Pastor to Pastor

Supernatural Faith

April 04, 2023 Jason Watson & Seth Odom Season 1 Episode 7
Supernatural Faith
Pastor to Pastor
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Pastor to Pastor
Supernatural Faith
Apr 04, 2023 Season 1 Episode 7
Jason Watson & Seth Odom

Pastor Jason and Seth share updates about their family and life.  Palm Sunday messages typically clash with the same theme, but this week Pastor Jason and Seth share their messages and perspectives on what they got out of the story.  Faith, is it just a saving faith or is there more to it? In this episode, faith is explained as both a saving faith and a supernatural faith, a gift of the Spirit.  Take a listen and see where you measure up.

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Pastor Jason and Seth share updates about their family and life.  Palm Sunday messages typically clash with the same theme, but this week Pastor Jason and Seth share their messages and perspectives on what they got out of the story.  Faith, is it just a saving faith or is there more to it? In this episode, faith is explained as both a saving faith and a supernatural faith, a gift of the Spirit.  Take a listen and see where you measure up.


Saving faith and supernatural faith? Are they the same thing? Or is there a difference? Let's find out. Welcome to pastor to pastor with Pastor Jason and Pastor Seth. Thank you so much for tuning in or watching, Like, Share, follow weekly, we've got a great one. Today, we're gonna be talking about the supernatural gifts, specifically, the gift of faith. Pastor Jason, how was your week? How's your family doing? Let's hear, everything's great, man. Everything's going awesome. I say that. But you know, we're coming to the realization that our firstborn is about to be a graduate of high school is headed off into the National Guard and preparing for college. So mommy and daddy are going through some fields right now just trying to you know, navigate this thing and figure it out. Yeah, you're getting kind of old to me. I don't say all that now. Yeah, we're just, you know, we're navigating it. We've got a lot of new kids here at the church. We've got some who are graduating. And so we're trying to prepare for that service. Because, you know, we like to bless our graduates and highlight them and honor them and their accomplishments, and so and celebrate them. And so we'll be sending them off. And like I said, even our own kids, so we're working on it, man. But that's really the big thing right now, just trying to try to try to get through. This is our first one to graduate and we've only got one other one. So we're we're navigating this thing. So the first time so if you start crying during our podcast is because you're thinking about sending him off. I don't know about all that. But yeah, no, dress me. I don't think too much about it. Because I know where it'll go. I just think the little of where we are where we are. We've been blessed to make it this far. And we're looking forward to what God has in store for our oldest son Kobe in the future. So I love it. So tell me man, how about you? Well, today is my wife's birthday. Taylor. Happy birthday. 30 years old, happy birthday to ya. So shout out to her her. We love her. We celebrated her all weekend. Actually. She likes to think she gets the whole month but I think we're gonna stop today. Oh, we spent enough money you gonna stop today? Right? So we went to the zoo. Okay, went to the zoo in Asheboro. Friday, and then we had a good time. We bought about five miles. We were tired when we came back. But it was good man. There was a little chimpanzee. It reminded me of just our little toddlers man Act and the food, taken a stick and rocks and throwing it at his mom and dad. Man. We had a good time. And then we had a little party for her yesterday that you were able to come hang out with us and pet the cow. Yeah. And our holly, our little puppy Deacon, man, he's doing fantastic. Life's good. And no complaints on our on our end. So. Yep. God's been good to us is the Lord. Yeah. Let's hear how was Sunday. What do you preach? I can't wait for you to share to our viewers. Yeah. So Sunday. I think many, many pastors were talking about Palm Sunday, right? We're talking about scripture in Palm Sunday. And so we were going through Matthew 21, one through 11. And, you know, one, one thing that I see in reading that is there's an expectation. So and we're still doing the series on the battlefield, we were talking about this expectation that, that you read in the Scripture, I talked about the expectation from the aspect of the disciples, they expected, through their experience, the expectation from experience that when they got there, the donkey was gonna be there. Yeah. They the expectation that when the man come out the house, that what we say is going to work, because they had experience with Jesus before. They had already seen him, you know, turn a few loaves and a few fish into a buffet, right? We they have experienced these different things with Jesus, they knew from their experience, so they had an expectation based off their experience. Right. And then we talked about the expectation based on faith, that even though I can't see it, I expected I expected to be there because he said it. Right. So there's expectation or faith or experience expectation on faith. And then we talked about the expectation of assumption, how we get in trouble when we assume something. Like the Pharisees, for example, in the crowd. Were who was some people were calling him a prophet, right? And they expected or they assumed that the Messiah would come riding in on a war horse, right? A steed, the big white right pony, that big white horse I mean, just like he's gonna come and Revelation right that they expected him to come to Jerusalem like that and skipped over the Scripture. They said he'll come right and lowly on a donkey, right? Because they assumed something instead of backing it up with with backing it up with scripture, right? And so we just talked about the different aspects of expectation. Based on those different things based on your assumptions, we saw I use your scripture from naman, who expected to be healed a certain way, right expected to be treated a certain way. And then it didn't happen the way he assumed it would happen. And he almost missed his miracle almost missed his miracle. Yeah. So we talked about how assumption will get you in trouble and how we place on assumptions and expectations on other people based on who we are cologne and how we can't do that. We've got to anyway, we talked about expectations in that Scripture. And it was awesome in a lot of great lot of great information that I love that and we, you know, you talked about the donkey, I briefly went over some significance about the story of pump Sunday and I kind of focused on the crowds I preached on the crowds Miss was actually called the crowd. Yeah, but you know, that part where the donkey where Jesus says, If they ask what you need it for, just say the Lord needs it. And I thought about when I was a kid, Pastor, I sent one of our girls over to the boys that were playing one of the skee ball tables, and I said, Hey, go tell them to put all the games away and get, they're getting ready to get started. And she comes back and she says, um, pastor said, they're not listening to me. And so I said, Well, you tell them pastor said said, Put the games up, put their butt in the seat, we're getting started. Why did they not listen the first time because they didn't see there was no authority behind who she was. But when she came in, said, Pastor said that they gave, she gave them a name that had authority that they honor that they respected. Jesus the same way. He said, Just tell them the Lord needs as soon as they hear that the Lord needs it. Don't ask no questions, they'll give it to you. They actually help put garments on the donkey. And you know, anchors are people when you are going through something. The Bible even says that just his name makes the demons tremble. Yeah. And there's a power and authority in his name. So whenever you need sometimes all you got to do Pastor Jason to say, Jesus, Jesus, I've been in situations where maybe depression or anxiety is just trying to take over and I've just said the name of Jesus, and there was just calm peace, that filled the room and filled my spirit. And so that's kind of how we went in and transitioned over to the crowd. So I talked about the two crowds that were in the store. The first crowd was the crowd that was with Jesus, ushering him in on a donkey with the palm branches, and they were celebrating sing hosanna hosanna, blessed our King is here and worshiping Him. And you know, I would imagine the Bible says that those people had seen some things. They were celebrating him because they seen who he was, they saw his songs, I saw his miracles. And I've tried to put it in perspective of this crowd like the the Julius sounds, the culture that was in that group, and how, you know, maybe blind Bartimaeus was in that group telling a neighbor about how Jesus healed him on or the adulterous woman said that he told everybody to put their stones away. And he actually gave me a second chance. This is the guy were falling or, or, you know, maybe it was John was saying my daughter was dead. But he came, and he came to my house, everybody knew she was dead. But this man named Jesus who's coming in on a donkey. He healed her. He made her resurrect from death and brought her back to life. And so I started given stories about this crowd of people just telling story after story, and how we should come into church like this. Not what our head down, but actually celebrating who were actually coming to visit into worship and what God has done for us this week. And so we love this crowd, crowd crowd number one, they celebrating Jesus. They're doing what, you know, what they've experienced. Yeah, they've put expectation on this king. And then the Sacher crowd is the Pharisees. They're like, Who Who is this? Like, tell them to hush, yeah, tell them to hush. And I love how Jesus says, Well, if I make them be quiet, then the rocks are gonna cry out, because creation has to give praise to the King. And so you can silence everybody in this crowd, but some something that has been created will worship me. And so you've got one crowd who has never seen anything, they read about it. They got the knowledge of it, but they haven't seen him. It's amazing how we can read the Bible. And we can read about this and Jesus be in the same room we're in but not acknowledge him. Pharisees were just like that literally reading about the Messiah reading that he would come in on donkey, but yet still refuse to admit that this is him. But he's coming in a way that they didn't expect or they wanted him to come. Now. I told our church we celebrate with crowd ruin, and we look and turn our nose up the crowd too, because they see Jesus, he's right in front of them, but they still refuse it. But shortly after, if you continue to read, the Bible says that Jesus wept over Jerusalem. Because what happened is a few days later, they went from rejoicing to Silence in a few days later on Friday, they were screaming crucify him. We weren't Barabbas. And so while we rejoice with this crowd, we realized this crowd didn't have it all together. It's like some of us who are Sunday Christians, we celebrate Jesus on Sunday, we celebrate Christ when He does things for us when he's what we want him to do. Well, we want him to be this crowd found out that Jesus wouldn't be the king, they thought he would be. He was coming not to do a military or political rule. He was coming to bring in a new kingdom. Yeah. And so I posed this question, are you a fan or a father? And then I would encourage you to steer away from both crowds, crowd one and crowd two. Because you will find out that where the crowd grows, goes, most of the time is not toward Jesus. Yeah. That's why he says narrow is the way yeah, there is a way in few find. And so my, my, my, my push to our congregation was, don't be the crowd that just celebrates Christ. Don't just be the crowd who just refuses to accept but be the crowd who pursues him no matter what the good, the bad, the ugly. And that's kind of how we ended it to kind of look over our own life. What areas of my life have actually just been a good week day center and a good Sunday Christian, and not been committed to Christ. And so that's what we brought out of Palm Sunday, I tried my best to bring something out. Somebody really never taught or thought about. So we it was great, man. We had a phenomenal day. Yeah, that's great. And our littles, our kids actually did a Palm Sunday. So they brought the palms out, they marched. Yeah, we're dressed up, man. And it was great. We had a great time. So. But let's just jump right into this main topic, man. I'm excited. We've been talking about faith, or we could talk about the gifts of the Spirit. And then here we are, we talked last week about tongues. And here we are on the gift of faith. And so I want to talk about really quick, the difference between normal saving faith and this supernatural gifting of the Holy Spirit, the gift of faith, there's a difference between the two. And I think you've got us want to open us up with the Scripture. Yeah. So I'm not going to read the whole passage. But first Corinthians chapter 12, talks about the spiritual gifts. And just to prove that faith is one of them, verse nine says this the same spirit, right? We're all talking about the same spirit, though same Holy Spirit, and it gives these gifts is this the same person, the same Spirit gives great, the gift of great faith to another. And so part of our supernatural gifts and abilities through the Spirit is this supernatural gift of faith. And I know you have a passage I want you to read of the difference. There's supernatural faith, and then there's what we call saving faith. Yeah, yeah. So it's covered in Ephesians, two, eight, it says, For by grace you've been given saved, you have been saved through faith. And that not of yourself. It is the gift of God. Yeah. So there's a supernatural favorites we're talking about in the gifts and then there's a the saving faith, I have faith in Jesus, that He is who He says He is, He will do what he said he will do. He is the Son of God. So there's that saving faith. And then there's the supernatural faith that comes with being baptized by the Holy Spirit. Yeah, and you know, saving faith is more of just is believing supernatural faith. I like to look at it as your faith is put in action, to do some supernatural things that you feel the Spirit is leading you to do. And some of us never step into that. Because we're very comfortable with just being saved. Yeah, and not producing any fruit with the spirit that we have. And so supernatural faith, just to kind of give this gift of supernatural faith is It's supernatural confidence. And this is just really Pastor Jason, best way that we could describe it. It's not a definition that you'll go read on online or anything but supernatural confidence in the leading in leading because you know, His power, His presence and His promises. And so when you know who you carry, when you know who you are, when you know his power, you know, the experiences that you have, you can expect there's expectation again, the faith that you carry will produce something out of you, and it's supernaturally LED. Yeah, and I'll go out on a limb and say that this one gift probably hinges all the other gifts together, because they operate in concert together because we know that without faith, it's impossible to please God and without being without being given that gift of faith. And we're talking about specifically being baptized in the Holy Spirit. He gives this supernatural faith that causes you to move and then causes a gift to happen. So if I have the the gift that we talked about, this means standing in the pulpit saying, hey, there are some people who would take advantage of a big crowd and say, somebody got hurt back right and out of 200 people, there's gonna be a handful of people who will come up for prayer because just the odds of that are in the favor. Yeah, they're in the favor of it fallen in with what you are trying to do. Which is wrong. Let me let me say, let me say that. Yeah, I think it's wrong. I think if you're if you're trying to say that you are being led by God, but you're not that you've woken up some dangerous ground, absolutely. But those who I've been in services where they say, you know, hey, this specific, very specific, you have lupus, right like the host versus you have lupus, today's your day, I want you to come down to the ultra now. And when you start specifying, or you you got to lift ear that you haven't heard out of in the last two years. But when you start getting specific, specific things like that, because you know, because God has prompted you has told you, then they will come down in that faith, because you had the supernatural faith to say it. And then now the gift of healings can work because you were prompted by the gift of faith. Yeah, even goes with knowledge. If the Lord gives you a word to say you gotta have faith to even believe in what you're getting ready to say, I love this image that I got, while you were telling this is sometimes we'll just throw a faith out there like a faith word, hoping that it's going to catch somebody. The supernatural gift of faith. It doesn't operate that way. It's very intentional is very targeted. We don't scatter faith seeds. We are led by the Spirit as well as a spiritual gift. We're led by the Spirit and He activates that gift to target certain needs certain areas, certain places. And, you know, one thing that I've shared before on this podcast is I believe that the spirit highlights people to us. Yeah, absolutely. And it takes that supernatural gift of faith to say, okay, you've highlighted him for a reason or her for a reason. I see a I see, he's limping. I've got to have the gift of faith to believe what I'm seeing and what I'm feeling. And I'm gonna go and I'm lay hands on it and buy that gift of faith, I lay hands and the gift of healing can operate, but when there's no faith, where's the gift of healing at? And so, you know, as supernatural gift of faith can operate in many different ways, and throughout the Scripture, Hebrews 11 It tells us some examples of of the gifts of faith in certain people. You can look all throughout the Bible and see the supernatural faith. I think, and most specifically, I think of Noah, right in order for you to build 420 plus you know what that faith wrote you that that is a supernatural faith when you Optoma when you ain't seen no flood when you are being ridiculed when people are talking about rain was rain was non existent bro. Rain was not even a thing a when you when you are building and you're telling people get on the boat, get on the boat. And for 120 plus years you have you've been saying this, and it ain't happen yet. I can just imagine that kind of phase man, you would have to have the I know what I heard from God is true. And I've got to be obedient. Yeah, that is supernatural faith. Supernatural bro. Abraham was one of them to this mentioned through Scripture with you know, he had a lot of faith. Abraham, the Bible says that the Lord told him to leave his home to go into an inheritance that he hasn't seen. And the Bible says that He had faith to even obey when he didn't even know where he was going. Yeah, like, I don't know where I'm going. I don't know what way you're going to take me. But I have faith because because I know you. Yeah. It's that confidence in leading you confidence because you've been in his presence. You've seen his power before you know who he is, you know who, what he's done. Yeah. And even even the fact that he had faith to believe that even Sarah, and they could have a child. And what about Isaac, you can't forget about Isaac faith to believe that God would provide like random numbers. Okay. Either I'm going to kill you as my son and I'm going to sacrifice you are God's going to provide I have faith on the ladder that God is going to provide. Yeah, faith. Faith is supernatural faith is something that I think we all should desire. And it's going to put you in some weird things weird places, bro. Like, it's gonna He's gonna ask you to do things that are like, I don't know. That's, I mean, there are there. There's the saving faith. There are, you know, works of faith acts of faith, but we're talking about specifically the supernatural gift of faith. Right. It would be God telling you to go out, speak into the atmosphere and pray a hurricane away. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Which people think we're gonna think we crazy, but I've seen it. Yeah, we live right in the, the elbow, if you will, whatever the cutout right in, in the clinic, right. Not far from the from the coast in North Carolina. We're about an hour and a half from the coast directly. And so we've we've been out in supernatural faith and prayed and seen hurricanes that were projected to come in, turn out and that sounds crazy and ridiculous to people. And to those who have been baptized with the Holy Spirit who have experienced that kind of stuff. You get it you understand it. And it's right back to the whole tongues thing do you believe? Do you not believe? Well, I believe if he can speak in tongues, it gives you that supernatural faith that that stuff even comes through through faith. Yeah, I have to believe. When God tells me to open my mouth and give a message in tongues, it is coming from him. Like, could you imagine? Could you imagine the faith Moses had when he's got millions of people looking to Him? And the Lord says, slap this rock this rock right here. Like, can you imagine like, they're already upset with him? Like they're already angry at him. He's like, Oh, relax, okay, I'm gonna slap this rock right here. And water's gonna come out and you're not gonna be thirsty anymore. Like, that is supernatural faith, or I don't know that in that time, with all that pressure, having that faith when all eyes are on you, but just trusting that you know that, you know, actually, oh, God told him speak to the rock. Yeah, right. He got all upset when he slept around. Yeah. You'd be willing, right? No, yeah. But I mean, there's supernatural faith, right? You are standing in front of a ton of people. And can you imagine standing in front of the ocean? And him saying, hey, lift, lift? Lift the staff? You're like, Okay, right. And, and the orders part? Watch this straight guys are ready. So the really cool. Yeah, I mean, so that is super natural faith. That is something that God gives that something that comes through the Holy Spirit, being baptized in the Holy Spirit. And I've got one specific thing that I want to talk about, we experienced, and we're gonna we keep going back to India, but I can't explain to you how many things we've experienced in India in itself. But I remember the first day we landed, and we're coming off the plane. They come out and greet us and the ministry we're connected with over there. Yeah, with full gospel ministry. And they brother Prakash comes and he gets us, he gets our bags, him and his brothers, and we're walking out and God says, and as soon as we step out of the airport, God says write my name in the dirt. I'm like, Yeah, okay. Yeah, we'll write your name in the dirt. So we keep going. And he's like, I keep I just can't get away from him speak and write my name in the dirt. And I'm like, Okay, I'll write your name in the dirt. And it was specifically for what we were called to do. I remember we were walking out we stopped for coffee, because it's, it's, it's a long journey over there. And then when you land, you still got a four and a half, five hour car ride. And so we did anyway. And so we stopped for coffee. And as I'm walking up to this coffee shop, there are these markings, these Hindu markings on the ground with chalk outlined in this chalky, powdery substance. Sometimes I draw on the sidewalk, sometimes I'll do it in, in powder out on the dirt. And so we're walking up and I'm like, Prakash, what is what is this stuff here on the ground was the first time and he's like, Oh, that's brother. That's this them in blessing this property for their God. And God said again, write my name in the dirt, right? So I got down a road Jesus in the dirt and then we went to the service that first night, we're walking up and I'm gonna remember it was in a, I remember, it was in a T intersection, right? And as we're walking up, I'm behind this car as we're walking up. Yeah. And God says again, write my name in the dirt. So I'm like, Alright, so I get down behind the car and I write the name Jesus. And then that night was the first night we experience healing on healing on healing. Yep. And all the different gifts. I remember I remember this night specifically, I tell this story all the Tom so there's a little little room maybe feels like 20 people but we were already just got there already didn't have a room enough room. So we had to be outside. And that T intersection. And I mean, by the time we got started, Americans are in India. So you're going to they're going to just you're gonna gain attention for people just because you're American. Yeah. And so we get there and you talk about gifts of faith and flowing in when the gift of faith faith is flowing, that supernatural gift, the other gifts will follow. And I'll never forget the first lady that came to pray get prayed for she said I've tried all my other gods. Yeah. Today I'm going to try Jesus and she was hunched back. And I remember all I did was touch her and I feel that I said Laura has just healed you. Yeah, and her back straightened up. She couldn't before turn her neck and now she could turn her neck she started jumping and she went and told everybody Yeah, yeah, and people started coming out of shadows. I mean, we were there all night pro getting cramps in our feet and we said it we still want him rocks for four hours crimson our feet but you see if there was never faith to buy plane ticket Yeah, if there was never faith even though you didn't know why you needed a right Jesus in the sand. Jesus knew before you even landed while you're gonna put on a mission name. And see that's that's taking steps of faith even when you can't see beyond what you can That's what faith is exactly what it He is in supernatural faith. When you take the steps beyond what you can see mirror you, you are making beautiful ingredients, the perfect ingredients for God to open up more gifts you want more gifts and faith in the spiritual gift room. Have faith pray for the gifts gifts of faith and you'll see them things fall in line. Absolutely. And then when you when you when you receive them, but you gotta have the obedience to act them out yet. Like what would have happened if I hadn't heard his name? And I don't know, right? What what would have happened. But that's exactly what faith is the substance of things hoped for yet remain unseen. Yeah, so but that's what faith is. Otherwise you're not operating in faith you're operating in knowing. Right? It doesn't say it's impossible to please God without knowing it says it's impossible to please God without faith. You have to have faith. And when it comes to supernatural giftings it requires an extra step of obedience. It requires you to operate the way he's told you to operate. Like he gives you this gift for a reason. He's not baptized and you have the Holy Spirit to lay around on the couch and you have some and Cheetos or or Pepsi's or he's giving these gifts to operate, according to his will into his spirit to expand the kingdom of God. It's right to do what he tells you to do. What's the sense in hearing from God? If you're not going to go and do what He tells you to do? Come on. That's right. Every I'll share this with you. Everything that God gives, you should produce fruit. Absolutely. If it gives you to get the faith, if it gives you to give to healings, nothing should be stagnant. It should be producing fruit and you have to challenge yourself what what am I doing what God has given me in my producing fruit? Am I advancing the kingdom? Am I using my gifts for my own glory? Or am I giving God glory for everything that he's given me if you're not producing fruit, what the Scriptures say, he cuts you from the bong. And so you've got to start producing fruit with what God gives you. And I'd say if you don't have to get to faith, and you struggle in that area, pray for the gift. Pray for to get the faith. And this makes me think too. There are so many people who want to do big things, but they won't even do the small things come on, and faithful with little Yeah, you faithful in smaller, be faithful in much right? Well, why would somebody give you your own riches if you can't? steward those that that belong to other people? That's right. And so man, and then we can go into that ha they lose? Yeah, let's take a look at this, though, you know that scripture says that. And I would just want to bring some clarity to this to that everybody has been given a measure of faith. Yeah. And sometimes we look at that as like we're ranked in faith, like, like, somebody's got way more faith here. And just from the very beginning, like our saving faith starts like went up here what? And I'm gonna look at what Paul Paul Peter teaches us just to kind of devote that thought that some people are given more than others. But the reality is, is we've all been given the same measure. But it's up to you to grow that seed of faith. Yeah. And so I want to give you some scripture really fast that okay, let's do it. All right. First Peter of Second Peter one, I'm gonna start reverse five. In de Laval de esta he's talking about how you grow in your faith. We've all been given this mustard seed faith. Notice it is a seed is a seed of faith. And what you do to it determines how it grows. And Peter teaches us this. He said in view of all this make every effort to respond to God's promises. supplement your faith with a generous provision of more excellence and more excellence with knowledge and knowledge with self control and self control with patient endurance and patient endurance with godliness and godliness with brotherly affection and brotherly affection with love for everyone. The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful more fruit you will be in your knowledge of Lord Jesus Christ. But those who fail to develop, don't miss this. Those who fail to develop in these this way, are short sighted or blonde, forgetting that they have been cleanse from their own sins. So dear brothers and sisters work hard to prove that you are really among those God has called and chosen do these things and you will never fade away. What is he saying? We've been given a seed of faith as our JSON, it is up to you to do with what you can with that measure of faith that you've been giving. And what you do determines whether it grows or dies. Don't be the person that forgets what the blood Jesus said was for. Yeah, it's what Peter is teaching us. And so now it's not that pastors have more faith in you is it's not that your your your servant, your group leader or whatever, whoever you want to put your father, your mother has got more faith than they're actually putting their faith to work. Yeah. And they're getting fruit from it. Yeah. And, you know, leaders, typically in the church world should be I wouldn't say that they are I mean, because people promote for different reasons, right then, anyway, that's a conversation in itself but are just experienced in operating in faith. That's really what who your leaders should be those who experienced and operating in faith? Yeah. Because they're going to be able to lead you from experience and from the Word of God and through the and through things that they've been given through God or whatever, to lead people. And that's something that I don't think a lot of people would do well, that we help people develop a good score. I think we talked a little bit about that last time. Yeah. And you know, one thing I want to hit is that sometimes what we go through, we look at it as a hindrance to our faith, when it should be boosting our faith. First, James tells us that consider joy when you face trials when you face these issues. Why? Because when you're dealing with these types of things, is producing things in you for something greater. My mom was a great example of this. My mom, when she was diagnosed and was given two and a half years to live. She had already had fibromyalgia, she had already had diabetes, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, she was already taking tons of medicine. And I'll never forget the day that I went into her office and I said, Mom, you've already got so much going on. Like, can you really handle this? Like, what is it? Can you really handle it? And she said, if the Lord didn't allow me to go through the things that I've been through, I wouldn't have the strip today. Yeah, to fight the battle dust before me. So when you look at every day, it is a gift of faith. And you realize scripture, gift of faith and knowledge working together I have the knowledge of the word and I have faith to believe the word that all things work together for my good any any attack any battle, any worry, any sickness, God can get glory, and I can become stronger and better from it. This spiritual get to faith lets you not get blindsided helps you not get kind of off the path based off circumstances because supernatural gift of faith changes your circumstances and it doesn't allow the circumstances to change you. Yeah, absolutely. You got anything else? I'm good. I we could we could continue to talk about this. But I think we've really laid a cool Foundation, a really good foundation for us to understand the difference. And I want you to pursue the gift of faith. Because in the gift of faith, you'll see it much easier for you to operate in the other gifts that the spirit provides to us. Yeah, and when you receive it, like I said, the put legs on it woke it up. That's right. Don't just don't just have it just a habit. Like it gives us gifts to bear fruit, amen. And so anyway, we want to bless you before we send your own. And we hope that you've enjoyed this. We hope we absolutely enjoyed these every Monday morning getting together we were studying earlier and I'm just like, Man, I really enjoyed this and I hope this has been a blessing for you. This is bringing enlightenment to you. Share it with somebody make sure you follow subscribe, hit like all that good stuff. Whether you're on YouTube or one of the podcasts. We're available on pretty much every podcast. So share this with somebody, let's get the word out. But let me send you on your way with a blessing number 6/24 or 26th is the priestly blessing. It says The Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you a little lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Hey, we love you. We're praying for you and we hope to talk to you soon. All right, thanks for listening. God bless you

Pastor Jason's Family
Pastor Seth's Family
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Pastor Seth's Sermon Review
Main Topic: Supernatural Faith