Pastor to Pastor

Gift of discerning of spirits

April 18, 2023 Jason Watson & Seth Odom Season 1 Episode 9
Gift of discerning of spirits
Pastor to Pastor
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Pastor to Pastor
Gift of discerning of spirits
Apr 18, 2023 Season 1 Episode 9
Jason Watson & Seth Odom

In this episode of Pastor to Pastor, Pastors Jason and Seth talk about family, life, their sermons from the previous Sunday and the main topic on the gift of discerning of spirits. Is it relevant, necessary and active in the church today? Let's find out! 

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In this episode of Pastor to Pastor, Pastors Jason and Seth talk about family, life, their sermons from the previous Sunday and the main topic on the gift of discerning of spirits. Is it relevant, necessary and active in the church today? Let's find out! 


The gift of discernment. Is it active? Is it relevant? Do you need it? Let's find out together. Welcome the pastor, Pastor pastor said and Pastor Jason, we are thrilled that you are listening today. Thank you so much for following like in the comments. We're just grateful for this opportunity that we have, and we're glad that you're here. We've got a good one today, Pastor Jason. Yeah, I'm excited about it. Discernment is something that we desperately desperately need to be using this day in town. But hey, before we get into that, you know how we like to do it. Tell me man, tell me about the family. Tell me about Oh, brother, Deacon and Levi and Taylor. Oh, man, Deacon, Deacon, Deacon, man, our little puppy. If you don't know. My wife thinks he will always be a baby. And so he's on the couch snuggling with us. He's in the bed snuggling with us. And I'm like, when he gets 60 pounds. He's gonna think he can just jump on the bed and snuggle with us to the next year. So man, we're gonna it's gonna be rough in our house. But the baby Deacon, he won't be baby Deacon. Aren't you about to say 60 years old? He can be living long. years that won't be too long. But man Life is good leave. Still doing T ball and stuff and we're excited about that. So life is good, man. How about you your family? Awesome. Yeah, yeah, we're preparing for a we're gonna we're gonna get away here. One weekend soon. And we're gonna go to DC kind of before Colby goes to the to the military or off the training. We're gonna go to DC just kind of hanging out there. Look at some monuments, some museums and things like that. And but other than that, it's just it's a lot. I mean, we're keeping up with a lot, but we're blessed. Busy, but blessed is where I like to say a lot of times so. So yeah, but we're doing great, man. I'll tell you what we're gearing up trying to plan right now. It was a cruise. Oh, I'm ready for cruise. Yeah. Have you been on one before? One on a honeymoon? So almost eight years ago. All right. And I'm itching. Okay, I'm itching I'm ready. Is brother Levi going on this one? Two years. He's gonna go it'd be the first one. You don't know about it? Yes. Don't tell him don't know. But tell him now. Yeah, be awesome, man. Wait, I always say if if there's opportunity to go to Myrtle Beach for the weekend or go on a cruise. They cost about the same. I'd much rather go on a cruise. Absolutely. But anyway, hey, let's kick this off. Tell me what Sunday. I know you guys had some baptism Sunday. Tell me a little bit about about Sunday and lil bit about your lessons from Sunday. Oh, yeah, bro. We don't sprinkle we, Duncan. Come on. Wait, Duncan. And so yeah, baptism was amazing. I actually dedicated my message to teaching on baptism. If you're anything like me, I've never heard of an actual sermon on baptism. It's kind of something that you just do, because it's the next thing to do is in your next step process as a Christian and some of us have been baptized or has no meaning at all. Some of us did it just because we were told to do it when we were babies and didn't know. Yep, babies didn't know. And so I wanted to give our congregation a real understanding of, of why we get baptized. Is it relevant? Yeah. And what's the purpose of baptism? And so I taught, um, John the Baptist, baptizing Jesus and Jesus, telling him, you know, we must all fulfill what God requires all the things that He requires, we must all do them. I love that Jesus gives us an example of what it always looks like to follow Christ and submit under his authority. But I mean, how many people do you have to baptize to be known as the Baptist? You know, saying, like, John, do, you get people say, they're like, Hey, we got John the Baptist over here. He's gonna come baptize you. You know, it's the job of the Baptist baptized Jesus. And he commanded us in Matthew 28. He says, go make disciples, Go baptize them and go teach them. Yeah. And so I talked about how we want to duplicate ourselves. That's what it is. But the problem is, many of us aren't even fulfilling the commands that God has given us to do first. And so if we want to actually make disciples and duplicate ourselves, with a model that God teaches us in Matthew, we need to fulfill it ourselves. So one, you cannot make what you have not become so become a disciple. And then be baptized in water, water baptism, we're not talking about the spiritual baptism, but the water baptism, which are two separate things to separate things, right. And we distinguish those two things on Sunday, and then go and teach them to be obedient. The problem with this is that we're not fulfilling these things. And so we're duplicating our sales prematurely. And so we talked about that beat doing the commandments, because if you love Jesus, John 1415, if you love Jesus, he tells you, you DO what He tells you, you keep my commands. And so He commands us to do these things. And so it's necessary. Yeah, absolutely. And what it does is what's the purpose is solidifies us into the body of Christ. So when I publicly Give my love to Christ and get baptized when I come up out of the water, what I'm declaring is I now belong to the kingdom. I'm a part of the body of Christ. Every labeled that I carried the adorer, the sinful person, the the addiction person, whatever it is labeled it, you've been called, it stays in the water. And now you've been resurrected. And the only label that you have is a son and a daughter and a part of the Kingdom of Christ. And so here's the problem, many of us get baptized. But when Monday comes, we're the same person that we were on Sunday morning. And when you get baptized, you're declaring I'm no longer the same. Behold, all things become new. And so we put the pressure on them, don't get baptized just for getting baptized, but you better be changed, because now you're part of something that's going to hold you accountable. Now, you're you're saying, I'm a part of Christ, I'm a part of the kingdom. So now I'm going to hold you accountable. And so we did that. You know, it was a great thing. We had a couple signed up, we have one that just decided, Today's my day, I want to be baptized, and we spontaneously baptized her. It was just a phenomenal day, it was beautiful. I'm looking for the day when there are so many coming to Christ that you have to keep the baptism full. Because people are being baptized every well you look at this. If you look at scripture you see in the church today, you get saved, and you've got to go through a three step process. Yeah, before you can do your next step you got to go through, biblically, they got saved, they got baptized in the same moment, they converted to Christ, and they found on the Baptist. But even the apostles with you all through x brother, go blue author X, there's like five or six scriptures I gave where they got, they gave their life to Christ, and then they baptized him. They didn't delay it. Because I want to go ahead and seal you now want to solidify you now as a body of Christ and now want to hold you accountable. And you're going to live a certain way, and you're gonna do certain standards. And so, you know, yeah, I mean, he's just sitting here thinking too, about the last Sunday when I preached on Paul and Silas. And the prison guard didn't given his life to Christ. And he took him they went and baptized us that scripture really Yeah. And then they and then they both and eight. Yeah, the whole family. I noticed two times in the Scripture, it says that they came over and ate and at the baptism, all those things I said, so when we baptize you, you didn't invite us over to eat lunch. They feed us a little bit. Yeah, but this is what also love and I want to honor we want to hear what you preach Sunday as well. But if you'll notice, growing up, I always thought it was actually unnecessarily tall. It was just a thing that you only saw was, the pastor was the only one that baptized or someone in leadership in the church. But that's not the bulk of the model of Scripture. When Jesus commanded us, he didn't say go make disciples and turn them over to leadership to baptize or go find a pastor or an apostle. He said, No, you go baptize, so you want somebody to Christ, offer baptism to them. And so Sunday, a father was able to baptize his daughter, and you know, you can baptize a brother, you could baptize a sister because that's the beauty of the Gospel is that there's no titles. When you look at the scriptures and all these things, those things have their place in their mantle's. But when it comes to making disciples and baptizing, hey, we're all the same. We're on the same team. And so I've employed our our people, Hey, if you're somebody that that's close to connect with you that you've won to Christ that you want to baptize, hey, let's do it. Let's get them baptized. And you help fulfill their walk with Christ. Yeah, it's a beautiful picture. So how was Sunday for you? Man, Sunday priest that Heat Man, there's only one there's only once before me. Very true. It's either 100% or we just barely getting by. And so it's either zero or 100. And so it was pretty much 100 The whole time. I was excited. I preached on God of the impossible from Luke 137 nothing is impossible with God and I think we forget that sometimes we forget how God can make the impossible possible because with man it's not it may not be possible with God, all things are possible. And I think over time, as as we were leaving last Sunday, matter of fact, I was there was a bunch of dandelions in the back behind the church and I was looking at the flower and I thought about how beautiful they were. And then the thought of that's a weed came to mind. And I'm like, How often have we as adults received little flower dandelion flowers as gifts from children. And so they give us this flower they're given it to us because they love us and they want to give us something in their pre you know, they just appreciate the beauty of it. But then somewhere along the line somebody tells them it's a weed right? And then instead of just enjoying their beauty, we try to eradicate them from our from our from our yard. With I don't want a whole bunch of dandelions in my yard. But right but at the same time, I'm thinking about this process that happens over time. And I think the same thing happens to us in our faith. Over time. We stopped we stopped believing how impossible things are but how possible God is like we started Looking at impossibility, instead of possibility with God. And so my whole sermon Sunday revolved around don't allow somebody telling you what to we don't allow the enemy don't allow your experiences don't allow what people say, to tell you something contrary to the Word of God, you know this to be true, because scripture says it's true that these things are still available healings, and these gifts and life in general and eternity, and all those things are available, and they are absolutely a part of our walk with Christ and in our walk with God. And even though we may not we may not see that it's possible, they are possible because we serve a God of the impossible. Yes, right. He makes the impossible possible. And that's really what kind of in a nutshell what I was talking about Sunday, I said, I don't care. There are three examples of people dying, and Jesus raising them to live in, throughout the New Testament, and I was talking about how Jairus, his daughter had just passed away. And then I talked about the widow a name, her son had had been dead was in a coffin. And then I talked about Lazarus who had been dead so long, he was stinking, I said, I don't care how, how, if it just died, or if it's if it's been dead, I don't care if, if it is still in its deathbed, or its owner to ground if God has promised you something, I don't care what stage of death, it's in, that God is still the God of the possible. And then I even talked about the Dry Bones of Elijah, being thrown into the tomb, right? And then they threw that that other guy in there with him in a hurry. And when his dead body touched the bones of Elijah, he came back to life. And I said, it does not matter how dead that promise is, I don't even care if you're dead. The God we still serve God of the possible God of the impossible. He makes those impossibilities possible. And so I said, Don't ever let somebody bury a promise that God's given you. And don't you dare bury a promise that God's given you? And so that's really kind of in a nutshell, what I talked about Sunday, the God of the impossible. I love that. Yeah. So you can see why I was at 100. Yeah, I'm trying to contain my run around a little bit. I love it. Man. That's a beautiful picture of you know, and trusting God and His timing is timing is everything. You don't want to promise too soon. Yeah, you don't want it too soon. Absolutely. And even even Christ came when it was time when it was season. I mean, there were 400 years from Malakal to Matthew, in Scripture were gods just setting the stage waiting for the right time and in the right time it came absolutely, absolutely but yeah, so are you making want to preach the whole thing again? Man, man fired up. Oh, yeah, yeah, good. Hey, let's dive into what is discernment passages. Once you go ahead and do our our bases foundational scripture, we're talking about the spiritual gifts we've been talking about on fourth, I think this is the third week. Yeah, we're gonna continue to go through these because I think that they're very important. There's a lot of questions about them and a lot of misunderstanding. And so we're our hope is this will just bring some clarity to these things and prove that they are actually relevant in the church today. And you should be praying for these gifts, is first Corinthians chapter 12. Yeah, First Corinthians chapter 12. List all the gifts. Specifically, we're talking today about a piece of verse 10. So first Corinthians 1210 says to another works of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. So we are hitting on to another discerning of spirits. Yeah, the gift of discerning of spirits. And so you want to kind of dive into exactly what it is. Yeah. So it's distinguishing and judging the spirits that people are operating in knowing if they're really of God, or if they're the flesh or if they're of the enemy, and even the false teaching them prophecies being able to discern what you're hearing and what you're seeing. Yeah, I love what First John four one says, it says, Dear Friends do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit, you must test them to see if the Spirit they have comes for from God. For there are many false prophets in the Spirit. And so this gift of discernment helps us really figure this thing out. Is it of God? Is it of the enemy? Is it of our flesh, and being able to discern those things and you don't want to use the word discern, but it's really kind of judging what you're hearing and seeing the spirit, not the person. Yeah, yeah. So what does it do? What does it do? The spirit of the gift of discernment, it protects you from from what we would call bad intentions, bad morals, motives, false doctrines, that kind of stuff. It's it's very important for us because it gives us confidence in what we believe and what we know and what we see, when we're able to discern what is not accurate, what is false, and what is not of God. Because what you don't want to pester Jason is you don't want to get lit every word fall into your ears and into your spirit and into your mind. And you start leading off of those words. Yeah, having a gift to deserve. It allows you to determine what is actually from God. And it's actually for you. Yeah, absolutely. You have to be careful. And I tell this to our people all the time. I'm like, just because Pastor Jason says, it doesn't make it the gospel. Go read the Scripture yourself. Yeah. Go read it and make sure you know that the scripture you're receiving is, is interpreted correctly. I'm not afraid. I am not afraid of people questioning what's what's preached. I mean, some people are intimidated by it. Some people are scared of it. Some people don't want it to happen. But hey, if you doubt something that I'm preaching, I'm totally cool with you. Let's have a conversation on the side about exactly what was just taught, or exactly what was just preached? Yeah. And if I'm operating in the gift of prophecy, and does it make me a Prophet, I want to be first and foremost clear on that just because you get a gift of prophecy. Just because you release a word of prophecy doesn't mean that you are a prophet. Right? There's a difference between holding the office of Prophet and operating in the gift of prophecy. Yeah, because prophecy comes and goes, it is a gift. And Scripture clearly says it gives it severally as he wills, like he as he wants as he deems necessary, as it's needed for the building of the kingdom. And so, but just just did not that it happens all the time. But I'm not afraid of people, you know, having a conversation with me on something that I preach, just making sure that they're receiving some accountability as well, I would say that you would have some people with a good dessert spirit of discernment around you to help test your motives and your heart making sure you're still in aligned with what you're teaching, not just what you're hearing, and preached in the mainstream. And I want to say not that they're trying to be divisive, because we know if God hates anything is somebody who's divisive in a church, but that they are from a good place. So you can do things, and we compensated about this, you can do things in the wrong attitude and be wrong, do the right thing and the wrong attitude and be wrong. That's right. You can go to we've got some examples here, I think we'll get into in just a moment, but it definitely does disarm it protects you. It protects you from bad intentions, bad motives, and false prophecies. Were let's talk really about what is not. Yep, yep, yep. And then you have a great example of this one is not as not judging based on flesh. Yeah, it's not. So I think what can happen over time is we get we get accustom or we start seeing a pattern in people's flesh. I'm a police officer. And so when I, I've been doing this for a long time, so I kind of I kind of know people's, what we call nonverbal cues. Like I kind of know how people act, how they respond. If I know if I pull someone over, I get them out of the car, and we're talking, and they start looking all around. I know they're looking for something, and it's probably an avenue of escape. So when I see that I can, I'm judging based on my experience, and based on what I'm seeing, I'm there, if I start pulling up their pants and looking at the shoes and pulling their drawstring tight and like, or if they're starting to or another example, someone gets out, and every time they're touching the side of their attention to hit him, give him accuse away by the way. But they're touching their hip, I know they probably got something in their hip that they want to make sure still there could be a gun, they're checking their pockets, or they're checking another area of their body where they're hiding something like drugs that they want to make sure still they so you start picking up on these on these habits of people. And some people will label that as discernment. And this happens in church too. And oh, yeah. And they'll start labeling this as discernment. And that is not what the gift of discernment is, that I don't want to be clear that that is the spirit of the spirit. It's not of the flesh, it is of the Spirit. All right. And so I think that this happens in a moment that all of the Holy Spirit will reveal to you that what you're hearing what you're listening to the environment that you're in, is not of God. All right. Yep. And we looked up, we did some studying on this. There's a list that they had of what deserve it was not and I thought it was great. Yeah. Yep, it is a couple of these things. And we can we can dive into these but they're really self explanatory. And I think we've all possibly been in church, any amount of time or you've been on social media, we're gonna hit some of these things as well. You've experienced discernment is not the ability to destroy any Christian that you disagree with. Yeah. All right podcast over there it is right there. Yeah. And that is not the gift of discernment, as Jay said, just because I disagree with you, doesn't mean I'm just discerning and I'm more spirited than you and I know more than you that is not what this this spirit of discernment is. And we see a lot of that yeah, we try to one up each other and discernment is not the spiritual headhunting. What what that would be is making a highlight on Instagram of how wrong every popular preacher or teacher is because they If they think differently on you on like secondary issues and stuff like that. Another one is discernment is not having a bold voice or strong personality nor the ability to use them to multiply followers. What does that mean? The spirit of discernment is not something for you to use to bring glory to you. It's not something that you just showcase. Actually, people that have the spirit of discernment, typically are wise enough to pause for a minute. And just because they hear or see or feel something, they don't always act on that feeling. They they go to the Lord, quick to listen slow to speak. That's right, quick to listen, slow to speak. And then we got a couple more discernment is not piping up the day of controversy, which means you're quick to share opinions before you actually process them with the Lord. And we're going to talk a little bit more about this, of from experiences discernment is not blasting people in comments, assuming you know, their every standpoint, it's not making broad assumptions or thinking the worst of fellow believers and deserve it is not putting words in people's mouths and wasting precious Kingdom moment. slendering the body of Christ. A lot of these things that I've read, they deal with your flesh, what what it is not, you're dealing with the flesh of how you can be little someone else, and make yourself more of a likeness figure than somebody else. And we've got to be very careful that we don't distort this gift because it would be taken away from us if we if we abuse it. And so it's just as it's just an important presentation that we know what it's not that we know what it is. And there's some biblical examples of where this gift is actually operating and how it teaches us to properly use use this gift. Would you share a couple of them? Yeah. So in Acts 16, there's a story of Paul, who's him and Silas have been sent to Macedonia, and there's this woman following them around. And she's like, Oh, here's a man of God hears a man of God, right. She's following him around and shouting, and also has had groupies. She's following him around. And she's shouting, and she follows him for forever. Paul never addresses the woman until he just had enough. He's like, all right. So he turns around, he tells the demon to come out of the woman. And she's delivered, just like that. And so actually, I think if I'm not mistaken, I had to go look back within the hour, she gets delivered, and so and then they end up losing the money all I get stuff. So even though Paul knew that the woman was, was operating in the wrong spirit, whether she was possessed or being used by an evil spirit, he didn't address it in the very moment that he knew it. It says that she followed him around, follow them around for a while, before he actually decided, Okay, it's time to get rid of this thing. It's time for it to happen. So it wasn't an instant, instantaneous moment. There's another example. And I've used this example several times in talking about how sometimes correction has to happen has to happen in the right way. But how Jesus corrected the spirit that Peter was operating in, whenever he's like, I've got to do the cross. And Peter's trying to tell him that he doesn't have to go and he's like, Yeah, all right, Satan, you know, paraphrasing, obviously. Can you imagine how could you imagine me and Peter being like watching? Oh, now Oh, now he's right. I mean, Jesus, correct about labels. I mean, we're but it's just Jesus had discerned the spirit that was operating the repeater that Peter was operating, right. And there's also one more example of the sons of thunder, like baby Thor's right running around. But James, and John, they're aggravated with some people, and they're like, Hey, let's call down fire to heaven on him. Right? And Jesus was, like, easy and easy to hold on. Yeah, you don't know what spirit you're operating in right now. And so there are some examples of of people operating in the wrong spirit, or people were operating in, or being used by spirit. And Jesus knew. Paul knew that these these people were not they weren't operating within yet. They were operating outside of the right spirit. And what comes to mind in these three examples that you've given is, first of all, I want the people to notice that it was a spirit on this woman. Yeah. They recognize the spirit. And many theologians would label it the Python spirit is a spirit that kind of blends in. Yep. But that actually is acts like they're there to support and help but actually there to divide. Yeah, and they acknowledged the Spirit. They didn't attack the woman, they attack the spirit that was in and so deserving. were deserving spirits, not people. Yeah. So we need to speak to the Spirit and not the person. And then what I also want us to recognize is even the apostles Jesus corrected them. So it doesn't matter what your title is How long you've been a Christian, how How long you've been serving in church? There are some times where you miss it. And you have to be corrected. You have to humble yourself and receive correction because we miss a pastor day. So we're not perfect. I've had I've had people correct me say, hey, you've missed us the Scripture. Here's what it really means. And I've said, You're right, you're absolutely right. We've got to be able to do that. Because we want to be better. Yeah. And, you know, I've been in a service before, where someone was prophesied over everybody. And my spirit was like, this dude is, I don't know what you want to label him. But nah, spirit was not he was missing the mark several times. They're there very often, and your spirit was, Holy Spirit was telling your spirit. And I actually prayed, I said, Lord, if this is what I'm feeling is true. Have him come to me. And sure enough, he came to me, Pastor Jason, and there was not one word in any sentence that matched any I had any accuracy to my life. And when you talk about knowing, we talked about what it's not, what I wanted to do is just call them out, bro, what you're saying is not accurate. It's just, you need to go take a seat. But I couldn't, I couldn't. And so what I did was, because you gotta you got to see us. Remember, we said, we're quick to listen, but slow to speak. And when you use this gift, it's not to belittle anybody. It's not to cause more damage in the church, it's actually to bring correction to help. Yeah. And so if you're using this gift, to attack people, you're more operating in a flesh with no submission to the Spirit. And so what I did, and I'm just giving you a personal example of how I've seen it operate, and it's encouraged me to know how to use this gift. I waited because I had no relationship with this guy. He was he was from a whole nother state. But the pastor friend of mine, I called him the next day, I said, Hey, listen, man, my spirit was very uneasy, that whole service and I said, Nothing he said was accurate to me, not one word. And so I don't have the relationship. But you do, please go have a conversation. He's missed it. I don't feel a type of way, because we all miss it. But somebody's got to hold him accountable. Because we're not held accountable, we'll just keep missing it thinking that we've got it all together. Because that's just how we operate. Man. That's just how it is. And so you've got to be you got to be slow to slow to speak, quit to listen. And if you're being led by the Spirit, don't be led just to know, they'll be led and and know how to act upon what you know, well, no, I had a similar instance. I was in a service. And I was a part of a church. And this this person came in and was a guest speaker. And I still to this day, I don't know I never followed up to figure out you know what it was or anything but but as soon as she started speaking, service was great. The moment she started speaking, Holy Spirit, discerning of spirits gift, I just, it did not resonate well with me. In fact, that was almost I was extremely concerned about what was being spoken. And it wasn't the word that was spoken per se as much as it was, I don't know if it was the motive or intent or what it was. But I'm just telling you that did it. I felt this, whatever they're saying, whatever they're doing is not of God. And so I instead of just getting up and walking out or stopping, standing up and rebuking or whatever. I just started praying, Lord, what do we do, I felt led to pray. So I just started praying that the words that were being spoken, were would wouldn't fall on on their soil, they would do their ears wouldn't be stopped up, and they wouldn't receive any of what's being said. And scripturally. I don't remember there being anything wrong. What she was saying, I don't remember their mean anything wrong. But it was just whatever, whatever spirit was operating through her was not resonating with my spirit. And Holy Spirit said, no, yeah. And so I just began to pray against over the people who were there, and over and against whatever she was speaking. And it's so important as leaders that we pray for this gift to be able to discern because as as a shepherd, we're leading sheep, that maybe have not reached that level of spiritual maturity. And that's one way that we protect them, we God and we, we protect them. And so being able to discern that and pray against it, put a block on it. Man, that's huge for your church. Because if you didn't have that gift, you don't know what could have happened. You don't see you don't know what God saves us from the spirit protects us from it's so important. Another example that I think about, and I want you to share it because it's really it's really your story, but we were there in India. And if you don't know, India, when you do prayer time, everybody wants prayer. From Americans. It's just a thing. It's just what it is. They would go in law day to go we do like we call them Walmart lines. And we'd open up our cashier Yeah, and y'all were close your cashier Line early and I will be there for longer praying for people. That's right. It's a huge deal. Daiki every line, I've told me, I'm like you've been prayed for twice. I'm not praying for you again. But it was like two o'clock in the morning. I was sleepy. But what you'll note, and this is a gift of discernment, where we've all experienced this and India is you will notice that when you're discerning the spirits has someone has, they typically won't make eye contact with you if they're if they're being led by a very divisive spirit. And we were praying, I want Jason Pastor Jason to share the story about one word, the Lord, just really the Holy Spirit just had him stop as a brand once you share a little bit about Yeah, so we had just come in, you know, they flood they flood down to the to the stage, anytime you want prayer, and a lot of times you say, hey, for this specific reason, right, but didn't matter, they all come down anyway, they just want to be prayed for they want to be they want to be prayed over. And I really admire their desire for a man or woman of God to pray with them and over them. I mean, they anyway, but we call everyone down. And so we go off the stage. And as we're exiting the stage, there's a lady there. And I think Chris, you know, prays for her lays hands on or lays hands on her head. And he's actually the one with the mic. So he's speaking, and he just keeps moving. And I go to I'm kind of walking behind him trying to help and, and I get to the girl who just prayed for and Hoedspruit said stop. And, and I don't use his word. So he's like Terry with her. And I'm like, Tiritiri again, I'm okay. I'm gonna stay here with it. Right? That's old school word, right? Yes. From God. So, so I stood there with her. And I'm literally just standing here staring at her and you and you're right. She wouldn't look at me. She wouldn't do any of that. She was like, looking down and just, but you could tell something was something wasn't right. But the Holy Spirit just gave me that discernment said that, you know, you need to stay with us. So I just out of nowhere, the omission of the Spirit just laid hands on and I said the contract made with you years ago is now void in the name of Jesus. And she doesn't even speak English. There is no way she knew what I said about her. And if she were going to just fall out, she would have done it when Chris when Chris touched her, right. But the moment I laid hands on her, she just failed to her knees. And now all of a sudden, this the snake God is what we found out later ends up manifesting itself. And we ended up spending the next was six hours for six hours trying to delivering this girl from this spirit. Yep. And so yeah, that was absolutely. And you know, really Pastor Jason, if you look back this, this has become one of our strongest testimonial stories of the power of God in India, of what we had to do. We had to tear we had to pray, we had to lean in on the spirit. And it's one of my favorite stories, a tale and the results that came afterwards. But if we didn't have the gift of discernment of the Spirit and knows, nobody would be delivered. Yeah, if we didn't have the gift to deserve the spirits that are coming out against us. And so it's more, it's just more than being able to determine if somebody's saying something wrong. Yeah, it's so much deeper than that, that you have the ability through this gift to set people free. Absolutely. And I'm gonna say this, and if you've got anything else to say, you can but one thing back to what not to do, we talked about the flesh is be very careful that you don't label the gift of discernment with your opinion on somebody. Absolutely. Just because you don't like this person or like what they're doing. Don't say, Well, my discernment is telling me this about them, especially around people who are looking up to that certain person or looking up to you. Because what you're doing now is you're damaging someone's testimony, somebody's story, and somebody's ability to grow even in this gift, because they were never given a proper example of what it looks like. And so if you can't do this without operating your flesh and get your opinion out of it, then it's best you don't label it, to gift of discernment. Yeah, absolutely. No, I think I think we've we've we've covered it really well. There's a lot of great meat in here that I think people can listen to and chew on and, and if you have any questions I as always, we invite people send us a message, shoot, shoot us a message, and we'd love to conversate with you. And if you have any questions, just reach out. Absolutely. Hey, I want to bless you. Before we leave. Pastor Jason said bless them less than we let priestly blessing him. Bless some real good. It comes out of Numbers chapter six. And we say this every time because we're praying this over you. And we're believing this for you. We want you blessed. We want your favorite. We want God to protect you. And it says this, may the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his piece. We love you so much. We're so honored that you took time to listen. Thank you so much. We'll see you right here next week. Absolutely. God bless you.

Pastor Seth's Family Update
Pastor Jason's Family Update
Pastor Seth's Sunday Review
Pastor Jason's Sunday Review
Main Topic: Gift of discerning spirits