Entrepreneurship pie: slice of mentorship podcast
This podcast is a series of interviews with industry experts. In our first rubric - Slice of mentorship we talk with experts who lead structured Venture Mentorship Programs and share their best practices and experience in working with entrepreneurs and mentors.
Entrepreneurship pie: slice of mentorship podcast
Slice of Mentorship Podcast. Episode #3: Simunza S. Muyangana
May 02, 2023
Igor Gorlatov
Season 1
Episode 3
Simunza leads support for entrepreneurs at BongoHive, Lusaka’s first innovation and technology hub that provide a range of startup and tech programmes, workshops and events all focused on making Zambia Africa’s next hotbed of innovation. BongoHive’s entrepreneur support programs includes a pre-accelerator boot camp, a sector agnostic accelerator and short focused masterclasses.