Pastor to Pastor

Gifts of Healings

April 11, 2023 Jason Watson & Seth Odom Season 1 Episode 8
Gifts of Healings
Pastor to Pastor
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Pastor to Pastor
Gifts of Healings
Apr 11, 2023 Season 1 Episode 8
Jason Watson & Seth Odom

On this episode, Pastor Jason and Pastor Seth talk about what's current in their life with family and church.  Both share this past Sundays sermon highlights and talk about the gifts of healing.  Many people think that they are active in the church, while others believe they stopped with the Apostles.  They take time to bring clarity to that thought and talk about what the Gifts of Healings are.  

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On this episode, Pastor Jason and Pastor Seth talk about what's current in their life with family and church.  Both share this past Sundays sermon highlights and talk about the gifts of healing.  Many people think that they are active in the church, while others believe they stopped with the Apostles.  They take time to bring clarity to that thought and talk about what the Gifts of Healings are.  


Are the gifts of healings still for today? Some people believe they are and some people believe they died with the apostles. Let's talk about it. pays pastor, the pastor podcast What's up fam last to Jason from Cross Pointe Church here in North Carolina and also pastor Seth, whats up what's up, from Reliance church in North Carolina as well. Hey, we are excited. We've got a great one for you as always. So the gifts of healing gifts of healings let me let me be biblical and accurate with it. Yes. Plural of healings, plural. Is it active today? What is it? Is it that good today? We're gonna dive right into that here real soon. But first of all, let's talk about family man. How's your family doing past man? We're doing great. We're doing great. We've got a little puppy. You've heard about him before. Name is Deacon? Yes. Right. We named a deacon because when there's problems in the church, I go to the deacon. Okay. And he gets all my frustrations. But man, you know, he's like, 12 weeks old. And so he's got a lot of energy. And my wife's mother has another puppy. Well, they took a trip to the beach girl. So he's had tons of energy and we've had to deal with it. And so thank God took her the dog took her combs home today, Joker is home, coming back at Jesus and so we're gonna let him run loose this afternoon and get that energy out so he can come home and just be calm and chill and not a terrorist. You had our house. But everything else is good, bro. We had a great time this weekend celebrating Jesus Christ. Yes, resurrection, but we did it with a cookout with our family, my side of the family and you gotta love eatin food off the grill, man. That's the best. We enjoyed having time with the family and stuff too. It's great. That's awesome. Yeah, we had. We've been having a great time. Kobe is turning 18 years old, old 18 years old man. So we are preparing for that this weekend. We're going to do something with him. And I've got to actually order his gift. If your hair was growing. I bet it'd be great. It absolutely would you fill out the top. So people say why don't you let your hair grow out? And I'm like, because I would like crust to decline. I'd have hair on the side. Don't do it like that much on the top. So yeah, but he turns 18 The 14 I gotta order his gift. I hope he's not listening. I gotta order his gift this week. So it'd be here for Saturday. But when we celebrate his birthday, man, I just I can't believe how quickly Listen, parents Time flies by enjoy the moments while you have them. It goes so quick. If you had a told me 18 years ago, and a day that I was going to have an 18 year old man. I one chapter closes, another one opens, you start crying. Now we're good brother, we're good. It's a part of life, man. He they grow they go. But either way. We're excited about the future, the future that Laura's got planned for him. And we're glad to see him strong and healthy and moving forward with his life. Trying to raise that 11 year old behind him. But anyway, so talking about Sunday, tell me how your Sunday service. Tell me about the sermon you preach. And Sunday was beautiful. We had a great crowd. And you know, we didn't do anything spectacular for Easter. Right now I'm in this season where simplicity is best. Yeah, for us. I wanted people to come to church, not because we were given stuff away or we had inflatables. I want people to genuinely just want to meet Jesus. And I even did that with my message. We talked about Christ, but we didn't talk about the high of how he resurrected and you know, you're victorious and all this kind of stuff. But we talked about the cup of suffering. So it was a very deep, it was a very emotional message. When I was writing and getting in and going over, I cried every time just thinking about all that Christ did what that cup of suffering meant. And it actually showed us his humanity, of letting this cup pass from me. We focused on that for a little bit of what it meant when Jesus was saying, if it's possible, if there's any other way for us to redeem humanity. Father, if you could just we'll take that option. Because my my spirit is willing is what he told the disciples My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak. And so we talked about that of how he is fully God but he is fully man and how that's how he relates to us in agony and anguish. And we talked about how Luke said that there was even sweat a blood in his sweat. And we talked about that medical condition and how rare it was, but it came from only the only thing that comes from is this, this extreme anguish that Christ had. And so we talked about that a couple of suffering, let it pass from him and what that meant for us. And then the reality of at the end, a little bit of Jesus is I want this cut the past but I really want Your Will above my old. So let you let your will be done and not mine. And as a believer, the righteous desire that we have is for us to sin or everything we do on the will of the Father, no matter the pain, no matter the struggle, no matter the road, it takes us to. And so we talked about that reality. And so I gave like what it looked like the cat of nine tails, and on the end of the tail I hadn't the metal balls, and it had the sheet bones that would rip the skin out and how they put him in, knew them on a pillar so that they could get the most momentum. And every strike got harder and harder and poured more flesh and the crown of thorns that that came and made his whole face heard and busts, blood vessels and all those things. And I wanted to pick this picture of yes, the cross is beautiful, but the way to the cross was very gory. But it was necessary for God to get the glory for everything that was done. And so Jesus took this cup, and he put all our products in our shame and our guilt and our sin for the world. Yeah, in it is ugly, and dirty and muddy and bitter this cup was he drank the cup, because it was the only way for us to have an everyday relationship with him. It was the only way for us to have freedom. Christ drinking this cup, not letting it pass not being selfish. Taking this cup is the way the reason why we're here today that we can be free and we don't have to be broken. And he changed. He took our chains. And he gave us freedom through that. And so we preached on that. And I ended it with this question, what are you going to do with the life that Christ has given you? Yeah, great question, Jesus, Jesus resurrected. And he does the same thing. He pretty much just gives this commission to the disciples. He says, Go and make disciples all over the world. Go and baptizing him and name of the Father and him and his son and with the Holy Spirit, and teach them the things that I've taught you now, what are we going to do now that we know true today? It's just not a beautiful story of what Jesus did on the cross. But what he did to get there for us, are we going to waste it? Yeah. And so we talked about that man, and, um, you know, I'd love to preach a message where everybody's emotionally, spiritually high. Yeah. But um, you can, you can leave a church service. This is what I want, you understand, you can leave a church service feeling really good, but not changed. And we failed to realize that my goal is not for you to be emotionally high. But for you to be changed, spiritually changed, and you leave better than you came. And so that's why we preached a message. I knew there'd be people who only come to church on Easter. Yeah, but I look, this is what I love. I love the fact that there are people who acknowledge and recognize what Christ did, and they will take one day to do it. But I'm praying that even though they're only recognizing it one day, they will receive it for all the world, all creation will take a knee and bow and exalt Jesus. And so it was a great day, man. God said some people free we had some salvations it was just beautiful about your awesome. Yeah, man. It was great. I preached a message on it. Of course, we have a family day service every fifth Sunday. And actually, you know, in April, this year is a fifth Sunday. So instead of having a family day after having an Easter service, and having a family day, we combine the two. So we had food, we had fun and fellowship after the service. But yeah, service in itself was was really great. The message that I felt led us to share wasn't your typical, your typical Easter message, right? I just could not get away from his equal 37. Everywhere I turn, everything I listened to I legit was in the middle of reading a piece of scripture. And I said, Let me I felt this. I said, Go to Ezekiel 37. So I literally grabbed the Bible. I was already reading it, and I grabbed the Bible and I flipped it flipped over a bunch of pages, and was right on his equal 37. And I'm like, Okay, Lord, I'm listening. So I started reading. And what it was, was Ezekiel was called up in the Spirit, by the hand of the Lord was caught up in his spirit, and he was taken to this valley, and he said, Prophesy, Son of man prophesied of these bones that they shall live, I feel the Holy Ghost talking about it. He said, feel, he said, prophesied of these bones that they will live, prophesied the breath into him. And so Ezekiel does that. And so I went through some scripture where God has called people out before he called out John in Revelation. And he called him up and showed him things and told him to write these things down. He called up Paul in Acts 16, to the third heaven. And he, he called him up and showed him some things and there were some things that Paul even says, I can't even talk about because I'm not permitted to talk about him. And so what I talked about is how God will pull you up to show you some things but then he'll take you down to a valley to do something small. So he'll pull us up to show us some things. And he'll take us down to to do some things. And I talked about how important it was that we do the work of God that we're in his wheel, we're in His Spirit. Because being God, what his hand over you, you're protected. Yeah. And then while you're, you're in the spirit, you're in sync with him, and you're doing what he's called you to do. And it really goes right in line with his gifts that we're talking about. But so I just kind of talked about that. I talked about how Paul and Silas were led of the Spirit, you know, Paul wanted to go to Asia to preach. And it said, The Holy Spirit forbidden that he wasn't allowed to go. And he had his vision was Macedonian telling him to come help us. So they go to Macedonia and preach and what you know it, he was lit in the Spirit, and ended up in the most inner part of prison. And then they started singing and worship in and then that was that was that was, that was definitely a fun part to present joy that because I illustrate, yeah, man, they I was illustrating them sitting down having these conversations and then start to worship, change, shake, and all that good stuff. But I just kind of talked about that, you know, being lit of the spirit, why it's so important that the Spirit will empower you to do some things that you cannot physically do on your own. Yeah. And so that's why I talked about Jesus that I don't, but scripture says that Christ was full of a spirit without limit. And I don't think a normal average everyday man would be strong enough to endure everything that Christ and do it for us without limit live. Yeah, preach. Yeah. And so I talked about the cat on sale. As I talked about the 39 lashes, I talked about him being dragon, the cross, I talked about him being nailed to it. And I talked about these different things, but him being full of the Spirit and a heart full of love for us looking out over no window. This is something that had to be done. Because he was in line with God. And because God gave him this spirit, and spirit without limit that he was able to accomplish these things. Even though he had to, like Paul and Silas, even though they had to go into a prison. There was fruit from that they even then had to go into a valley, there was fruit from it. And so even though Christ had to go to the cross, he's it's been producing fruit for the kingdom ever since. And so that's really kind of what I'm talking about. Kind of in a nutshell, we could go a lot deeper, but I'm ready to hit this topic. Let's do it, man. Let's do it. Yeah. So go ahead. Okay, the spiritual gift of healing the gifts of healings, right? We gotta say that just right. The gifts is plural of healings, plural. Let's just start off with a definition of what that is. Some people may have never heard of it, or just the first time they've heard somebody talk about it. But it is the manifestation of the power, the Holy Spirit where it does the miraculous through signs of healings, and miracles. Many people call it deliverance from like diseases and infirmities, they kind of work together. And, you know, there's a lot to be said, Pastor Jason, you said at the very beginning, when we open this up is is it active today? Or was it just for the apostles? I think we just maybe just kick it off there. Let's go ahead and get those thoughts that way. People that maybe are questioning that right there, maybe we can bring some clarity. So everything else we say, they're actually going to be listening and not trying to think against it. Yeah. You know, people, a lot of times say that. What I've read and you've probably read some to those that are listening, probably read where it made people say that the gifts of healings, the four gifts, the gifts of healings, and miracles, and tongues and interpretation of tongues, were the gifts that were temporary. And the reason they say this is because the apostles in the day those religious leaders they needed credibility for what they were teaching the truth that they were teaching. And what happened is, is they they were given these gifts to prove that that where they were saying was actually truth, and they're saying that it died with the apostles. But when you look at scripture, even when you look at First Corinthians 12 713, it talks about the spiritual gifts, it says to each is given the manifestation of the Spirit which is for the common good and he starts listing all these gifts. He did not say to each is given to the apostles into Jesus. He says To each his given his speech writing this letter to the church, he's talking about me and you to eat has been given and so right. They're just scripture justifies that these gifts are for us. And if they're for us, they should be active within us and through us. Yeah, I want to read a scripture and then you can dive in. You have some comments on this too, but the Galatians chapter three, verse five, and we're just trying to prove that biblically, these gifts of healing should be active in your ministry and in your life. He says this, he said, I asked you Again, does God give you the Holy Spirit and work miracles among you because you obey the law? Of course not. It is because you believe the message you heard about Christ. Listen, listen what he said, does God give you the Holy Spirit and work miracles? It means that obviously, miracles are taking place. healings are taking place actively within the church. Without the apostles, he's writing to the church, not to the apostles. He's not writing a letter to Jesus. And so it's within the church. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Gifts, gifts are still in operation that day, we've seen those gifts. And I think what we'll get into that a little bit here just a moment, but you know, the gifts of healings over masscue. This? Why do you think some people don't believe that the gifts operate today? I think one of the biggest things is because they haven't experienced it. Yeah, I haven't seen it. I haven't experienced it. And it's very easy for us. We've shared this before to critique or criticize things we have not experienced. Yeah, absolutely. It is. I mean, that's even for an unbeliever, they've never experienced Christ. They've never, they've never said, why would they believe, right? So it's the same thing, really, in these gifts. I think many of them probably don't experience them. Because if you don't believe in them, and you're not acting in faith in that, right, then if you never do something, you're never gonna see anything. Like if you need if you never feel if I'm in a ministry that that constantly talks about, or against the gifts of the Spirit and how they're not for the day, and I never act in faith, even though I feel led to do so. If I never act in faith, I'll never see fruit of my faith in these gifts. And so, anyway, we talked about last last episode, how faith really was the hinge for the rest of these gifts. And a lot of us struggle, Pastor Jason with our faith and our logic. And what we see in our faith world, we had to try to figure out with our understanding, and it just doesn't work that way. There are mysteries of God, there are things we don't understand. And we'll share some miracles and stuff that we we've experienced that the only answer is that the gifts of the Spirit for Jesus showed up and he performed you can ask doctors, I don't know how this happened. I don't know how the lump lift. I don't know how the cancer disappeared. I don't know how you're progressively getting better. Something's done it. Yeah. It's unexplainable logic will not always explain what your faith is experiencing. That's why I think Scripture tells us that we have to have childlike faith. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what why God's telling me do what he's calling me to do. I don't know why he's telling me to stop what I'm doing to lay hands on this person. I don't know why he wakes me up at three o'clock in the morning and tells me to pray for people. Yeah, like, I don't know why. But I just know that I have the faith that if he tells me to do it, I'm gonna do it. Yeah. Scripture tells says that we are co workers with God. Right? God works through us to do the miraculous, yeah, to do to do these things. And if we never act in obedience and act in faith, we'll never see these things happen. Yeah, that's right. I do wish that Jesus would just have us do things at like 10 o'clock at night and o'clock in the morning. But but you know, he does it. You know, there's, there's times where I've been in services. And the Lord is just like, hey, stop praying over migraines. And you know, I get people coming up after service. I needed that I have my grass shouldn't even kind of church today. My head hurts so bad, but you started praying and released. See, the gifts of healing is not just I've got to lay hands on you. And I've got to do a certain way. Jesus Himself. Yeah. He said, he spoke a word and people were healed. And if you look at scripture, he says that you will do even greater things that I've done. If Jesus can speak it, we have to have faith. There it is, again, faith in the gifting that God has given us. And healing can take place. We don't have to understand it. We just we just follow the leading of the Spirit who gives the gift and leads us for it. And to it to what to what he's called us to do with it. No one on the other side that are of our obedience is the miraculous is gonna happen. That's right. It's all about obedience. Brother. Yeah. So when we talked about at the beginning, it says, The plural gifts of healings. What do you think that when we talk about gifts, that kind of kind of sounds like there's multiple so what do you think when when we say gifts of healings? What do you think that means? So when you look at gifts of healing, if if he only said the gift of healing, and there's so many diseases, there are so many ways that someone can be healed, that can be healed emotionally, spiritually, physically? I mean, there's so many ways and so he put a pillow because what I loved this, he didn't limit. What could be healed. Yeah, eat it. Oh, I feel that right now. He didn't limit it. Don't let the devil tell you that you're too far gone to be healed, that you're too sick to be free. You're too bound to be set free or be healed and delivered. God can break every chain. God can heal every disease. God can set the captive for you to stay bound to stay broken. God can heal you because he gives us the gift of healings. Whatever it is that is upon you. That the Lord didn't give you he can free you from it. And that's why because there are so many things I can Did you know, Pastor Jason weekend heal people just by loving them. Yeah. People that are emotionally bound who just need to be loved. We can sit them free. And he says, You know what if you don't have love, you don't even need to be doing any of this. That's right. You're just like a clanging cymbal. Yeah, in fact, I'm filling it right now. I'm thinking that we're whoever's listening to this right now. I'm just hallelujah, I'm just gonna pray in faith right now. If you are listening to this right now, when you are in need of a healing, I just declare that God's divine power right now over your body, through His Holy Spirit from the inside out that you would be healed from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. We thank you for the healing right now. God is taking place. somebody's listening right now. And somebody has the faith Lord God, I declare it right now God, that healing over their body, that healing in their body, hallelujah. Lord, God, touch them right now. Right where they are, Lord, Father, I pray that they feel your presence, even as they listen to this little God as they watch this right now for them, that they would feel your presence wherever they are, whether it's in their car in their home, they would father they would feel a shift in the atmosphere, loving father, they would feel something in their body shift and I prayed that for joy, Lord God, where the enemy would try to bring depression. Lord, Father, I pray for joy. I pray for peace, Lord, where there seems to be chaos with God right now. Thank you, Lord. Father, we praise You. We worship you in Jesus mighty name. Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. You talk about the gifts of healings as well. And I've truly let me just say, I truly believe like, I just I felt that option to pray for somebody who's listening who's going to be listening to this, and I see them sitting in their car right now. I see them sitting in the car, like they weren't they, they're driving. And, and I like and it's funny that the way, you know, I get a vision sometimes. But what I see is, they're driving and the Holy Spirit's filling that cart right now. Anyway, and I'm looking forward to hearing that. Yeah. So if that's, if that's you, please, please reach out and let us know. I'd love to be able to share that just to encourage people that these gifts are for today. And so, but we talked about these different healings and in the healings can be for your mental healing. Yeah, they can be for your spiritual healing, your emotional healing your physical healing, like it's not just a body healing. It could be in whether it's in your body, mind or soul. Yeah, yeah. Talk about how the joy can heal. Yeah. So we were sitting here talking about this particular topic. And I'm like, you know, what's so funny is scripture says that, that laughter is like a medicine. And so I think if you can be praying for a healing or asking God to heal you because of your depression, and then somebody with some joy comes in. Yeah. And then you've met these people before who were so joyous man, they infect a room with joy, they come with a peace about them. And I think that's the gift that's a gift that operates in people. And then they carry that and then they pull people out of their misery, their mental anguish. Yeah, that's right. Misery loves company. But joy can set the cap on somebody who can't get to Pentecostals on a podcast. I'll be honest with you, we kind of entailed in the past Oh, we have episodes. We've been trying to kind of tiptoe around a little bit let people see who we are now. We just gotta let it go. I love it you know the gifts of healing and endings I love how it's not it's not boxed in Yeah, it's God's not Buxton. Exactly. But we do box him in a lot of times even in in people that don't think these things are operating is because it didn't happen this way. And this wasn't the song This wasn't a leader. This wasn't the person the atmosphere wasn't right. I'm gonna tell you one thing miracle can happen in any room and atmosphere that Christ is absolutely absolutely amazing. Do what he could perform a miracle at the club, he could perform a miracle at the drug house, you can perform a miracle in the bar, it doesn't matter where it is, right? It doesn't matter where you're at, the conditions don't have to be perfect. Yeah, that the perfect God just needs to have room to come in. And so and you've received that, and you know, you think about the gifts of healing and we all have different gifts. I've seen different gifts operate where I've been able to heal certain things and there's certain things that are just that gift were just not operating for for me. I've seen you'd be able to in service to be able to heal and things that I haven't personally had that gift operate. And I'm only sharing this because I want to go ahead and break the comparison barrier. Yeah, that my gift of healing has to look like your gift of healings Right? Like I'm better keep a mouse on that but you don't have to do it there's not a certain way a cookie cutter way for healing to take place and that kind of stuff just be led by the Spirit I think you know that's that's watching Jesus healing ministry though. He didn't just because he made mud mud cakes, right? You read it in Scripture and makes the mud case and put some of these guy's eyes and his eyes are healed. He doesn't then take mud cakes and put them inside people's ears so that they could hear or wrap it on their ankle so that their ankle would so that a broken bone would be healed like, like he, he did things the way he was led to do the way he said, I don't do anything unless I've seen the Father beforehand, do it. So God would tell him what to do and how to do it. I was in a deliverance session one time, and God said, Throw some water on this person. And I'm like, wait a minute. You want me to throw some water on this person? I poured water in my hand. I actually, before I put the water in my hand. I said, I said, I need to know right now. Do you trust me? And the person is like, dude, what do you mean? Do so do you trust me? Do you trust my spiritual gifting? Do you trust that I hear from the Lord? Yes, I do. So I poured my hand full of water. And I sit in the name of Jimbo after that water all over her. Yeah, I'm glad you didn't throw the bottle. Well, you know, you know, throw it a bottle. Yeah. But no, I mean, so there's the leading of the Spirit, this spirit will give you the leading and what to do. And let me let me help somebody with this. Someone who does something in in fear. Let me tell you, this is not your gift anyway. It's not your gift. You're Not You don't have to worry about doing something and then you looking bad for it. No, this the gift, God gives the gift severally as he wills, meaning he divides it and gives it the way he wants to give it. And so just because you pray for somebody right now, when they're healed, doesn't mean that the time you pray for you got to be led. But just because you feel led to pray for somebody now when they're healed doesn't mean the next time you pray for somebody that they will or won't be healed. That is his gift. There was even a passage in scripture where the disciples saw people delivering other people and they said, What will make them stop? They're not one of us. salutely? And Jesus said, no, no, let them continue. Because if they do anything in my name, they're not against us. They're for us. Yeah. And it doesn't matter what it looks like, or a matter how you're going to look, put it on God, be led by the Spirit, it's feared has led you to do something, God's there, and he's going to make the things happen. And don't look at somebody to say, well, that's not how we did it. That's not how they should go. They're not a part of our denomination. They're not a part of our clique that are a part of our circle. And if they're if they're exalting God, there's no harm. There's no, there's nothing against the kingdom there. And we will try in the sake of religion, try to take something that's worked for somebody else and make a religion out. So I wouldn't say just because you saw somebody blow air in somebody's face, don't go blow air in somebody's face and expect something to happen. I mean, I'm serious. Like, don't go take your jacket off, because being handed and slap and slap people with I mean, don't mimic other people just be in the lead by the Spirit and do it the way that God has called you to do it. If he tells you to pour water in your hand and throw it, like just do it. Yeah. And God will move out of your obedience and faith, man. Yeah, absolutely. And we don't have a clue. We don't know. Why did did Jesus have to make mud pies and put on the guy's eyes? Right? I don't know. I mean, he did it. He did it for a reason he was acting in obedience. He would say, well, we're not Jesus. No, but you know what Scripture says that the Spirit of the Living God, the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in us, right? And so if you can, anyway, the people frustrated me, man, when it comes to what gives? Look, man, God can do anything. That's right. God can do anything unlimited. He is unlimited. And God can use anything. That's right. And so anyway, we could go down that road. But if you don't keep on pushing, stay on. Let me talk about real quick some the different ways of healing because we talked about the gifts of healings, there's also some different things scripture, let's talk about how you can go about being healed. So you know, Paul tells us, He says, Go to the elders of the church, let them anoint you and pray for you that you can be healed that way. Now, here's the thing, too, is that this is how is absolutely going to work? No, Paul tells us to do that. I believe it. I stand on His Word. And I believe it. So that is another way. Yeah. I think there's two standing on God's promises. And what God says that you will be healed if God says it, believe it is going to happen one way or another. Yeah, you will be healed. But anyway, I think a part of the thing is too is we try to use the gifts that God gives us the gifts of healings, we try to use them as a way. I'm trying to put into words what I'm trying to say here, we will use the gifts in a way, or people have been known to use gifts in a way to boast themselves instead of boasting God. And the truth of the matter is every one of these gifts I believe is given for the building of the kingdom. Absolutely. Like the reason I think a lot of times we don't see healings where we don't feel the assumption when Peter when Paul and then would pray for people think about this when Peter was walking the streets and people would lay people in his path so that his shadow would fall on them. That was drawing people that was for the expansion of the kingdom of God. And so as these healings and miracles are taking place, people it was drawing people then they would preach the word to them and they would be saved. But we want to We want we want to have the healings and then sit in our salvation and do absolutely nothing with why be healed if you're just going to lay there and do nothing with it. Yeah. But when the healing should be used to carry it out to the street, man, um, we've, we've talked about this, I think the last episode when we're in the T intersection, and we're praying for people, and this lady gets healed, and we close our eyes praying for these other people. But more people keep showing up. The only reason why that was so weak so that we could preach the gospel in the good news to him to expand the kingdom, that he talked about one lady who said, who said something about other gods? Yes. She said, You know, I asked her why she came tonight. And she said, Well, if you don't know this, Hinduism has 330 million gods. She said, I've tried all my gods stay. I'm gonna try Jesus. And I said, say this, you know, I'm saying, and I remember she was hunchback. She was hooked back, if she had to turn she had a turn her whole body to look. And you know, Pastor Jason, I was getting ready to pray and I just touched her. I didn't say one word, this let you know that has nothing to do with you. It's just all about your obedience. And and I felt it. I just felt it be released and not told Prakash, I said to her that she's been healed begin to sit up straight. And sure enough, brother, she's set up straight. Her neck had his functionality, it could move left and right. Or she could it seems like a new woman. And this lady is probably like seven or eight years old. And she ran until the whole village. But I love what you say about how these miracles and these healings that take place. They are to continue to employ us. Yeah, not for us to feel good about ourselves. And many of us, we want the healings because the healings can point glory to us. Yeah. Because we are glory thieves. That's why we would rather be seen in public then go to our private closet, and go pray. And when you seek this gift of the Spirit, it is for the common good. The healings are for common good. Not for you. These gives us spirit are not for you. Yeah, technically they are for you, but they're not for your glory. Yeah, they're for the glory of the Lord. And so we've seen so many healings in India. And it was not for us, but it empowered us to raise our influence for the Kingdom. Yeah. Because if the healings weren't there, what would the crowd be there? Yeah, why not? Why not worship? The other 30 333 100 30 million gods? She said, I've tried all these other gods. I want to try Jesus. Right. And she was healed. I mean, you know, we get a miracle after miracle paradise and I prayed for a woman and Chris, who's there with us that she would not have any kids in the next year. We went and we held that baby we prayed that she would have kids that's right. I mean, we've seen dislocated joints and popped right back into place. We've seen cancer reports and when we get back to the state we get a call that a cancer has been gone I mean that that is the miracles that God is still doing they're relevant today and they're active today. You just have to have the faith to believe them. And and then go out and do it. That's right. Go out be little to spirit. Go say would you say last week get off the couch summonin Cheetos and Pepsi and broccoli remember yesterday? He said Get off the couch. Stop some Cheetos and Pepsi's but be live by the Spirit. Yeah, but think about it's almost like in a way getting a bag full of Reese's Reese's cups. Right? I like Reese's cup. But you take Imagine getting a bag full. I mean, I mean a big old bag, not even a little family bag. I'm talking like the big bearable but yeah, the big bags. And so imagine sitting in your in your house, and eating all those receipt pieces or receipt cups by yourself. At the end of the day, you can be fat, you can be lethargic, punker had to diabetes, right? I mean, you gotta have these different things. But imagine if you carry that same bag out to the community and you start handing them out to kids. What's gonna happen before alone, you're gonna have kids all around you. That's right. And then you can preach the gospel to them. Exactly what those gifts are the little receipt cups. I love that. I love that. There's two things that I want us to consider we were briefly talking about when when you think in context of the gifts of healings and miracles, is that one is not for self exaltation. Yeah, it's, it's for the sake of love. Use these gifts for you because I love you and I expect nothing in return. This is where we have to judge ourselves, our heart our motive of why are we praying for this gift? And why are we operating in this gift or manipulating this gift? We'll talk a little bit about that last week. If we desire these skills for self, evaluate a exaltation for any other reason. For the benefit, we desire this gift for anything other than lifting up Jesus Christ. We struggle with this right here. spiritual self centeredness is that we have become the center of peace. people's spiritual walk, we have become the center of everything that is happening. I love. One of the pastors said this one time, he said, You are not at the center of what God is doing. You're not the center of what God is building. So get out of it. And just be a willing vessel. Yeah. And make him the center of everything. And when he's at the center of everything, everything progresses forward. And so one, let's make sure that when we look at this gift Pastor Jason that we have a pure heart with it. Absolutely. That we do it not for ourselves, but we do it for the glory. And we do it because we love people, and we want people to no longer be broken. Yeah. When people healed. And then secondly, is we're not, we don't heal, we don't have the ability to heal at our wheel. It's not like we can just summon healing, whenever you want. And this is an encouragement to you that you don't have to heal everybody you see. Yeah. You know, it's it's not it. We'll you can't. Paul himself couldn't do it. Paul. Paul had miracle after miracle after miracle. But he couldn't heal Timothy from his stomach virus. He couldn't heal his own thorn in his own flesh. Yeah, right. And he couldn't heal. How do you say that name? Your HIPAA for dhotis. From his life threatening, you know, illness? Yeah. So even even even the prophets how many of those prophets died of sickness? Right, but they were doing the miraculous. Exactly. I can tell you the greatest salvation isn't your healing of cancer the greatest I'm sorry that the greatest miracle or the greatest healing isn't of your isn't of your, your body, your or your mind is the healing of I was once headed to hell, and I'm not. Yeah. And you know why that is? Because it does mean no good to heal you from your diseases. But your heart is still callous to the Gospel. And you go to him, what you'll do is you'll go to hell healed. Yeah. And that's not the gospel. That is not that is not and so let the gifts look at wrap this up, let let the gift of healing whatever the gifts were Crickety to talk about point people to salvation. Sort of sure not to you. Absolutely. Yeah. Well, I'm good brother. If you are. Yes, sir. Hey, so you want to give him that priestly blessing? Absolutely. We've gone through the priestly blessing is coming from Numbers chapter six. And we just do this because we want to bless you. And thank you so much for listening. And we hope that you've been encouraged and equipped and even challenged, even in any allergy in your wall. I would even say this, if you guys have any questions or topics you would like for us to talk about, it's not too early to start asking for those if, if you have something you're like, Hey, I'm unsure I'm unfamiliar with this and and I would love for you guys to talk about this and bring some clarity to it. Hey, shoot us those messages. Yeah, make sure you send us this piece send this to people follow, share, like all that good stuff. So we can continue to get this stuff out. We just want to spread the gospel. The good news, we want to bring some clarity when I help leaders. I mean, that's what the podcast is about. So absolutely. Numbers chapter six. May the Lord bless you and protect you may the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace. Thank you so much for being with us and listening and watching. Share, Like comment. We'll see you here next week. God bless you. We'll catch you next time.

Pastor Seth's Family
Pastor Jason's Family
Seth's Sermon Review
Jason's Sermon Review
Main Topic: Gifts of Healings