How This Done For You Social Media Consultancy Is Sustainably Scaling Beyond $250K with Andrea Jones
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How This Done For You Social Media Consultancy Is Sustainably Scaling Beyond $250K with Andrea Jones
Aug 12, 2020 Episode 115
Jereshia Hawk

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 This episode features the wonderful Andrea Jones, a super-successful social media entrepreneur who’s committed to high-quality client work and her online community.


Andrea has had to figure a lot of things out along the way which makes  this episode truly fascinating to any aspiring entrepreneur...


Key Highlights of the Episode

 This episode was extremely actionable and insightful. Here are a few key highlights:

  • Hustling for clients - In the early days, Andrea learned by hustling on freelancer sites and pitching for jobs to get clients. Sales is a contact sport and you have to be willing to go out there and put in the work to get clients.
  • Retain and maintain - To improve and maintain consistent cash flow, Andrea started doing more reporting to add value to her service. This ensured clients would stay with her and she didn’t have to keep going out to get more clients. She also started raising her prices.
  • Added brainpower - Once she reached full capacity, Andrea decided she needed a team. This not only enabled her to delegate a lot of day-to-day tasks but she also found that having more brains working together added a whole new level to the capabilities of the business.
  • Hardships of hiring - When it comes to hiring, Andrea has learned two lessons… the hard way! After getting lucky with her first hire, she assumed everyone would have a high work ethic and be super-accountable which was a mistake. Secondly, after hiring top talent, she hadn’t yet put business procedures in place to help team members thrive. As a result, her cash flow was hit hard.
  • Refusing the agency route - Andrea wants to be 100% responsible for the strategy and the results that the strategy gets for her clients. This goes against what a typical agency business model looks like. She’s set up a hybrid model to maintain a high quality of client work, running her business in a way that suits her.
  • And lots more!  Tune in now.


Want to experience sustainable growth for your coaching business WITHOUT hiring 5 new employees, WITHOUT spending five figures on paid ads, WITHOUT offering discounts or downsells? 

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