Pastor to Pastor

Is The Gift Of Prophecy Fortune-Telling?

April 24, 2023 Jason Watson & Seth Odom Season 1 Episode 10
Is The Gift Of Prophecy Fortune-Telling?
Pastor to Pastor
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Pastor to Pastor
Is The Gift Of Prophecy Fortune-Telling?
Apr 24, 2023 Season 1 Episode 10
Jason Watson & Seth Odom

Pastor Jason and pastor Seth talk about family and what’s happening in life. Pastor Seth talked about healings that took place this Sunday and shared points from his sermon on Fishers of men and Pastor Jason gives highlights on his message from Sunday about the faith of Daniel and how we should emulate his life and dedication to his faith, even in the face of trials. The main discussion was about the gift of prophecy. Is the gift relevant, necessary and active in the church? What is this gift and what is it not. 

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Pastor Jason and pastor Seth talk about family and what’s happening in life. Pastor Seth talked about healings that took place this Sunday and shared points from his sermon on Fishers of men and Pastor Jason gives highlights on his message from Sunday about the faith of Daniel and how we should emulate his life and dedication to his faith, even in the face of trials. The main discussion was about the gift of prophecy. Is the gift relevant, necessary and active in the church? What is this gift and what is it not. 


Hey, the gift of prophecy is more than fortune telling. Let's talk about it hey is Pastor the pastor, it's time for another one pastor said, I think this is our 10th one and Tom. It's been two months already more we've just been pushing these things that look they have people have been connecting. They've been blessing, folks. And hopefully you guys have already found some value in it. And we look forward to diving into this topic. But first, you know, pastor said from reliance church in North Carolina, so I'm Pastor Jason from Crosspoint here in North Carolina as well. Pastor Seth, how about let's hear let's hear how the family is doing. Let's start with their family is doing fan tastic. Man, Levi has his T ball games coming this week. Okay, and so twice a week I'm gonna be on the battlefield cheering him on. And we're just good. Like, nothing's really changed since last week. But what kind of parents are y'all when it comes to sports? Well, I will tell you this. He will know if he don't do good. With the crowd. No, if he don't do good, we will cheer him on man. He's six years old. He's learning we won't be those parents. When encouraging to get better. He loves it. And we don't want to be those parents, you know, that makes him not love us, or try to put the referee in the headlock. That's right. That's right. Because of what they say, you know, that might happen. You know, only hands on that's from the south side of that kingdom. Is going your way been going great. Going great. Actually, I haven't actually been announced this yet. But I took on a new job. And so actually our recording times even changing because of that. So we're I was working tins from like Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Now it's it's it's Monday through Friday. So even our prayer on the corner time is going to change. We were doing it Tuesday. Now we're going to move them to Saturday's but I've got to we haven't don't plan to be out there Saturday, we are still trying to get the dates. And to get that started to get that moving again, because it's gonna be a change. I've kind of taken a promotion. And so some things change. Yeah, a promotion, as some people would say comes from the Lord. And actually, some of what I've talked about today on my sermon, I'm going yeah, let's hear right into that. So we talked in Daniel six today, we talked about this being a faithful tank, and you're like a tank. Man, I had this 1980 car, it was a pickup truck. Whenever I first started driving my dad got and it was an old 1980 It had a 22 Our engine in it. And this thing was a tank. Come on. Now. It was a it was small, it was white. And the only reason why you knew it was white is because that's the only thing that held the rest together. It was little few paint chips here and there that held that held the rest together. But this thing would, it would didn't matter what you put in it what you did with it. When you put the key in the ignition and turn to switch it was going to start. So I thought it would take me from point A to point B in fact, we had this we had this dirt hill out where I lived at. And they would come in with Excavator or excavators but our front end loaders and they would scoop the dirt out, put it in the trucks to go to haul it off. And then there would be nobody out there. So they've made the perfect cliffs, dirt cliffs for dirt bikes, and for four wheelers. And for my pickup truck is one of those people man I'll tell you my first truck it went through it it went through the wringer. But every time I stuck the key in it no matter what we did to it, no matter what I put in it, no matter what I put it through every time I put the key in it, that thing would start and go and always got me where I needed to go. And so I talked about Daniel, we were Daniel six, and we were talking about Daniel's faithfulness, how he wasn't the one with all the bells and whistles. He didn't part the Red Sea. He didn't run the kingdom like David did. He didn't have the strength of Samson. There were no bells and whistles. But what was his super strength was his faith. Yeah, having that faith like Daniel had and I'm telling you, we didn't even get into the lions den because we were talking about everything building up to the lions den, how the people who were with him were jealous that say traps and the other governors were jealous of his position. But what got him in position was first of all his faithfulness to God and to his it said he had a spirit of excellence. Yeah, I mean, every he took care of every detail every little thing. I mean, he was he operate everything he did, he did for the glory of God. And he did and he did faithfully with God and through God. And so even when the king sign the decree saying you won't worship anybody, you won't pray. The first thing Daniel does is he goes home, he opens his doors towards Jerusalem is Windows towards Jerusalem, and he starts to pray. Yeah. And it says that it was his custom from early on. Meaning he didn't allow the culture. He didn't allow the law. He didn't allow anything to change who he was as a man of God, because he remained faithful and he had lived a life of faithful a long, faithful life. He's you know, he was in his mid 80s When they threw him into the lion's den. Wow. And anyway, we're getting into that part next week, we're going to talk about the actual den next week, but that's where we talked about leading into it. You got to have faith, man, faith is our driving force, having faith to believe that even if as long as I'm faithful to God, the world can't touch me. Yeah. Daniel had that he had that mentality. That's also we know we've said this before without faith, it's impossible to please God. All right, that's where it started. hinges, so much of your walk hinges on faith, you gotta have it. It's right. I've reached on being fishers of men. Okay. Yeah, we're starting a new series called The journey in this concept of no matter where you're at, if your journey doesn't lead you to Christ, you're on the wrong path. And so we're going to go through in the next few weeks about areas where either God Jesus was moving. And he came into a place where people were and change their life, or maybe where people were on a journey somewhere. And God showed up and change their life and started in Matthew four, where Jesus is picking his disciples, I just want to say this, that Jesus changed the world with a bunch of sinners. Yeah, I mean, he didn't pick the same sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost, he picked those that were the least of these, and he changed the world with him. So be encouraged, i No matter where you go through where you're bound by God can still set you free, and there's still something in you for him to use. And so he comes up to him, and he says, hey, they're fishing, they're casting their nets. And he says, Hey, you come in, I'll teach you how to become fishers of men. And I'll stop there for a moment. Because it's so important that you understand when you follow Christ, it's not that you become more popular or famous, you don't come better or smarter, just greater or wiser, you actually become fishers of men. As he says, you will follow me, you will become an asset to the kingdom and we can build this thing together. And so we talked about I'm not an outdoorsman, passage, Jason, I don't know if y'all know me, but you know, I don't want to be outside of this is 72 with a cool breeze, you know, and I do know two things about fishing, is you got to have bait, and that you don't clean your fish before they get there, the more you get them, right. That's right. So I've talked about three types of bait or three types of bait to lure people into to a relationship with Christ is the gospel, the gospel that itself is enough, if the gospel is not enough for us, and we've got to reevaluate and realign ourselves back with scripture, it is enough. And so we talked about how just those words sometimes you ever been where you just need a word, and a word, it just changed your life in the same way we can use that, to entice people to learn to know that Christ loves them. And then number two, was our testimony, our testimony, have you lived through scripture where God has we talked about the guy where Jesus spit and make mud pies and you know, open up his eyes, and he went back and he started sharing. Throughout Scripture, you see where God healed people, and they went back to the town. And we saw this in India, and they begin to share their testimony. And Jesus began to get crowds and crowds and crowds following him, we have that same ability that we share our testimony that can really change somebody's life and be just what they need. And then I talked about, the third one was signs and wonders, Phil, it went to preach, and the sorcerer was there. And the sorcerer was using magic. And he was doing some powerful things. And Peter came to preach. But Peter wouldn't have been heard or been justified unless he had signs and waters to prove that. It's not just my words that are strong, but the power that I carry is even greater than what you're seeing. And he actually gets the source of received in the fall the same they all get baptized Hallelujah. And so we talked about signs and wonders, and how God uses those things. See, what we think we need to get people to church is gimmicks, because we think that we need to have the big lights, we got to pay people to bring people we got to we got to pay hundreds of dollars or giveaways and we've got to pay 1000s of dollars of events to get people to church, but people don't need gimmicks. Pastor Jason, they just need Jesus. Yeah. And I'm talking about I posted a couple of questions is one, the disciples, they dropped their nets immediately following Christ. What have you refused to drop that God has called you to let go have to follow him. Then what he noticed that he taught, he took what they were already used to doing. They were already used to fishing, he took a gift and a talent they already had and put a kingdom purpose to it. Yeah. What are you carrying that God has already given you that you're not using for the Kingdom? And so we challenged them in that way. And then I pose this to in the in the sermon was, if you're not fishing, are you truly following? He says, Come follow me. And I'll make you fishers of men, which means if I'm following Christ, I'm doing what Christ is doing. And sometimes we follow from a distance long enough to where I can see you, but I'm not affected by you. And if you're not fishing, if you're saved and you belong to Christ into the kingdom, and you're not sharing the gospel, you're not fishing. Are you really following Christ? Yeah, so that was kind of the basis of our message. And so it was good. We have a couple of healings Sunday. Yeah, you're telling me about it. Man, God just showed up at a dislocated shoulder. And he popped it back in place, but he still couldn't lift it and move it at all. And by the time we got done praying, man, it was up lift and moving around, bro. His feet were healed that had pain and swelling. It was gon, a God just showed up. You know, we're in this thing of spiritual gifts, or they act, man. I love that. We're talking about it. And now we're still living it. Yeah, yeah, I love that. And speaking of that, let's just go right into where we're at. It's a great intro to it is we are in the middle of talking about the gifts of the Spirit. You know what those gifts are? We've broken down a few and today, we're on a gift of prophecy. Yeah, go ahead. And once you think you've kind of got a good start for it. Is it for today? We talked about these these gifts. I think if one is for today than they're all for today, but this one specifically, I think Peter calls out when he quotes Joe to 28. And we'll share that yeah, he actually says it in Acts 17, which is a parallel of Joe 22 and 28. It says, It shall come to pass in the last days. Now I want to pause here and let you know the last days or or the days between when Jesus departs and his second coming. We are still in the last days right now Jesus has not came back yet to get his bride. And so he's talking about the present and even right in, let me just interject. Some people say well, the when the when that which is perfect is come that we won't need these gifts, the gifts will cease? Well, the Scripture isn't talking about the Scripture being the perfection he's talking about. It's talking about the second coming of Christ that was just perfect. When we won't need to speak in tongues, we won't need to give the feeling we won't need to get to privacy and wisdom and knowledge. We won't need these things when we're with Christ. So when that which is perfect is come when everything is made perfect again, we won't need these gifts. So that is also when we're talking about when perfection comes. That's good. Yep. So it shall come to pass on the last day says God that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young man Sal see visions, and your old man shall dream dreams. It is written for today, Pastor Jason, it is 100%. For today, just like you said, if one gift is for today, they all they're all been given by the same spirit. Our foundational scripture is First Corinthians chapter 12. And it talks about the spiritual gifts. And it says each has been given these gifts and that they are an operation by the same spirit. And it is definitely for today. So let's break down we know that it's for today. And what is it exactly? What is this gift of prophecy? Yeah, I think it's important that we describe you know, these different gifts because we there's a lot of, I think a lot of ideas of what it might be, there's a lot of days of what it might not be an in so we kind of put together a description that I think will kind of break it down so that we can truly grasp what it is. And so, prophecy, the Greek word for the gift of prophecy is Prophet Tia, which is the ability to receive a divinely inspired message and deliver it to others in the church. And these messages can take and on the form of exhortation, correction, disclosure of secret sins, prediction of future events, comfort, inspiration, and other revelations given to equip and edify the body of Christ. And it should always be able to be backed up by Scripture. Yep, absolutely always needs to be backed up by Scripture. We everything we should say not just prophecy, but it should be testified by Scripture. Absolutely. That's what Paul talked about when he talked about the Bereans. He's like, I love the fact. These guys study the word they know the word they test everything by the word. Accountability. Yeah, absolutely. Word always. He's coming out of it is definitely accountability. And it is a prophecy is a divine revelation that will be backed by this this, not just the spirit, but the word as well. And what is it not? I mean, we know what it is now. And now that we know what it is. Let's talk about what is now I know you fired up to talk about, man, if you've known me for any time, and you've heard me speak more than more than one occasion. You've at some point probably heard me talk about what profits are not or prophecies are not. And I just want to say I don't believe that prophecies are fortune tailings. Like they're not about what you get and what you receive. And it's it's not about you're gonna get a whole bunch of money or they're like Oprah everyone's getting a new car, you get a car and you get a car and we all get a car like it's not fortune telling that is not what the gift of prophecy is right? In fact, when we're talking about the house of prophecy or the office of Prophet in a moment, but when prophets are operating in prophecy, or when someone or even the the the average person whose gift with the Holy Spirit has the gift of the Holy Spirit or been baptized Holy Spirit when they receive that gift, that is not most often that is not something that is it's used to edify don't get me wrong, but it's more to bring comfort and knowing that God sees us that he knows who we are. A lot of times in the Old Testament when a prophet would show it with a word, which would be a prophecy, people were scared that they were showing us right. This ain't something they said, oh, let's get excited. Oh, and now, you hear? Yeah, right. They want to know, oh, the prophets coming the Prophet and gods come and what's he going to speak? And now we flocked to the province, right? If you say A prophet is coming, you don't pack the house? Yeah. Oh, put your hands on me. Oh, give a prophecy for me and do it. Look, when a when a true prophet shows up? We in the Old Testament, they were scared. Yeah, they were scared that a prophet was showing up because they had no clue what he was going to say what he was going to do, or he was going to call them out in their sin. Yeah, so it is not fortune telling this is not something where, like I said, with Oprah, where everybody gets a new car, and everybody's gonna get financially rich. And everybody's like, that is not what fortune that is that is fortune telling. And that is not the gift of prophecy, you get a blessing and you get a blessed, everybody gets a blessing. Yeah, that's not what it is. And you know, it's often commonly confused with the word of knowledge. Yeah. And they're kind of two different things, you know, the word of knowledge, the gift of word of knowledge. And we haven't brought this down yet, I'm just gonna give you just a differential script definition of it. But it refers to the ability to know facts about a situation or a spiritual principle that you wouldn't know in the natural, you know, like, hey, the Lord told me yesterday, you were dealing with depression. And I want to pray over you right now. Those are the words of knowledge that that I since you've been struggling in this and I just feel like I got a word for you to encourage you in a completely different type of gift and and function in the kingdom. And so we know that it's not fortune telling. And Pastor Jason is very passionate about this. It basically when you see it all the time you see people abused by this so called gift, a prophecy, but it being fortune telling. And then what we do is we let people down when that car don't show up. Yeah. And that house don't show up and it hurts people's faith. Absolutely. I mean, when you are when you're prophesying, those are obviously profit line profit. You profit lion. Yeah, when you are declaring it and here's a warning to we don't know where we're going to put this in at. But there's a warning to where we better be very careful when we put our lips together to form that the Lord says, Yeah, Yep, absolutely. Might as well go ahead and read it. Yeah. Deuteronomy 1820 says this, but the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my Name, which I have not commanded him to speak or speaks in the name of other gods, they, that prophet shall die. God did not play with people who put a word back by his name that he didn't declare. And you play in in really, really scary territory, dangerous territory, when you begin declare things that God never said, but saying it in his name. Yeah, you absolutely had better be careful. And I don't I don't, you know, in fact, the interpretation when you talk about the gift of the Spirit, the gift of prophecy, when that gift comes in, you've got to be very careful when you say, The Lord said, You better make absolutely sure that it is not your flesh. And it's not just your mind. And I believe that I believe a lot of people think that the Lord is telling them something. But I think a lot of times you get misled and it's actually your mind telling you to say something, you got to be careful that we're not weighing this any motion, but that we're but this is actually the Holy Spirit is speaking to us, and telling us what the Lord said what this says the Lord, as some people would say, and not just what says Jason or what says said there or anybody else holding the microphone. That's right. We got to be careful. Yeah. And true gift of prophecy. Pastor Jason really calls people out of their sin. Yeah, and brings them back into alignment of Scripture. It really very rarely I can't see scripture backing this that it would have anything to do with a material blessing. I haven't seen I've never seen a prophet in the Scripture talk about or even Paul teach you about when you go Prophet SAW Prophet SAW blessings are here on Earth. But you know, you've got to be very careful, be very, very careful. Most prophets should if you have this gift, if you're not allowing people back up, but scripture, to get them back in relationship to Christ to adjust from their sin and turn to Christ. You might want to really adjust what you're saying is from God, and it's really just from you. One thing I want us to look at is the difference between the gift of prophecy and then the office of a prophet. I know we've got a couple of things I'd love for you to share with what what that office does for the body of Christ. Yeah. So you know, if when you look into scripture, it says that God has given us these offices, these five offices for the building up of the church, and one of them is the office of profit. And as pastors, there's teachers as apostles, there is evangelists. And one of them is the office of profit. And so the reason why the church has the prophet is to it, they confirm the vision. They confirm the vision, they correct the vision. So if the vision ever gets off, or if we end up taking a left turn when we should have went right to alignment Yeah, they bring them back to alignment and they correct division they receive their I'm sorry they revive visions and you know this you can get going so strong for so long and you kind of get burned out you kind of get tired and maybe even kind of forget what they will bring revive division that God's given and they will protect the vision and they will expand the vision and they will bring warning to the people and they also judge the words of other prophets who may come in Yep, so people that have this get the prophecy will come into a church and a lot of them will come out here and just start to miss Oh yeah, prophesy and profit lion Yep, profit loss or Jason and Sam profit line and they'll come in they just saying God said God said you've experienced this. Yeah. And it just be way off. And and now it's got people concerned like, and I've experienced this personally, you've experienced it personally. And what happens is the office the profit of the house, Scripture even talks about this to where you they judge that prophecy, they judge those prophets and and it talks about being silent. If the prophecy is not right you that prophet the house, the office of the prophet would come in and a dress a dress that and it's still important that that house not everybody can do it, Pastor Jason it and it's not man designed, it's not man made. It's not man appointed either. So we got too many man appointed prophets or more but I just want to tell everybody wants to title because because these you'll notice that everybody chases the gifts that get more following for themselves. Yeah, you every corner has a profit somewhere. Every church has got two or three profits and profit cyst and all these things. Why? Because they were most enticing gifts because it gets you more followers and more popularity and more money and more accolades. And what happens is when the church is covered by the prophet and apostle is judging those words. Yeah. And is so needed in the in the body of Christ. And that's why Peter was teaching us, hey, we need this in the house. We need this in the body. Yeah, we need all five offices. And we need this gift to be an operation because it does it builds people up it edifies people that calls them out their sin like it has a job for the building up of the body for the expansion of the kingdom. Like there's a there's a reason why we have it. And that's what First Corinthians 14 Three says that but he who prophesies speaks edification as exhortation and comfort to me. Yeah, yeah, it comforts it builds you up. It is for it is for a reason. And we've got to have those operating. And when we don't have them operating, then you'll see some of the they bring things out and people that you really don't receive in any other office or any other giftings. Yeah. And so when we're in like the office of profit at the office of profit is missing in its congregation, then they're going to they're going to, they're going to not be able to have the vision confirmed or they're not going to be able to correct the vision or they're not going to be to revive the vision. So it's so important. It's so important that we operate in that gifting. There are some examples in the Bible, many, many Old Testament prophets. But if we're talking about the gift of prophecy, one in particular that I circled, and it's one that we have preached on several times. And that's that's when Peter Till's and in essence of Faraj that, you know, you you're gonna die, you're gonna die, you're gonna die. You're lying to the Holy Ghost, and you're gonna die. Yep. Then you want to share a little bit about the story? Well, well, no, you can share it because you talk about it all the time. And I think that you could do more justice to it with your passion behind it. And it's, again, this just proves that it is biblical. That is still in the New Testament, you can see a lot of prophets just to kind of give a baseline. In the New Testament, most prophecies were given that of the becoming Messiah. So after Jesus comes and leaves, these are where this prophecy where Peters kind of prophesied in that gift. Yeah. And so the, they're selling, they're, they're building the church right now. And everybody is selling their stuff. They're bringing the monies and things to the church, and they are distributing out to the people. And so and in essence, the forest, they sell some property, and then they come to Peter, one of them, the husband comes to Peter and says, Hey, we sold our property for this much. And the Holy Spirit had told Peter, they're lying. And so he's like, so Peters, like you sold it for this much. And he's like, yeah, for this much. And he said, You're lying to the Holy Spirit, and they're gonna drag your body out of here. And he dialed and then it was a little bit later his wife comes up and she said, and Peter asked her the same thing. So you sold your property for how much? And she says this much, and he's like, You're lying. And just like They drugged your husband dead out of here. They're gonna drag you did out of here. Yeah. And they give him a sign of it. Right? You go, they she drops and they drag her out. But here's the interesting thing about that story. This always stuck out to me. It said that fear came over the believers, they came over the people. And they continued walking in the teaching of the apostles. Yep. And and so while a lot of times we may see fear as a bad thing, we need fear and a lot of fear. Can I tell you that? Can I tell you that? Probably the one of the biggest issues that we have in the church today is that we don't fear God, right? We don't fear him. And I say, Oh, he's a loving God. And and I'm telling you, brother, when I read in Scripture on God, and when people actually see him and meet him, the last thing they want to do is run up and I will ask you a question. I got a question. Yeah. Yeah, that's the last thing. They be thinking. I remember reading, and it's a whole nother topic, but I'm just I'm on it. So we're gonna talk about it. We're talking about Isaiah, when he stands before the Lord. He says, I saw the Lord high and lifted up on his throne, and is his cloak field, his trained field, the temple, and things were shaking, and they were smoking. And the first thing Isaiah does is he notices he's his own sin. He says, Woe is me, for I'm a man of unclean lips. Yeah. I mean, so when you see any of it tells Moses, it's like, you ain't ready to see all this. You ain't ready for all my glory. He says, but I'll tell you what, I'll cover you. And as I pass by, I'll let you see me leaving. We have got to be fearful. And he said, Oh, it's a reverence. It's a respect it true. That's a portion of it. But I'm sorry, man. In fact, I was listening to John Bevere time on his new book, The off guard, which is great, if you haven't checked it out. I listen to it on audio books out plenty time while I'm writing to listen. So I listened to an audio book, he said, he went and sat with Jim Baker. And if you don't know, he was arrested for misappropriation of funds, it stores some a bunch of other stuff. And so he's sitting in prison, and John sat down with him. And he said, When did you when did you lose sight of of, of Jesus? And he's like, What are you talking about? He's like, Well, you're here, you did something. And he said, I never fell out of love with Jesus. He said, what I did is I quit fearing God. Wow. And the fear of God led him to he focused so much on the love of Christ, that He forgot the fear of the Lord, which kept him straight and keep him honest. But anyway, well, you know, circling, bringing that back to prophecy, exactly what I was saying, you've got so many people have no fear about what they say, none. There's no accountability, none. And they say whatever they want, again, because it's all eyes on me. And I can make you leave a service feeling good that God is going to do something that God never said he was going to do. You've put it on God and not on yourself. Yeah, in God's never said anything. And so it's still important. But you notice this, is that even throughout Scripture, these gifts, they're not to prove anything in us. But it is all to prove the authority and power of Jesus Christ. It didn't say they went and they just went and worshipped the the apostles after the sounds they didn't go worship. Philip, when I was talking about a message and didn't go worship Philip. They started believing in the gospel because of the power and the gifts and the prophecies that are taking place. But you're you're absolutely right, brother, we've got to have the fear. Fear, we've got to I'm telling you, we keep we keep relating back to India, but we learned so much there. I remember that. That night, we were in that room and Chris's nose just starts pouring blood. Yeah, we were smelling smoke. And I'm telling you, I was concerned. I was thinking this is on fire, then got no fire sprinklers in this place. We were looking around it goes Pfizer. It was what it was. But But no, we've definitely got to have it. And maybe the fear of law is something we'll talk about soon. But with you're good to go, I'm good. And I would say pray for this gift is one that Paul Paul says I wish they would all prophesy. He said tones edify the believer for prophecies edify everybody edifies everybody and so. But when you do a Pastor Jason, make sure it's from God. Make sure it's from God and make sure it's back and backed by the word and scripture. Yeah, your focus should be on on your own your faith not on being famous. That's right. But anyway, let me bless you guys. And we'd like to do the end of every last some blessing every, every episode, and it's just a priestly blessing that you can find a numbers six and 24 through 26. It says The Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. Lord, lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Hey, this is Pastor the pastor I'm Pastor Jason, pastors fifth. So grateful to have you on here today. Share, Like comment. We'll see you here next time. All right, God bless you.

Pastor Seth's Family Update
Pastor Jason's Family Update
Pastor Jason's Sermon Review
Pastor Seth's Sermon Review
Main Topic: Gift of Prophesy