Investing In Yourself: What To Do When You Want To Say "YES" But You Need The Money First
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Jereshia Said
Investing In Yourself: What To Do When You Want To Say "YES" But You Need The Money First
Jul 17, 2019 Episode 57
Jereshia Hawk

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When it comes to building a business, a lot of us get to a point where we know we’re going to need extra help to keep things moving forward. This comes in the form of making an investment in ourselves. However, A lot of you want to take it to the next level and need the help, but don’t want to invest until you have the money. 

In order to help you out with this dilemma, and to ensure you get access to the coaching, support, and resources you need to continue on your path, I’m sharing with you what’s worked well for me and my clients.

Key Highlights of the Episode

 This episode was extremely actionable and insightful. Here are a few key highlights:

  • Can you afford to miss out? - Instead of focusing on how much an investment will cost you right now, consider how much money you’re losing out on if you don’t invest.
  • You begin to show up in a different light - If you want to move to the next level, it only works if you commit first. This has been true for me at every stage of my business. The money flows and comes to you after you invest. When you put money down, you start to show up differently and become more committed than ever before. Consuming free resources can be great for overcoming small hurdles, but it’s never going to incentivize you to show up and do the heavy work that’s needed to level up.
  • Having a coach isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity - I understand that if I don’t engage with someone who’s beyond where I’m at right now to push me and help me grow, then I’ll end up being comfortable and stagnant in the space I’m in. And, the second we become too stagnant is when our business starts to die.
  • Take action without censoring yourself - Rather than fretting about not having the money to invest, try writing down 10 things that you can do to actually come up with the money. Be open and don’t censor yourself. Maybe there are ways you can provide value in return for cash that you’d never considered. If you want it bad enough then take action and make it happen for yourself.
  • Mindset = 80% - Learning external strategies is important but it’s only 20% of the puzzle. 80% is mindset, and involves unlearning and relearning all the things we were taught through the “system.” We need to relearn everything that will help us become the most abundant and best versions of ourselves. I could give you all the strategies in the world to earn money, but without the right mindset would you actually be ready to receive it?
  • And lots more!  Tune in now. 


Need help repackaging your private 1:1 coaching into a high-ticket group coaching program? We can help with that. 

Click here to learn more.


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