Sight For Sore Eyes
We discuss issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of Ophthalmology with a minority perspective.
Sight For Sore Eyes
The Force - Part 1
Ore-ofe Adesina
Episode 9
In this episode I speak with Drs. Tamara Fountain, Paul Lee, and David Parke about their foundational roles in the development of the AAOs Taskforce on Disparities in Visual Health and Eye Care, which produced a seminal compendium of articles and commentaries that are arguably the most comprehensive analysis of the factors underlying the disparities of patient care delivery to marginalized communities in medicine.
Link to the articles produced by the task force: https://www.aaojournal.org/dei
Dr. Tamara Fountain: https://www.drfountain.com/pages/about-us
Dr. Paul Lee: https://medicine.umich.edu/dept/ophthalmology/paul-p-lee-md-jd
Dr. David W. Parke II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBpouZO2D4g