Overcoming the Fear of "Putting Yourself Out There"
Jereshia Said
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Jereshia Said
Overcoming the Fear of "Putting Yourself Out There"
May 08, 2019 Episode 47
Jereshia Hawk

Recently I’ve been getting so many messages and comments asking me about the fear of “putting yourself out there.” This needs to be addressed ASAP because many of you know what action you should be taking, yet it’s the fear that drives you to keep doing what you’re doing.


By staying in your comfort zone you’re sabotaging yourself.


Every day, we help coaches and DFY providers, like you, transform their 1:1 service into a SUSTAINABLE online coaching business that is set up to automate the necessary aspects of your offer so you have the energy to show up, serve your clients and increase your business growth month after month.


Interested? Complete the Benchmark Assessment to help you pinpoint the exact gaps that currently exist within your business model. 

Click here to learn more and submit your application to receive the assessment today. 


Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. 

 Subscribe now!

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