Pastor to Pastor

Is The Gift Of Tongues Still For Today?

March 28, 2023 Jason Watson & Seth Odom Season 1 Episode 6
Is The Gift Of Tongues Still For Today?
Pastor to Pastor
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Pastor to Pastor
Is The Gift Of Tongues Still For Today?
Mar 28, 2023 Season 1 Episode 6
Jason Watson & Seth Odom

In the main topic of this episode of Pastor to Pastor, Pastors Jason & Seth explore the scriptures and give personal experience with the gifts of the Holy Spirit as it pertains to the gift of "tongues". Jason & Seth also share the this past Sunday's sermon topics from Cross Pointe's "Battlefield" series and Reliant's "Feelings To Faith" series. 

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In the main topic of this episode of Pastor to Pastor, Pastors Jason & Seth explore the scriptures and give personal experience with the gifts of the Holy Spirit as it pertains to the gift of "tongues". Jason & Seth also share the this past Sunday's sermon topics from Cross Pointe's "Battlefield" series and Reliant's "Feelings To Faith" series. 


Hey pastor Seth, big question for you today. The main topic for today, are the gifts of the Spirit, specifically, the gift of tongues. Are they for the church and God's people today? Oh man, there's a lot to be said about it. Let's take a look at scripture and see what we can determine. Let's figure it out. Coming up next. Hey, welcome to the Pastor to Pastor podcast right here with your boy, your pastor Seth. Oh, yeah, from reliant church in southern pines, North Carolina and also Pastor Jason Crosspoint. Church, if you're new to the podcast, make sure you like subscribe, all that good stuff. Let's get right into the topic, the first topic and how we normally do this. Hey, let me ask you this. What did you preach on Sunday? Tell me what you brought reliant church Sunday. Come on. I talked about joy, joy, joy, down deep in the hand down the however that old school song goes up every time you think about joy, you think about him Old School songs. But we're still in that series feelings of field and we're talking about joy. Joy is something that a lot of us don't have. And so it came out of Joe, John 15. Okay. And Jesus is talking about, hey, you remaining me, and I remain in the Father, I keep my father's commandments. Do you keep mocking you know, all these things, and you will be filled with joy, you'd be full of joy. And what I said is I can the only way that I can tell you the most simple way to find joy and to maintain your joy is to remain in Christ, abide in Christ. And if we're all honest, when our joy slowly fades away is because we are inconsistent in our church attendance. We're inconsistent in our prayer life, we're inconsistent in spending time with God. And we're inconsistent when reading our word. If joy is found in Christ, but we don't spend any time with Christ, we won't find joy in our life. Because joy is found there. You look at Webster's Dictionary what they say about joy. This, this definition kind of makes me upset. It says joy is the feeling of glory, great pleasure and happiness. Now, that's a one way street. It means that your joy is predicated on events and happenings. But when you look at scripture, it gives you a completely definition is completely opposite of joy. Meet example, Paul and Silas in prison, chained up probably sitting in their theses under P not having it's not Outback Steakhouse delivered meals. You know, I'm saying it probably smells pretty bad. They probably hadn't changed in a while. They're close to being martyred for Christ. Yeah. It's not a pleasurable place. There is not a happiness Webster in there. But what do they start doing? They start singing. Now, I can't find any pleasure in there. I can't find any happiness in there. It could only be joy that would cause them to sing in terms of hard times and for depression. But then you look at Job, Job has messenger after messenger come and he says, Hey, your camels are gone. Your sheep is gone. Even your shepherds are gone. All your flock is gone. Your your children, your sons and your daughters are all dead. And you look at John chapter one, verse 21. This is how Jobe respond now there's no pleasure in losing everything you own. There's no pleasure in your kids dying for the sake of being a test to Christ. But this is Joe's response. He says Naked I came in naked I'll leave. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. And then this is what I love. But blessing to be the name of the Lord. What I didn't share is that before he even says that he says that he bowed down to worship. Now you tell me, is there any happiness and losing everything? Is there any pleasure in losing your family? Now in the world, most of us will do exactly what Joe's wife told him to do. Curse, Curse God and die. Because there's no joy in that. But joy is not found in happenings. Joy is not found in what happens to your what is what has been given to you. Joy is found on the inside. Yeah, that's what I love. The difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is happenings, which means joy can go up, happiness can go up and it can go down based on what's happening around you. Many of us do this and it fluctuates all day long. It can be paid on Friday and you happy but then you realize that you got to pay bills and you said you could be happy to be at home all day. But then you see the dishes are full in the sink and you're sad is always up and down. But joy cannot be changed by circumstances right? Joy is in a position of your heart that says no matter what I face, no matter what I go through, no matter what I struggle with. God is still good. Yeah. Bless it be the name of the Lord no matter what I go through, no matter what I face. God is still good because my joy was never given by the world. It was never given by the pleasures of this life so they can't take it away. It only comes from Christ. And so what we taught was this is that our joy circumstances don't change it. Joy changes our circumstances. And Jesus Christ on the cross Bible says this, because the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross. It wasn't pleasurable to have steaks in his hands and his feet. It was a pleasure. But they did mock dad and spit on and ridiculed. And the list goes on. And he all the displeasure that he dealt with, but he saw the joy before him. Did you know you were the joy he was thinking about? Yeah, you were the jewel, you were the joy that Christ was thinking about the he endured on a cross for you, because they brought him great joy to know that if he had to die, so that you could live, he was worth doing it. And because of that he endured the cross. And what you learn even in James chapter one is that there's joy in enduring, right? I can find joy, Consider it joy when you face trials Consider it joy when things doesn't go, they don't go perfectly, because it's perfecting you for something greater. If I know that what I'm going through is going to make me better I can find joy in that. Yeah. And that's what we call pauses. I count as momentary affliction, nothing compared to to glory that awaits me. All right. So no matter what you're going through, no matter what you're struggling with, if you keep your eye on Jesus, if you keep your eye on the goal, and these these momentary things that we go through, they're little they're they're blips in the radar of eternity. Yeah, I mean, they're not even a blip. Really, if you think of in terms of return to they don't last, and you're coming out of a season it out, I believe this, either you are heading into a storm, you're in a storm or you're coming out of a stone, right. And if you allow those storms to, to help, the refiners fire, if you allow them to help mold you and shape you and you learn in those moments, what you're going through, is preparing us for glory. Right? And yeah, that's great, man, that's awesome. And we so we use the illustration of we had a balloon that had helium so it stays in the air. And then we had a balloon that just, we just blew up with our own breath. And you know, it drips all the time. And so we get an illustration of what it looks like when you're filled with joy. But when you're just filled with happiness, see with the balloon that man is breathed into you that you live based just on what the world can offer. The moment that man brings you up, it comes right back down, you just think about a balloon up and down, you can pop it up, and is coming right back down. And when you're filled with the joy of the Lord, if you look at a helium balloon and you hit it to the ground, it's gonna find itself white boy back up right back up where it was. Because the joy the circumstances don't affect the joy. And a lot of times as Christians what we do Pastor Jason, is we will tell people about the joy of the Lord will tell people about how good God is. But when they see our life, we're like that deflated balloon. They don't ever see the joy. They only hear us talk about it. When a poor witness we are oftentimes when it comes to joy, because we talk about it, but we never live it out. My mother, we can talk about talked about on here before fibromyalgia, cancer, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, the list goes on and on and on. Before she passed away. She came to Goldsboro we were pastoring. And we were leaving her house and going to have dinner and I was driving she was in the passenger seat. This is kind of how I ended my message. Desiring joy. Um, I'm going through all of this, and I'm just driving we just chillin. And under my breath, I just said, Thank You, Jesus. You know, ever just say that it is in a moment like, thank you. I love you so much. Yeah, God, it's good. You know, I just said, Thank You, Jesus. And May my mom went to shout and a mom went to guess what speaking in tongues? Yeah, she went to embracing the joy of the Lord. Going through fibromyalgia, consistent pain, going through cancer, and just a thought of somebody else, exalting Christ, third, something on the inside of her. And men, I desire that joy. I don't know about you, but I desire that joy that when I'm at my lowest, I can still say bless, it'd be the name of the Lord. And then I can always give God honor and praise no matter what I go through. And so that's what we taught man, that the joy of the Lord is our strength. But we have no joy. We are weak. Yeah. And we're vulnerable in the enemy's attacks, it harder and harder. But if we find joy in the Lord will always be strong. Yeah. And I think oftentimes you find joy, you know, the joy of the Lord is our strength. Yeah, like you can go up and down but your strength come from comes from the Lord. That's right. So what brings God joy, US operating in obedience? Yeah. us us. exhorting other people us doing what Christ told us to do. We talked about that last week. Yeah, absolutely. So that's great, man. Awesome. Awesome, man. I'm trying to get my people happy about Jesus now. Hi, Joy. What do you got to be happy about? Get your head about Jesus. Oh, no, you're gonna be happy about I know. That's right. So how was Sunday for you? Yeah, it was great. Great. So we continued on our series on Battlefield. And so I talked about a battlefield a little bit different spin on it, I talked about the battlefield that we face a lot of times in terms of our ego. So a lot of times we'll will boast about ourselves, we'll talk about ourselves and and I use this illustration of, you know, me proposing to my wife Anna, shout out to her lady, my, my heart, Madame z now, but so yeah, I talked about her I actually called her up, right? And I said, so imagine me getting on my knees right and proposing to her and telling her and giving her a box. That was just nothing but a box. That's what it's like when we try to boast on ourselves and boast in our own ego and puff ourselves up. Sometimes success in anything you do can be a failure, because we start promoting ourselves in the box instead of what's inside the box. The box is just a box right? The only person who really cares about the box is the person who bought the gift. That's right because I need it protected. I need what's inside the box to protect I need the box to do I need the box to do what I bought it to do. I needed to do what I paid for it. And Christ bought us Hello, we belong to Jesus we are we are the box of Christ right? The body the box of Christ. And he placed that jewel he paid he placed that that that treasure inside of us and what's inside of us. It's Paul talks about it what's inside of us the hope of glory, Christ, the hope of glory. So we should be sharing that box we opened with the treasure that's inside, not shut, not shut open. Sharon that treasure this inside. Instead of telling people getting on our knees and telling people to marry me. I need to be getting on my knees telling people to marry Christ. Yeah, we need to be carrying that gospel carrying that good news, carrying that hope carrying the goodness. And always, always always pointing people to Jesus and never pointing to ourselves. I talked about how the box sometimes, you know, some of us can put makeup on our box. Some of us can put hair on our box, right? I can't do that, obviously. But you can't if there's a will there's a way for your hair. I could put some hair on my box. Right. But now just talking about talking about really? In first Corinthians three, five, right, it started I started right there. Paul talks about he says Who then is Paul and who is Apollo? Who? Who are Apollo's who are who are we? We're nothing like we are nothing. We're just ministers of God ministers of Christ given to you by God. There was a disagreement in this church about you know, in, in Corinthian in the church of Corinth. They were like, Oh, I'm I'm of Apollo. So I'm a Paul, right. But this is this was my apostle, this is my apostle, and it's like, who are we were nothing. We are just simply bringing you the treasure, hallelujah, and the good news of Jesus Christ. Forget our names. It reminds me when we were in India, and they came up and said, Hey, I want you to know, brother Prakash shout out to him, right? He's like, I want you to know that around here. There's three of us, me, you and Chris. And he's like, they call you the Father, the Son the Holy Ghost. Yeah. And I'm like, No, don't you ever? Oh, did you ever put me on that level about that? Right? Don't you ever put me on that level? And we were talking about it. And Chris brought up a good point. He said, Jason, who would you rather than remember our names or his? Or the one we represent? So much wisdom in that man? And I'm like from that home? We're just telling Miss Jason are pleased. Yeah, please tell him it's just Jason. I'm not the father of the son or the Holy Ghost. But hey, they dwell inside me. Yeah, come on. Right. Which really, I'll be honest with you, man. leads right into the main topic of today. The gifts of the Spirit. What dwells on the inside of you, man? I think let's go and jump into anything. Yeah, I think it's a great great transition. Holy Spirit, man speaking in tongues, gifts of the Spirit. Yep. You want to read the passage just so we can get a foundational scripture for where we're going to build this off? Yeah, this is a controversial thing. I'm gonna gonna be honest with you. And if you've been in, you've been around Christianity for any time. There are people out there denominations who don't believe in it, their dominant emanations who don't believe in it at all, some who believed that it died with the apostles, the gift went away with the apostles. There's some people who believe a lot of different things when it comes to the gifts and spirit. And there's the other side of the spectrum to those who worship the gifts instead of the giver. Right? Those who completely blow it out of proportion, and they operate more in emotionalism, right than they do in the gifts of the Spirit, which we'll get it I think we can get into it. There's gonna be a series we're gonna we're gonna start with this one today. But I think as we move on the weeks ahead the plan is to talk about these gifts more yeah and it's not the we're not trying to push the ology we're just trying to bring clarity with truth and Scripture and just kind of our conviction of reading, reading the Scripture, we actually had a conversation like how deep do we want to get like how broad do we want this to be? And so but we feel like it's necessary for the body of Christ that we find some of you probably asking, you're asking questions that We're here to answer today concerning the spirit. My thought was what my thought would be with this. If you were on a desert island somewhere, all you had was the Bible. Say you were born and raised on the island and all you had to Bible was the Bible to read. If you got rescued off that island and came to a church, what would you expect to see? I'm not talking about John MacArthur's breakdown of theology. I'm not talking about some any other big name you want to throw out there in terms of theologians. If you read the Scripture, what would you expect your church to write. But let's dive right into it. First Corinthians 12, four through 11 says there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are difference. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities, or there are diversities of activities. But the same God who works all in all, verse seven says but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the prophet of all, four to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit to another, the word of knowledge to the same spirit to another faith, by the same spirit to another gifts of healings, by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another different kinds of tongues to another, the interpretation of tongues, but one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. Yep. And so this is kind of the structure, the basis, the foundation of where we're going to build this the next few weeks, probably of our podcast as it really the Lord leads us to do this. And the gifts of tongues. Should they be relevant should they be operating in the church today is really where we want to kind of just pitch a tent for a little bit and talk about you know, I've heard people say that you've got to have to give to tongues to make it to heaven. Yeah. And I don't know where that theology is coming from. Right. I would love to I would love to know. Yep. Because it's something that I find gets brought up a lot. Yep. Yep. And, you know, did you have a scripture on that? I know, I know, I had. I didn't specifically except for x 19, where Paul was the ethicist and he meets up with some disciples who were there. And he said, he asked them, Hey, have you received the Holy Spirit? And they're like, well, Holy Spirit. He was like, Well, where were you baptized? And he was like, we were baptized and water baptism? And he's like, Yeah, okay, we'll be baptized in the name of Jesus. And then he lays hands on him, and they receive the Holy Spirit and the gifts of spirit start operating immediately, right? And then you look at First Corinthians 14, Paul even says, I pray that you all received this gift. Not that you all should have this gift, but I'm praying that you all desire this gift even says, I pray that you desire, the gift of tongues, and the gift of prophecy. And so a lot of us. I've heard it, you've heard it recently that, is it true that I can't make it to heaven? If I don't speak in tongues? No, that's not true. According to what we see. Well, according to what we see in Scripture, Paul encourages you to do it. Yeah. But it was never something that God said you had to do. I think every Christian needs that gift. I think it is a gift that helps sustain us and encourage us and edifies us, and it helps us mature in our relationship with Christ. Think it's needed. But let's go ahead and cancel that out. You don't have to if you don't speak in tongues. You all right, God still loves you. You still all in the book if you've received Christ as your Lord and Savior, because in Ephesians, it talks about being saved when you receive Christ as your Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit comes in seals you Yeah. Seals you to the to the day of salvation or seals you until that day when when you meet Jesus. Right, right. So there is a separate, being saved and sealed by the Holy Spirit and being baptized in the Holy Spirit are two different events. Yeah. And I remember distinctly when it comes to tongues, like, when it comes to tongues, I remember we were in India again, we did a lot in India, right? We were in India and I had been baptized for some time, and we had that service. And if you remember, but we were in service and man it's a great example of tongues. How can I forget this? I mean, come on. This is a great example of tongues we're in the middle of the service and there is a your your teaching and your tour and I remember you doing the demonstration you talked about how the closer we get to God as we take a step he takes a step Scripture says we dropped out of him and thrown at us right and so we we collide, right? When you send me it's your savior, come on, oh my god. But I remember it was in that moment. This lady Shut up, and she just started speaking in tongues and And as she's speaking in tongues, I had this vision of Jesus standing behind her. And we ended up going into an altar call and we went back over there to her. We're praying for people. And we get over there with her. She's speaking in tongues again. She gives, she speaks in tongues. And then she translates, she gives the interpretation in Telugu and Telugu, their their language they were we were in India, and Prakash tells us what she says in English, what she what she, she interpreted in English. Chris is on the stage. And there's a loud music play, and he has a good 3040 feet away from us. No way, no physical possible way. He heard what Prakash told us. He gets off the stage, he comes over there to us. And he says, I heard what she said in English. And I'm like, okay, and I look over and I said what did he say? And he tells us exactly what Prakash says that she says in English. Yeah. You, you can't tell me this stuff isn't real. That's right. You can't tell me that it's not for today. That's right. And a lot of people that think that it's not for today is even from chapter 14, a lot of us would will piece this and we were bad at this. We're bad at piecing passages together for it to fit certain theology. But when you look at it, most of the people are saying that, you know, if you don't have an interpretation, don't speak in tongues. But when you look at the totality of what Paul is teaching, it's it's more in depth than just that, oh, you know, what people are people are bad at pulling the Scripture and putting the Scripture together out of context just to meet their theological right desires, right? So what Paul is trying to do is he's trying to teach us this is that yes, there is a gift of tongue, and even says that, He says that, if you have the ability to speak in tongues, you will be talking to God, since people will not be able to understand it. What he's saying is, there will be a time Pastor Jason, where you're in service, or you're at home, or you're in your car, and you're going to speak in tongues, but you're going to be speaking to God directly, directly, not for man's interpretation, not for the body of Christ. So when it just solidifies the thought that you can speak in tongues without a interpret interpretation there because your tongue Your Spirit is speaking directly to God for you. And then he says, even more, so I would rather you prophesy because prophecy is for the body. The tongues has two reasons it speaks one is for you directly to God, and then you with interpretation to the body. And Paul is saying, If Your Tongue This is where discernment comes in, if your tongue is not for the body, keep it to yourself. Because it's only for you and God. Yeah. And where this gets kind of out of order. Because as you continue to read the latter part of chapter 14, he talks about the order of worship, that if two or three or four jewelry, people speak in tongues, and there's no interpretation, you need to take a seat. Yeah. Right. He says that people will come in and think you're crazy, right? And the only way that a tongue is for an unbeliever, because it says was for an unbeliever is when there's an interpretation. Because if not, you will thank you what crazy crazy. So let's just be very clear. I'm Hope I'm illustrating this well enough for people to understand you've got two types. One is from meat to God. And I speak in tongues. And I can do that in a service. And we talked about this earlier, you know, you can distinguish a tongue for the corporate body. Yeah. Jason said he's seen babies just quit crying in the nursery. Yeah, you can feel if you've been in a Pentecostal service, or any any service where there's the gift operating, you can tell when there's an authoritative word from God coming with an interpretation. Yeah. And then there's that one where you just, it's just to yourself in your pew in your chair. The gifts are for the church. Yeah, absolutely. You've got to mature in Christ and know what tongue God's giving you. And that tongue will will build you up. But there's a difference. And I'll look at it this way. One is my spirit or the Holy Spirit says it says, when you don't know what to pray, he'll pray for you through bones and veterans, right? So there's us or the Holy Spirit, praying through us and for us to God. And then there's God given a message through us for the corporate body. Now that is the authoritative there is no doubt when that tongue shows up. There's no doubt when that message shows up. And there will be an interpreter in our church, we wait for it. Yep. Like if if someone if that authoritative tone is happening, if that authoritative word is being given, we're going to wait until there's an interpreter and you see, and that's why Paul says if you're going to speak in tongues, pray for interpretation to pray that God gives you the interpretation for the tone that you have. And so there's a responsibility on you as well. Don't just seek the gift of tone and just halfway do it. Yeah. received that A gift and then get the gift of interpretation. So when you can remove confusion in the room, and you're not relying on somebody else to do it for you. Let me let me kind of shake some more theology when it comes to speaking in tongues. First Corinthians chapter 14. Verse 15 says, well, then what shall I do? I will pray in the Spirit. And I will also pray in words I understand I will sing in the spirit and I will also sing in words I understand. For if you praise God only in the spirit, how can those who don't understand you praise God along with you? I've heard people say, in the pulpit, hey, if you got to give to its give it to tongues, PRAY IN SPIRIT right now. You've heard people in the middle of singing at James or do this in his recordings, it'll be recorded in The Holy Spirit moves on him, and he keeps the recording of him speaking in tongues. And most of the time, he gives the interpretation in that. If you don't know how to James, go look him up. But the gifts you can pray in the Spirit. You can sing in the Spirit, if you couldn't do this, and he's talking about the church setting too. And individually. The gifts when it gives tongues wouldn't be necessary in the church to say that tongues are not for today. It's just like saying that the rest, you can't say, Well, this gifts for today and that gifts not for today. If God's still healing God, still speaking in tongues, God still given those gifts to speaking in tongues. If God is still given words of knowledge of God is still given faith. If God is still given these gifts, by the saint by the Spirit by the same spirit, then the gift of tongues is still flowing today with the rest of the gift by the same spirit. The same Holy Spirit is gifting these things. Yeah, he doesn't lose his power. He doesn't lose his abilities as time progresses. If he can sell you today. He can baptize you today. That's right. That's right. I love it. So yep. So. So one, one thing, you know, people mentioned is that the gifts are in operation anymore. And I'm just sharing scripture with you today. Like I know I've, we've kind of said some theological things. But look, we're just going through Scripture. Yeah, this, we're just going to Scripture, it says that gifts are an operation anymore. And that's covered in Acts 238 through 39. Then Peter said to them, Repent, and let every inlet every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, for the promise is to you, to your children, and to all who are a far off as many as the Lord our God will call. Yeah, he's still calling people today. Absolutely. Still saving people today. He's still sealing people today. And that Holy Spirit is still in operation today. Absolutely. I believe it. Yeah. And here's, here's where we're, we we struggle, is, those who have not experienced this gift, are very easy to critique it. It's amazing who the people who haven't experienced it and haven't used it, or the most professional, theological people that have they know, they know how to how to disown it and discredit it. Yeah. And what happens is, is is hard for us to understand what we have not experienced. That's why Paul, Paul knew we would struggle with this. Paul said, Pray for these things. If you struggled to believe in the power of the Spirit and giving you tongues, I would encourage you to pray for those gifts. I'm telling you, it will change your life. Absolutely. It would change. When you don't know what to pray. Your spirit man just rises up and I can feel the Lord right now. He rises up in you and says the words that you cannot commit, there's been times but all I could do with cried also, the Holy Spirit would just speak for me and just share my heart with the Father and the Lord. Just come and rest on me. There's power in these gifts. And what you're doing is if you don't have to guess pray for them. Yeah. Because it's a weapon for you. It is a promise. It's the promised power of God. Christ said hey, go into Jerusalem, setting up a room Wait, right, go Jerusalem and wait for the power, the powers that are promised. And these gifts came and they are still here today. Now I will be the first to admit. Sometimes they are that we respond. Our bodies physically respond to the presence of God. And sometimes they respond in a matter of emotions. Now some people go to the far extreme and they operate solely in emotion and not in the gifts of the Spirit. I don't I don't take anybody's worship I learned from Michael critiquing her her husband, David dance and in history I don't critique that kind of stuff. Yeah, definitely try not to we all just atmosphere of a room we're not we're not in Exactly, exactly. But people's worship looks different. But I'm telling you this this stuff is real. The stuff is is no That was through and it's for today. I remember, you know, I think one thing we probably don't do well, too is help develop as leaders help develop people in understanding the gifts of the Spirit when they received the gifts of the Spirit. Yeah, you got the Holy Ghost go have fun. No, I remember hearing this thing before. And when we were in India and Chris, we left that service there where I was talking, we were talking about, we left that service. And, and, and Chris said, Jason, you've got the Holy Spirit. I know you do. I can see it operating in you. And he's like, You just haven't spoken tongues. He said, But let me tell you this. You hear it between your ears. And if you will just let it come out. If you will just let it rise from your stomach can roll out he said, You hear it? If you'll just let it roll out. He says I'm telling you, you got it. Absolutely. Man. I remember we were standing there you guys laid hands on me. We were praying and it just bro and Night to Remember praise the Lord man. He just he'd been on fire since hallelujah. It felt like this liquid love man. All I could explain is this warm oil. This anointing this oil just being poured from the top of my head. And I can still fill it. It was just rolling down my neck down my back my shoulders, man. It was just it was an awesome, awesome thing. And so here's the thing that I think to some people in their in theology, man, I've heard honestly, some people joke and say things like, you know, they're receiving demons. Bro. I'm asking this. If I'm praying to Yahweh, if I'm praying to Yeshua, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, if I'm praying to him to give me something he promised me and a demon. Give so me, bro. We don't serve a God, who's got any power? I'm telling you. How? why would why would our Savior? Why would our Messiah Why would Jesus himself allow a demon to climb in me if when I'm praying and talking to him seeking a promise he gave me this stuff is not demonic. Yes, the Holy Spirit operating. There's been so many occurrences and so many conversations we've had, where we've been in the same room. And these different gifts operate. Or we'd be in one mind on one accord and not say one word to each other. Yep, that's right. I mean, that stuff is a part of the gifts of the Spirit that we receive. Yep. And we'll continue to talk about these gifts and how they operate together. But I would encourage you this as pastors and leaders, if you're in leadership, and you have the opportunity to do this, if it happens in your church, if the gifts of tongues is operating, and then there's an interpretation. Take time to teach your people. What just happened in that service. Because you don't want confusion. You want clarity. And I try to do this as much as possible. If there's tongues in my church, even tongues without temptation, whatever it may be. I try my best to explain that this is a gift. Yeah, desire it, don't question it. Just desire it and let the Holy Spirit teach you that the Holy Spirit fill you and you just receive and it a help and a help. You don't want people to leave scratching their head confused about what happened. While you got them there. Take five minutes and just share. Yeah, it's best to know this stuff before it happens. If it doesn't happen often. Remember, I've heard stories of people in churches that don't even believe in the gifts gifts show up and they don't have a clue what happened. But they know it was from God world just happened to get flipped upside down. On the honest, I can't explain it. But we're gonna find out when I understand it now, before if you know young pastors have always never experienced it happens, like read about it. I mean, it's in Scripture. We're not telling you anything that isn't in Scripture, right? This isn't just some idea, some mystical thing we thought up this is scriptural. This is something that's promised to us. And we can receive it if we just ask for it. Absolutely. But anyway, I believe look, we chose tongues today. It's a topic that is the gifts of the Spirit in general, especially specifically tones is definitely one of these things that are people. I don't I can't explain it. It's definitely a hot topic amongst people. Yeah, definitely a hot topic. Yes, Pastor, you hear about it all the time, all the time. And there's a lot of questions surrounding and it's really not to debunk it or dethrone it, but it's like, I want to understand this. I want to understand this. And so create space in your life and leadership to where you you make yourself available to explain that kind of stuff. Absolutely. Hey, so brother says unless you got anything, man, I think we're good. I'm good. Yeah, I want to bless them. It was bless him and let's let's get ready for the next episode. May the Lord bless you and protect you and keep you and may the Lord smile upon you and be gracious to you and the Lord, show his favor and give you peace. That's our prayer for you today. Thank you so much for listening. We appreciate your time. I will catch you the next time on the pastor the pastor podcast alone. God bless you

Pastor Seth's Sermon Review
Pastor Jason's Sermon Review
Is The Gift Of Tongues For Today?