MYND Sports Performance & Well-Being with Roberto Forzoni

E25 - Building Self-Confidence 13

February 13, 2023 Roberto
E25 - Building Self-Confidence 13
MYND Sports Performance & Well-Being with Roberto Forzoni
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MYND Sports Performance & Well-Being with Roberto Forzoni
E25 - Building Self-Confidence 13
Feb 13, 2023

The number one requirement for high performance is the need for confidence.

Confidence can be fragile and leave you when you want it the most. Where does confidence come from, and how can you build confidence that is robust and with you through the volatile competitive cauldron that is a high-level sport? 

Listen to this set of 13 short evidenced-based modules to build confidence to help you navigate the most difficult challenges you'll ever face.

Show Notes

The number one requirement for high performance is the need for confidence.

Confidence can be fragile and leave you when you want it the most. Where does confidence come from, and how can you build confidence that is robust and with you through the volatile competitive cauldron that is a high-level sport? 

Listen to this set of 13 short evidenced-based modules to build confidence to help you navigate the most difficult challenges you'll ever face.