Straight Talk With America’s Sheriff David Clarke

TSA Policies Treat Every American As If They Are A Terrorist | Episode 47

Season 1 Episode 47

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Join us on this episode of "Straight Talk" with host David Clarke, a fervent advocate for individual rights and a critic of government measures. This episode focuses on the TSA's impact on personal liberties, specifically its controversial policies and government surveillance. Clarke scrutinizes the effectiveness and intrusiveness of government watch lists, like the no-fly list, using research to highlight their arbitrary nature. He calls for conservative actions to limit government overreach, aiming to safeguard our freedoms and privacy. Dive into this critical discussion about balancing security and liberty, offering insights for both the informed and newcomers.

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Host: Sheriff David Clarke, America's Sheriff

Executive Producer: Judy L. Wilkinson, JL Wilkinson Consulting, LLC 

Producer: Josh Wentz |

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TSA Policies Treat Every American As If They Are A Terrorists | Episode 47


26 officers lost their lives while on duty in 2022. Blue Lives Matter in America.

Welcome to another episode of the Straight Talk Podcast. I am your host, former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. I want to start by wishing everybody a happy new year. I hope your holidays, your Christmas, Hanukkah went well. [00:01:00] Mine did. We're back in the saddle. Many of you may know from listening to previous podcasts how mistrustful I am of government, big government.

I'm a limited government conservative. I believe in freedom and liberty, personal liberties. Less government regulation, less government interference in our lives. And I talk about it incessantly and you notice that most people in political office They never do. They rarely do. You know, they might mouth the hyperbole and, and, and whatnot, but they don't believe in it because their actions tell me they don't believe in it because they don't vote that way.

You've heard me talk about numerous topics on this program that were before Congress for hearings, like expanding section 702 that I talked about several podcasts ago. The government wanted more and more leeway. On [00:02:00] intrusions into our privacy and our personal lives. And of course, you know, the Congress, and that's why, that's what I mean when I say they, they mouth it that, Oh yeah, we believe in personal liberties and freedom and Whatnot, but then they vote to expand it to continue the program when they had a chance at that point in time to Say no, that's enough.

Stop. Just be better at your job Be better with what we've given you in terms of intruding and trampling on people's right lives be better at it So we don't have to expand it with all these generalities. Oh national security is at risk Oh the world will come to an end all this nonsense And I'm able to sift through it, and I try to pass that on to you folks, you folks have a lot of this figured out yourselves.

But the purpose of me talking about these things on this podcast is to better inform you, number [00:03:00] one, and give you the tools with which you can keep government in check. One of those ways is to keep up with what your congressperson or your senator is doing in Washington, D. C., and we rarely do that. You know, they extended 702 for another year, Section 702 of the, uh, secret spying by the United States as a result of 9 11.

I bet many of you in this listening audience don't know how your senator Or congressperson voted on that. And I know why. This is not a condemnation. You know, we're busy. We expect these people, we expect the honor system, but these are not honorable people. So you can't rely on the honor system. They're gonna do what they said and why I voted for them.

They're gonna carry that stuff out. They get to operate, even the congress, in anonymity. And they know nobody knows what the hell we're doing out [00:04:00] here. I can get away with this.

So I've become very, very anti government watchlist of any kind. And much of this is the result of, you know, September 11th, the attack on the United States at the time, and, you know, the World Trade Center bombings and the, the, the taking down of, uh, using airliners as, or airplanes as weapons, the one that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.

They were looking for the White House. I'm sorry, either the White House or the Capitol to crash that plane into that. And then the hysteria began. Oh, we got to do something. Oh, we got to prevent the next attack. They [00:05:00] always say that. So this never happens again. And whenever I hear that phrase, I want to slap somebody so it never happens again because it does happen again and the reason it happens again because it's inevitable.

No matter what they do, we can prevent some of this stuff. There's reasonable things, ladies and gentlemen, that we can do and then there's stuff that makes no sense but it goes on anyway with very little pushback from we the people. The government fell asleep on 9 11. and other terror attacks, the government fell asleep.

And so the remedy was, let's punish the American people by taking away more of their liberties. I mean, that makes no sense as a response. We didn't do anything. The 9 11 hijackers were known to the FBI, the CIA, and other intel agencies, probably the National Security Agency, and they weren't watching them.

But now they want to watch you and I. You know, [00:06:00] peek at our emails and text messages to see what we're up to. We've given them no reason. There's no rationale for it. There's no reasonable suspicion to think that David Clarke or John Q. Citizen is automatically up to some sort of nefarious terrorist activity.

There's none. Zero. I

mean, I'll give you an example. I go through the TSA checkpoint at an airport, and I've talked incessantly on this podcast about how we need to pare that stuff back, trim it back, the intrusiveness of it. That's not necessary and doesn't stop any terror attack. I go through, you know me, with a cowboy hat. I gotta take my cowboy hat off.

Cause they wanna look inside of it. I don't put up a [00:07:00] fuss. Big deal, right? I know when to make a big deal of something and when not. But here's my point. Do you think that it's some Muslim Was coming through the checkpoint that had on the head scarf, the head wrap, or the hijab. Do you think a TSA agent would say, could you take that off so I can look inside of it?

Absolutely not.

But to the American citizen? And, you know, the Muslim might be an American citizen, so don't get me wrong there. Why do I gotta take my hat off? What are you suspecting me of? What's the reasonable suspicion? Am I on a list? Or is this just, we do everybody? And when you do everybody, you're doing nobody.

So, I come across this story, and I wasn't surprised, but I'm just like, here we go [00:08:00] again. The federal government, overbearing, intrusive, trampling on our personal liberties and our freedoms and our right to privacy.

And what do we get? Uh, some kind of committee hearing in Congress and, and the usual, you know, the kabuki theater goes on. We're doing everything we can. We have to protect the American people. We have to do this and we're, you know, we're constantly improving it and we're getting better at it and we're trying to protect, and it's, ladies and gentlemen, cover your kids ears.

It's all bullshit. They say, as a matter of fact. They practice that. They probably have it on a cue card. They probably have it on a 3x5 card, a palm card. Here's what you say when you go up to the hearing. We're doing everything we can. We cherish freedom and liberty of the American people.

We're doing everything we can to protect the [00:09:00] American people. And, and they're not. Because if they were, the, the stuff that has happened, could have been prevented. 9 11 could have been prevented. I think it was MI6 or Mossad, one of the two intel agency of the UK, MI6 and then Mossad of Israel, notified the FBI that the hijackers were in the United States, by name.

And to top it off, they were on an already established no fly list. And they were freely flying in and out of the United States, and around the United States once they got here.

And what did our illustrious intelligence agencies who are duty bound to protect the American people and doing everything they can, what did they do? [00:10:00] Absolutely nothing.

And then even after 9 11, even after the reformed TSA, the establishment actually of the TSA, and the reformed watch list, what happens? Unabomber boards an airliner.

And you know what? He escaped being put on the no fly list, but the government, our intel agencies, they knew about him. They knew about his activities. They knew about the stuff he was doing on social media. And he didn't make the no fly list. But yet they want to put Americans not suspected of any type of terrorism, they want to put them on the no fly list.

Why? Arbitrarily. They'll claim, well, you know, it's this, that, they're, you know, sometimes there's glitches, it's all this. excuse making that I'm tired [00:11:00] of.

So now you or I end up on a no fly list, unbeknownst to us, by the way. We go to an airport and we get stopped. You don't know how many times I've been through, and I'm TSA pre check, and I'm the clear, you know, I'm all that stuff. So the background on me has been done. There's no red flags.

Yet it's, it's often. A lot, but too much for my liking because an intrusion, it's an intrusion on my personal freedom and liberty

against Unnecessary government interference in my moving about I'm just trying to get on a damn airplane

And I get stopped. Oh, you've been selected for additional screening Why? [00:12:00] What is the purpose? What reasonable suspicion have I been selected for? And they won't tell you. And they know they have you by the short hair. It's because you're not getting on that plane. You're not getting to the checkpoint.

You're not getting on your flight.

So you subject yourself to this humiliation. I find it offensive. Intrusive. Humiliating. To be standing there at a checkpoint with my arms spread out wide. My legs spread. And they're patting me down like I'm I've been arrested and I'm in a booking room at a local jail. That is Humiliating and Now there are probably not many of you, but there are some of you probably well, you know, we do what we got to do Well, we you know, you you can't be too careful.

Well out of a bunch of caution abundance, of course No, it's all BS

and they [00:13:00] know we're gonna put up with it. Why because we've gotten soft We've forgotten about what the founders put together for us and how they had to fight and all throughout History how people had to fight to secure freedom and liberty and we're just giving it away Why? Well, you know, you can never be too careful.

It's not how I want to live. It's just simply not how I want to live. So, we let government do this stuff, you know, and again out of an abundance of caution and well, we just we want to stop the next terror attack.

And I can go on and on and on. The Orlando nightclub bombing, that guy was known to the FBI to be engaging in Even banter on social, out in the open. He wasn't even hiding it.

And the one in [00:14:00] Sacramento, California, too. You know, it just goes on and on and on. All those guys were known. They weren't on any list.

So anyway, out of 9 11, and again, remember, I, I have a graduate degree, a master's degree, from the United States Naval Academy, post graduate school. Center for Homeland Defense and Security. My master's degree is in security studies. Doesn't make me a know it all, but I know a little bit more about the process

and the inside stuff of how this is put together and how it works than the average person. I just am. I studied it. I read the 9 11 report. Some of the most boring reading I have ever done, but it was required reading. I don't know, damn thing's about 900 pages and it's, it's small print and it's just, [00:15:00] I'll tell you what, it's a cure for insomnia.

Read the 9 11 report.

So that's where a lot of this stuff was spawned, right? Of course, Congress, you know, doing what they do. They don't think, they don't develop sound policy. They overreact to a situation that's an anomaly. They overreact. Oh, we gotta prevent this from happening again, and you're not. So I always say, and you know, that's what, what, what some of the people were mouthing in Congress.

Oh, we have to do something. We have to do everything we can to protect the American people. I don't want you doing that to protect me. Not that far. Some stuff's reasonable. Yeah, I'll accept this. I'll walk through a magnetometer. I don't find that intrusive. A magnetometer at an airport. That's reasonable.

Not letting people go to the gate. You can't get, you know, you used to be able to walk your loved ones and friends to the gate and see [00:16:00] them off, watch the plane take off, and you can't do that anymore. That's not offensive or intrusive. So, I said there's some things that make sense. Let's tighten this up a little bit.

No, they overreached. They overreacted like government always does. With very little pushback from the American people, right? Because, well, they said, you know, it's out of an abundance of cost. And they said, you know, they're doing everything they can. And they have to do this stuff for national security and domestic security.

And then we just, we lay down. Instead of saying, wait a minute. Now, how do you say, wait a minute? You call your congressperson or your senator and say, hey, I hear this thing coming up and what's your position on that? And start questioning. I don't want you, no, I don't want, I don't want, no, no, no, no. That's too much, too far.

No, we don't do that. We just generally grant them that they're going to do the right thing, right? That phrase, do the right thing. And they always do the wrong [00:17:00] thing.

So they come up with this, the TSA and this no fly list, well I actually expanded it, no fly list.

And so I come across this article, Americans wrongly stopped as no fly list balloons to 1. 8 million names. The United States government terrorist watch list has ballooned to at least 1. 8 million records, up from 150, 000 two decades ago, according to a Senate report that says the system has spiraled out of control.

Of course it has! All of this stuff has spiraled out of control.

So it says even the list name is no longer accurate. The committee says the watch list includes exception records or names of people associated with international crime who have been detained by the military in addition to relatives of terrorists and people suspected but never determined to be terrorists.[00:18:00] 

The committee urges federal inspectors generally I'm sorry. The committee urged Federal Inspectors General to fully review the watchlist to evaluate who gets on the list and whether it's warranted. The committee also said federal officials must fix the redress process that allows people to challenge their listings.

You know what? It's not happening and it's not going to happen. You can't trust these bastards. And Congress does.

So it's a, this is a quote. Listen to this. This is a, this is a A senator, a U. S. senator, quote, This report will increase transparency and make recommendations to increase national security. Build confidence that our practices align with threats and help ensure resources are focused efficiently, said Senator Gary Peters, Michigan Democrat, the chairman of the committee, end quote.

The FBI maintains the watch list to [00:19:00] identify individuals with worrying histories. What the hell does that mean? Worrying histories. A subset of the watch list, the no fly list, is used to bar some people from boarding airplanes with destinations in the U. S. Another subset identifies people who must undergo extra screening before traveling.

Why are they extra screening me?

If they're focusing on me, they're not focusing on the people they should be.

It says here the Supreme Court has scheduled oral arguments early next month on a case challenging the way the FBI operates the no fly list. The case was brought about by a U. S. citizen on the list who faced severe turmoil in his travel. He has since been pulled off the list, although the FBI won't guarantee that he won't be added back in the future, and you know damn well he's going to be added back in the future.

The idea of the Watch List, officially known as the Terrorist Screening Data Set, grew out of the September 11th attacks that killed nearly 3 million [00:20:00] people after terrorists hijacked airplanes and used them as missiles. Then of course we had the overcorrection by government afterwards. Now here's a better way to develop public policy.

You gather people around, you let things calm down. Because in a state of hysteria, you're not Thinking properly and then you you you throw things around ideas. What are we doing? What can we do better the pros and cons of what you come up with and then put it by the American people here's what? We here's what we want to do.

Is this okay with you? We want to spy more on you

and then come up with a sound policy that you know It's not gonna prevent this from happening again It's gonna tighten things up. That should be the goal. We want to tighten this up now We want to prevent it from happening again. That's not a realistic goal

So it says here, after the underwear bomber incident in 09, the government realized it failed to include a man, Umar [00:21:00] Farooq Abdulmutallab, even though it had enough information to do so. New guidance led to an increase in names. Like, who and why?

The Department of Homeland Security takes complaints seriously, Spokesman, Spokesperson Mia Ehrenberg said. You know, here we go. Here we go with the kabuki theater. Here we go with the cue cards. The Department of Homeland Security takes complaints seriously. This is another quote from her. DHS has implemented systems to ensure those priorities are at the center of our efforts.

And we are constantly working to make further improvements, the spokesperson said. That's all BS. No, they're not. No, they are not.

So she says, well we believe some of the committee's findings lack important context. And see, that's another thing. These senators, they don't know what questions to ask. Because they're not [00:22:00] familiar with the process. This is all theater. These hearings. So she says, DHS is committed to working with Congress and stakeholders to ensure that we have all the tools and capabilities to protect our national security while simultaneously protecting civil rights and liberties, she said.

Cover your kid's ears. Bullshit! That's what that is. The standard line. They all say the same thing no matter what the situa We're doing everything we can, we want to work with Congress. It's all dog whistle for you. You know you're wasting your time and you're wasting mine, but we'll play along with you.

That's what it is. Oh, we're doing everything we can. Oh, we got new standards in place. Oh, we have new policies. And nothing changes. So it says here in this column, the government won't tell people why they are placed on the watch list. The government won't, uh, because it could help [00:23:00] terrorists figure out how the system works and take steps to evade it.

See, here we go again. Terrorists are smarter than us, so we're gonna squeeze your liberties

by not telling you why you're on the list or how you got on the list. Well, you know, it's confidential. The terrorists are already outsmarting these people, or 9 11 wouldn't have happened. What information did they give out prior to 9 11 that helped the terrorists figure things out? They already tried to do that, bring those World Trade Center towers down, previously.

When that one failed, they went back to the drawing board.

So it says here, according to the author of this article, Indeed, the government won't usually tell people if they have been taken off the list after a challenge. Homeland Security says the most common reason for mistaken flagging is the name and personal information similar to someone on the list. Well then why don't they straighten it out before putting [00:24:00] that name on the list?

The department said 98 percent of the people who apply for redress do not need listing. Right. They never needed listing to begin with!

So what I want to do is spend a little time I did my research and I came across an article that helps kind of sort this whole damn thing out because it's like everything else involved with the government, it's complex, not complicated. Complex. And, and, and, and the definition of complex, it's got so many facets, so many tentacles.

That's what makes it complex. And it's trying to, like trying to untang, untangle fishing line that's all tangled up in a ball. That's complex. You could do it, probably gonna take you forever, and at some [00:25:00] point you say, I'll just get some new fishing line. Right? That's the right thing to do. The smart thing to do, but you can't do that with government.

You got to try to untangle it.

So this guy is, the author is Daniel Gillespiea. He's the founder of uponarriving. com. He's a former attorney, uh, turned travel expert covering destinations along the TSA airline and hotel policies. So he's studied this and he's trying to untangle this thing for us in this article. And the thing I read here, and I'm not gonna go through the whole thing, It's not necessary.

It's 19 pages long this story because it's so damn complex That it took him 19 pages to try to, just to try to sort it out. So it says, it starts out here. For many people, there's a lot of mystery surrounding the TSA's no [00:26:00] fly list. They wonder how exactly the list works and what happens if your name gets put on the list.

In this article, I will shed light on the entire process, the author says. Well, I'm not going to take you through the entire process. We're going to focus on the no fly list. But anyway, here's how it starts. In order to really grasp how the TSA no fly list works, you need to understand how the bigger picture process functions with respect to identifying potential terrorists.

You see why I say this is complex? There's a bigger picture, and then there's subsets, and then there's this acronym, and then there's that, and there's different aspects of how that works, and how you get on that, and it just goes on and on and on. It's typical. Government bureaucracy.

So then you have these things, the TSDB, the Terrorist Screening Center, the TSC. You have the no fly [00:27:00] list. Let's, let's focus on that. It says here, according to this article, back in the day, TSA maintained the no fly list and selectee list. So the TSA maintained it. However, in January of 2005, maintenance and responsibility for the list was transferred to the Transportation Screening Center.

So it would probably be more accurate to call it the TSC no fly list rather than the TSA no fly. You see what I mean here? I'm not blaming the author. The government. It's just, you know, they're, they're focusing on the rule. Who cares what we call it?

So TSA states. The no fly list is a small subset of the U. S. government terrorist screening database also known as the terrorist watch list That contains the identity information of known or suspected terrorists. Known or suspected terrorists? Then how did 1. 8 million people end up on the damn [00:28:00] list?

When it started out that there were about 65, 000 names, the first one only had 12 names on it.

Individuals on the list are not allowed to board a commercial aircraft Flying into, over, or out of the United States Airspace. This also includes point to point international flights operated by U. S. carriers. The list is not as big as you think. In 2014, only about 8 percent of the identities totaling around 6, 400 people were on the no fly list.

That's in 2014. 2023, it's up to 1. 8 million. And Congress just sits there and, um, We want you to come up with standards, and we want you to come up with This is all a waste of time. And again, it's offensive, it's intrusive, and it doesn't keep us safe. So to hell with that. Well, out of abundance of caution.

Well, we, you know, it's worth it. No, it's not. [00:29:00] Ben Franklin was right. He who would sacrifice personal liberties for a little safety deserves neither personal liberties nor safety. He's right. There's reasonable stuff to do and then there's unreasonable, offensive, intrusive, and overbearing things that we're allowing the government to do to us.

And it's a trampling of our personal liberties, our right to privacy, putting us on lists. A constitutional republic such as ours should abhor government creating these lists of people for any reason. That they don't need. It's why I'm so against government coming up with a gun, national gun registry.

It's gonna be abused.

So it says here, back to the story, [00:30:00] the no fly list. It's, oh, by the way, there's three, three separate lists. There's the expanded select E list. The select E list, and then there's an no-fly list. You see what I mean when I say it's complex? Many facets. So it says, back in the day, the TSA maintained an no-fly list.

However, in January of oh of oh five, maintenance and responsibility was transferred to the TSC.

The fourth cri and then it lists the criteria from the National, uh, Terrorist Center. 2013, the National, the NCTC document gives us some insight into criteria for adding someone to the no fly list. So now you got this other agency that has criteria. And then they list, here's how you get on there. But there's a fourth criteria that adds flexibility to adding people to the list and targets people who do not pose a threat to civil aviation, the [00:31:00] homeland, security, or U.

S. facility. Then why are they ending up on the list? You see how it got to 1. 8 million? There is flexibility into criteria as to who can be on it. You don't have to be suspected of terrorism anymore. We just, ah, we think we ought to put David Clarke's name on there.

So, in fact, there are no standards. That's what that fourth criteria says. Expanded criteria, flexibility, and adding people on who aren't suspected of terrorism. There is no standard. This is just arbitrary.

So, it says here, uh, to get on that one, on the fourth one, fourth criteria, it focuses on the term operationally capable, which means that it's based on credible evidence. That a person reasonably appears to have the ability, knowledge, opportunity, and intent, or is actively seeking the opportunity to engage in a violent act of terrorism.

Then how'd the Unabomber end up on a plane and not on the no fly list? [00:32:00] How did the Tsarnaev brothers, who were known to US intel agencies, how come they weren't, and they were flying to terror training camps, terror training camps in Chechnya! They weren't on no fly lists. And they were known to the government because they were told by Mossad and MI6.

Hey, you better keep an eye on these guys, they're in your country, they're flying to terrorist training camps. How did MI6 know who the hell's flying out of the United States? Because they do a better job of this than we do. Because they profile. And when they hit on something that's a red flag, they stay on it.

So this report from this guy, this expert on this no fly list, he goes on here, in some cases, individuals are randomly assigned. So if you're like myself, you probably have experienced this on a couple of occasions. Just randomly assigned. [00:33:00] So there's no fly list.

So it says this list was created as an extra security measure after the failed underwear bomber of 2009. Which sparked the beginnings of TSA body scanners. Okay, see what I mean? The government failed and what do they do? They punish the American people not suspected of terrorism or terrorist activities.

That's the response and Congress is okay with this. No one on this committee or in Congress Short of people like, you know, Rand Paul and say, wait a minute. Why are we punishing the American people over there? What the hell did they do? Why are we trampling on their rights? They didn't do any of this. You guys fell asleep.

You guys are no good at what you do. And now you want to punish the American people? You want to delay them and offend them with these intrusive [00:34:00] policies?

So it says, People on the list could be subjected to the same type of screening as those found on the selectee list. See, this is just arbitrary. So then this guy's research also showed that it looks like the TSA has its own TSA watchlist, even though that responsibility was transferred to the terrorism, uh, TSC.

So they took it away from TSA, said we're going to have these other people maintain this list. Then they come up with their own anyway!

So then there are other watchlists this guy points out. There are other non no fly list watch lists that TSA may be involved with, and these include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Do Not Board list, which does not allow certain persons traveling due to public health concerns, [00:35:00] and then they added people with coronavirus have been added to the list.

Do you know how many people in the United States have one time had coronavirus? And they know that for the reporting, right? You go to the hospital, it's documented. They have to transfer that to the Center for Disease Control. So in other words, there potentially could be, I don't know, just about everybody at one time or another had coronavirus should be on this list or could be on this list.

You can't manage the list. It's too big. One point, even 1. 8 million. You can't effectively manage that. You can't effectively watch that many people.

So there's, there's a process here where you can seek a redress of this. You find out your name's on the list. So some people unfortunately have the bad luck of having their name that is same or similar to others who are on the watch [00:36:00] list. You can find a long list of instances where people were falsely identified as terrorists and struggled to work with the government to get back or to ever board a plane.

Can you imagine this nightmare? And there's 1. 8 million people on this? It says, usually it seems that these cases can eventually be resolved, but sometimes they involve a pretty painful process and costly and lengthy legal proceedings. See, again, who's got the money or the time? The government knows that.

These people, we just wear them out.

There are also constant legal actions being brought against the government, arguing that these watch lists are unconstitutional in part because there's not a satisfactory way to challenge one's status on the list. See, we don't have a right to redress our grievances with the government under the First Amendment.

Nobody, nobody in Congress, the Senate sub, the Senate committee, they didn't bring this up. [00:37:00] This is unconstitutional. Don't give me this crap about you're doing everything you can to protect the American people and we're, we're very sensitive to, uh, civil rights and what, no they're not.

So this is a process, how can you find out if you're on a no fly list? According to the ACLU, if you're denied boarding you can submit a standard form to the Department of Homeland Security Travel Redress Inquiry Program, who will then relay the information to the Terrius Screening Center. If you were placed on the no fly list and you are a U.

S. citizen, They'll send you a letter informing you of your status on the no fly list and providing the option to submit and receive additional information. You might be able to find out general information as to why you were placed on the list, but it may be impossible to get specifics for, altogether now, national security reasons.

Again, the, the hiding. Oh man, we're in trouble. We don't want them to know what we're doing. [00:38:00] We'll just put this in the under national security confidentiality. So it says you won't be able to challenge the determination at a live hearing, but you can submit a written response along with supporting materials to challenge your status.

So we're in a situation ladies and gentlemen, check this out. We're in a situation where as an American citizen, you have to prove to the government you're not up to any terrorism. That's not what a constitutional republic is. We don't have to prove we're not up to something. They have to prove we are.

And they can't get, well, we can't tell you. And we're, you know, and I hope the Supreme Court, because I have, I have a little faith in them, I have a little bit of faith in them, that they think like I'm talking right now, and they go, this is nuts. This is against the United States Constitution, and you got to stop it.

And don't give me this crap about national [00:39:00] security.

So it says here, If you do make a challenge, the government will review your submission and inform you of any changing determination. You can submit a challenge, but you may not get a definitive answer as to your status. Pretty much all you can do is see if you have been removed from the list and attempt to purchase an airline ticket and board a plane.

So now, there's this aspect. Remember I said this is complex, many facets? Individual airlines have their own no fly list. Now, they're not government, but they're under government regulations, the FAA. So, we have this list starting out, that's assigned to the FBI, and then there's a terrorist watch center, and then there's this one, and there's that one, and they move it around.

Well, now we're going to put it over here, and then they come up with additional standards, and then they come [00:40:00] over here, and then once they take it from, they develop their own. The TSA, after it was taken away from them, the no filers, and given it to the terrorism watch center, came up with their own. No fly list, when it was just taken away from them.

So it says, uh, recently there have been more people that get put on the no fly list with individual airlines by not abiding policies regarding things like wearing a mask. So if you violate the policy of wearing a mask on an airplane during the, you know, the forced mandate, you know, again, this overreach, government intrusion, you get put on the damn no fly list because you didn't have your mask on.

Or you could, they could do it, and they wouldn't tell you. Do you know how many times I haven't had a flight attendant come by me when I was flying during the coronavirus? They had to wear a mask, it was down below my nose. Um, sir, could you put that, cover your nose and your mouth? And I would just do it, I'm not, you know, I just, okay.[00:41:00] 

And, and that's why I always made sure I had a big bottle of water and something to eat because they said if you want to, if you're going to drink, obviously you have to remove it to drink. So I was constantly taking sips so I could have it off for longer periods of time. And if one would come by, a flight attendant, uh, sir, could you, um, pull your mask away?

I'd just pull it down and I'd start eating, eating nuts or, you know, cashews. And so now I'm eating and I get to do that. Trying to get around it. Well, that flight attendant knows who's in C3A. And can have me put on a damn list that I had to tell him five times to cover his nose. So I end up on a no fly list.

I could be on one of these and I don't know about it.

So it says here, how many people end up on the no fly list for the individual airlines? It's kind of hard to tell because the airlines don't publicize the data, but according to an insider, a spokesman from United told them that they've banned 1, 600, 615 people from the airline since [00:42:00] implementing their mandatory mask policy in early May.

You see how this gets abused? You violate the mask policy and you get put on a no fly list?

So the story goes on here. How many people are on the TSA fly list? Well, in 2014, there were about 6, 400 people on the no fly list. 2014. 6400 people. 2023, 1. 8 million. You can't effectively manage a list. The sub, the population that you're dealing with, the data points, there's too many of them. You don't have enough people, the government doesn't have enough people to monitor 1.

8 million people.

So then finally it says here, do you get notified if you're on the no fly list? No, in order to protect national security interests. See, there you go again. U. S. government [00:43:00] currently does not notify you when you are placed on the list. How can Congress allow this?

They know this is going on. This guy knows it's going on.

Do these senators, do they reach out to experts? Hey, how does this stuff work? What can you tell me about, you know, I'm busy, I got a lot going on, but maybe you can help me drill down. And then send them this damn, here, I authored this thing here, and then read it. So you know when you go to these hearings what to ask and how to ask the question.

What do you mean you don't notify people? You put government putting people on a watch list and you're not going to tell them? And you're not going to give them a reason why if they find out they are and they ask you, hey, how do I end up on this list? And you're not going to tell them? And this is a constitutional republic?

That's supposed to cherish individual freedoms and liberty and privacy?[00:44:00] 

So he ends up by saying, when it comes to government watch lists, there's probably always going to be a large amount of mystery going on behind the curtain. That's exactly it. The mystery. The secretive. The hiding. No transparency. All under the name of national security. We got to get rid of this crap.

Ladies and gentlemen, we got to start electing people. We're coming into 2024 in 2024, but we're coming into a season where we can, we can make some changes. I'm going to change all this overnight,

elect the most conservative anti government constitutional conservative, I should say anti big [00:45:00] government. person you can find. And get them there. And get a nice collective of people like that. That, you know, those minded people. To start to pull this crap back. This government is offensive. It's overbearing.

It's intrusive.

And we just all, you know, just keep moving ahead, moving forward. Well, I got to get to my destination. You have to get to my destination too, but this stuff makes me sick. And it should make you sick as well. And that's not enough just to be sick. You got to start getting involved. You got to start calling these offices, these congress people and the senators and start grilling them.

And when they come back home, because they'll be spending a lot of time at home in 2024 running for re election. Go to these places they're at and ask them this kind of crap. [00:46:00] Ask them these questions. Not this silliness. Oh, you know, What are we gonna do about, you know, the border? They're not doing anything about the border.

They'll tell you they are. They had, they all had their chance. All of them. Both parties. To seal that damn border. Trump had to do it unilaterally by himself. With opposition from the GOP and Congress to do it.

Take to the streets. Form protests and rallies at airports. You don't have to block the operation of the airport. You know, like the left does. These pro Palestinian idiots. But you can get a couple thousand people to show up at an airport terminal where the public's allowed and rally. Stop this trampling of our rights.

[00:47:00] We're not tear, you know, signs. Homemade sign. We are not all terrorists. Be a good sign to have. They're treating us like we are. 

And the only way it's going to end is when we the people make it end. Force it to end. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends. Subscribe.

God bless.

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The direct link is also available on my website, americasheriff. com. Get a great night's sleep so we can [00:48:00] continue the fight. Friends, I want to thank you for listening to today's episode of Straight Talk with yours truly, America's Sheriff, David Clark. And a special thank you also goes out to our sponsors.

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