Sight For Sore Eyes
Sight For Sore Eyes
The Foot Soldiers - Part 2
In the last episode, we began the first of a series of conversations, speaking with the foot soldiers so to speak of the AAOs Task Force on Disparities in Visual Health and Eye Care . In this episode, I begin a conversation with Drs. Jessica Randolph, Basil Williams, and Kristen Nwanyanwu. Dr. Randolph is an assistant professor of ophthalmology at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond Virginia, Dr. Williams is an associate professor of ophthalmology at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami Florida and Dr. Nwyananwu is an associate professor of ophthalmology at Yale University in New Haven Connecticut. They are all vitreoretinal surgeons, and in addition to the work they have done in health disparity research with the AAO's task force, they have also been on the frontlines and have been fundamentally instrumental in advancing inclusion, equity, and diversity in the field of retina. As you will see, they have a clear-eyed mission to make our specialty look more like the communities we serve while developing and mentoring the next generation of ophthalmologists. This episode is an inspiring and honest look at what can be done when you take a vision, make it plain and run with it.
Link to articles produced by the task force: https://www.aaojournal.org/dei
Dr. Jessica Randolph: https://www.vcuhealth.org/find-a-provider/jessica-randolph
Dr. Basil Williams: https://doctors.umiamihealth.org/provider/Basil+Williams/2416377
Dr. Kristen Nwanyanwu: https://medicine.yale.edu/profile/k-nwanyanwu/
Sight-Saving Engagement and Evaluation in New Haven (SEEN) Lab