The Play Typer Guy

#1: Breaking Down North Carolina GOP’s Supreme Court Power Grab With Author Billy Corriher

March 07, 2023 Stephen Robinson Episode 1

Welcome to Episode 1 of The Play Typer Guy podcast! My first guest is Billy Corriher, an author and journalist focused on North Carolina judicial selection, voting rights, and the courts. Billy is talking to us about two major voting rights cases that have recently come back before the courts after going through the North Carolina Supreme Court with the influx of the new Republican majority.

In this episode you will hear:

  • The history of gerrymandering and voter suppression laws in the state of North Carolina
  • Information from Billy’s book, Usurpers: How voters stopped the GOP takeover of North Carolina courts
  • The challenges of having partisan courts rather than impartial courts
  • And more!

More info about Billy: 

Billy Corriher is a contributing writer for Facing South whose work focuses on judicial selection, voting rights, and the courts in North Carolina. He has also written about these issues for ThinkProgress, The Hill, USA Today, The Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, and the News and Observer. He has been interviewed by NPR’s "Fresh Air" and other media outlets. His book is titled, "Usurpers: How voters stopped the GOP takeover of North Carolina courts." Before attending law school, he was a reporter for the Clayton News-Daily in Georgia. Billy received his bachelor's degree in political science with a minor in journalism from UNC-Chapel Hill, as well as a law degree and master's in business administration from Georgia State University.

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