How I Learned to Love Shrimp

Andrés Jimenez Zorilla on Shrimp Welfare Project and why we should care about shrimp

Amy Odene & James Ozden

We are celebrating our 10th podcast episode - Yay! To celebrate, we interviewed Andrés Jiménez Zorrilla from the Shrimp Welfare Initiative who inspired the name of our podcast, How I Learned to Love Shrimp. 

Shrimp Welfare Project is the only organisation solely dedicated to improving the lives of shrimp. In this episode we talk about the case for working on shrimp, the current scale of and practices within shrimp farming, as well as what Shrimp Welfare Project have learned over the past 2 years.

Thanks to all of our listeners so far and we look forward to the next 10!

Some resources that were mentioned in this report:

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