Tales from the Departure Lounge
Tickets? Check. Passport? Check. Imodium? Check. Sit back, relax and enjoy the journey as Andy and Nick try to fly this plane. They'll be chatting to special guests about travel hacks, destinations of choice and the transformative power of working or studying overseas. Travel is back and there is always time to kill in an airport. You could spend it in a Burger King or you could listen to some inspirational tales from life's frequent flyers. Final call for this lo-fi, high-flying podcast odyssey.
Send your own stories, suggestions or jingle requests to sickbag@talesfromthedeparturelounge.com
Tales from the Departure Lounge is a Type Nine production for The PIE www.thepienews.com
Tales from the Departure Lounge
TFTDL Radio - (Everybody's Free) To Listen To Tales From The Departure Lounge
We've teamed up with the lovely people at Duolingo to create the perfect travel mix-tape playlist on Spotify! Inspired by the guests, stories and destinations from the Tales from the Departure Lounge podcast. Listen to TFTDL Radio now!
Link: https://spotify.link/R7MNuCESvDb
Today over 4500 institutions including Yale, Imperial and Trinity College Dublin have adopted the Duolingo English Test. If your university wants to join them then get in touch at www.englishtest.duolingo.com
Tales from the Departure Lounge is a Type Nine production for The PIE www.thepienews.com
Ladies and gentlemen, in the class of 23, if I could offer you one tip for the future. Listening to Tales from the Departure Lounge would be it. The long-term benefits of podcasts have been proven by narcissists who like the sound of their own voice, or think that their chat is interesting. I will dispense more of my own voice now. Enjoy the intimacy and beauty of storytelling. Who knew that explosive diarrhea and chapsticks would be so interesting? Trust me, in 20 years you'll look back and think listening to this podcast was a good use of your time. You will recall in a way that you can't grasp now how much adventure lay before you and how inspired you really were. The jingles are not as bad as you imagine. Don't worry about the future or worry knowing that worrying is as ineffective as Andy Manda trying to carry three carry on cases while running for his life. The real troubles in your life are things that never crossed your mind, like being locked out of your hotel room naked at 3:00 AM. Travel to places that scare you, but don't be reckless with university funds. Don't put up with universities who are reckless with yours. Subscribe to the pie. Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're in Bali, sometimes you're in Bromley. The journey is long and in the end it's only with your prospectus. Remember The compliments you receive. Forget the league tables. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how. Keep your spot of letters and throw away your drinks receipts. The most interesting international offices I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't know Andy, Amanda Burra Get plenty of melatonin, maybe you'll make director. Maybe you won't. Maybe you'll work for an aggregator. Maybe you won't. Maybe you'll decide at 40 to make a podcast and sign a 75 episode contract. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, overrate yourself either. Your stories are only mildly interesting. even when you're being choked by thighs. Enjoy your body. Use it in every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or what other people think of it. Especially if you find yourself in a sauna with other university reps or in a boat with naked Germans. Sing even if you have nowhere to do it. But in your hotel room, be kind to your legs. You'll miss them when you've got deep vein thrombosis. do not read the annual report. It will only make you feel undervalued. Get to know the graduate route. You never know when it'll be gone for good. Be nice to your competitors. They are best linked to a new job and that people most likely to help you in the future understand that friends come and go, but a precious few are the ones who get to drink on your balcony. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle for the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were often mistaken for a student. Work for Coventry once, but leave before it makes you hard work for so ass once, but leave before it makes you soft travel, except certain inalienable truths. Air fry will rise, budgets will fall and you too will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize. When you were young, airfare was reasonable, and VCs were noble. And junior staff respected their director. Respect your director. They'll be the one who supports you. If you lose your passport in Vietnam. Maybe you recruit students from China. Maybe you have a fancy university pen, but you never know when either one might run out. Be careful whose fairs you buy, but be patient with those who supply the crappy furniture. advice is a form of nostalgia dispensing. It is a way of fishing out the past from the disposal, wiping it off, and telling it on a podcast but trust me, on tails from the Departure lounge.