst to you. There is an actual thing and it's called frogging, and that's what that mouse was doing to me.

Speaker 2:

Living under a bed like a frogging. You got frogged by a mouse Mouse, by a frog. In my next Blam episode, which is out this Friday, which is the second of Feb, I will tell you more about frogging. And it just sounds dirty, doesn't it? I think it's because it sounds like dogging. It does sound like dogging. Yeah, not if we've got any doggers out there. I'm not calling you dirty, but when it is a little bit, a little bit of scusties in it, there's nothing wrong with being scusties. It can be dirty. If you want, it's fine, I'm all right with it. But just to be clear, frogging is not a sexual thing, it's a creepy thing. It's someone living in your house without you knowing. This Friday, 2nd of Feb, blam episode, I'm going to cover the actual details of Stevie and Nicola's story and how it was real, where it was, what happened, and I'm also going to chuck in a couple of other frogging stories as well.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Can't wait. So yeah, see us then.

Speaker 1:

I am over Back to the episodes. Do you want a bit of carrot? Would you like a bit of carrot? You can have a bit of carrot as you can. Here you go.

Speaker 2:

Good boy. He said you're good boy.

Speaker 1:

Doing your carrot song I would hear that. You can have a bit of carrot as you can. I don't know what's going into it.

Speaker 2:

I've become this different person Burst into a fucking musical. I do.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what comes over me. Every time I see his little face, I'm like a Disney character. Nothing wrong with singing to your dog. I love it. He does not. Josie always goes. Oh, he loves to be singing to him, and then I sing right into his face and he's like his ears go back.

Speaker 2:

Like what the shit Does he blink a lot? Or is it like please stop?

Speaker 1:

He's like his ears hurt in his face.

Speaker 2:

Just imagine you screaming some made up musical song right into his face, blowing his ears back and making him blink constantly.

Speaker 1:

I was like you love this, don't you? You absolutely love it.

Speaker 2:

He's like get me out of here, please. Animal cruelty.

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