Ennis Britton's On the Call

On the Call: MDR Complete. Now What?

Jeremy Neff and Erin Wessendorf-Wortman Season 1 Episode 4

Keep Calm and Just Keep Serving. Understanding the obligation to provide services after an MDR team decision is not always clear to all school employees. Erin and Jeremy discuss the "Black Letter Law" related to MDRs and what happens when MDR teams venture into the realm of behavior not being a manifestation of a student's disability. teams.  They share a recent case from South Dakota which highlights the importance of the IEP team's involvement in determining what services will be provided in order to meet the IEP goals and the general education curriculum.  

Attention school administrators and special education professionals! Ennis Britton’s 2024 Special Education Roadshow is coming to locations across Ohio. Get the latest insights on critical legal developments, practical tools, and expert guidance to ensure your district stays compliant and successful. Our first session kicks off on October 16, so don’t miss out—head to ennisbritton.com to sign up for the location nearest you!