Pastor to Pastor

Embodying Christ's Love: Cultivating a Purpose-Driven Life in Today's World

March 11, 2024 Jason Watson & Seth Odom Season 2 Episode 6
Embodying Christ's Love: Cultivating a Purpose-Driven Life in Today's World
Pastor to Pastor
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Pastor to Pastor
Embodying Christ's Love: Cultivating a Purpose-Driven Life in Today's World
Mar 11, 2024 Season 2 Episode 6
Jason Watson & Seth Odom

Have you ever caught yourself wondering if you're truly living in tune with your life's purpose? Pastors Jason Watson and Seth Odom, peel back the layers of this profound question. They brought insights from their churches, Cross Pointe and Reliant, sharing the strides we're making in our communities, such as a new school and the 'This Is Us' series. I also revisited the life-changing journey that was 'Man Camp,' reflecting on how these experiences frame our daily decisions and strengthen our resolve to lead meaningful, purpose-oriented lives.

Living out a Christian purpose goes beyond the pursuit of earthly success; it's about embodying Christ's love in every action and thought. Jason dissected what that looks like against the backdrop of today's culture. We delved into the countercultural message of the Sermon on the Mount and our study series that challenges believers to yearn for righteousness. The conversation served as a call to arms, championing the everyday over the extraordinary, and redefining fulfillment as a series of small, intentional acts of kindness woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

As we wrapped up our heartfelt dialogue, the excuses we often cling to when shying away from our purpose came under scrutiny. We confronted the temptation to sit back and wait for a 'sign' to act, emphasizing the importance of proactive service. I shared personal stories and biblical wisdom to reiterate the urgency of living intentionally and stepping out of our comfort zones. Before sending you off with the podcast's traditional blessing inspired by Numbers 6:24-26, we left you with a charge to share this message of hope and purpose, carrying it with you until we join together again. God bless you on your journey!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever caught yourself wondering if you're truly living in tune with your life's purpose? Pastors Jason Watson and Seth Odom, peel back the layers of this profound question. They brought insights from their churches, Cross Pointe and Reliant, sharing the strides we're making in our communities, such as a new school and the 'This Is Us' series. I also revisited the life-changing journey that was 'Man Camp,' reflecting on how these experiences frame our daily decisions and strengthen our resolve to lead meaningful, purpose-oriented lives.

Living out a Christian purpose goes beyond the pursuit of earthly success; it's about embodying Christ's love in every action and thought. Jason dissected what that looks like against the backdrop of today's culture. We delved into the countercultural message of the Sermon on the Mount and our study series that challenges believers to yearn for righteousness. The conversation served as a call to arms, championing the everyday over the extraordinary, and redefining fulfillment as a series of small, intentional acts of kindness woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

As we wrapped up our heartfelt dialogue, the excuses we often cling to when shying away from our purpose came under scrutiny. We confronted the temptation to sit back and wait for a 'sign' to act, emphasizing the importance of proactive service. I shared personal stories and biblical wisdom to reiterate the urgency of living intentionally and stepping out of our comfort zones. Before sending you off with the podcast's traditional blessing inspired by Numbers 6:24-26, we left you with a charge to share this message of hope and purpose, carrying it with you until we join together again. God bless you on your journey!

Speaker 1:

Hey, it is another episode of Pastor the Pastor. I'm Pastor Jason Watson, and along with me, as always, is Pastor Seth Odom. Come on somebody yeah how you guys doing today. We're so excited to be bringing this new episode to you guys. And today, Pastor Seth, we're going to talk about purpose.

Speaker 2:

Come on we got to talk about it, man. People are searching for it, looking for it. It's kind of like that song says looking for love and all the wrong. I think we look for purpose in the wrong places.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to get too deep into it yeah.

Speaker 2:

So how's things going? Your way, brother.

Speaker 1:

Going great, man going great. We've been wide open and it's almost like March has turned into the new December. We've been crazy busy. So many different things coming up Preparing for Easter, preparing for Palm Sunday, preparing right we just got Okay go ahead. We got it going, man. We're wide open but we are blessed man. God is blessing Crosspoint, blessing the school that we launched, and we're taking applications for that. If you're interested, go to Crosspoint, christian and Lauren Burke and check it out.

Speaker 2:

Just a little plug.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a little plug. Hey, you know, come out, fill out the fill out the ask for form. We're seeing an application and you can fill it out and send it back and see if we're going to be a good fit for you. We're taking applications for enrollment for next year, next academic year. So, we're excited about it, man. A lot of things going on. Tell me about Reliant.

Speaker 2:

Hey man, we're growing. God's doing some phenomenal things. We're in a series called this Is Us, so we're taking the whole month into Palm Sunday and the Eastern. We're just talking about who we are as a church because we don't want to be people who say who we are.

Speaker 2:

We actually want to live out the words that we put on the walls and on the screens and all that kind of stuff. So we actually had nine guys go down to man camp it's called the cave though and down in a rose hill, and if you know me, I'm not much of a camper.

Speaker 1:

I am a man, I am a manly man, but I shot some guns.

Speaker 2:

Jay, jay, I shot my first.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness, you can choose a big boy, mama my goodness man, hold on, hide your wiles.

Speaker 2:

All right, I shot my first AR-15 man. I loved it.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to have to go build me one. Are you going to build you one now? Yep, yep, yep.

Speaker 2:

Because, you know, my ultimate dream is to be a part of the SWAT team. The theme song of my life is Dun dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun dun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the theme song. Okay.

Speaker 2:

I just want to kick through a door, jay, just kick through a door, yeah, a door that's already loose.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one is already loose, one of those hollow doors that don't take much, that's right. Yeah, the way my knees are set up, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So we went to man camp and I'm telling you, if you've never taken me into a place where it's just you and God, not much signal.

Speaker 1:

Uh huh.

Speaker 2:

And it's just so much fun. Man, you had all kinds of games and manly games. You know that kind of stuff. We shot some skeet, played some basketball, done some tri-bore.

Speaker 1:

Did some basket weaving.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, none of that.

Speaker 1:

No. Basket weaving Some crocheting, nah no.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's what the women did while we were going. Oh yeah, alright, I hear you, but man we had services and like breakout groups, and I'm just telling you those sessions were so impactful just seeing men be vulnerable and creating a space for them to just share their heart with what they're struggling with. And people walking around, uh, free.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Coming back free and our men and I love hearing the wives seeing the change, talking about how they've seen the change since their spouses come back and uh, man, this phenomenal, um, next year we were me doing it, um too, and uh, we look forward to it. We had a hundred guys there, a hundred men, that's awesome.

Speaker 2:

We went from about 50 to 60 to now it's like a hundred. Some men, god's doing some great things and some I'm gonna do one for Reliant. You know what I'm saying? Uh huh, I'm gonna get the guns out there. I love the smell of that gunpowder but, it was good. Yeah, we had a great time. I'm excited about what we're gonna talk about today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Um, I know a couple of people who went out there with you guys and, uh, they come back raving about it, talking about how great it was and how much they enjoyed it and how thoughtful it was for them.

Speaker 2:

Two of your brothers, two of your brothers, son.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hey, man, look, I want you to go get all the Jesus you can get right, my God, won't they do it?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

Lift your hands right where you are.

Speaker 2:

If you're driving, then don't lift your hands. Yeah, hold them to the stairs. Spirit fingers they did.

Speaker 1:

Spirit fingers, yeah, but yeah, so let's dig right into it, man, let's talk about, uh, let's talk about that purpose that you were talking about, but you know, I think purpose can be found in different lanes of life. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think, uh, it consists of, if you, when you look at a life full of purpose, it really consists of a central thing. That's what, what we would say is motivating, the thing that aims your life. Um, a lot of people who cannot find purpose. They're all over the place in their life. They don't have many goals, they don't set many things in their life.

Speaker 1:

So, in terms of guns, they're like a shotgun instead of a rifle. Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 2:

That's right Purpose is the reason you get up. You know we've expressed this. I love to get up in the morning and say, okay, holy Spirit, what are we doing today? Yeah, like make sure I don't miss who you put in front of me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that I can fulfill the purpose in that moment. We're going to talk a little bit about that in just a minute. But you know, purpose can guide life's decisions. Purpose can influence your behavior. It can shape the goals that you can create in your life. No-transcript For some people, let's just talk about it. For some people, purpose is connected to their vocation. You know they find fulfillment and purpose in their job is very satisfying to them. You know you've heard the quote before find a job that you love and you'll never work a day in your life.

Speaker 1:

You'll never work a day in your life.

Speaker 2:

That's right, you know it. And for others, their purpose could be found. You'll see this in women a lot. They're in their responsibilities within the home. Like they, they are full of purpose, full of joy, full of passion when it comes to just leading leading their kids and serving yeah, and serving their family. There are some, and we're going to talk a little bit about this today is that we find our purpose in our spirituality, in our religious beliefs and the things that kind of shape and form us into who we are today.

Speaker 1:

So I just, I just thought of a sermon, come on, a series maybe coming up soon. All right, you know passion, sometimes we had the wrong passion for the wrong purpose. Passion for the wrong purpose.

Speaker 2:

Come on somebody. But anyway, go ahead Right on. I just want to share that with you. My God, you know, write that thing down so you don't forget it, son, yeah, some people find their purpose clearly to express aspects of their life and fulfill. I just want to say this you know, we're we're Jason and I, we're both Christian. We saved St Daffy's field with the whole ago, the whole ago. You know you got to take the S and the T off. You know what?

Speaker 1:

I'm saying Make it, make yeah, gotcha.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah. That's right. True purpose is found for the Christian. It's not found in the money, it's not found in the job, it's not found in all these materialistic things that a lot of times we shape our purpose on trending and followers and all this kind of stuff. It's found in how are we impacting the world with the life that Jesus gave us? That's right.

Speaker 1:

That's where we can find purpose and how much how much are you becoming the actual image of Christ yourself and making that impact that Christ made? And yeah, because ultimately that's God's purpose for us to become more to the image of his son, Jesus. Yeah, and that's exactly what we've been talking about. We are doing right now a study, a series on counterculture and how the world is culturally counter to the kingdom culture and how we, as Christians, have got to be living the life of the kingdom instead of the world, living the culture of the kingdom instead of culture of the world, and so that's really what we've been digging into and we have man. I think work tonight will be the seventh or eighth installment of it, and we have been and this is a Wednesday we're filming this right, but we haven't even gotten through. I think verse six is where we are tonight talking about hunger and thirst and for righteousness from the Sermon on the Mount.

Speaker 2:

You find out. You're out here exegeting the scripture, son. There ain't no isogees up in this house, no sir.

Speaker 1:

No, sir, but you know, and that's ultimately what it's about. It's about taking the word and renewing our mind, like unlearning the old stuff, the stuff that we, that we have to forget about, and relearning who Christ says we are, and you'll find purpose in what Christ and who Christ says you are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and the reason why we have this hunger for purpose and we have this desire to keep chasing, it is because you'll always find that you'll always be unfulfilled when you chase after things of the flesh things of the world Never feel there's right, and because of that, we're always chasing the wrong thing. I know this If you belong to the King, you adhere to a different culture.

Speaker 2:

That's right, that's right you adhere to the kingdom culture and when God's pulling you, drawing you. You're always going to have tension in your life where you feel like you're unfulfilled, and it's always because you're on the wrong path.

Speaker 1:

And you know there are people all up and you and I'm trying not to preach my sermon because I don't want people who sit in, who sit under, who sit under the preaching and teaching to hear the same thing again. But they can do. They get an extra scoop on there.

Speaker 1:

Right but yeah, it's people are. You can see all over social media, man, where people are hungering and thirsting for the wrong thing and they keep this hunger and they keep this thirst. But Jesus said if you drink of the water that I give, you'll never thirst again, that's right.

Speaker 1:

And so, but I talked about how we go in this cycle. We go from a desert to an oasis, a desert to an oasis, when God wants us to live in the oasis, and so being not just taking a sip right, but chugging the whole glass man, and continue to drink from what God's got for us and from his word and from being more, made more into the image of his son, jesus. And so, yeah, man, I think this is, this is like exactly, in a roundabout way, exactly what our series is on. It sounds like what you guys are on too, so I'm going to need you to stop drinking, mccool-aid man.

Speaker 2:

Oh, come on, we in the spirit my brother.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we on the same vine, sir.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, hey, let me just take a moment and just free some people on this concept of purpose. Okay, it's just a simple phrase. You were created For purpose, right, not just a purpose right, and I think this is where the enemy gets us. This Misconception is that we have this one big, singular purpose in our life, that it's the one thing we chase, it's the one thing we pursue. If we can figure out this one purpose, how many times we heard I gotta figure out what I'm called to do. I gotta figure out what my purpose is? There's people who are very close to me for the past 20 years are still trying to figure out purpose, and what happens is the enemy gets us distracted by focusing on this one thing, that we miss opportunities each and every day to be a purpose to.

Speaker 1:

Fulfill purpose each and every day of our lives and, ultimately, that that will become an excuse for why you never achieve your purpose.

Speaker 2:

Yep, it's the people who live a life full of potential right, that's it, and potential is nothing.

Speaker 1:

Potential is yeah, but you never did what you could have done.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right, and potential just shows you that you're. There is a place for you to be greater than what you already are, and the enemy Wants you to live in potential right, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, think about this. Everybody was laughing at Peter or not laughing at Peter, but I mean that everybody was there with Peter when Peter got out of the boat. But truth is, they all could have got out of the boat too. Yep so they're watching, peter, you know, and and now they got to hear Peter Bragg yeah, I was walking on the only one who stepped foot. That's right on his word, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm safe, safe if.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna deny you a little later. Oh right now. I just walked on water.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you know, I think that's where the enemy lives, if you're living a life always hearing people say you've got so much potential.

Speaker 2:

Yeah all they're doing is confirming that you have yet to step in purpose Right, and I don't want to be a person who was full of potential. I want to be a prefer, a person who fulfilled all the potential that God put in me by leaving out purpose Absolutely. One way that we do this, pastor Jason, is realizing this that we're asking the wrong questions. It's not what is my purpose in life. It should be what's my purpose in this moment? Right, we're the situation that I'm in with the conversation I've got to have with my kids, with the conversation I've got to have with my wife, with the conversation let's say this for the church, for the church leaders and the pastors, the conversation I have to have for the rogue church member, like what's my purpose in this moment? Do I go with my emotions? Do I go with my flesh? How do I interact and how does this moment reveal God's purpose in my life, right, here and right?

Speaker 1:

now, and if you treat each moment like it's got purpose, then you'll produce fruit. Yeah, for the good right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I heard I got this weekend when he was talking about purpose and he was saying that Friday night he, after service, his wife, had been calling him. You know how that is. He's had a bunch of missed calls. We're gonna find out his daughter, who's 18. Now he was raining, pouring out rain. It's nighttime. Decide she wants to go to crumble cookie, about 30 minutes away, right from a cookie, right and look at your mouse water over there, and ended up finding herself in a ditch. And he knew that the next day he was gonna be talking about purpose and the Lord gave him the opportunity because what he really wanted to do Was just grab her by the arm and shaker and say what were you thinking?

Speaker 1:

like that was dumb.

Speaker 2:

That was stupid. And he said no, lord, what is my purpose in this moment? And he said in this moment I felt like the Lord just wanted me to encourage her that, hey, we make mistakes. I'm glad you're okay, like it's alright, we're gonna move forward. We've just why we got insurance, like we've got to make better decisions.

Speaker 2:

But it's okay, like, like he could even take it to the extreme or he can find a purpose in the conversation to leave her Encouraged, to let her know that her daddy loves her, no matter what, that kind of stuff. I know that's kind of simple, but it's easy for us to step back.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, what's the purpose in this time? Or say, if we did this in our marriage is oh my goodness, oh, wow, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Think of all the problems we would solve absolutely, and and how less and how less we would be physical or driven by the flesh, and more driven by intent and purpose.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely, and so. So my question is it? I want to tell you this is who you are becoming. Each and every day, it's more important than what you've achieved, right? You see, we are an achievement driven people where we get the accolades, we get the big, we want to hit the big thing, we want to hit the lottery. This type of mentality where I got to do this one big thing but it's not about what you achieve is what have you done along the way? Who have you become along the way? Are you known for the person who ignored Purpose all day long to pursue one thing? Or been a purpose, purpose driven person who, every day, I'm picking up something. You know, I talked about this Sunday a little bit. I talked about serving in my church and I'm gonna get some amen from the pastors that are listening here, and One of the most common things that I've heard and I thought our people this because they know same. I preached the truth, so I don't be holding back you go get it like I got.

Speaker 2:

And so I said, look, I said a lot of times half of y'all have given me this excuse when I asked you to serve or where you Want to get plugged in, that this excuse right here. Let me go pray and see what my purpose is. And they could pray and see what I'm called to do, right, yeah, yeah, why do you need to pray about serving? Jesus told you to do that from the very beginning to serve.

Speaker 2:

Here's what's crazy. Hey, would you be interested in serving in kids ministry or serving in first impressions? Well, let me. Let me go back and pray about it. What do you? What do you need to pray about?

Speaker 2:

I'm asking you to wave at people and say, hey, like yeah like God is not going to give you a revelation that you need to do it, especially when he's already told you to do that kind of stuff, and I think we get so focused on this excuse Well, I don't have and I don't know it yet when you're missing opportunities, this is where purpose is found. Purpose is found in every moment. Purpose can be found in every conversation, perfect can. Purpose can be found in every interaction. You know we just got to do change perspectives.

Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 2:

That's all we got to do.

Speaker 1:

That's it, and you know it goes, still goes right along with with being righteous, with righteousness. There are certain things that we're called to do as Christians hunger and thirst, and for righteousness is hungering and thirsting to treat people rightly, hungering and thirsting. Scripture I think it Psalms 11, 7, if I remember correctly from from what we're talking about is God loves righteousness, or it says God is righteous, god loves righteousness. You don't have to wait to be righteous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah like.

Speaker 1:

You don't need to go ask God Should I be righteous or not. You don't have to ask God should I treat people the right way. That's something you should do, and so that's a great example of what you're talking about serving. Like God has called us to do certain things that like take care of the widow and and to help the fatherless and to Treat people the right way, like like God has in the stranger in your land, right? I think Jeremiah 33, verse 2 round. Verse 2. It talks about how the king Jeremiah went to. The king is like a execute righteousness and execute judgment. Judgment and righteousness Treat people right. And he goes on to break down pretty much what righteousness is as to. Right is treating people rightly.

Speaker 1:

It's, it's treating people equitably, it's, it's serving, and I'm just using this as an example of you don't need an exam, you don't need to be prompted or probed, or you don't. You shouldn't need to ask God, is it? You don't need a revelation, yeah it's a cheat to cheat to treat people the right way, because God has already told you to treat people the right way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. You know, and yeah, I remember growing up where I just want to just think about this. But just do some self-evaluation. How many times have you missed opportunities that God has put in your life to to live a Purposeful life?

Speaker 2:

to in that certain moment. You know, I tell our people, if God highlights somebody, like if you see somebody who's limping in the grocery store, god wants you to do some about it. Right yeah, if you see somebody who's struggling to pay for their groceries in front of you and you obviously know it You're seeing it for a reason, like there's a purpose in everything. We've got to shift our perspective in these things. I remember growing up in church and you know I've heard people talk about it where they felt led to do something but they didn't do it and they'd say and then somebody else would do the one thing that God told them to do, and that's what it is in life.

Speaker 2:

We, we, we just sit back and wait, and I don't want to be that person, pastor Jason who lets everybody else live a life of purpose, while I just sit and wait on this one big thing.

Speaker 1:

Well, if you can't trust you in the small things, oh my god, I'm a third-est microphone.

Speaker 2:

I was going to trust you in the big thing. You're going to be glad. I'll not take this thing off. Go ahead, take a lap son.

Speaker 1:

I'll describe it to the people while you're running man.

Speaker 2:

That's a word, bro, yeah it is yeah.

Speaker 1:

if you can't be entrusted in doing what you're already told to do, then how's he going to give you the big outlandish things to do?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're pursuing this big thing, because I was like I literally asked you yesterday to just like help To welcome this lady.

Speaker 1:

Help this lady in Walmart Right.

Speaker 2:

All you had to say was hey, Jesus loves you. Today, I just want you to know that. Like how simple is that? But yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no. I want to tell you.

Speaker 1:

I'm waiting for you to tell me to lift my staff and park the waters. That's right.

Speaker 2:

I'm waiting on the huge platform and the big church Right. Come on, man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, it's absolutely. Every moment with the purpose. Every moment has purpose.

Speaker 2:

Every moment has intent. How many times, bro, do we miss it?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I miss it, I'm sure, every day at some point. I know it every day at some point, not being intentional and not really. And I pray, man, god, give me the eyes to be able to see opportunities to be the hands and feet to represent Christ, to be that ambassador of Christ that I'm supposed to be. And that's what we're doing, man. We're to be the righteousness of God on the earth and that is to do rightly, by people, and give God the glory for it.

Speaker 2:

Yep, I love it, yeah, and I think that that's where we've got to get better as a people you know, absolutely it's got to be.

Speaker 1:

it's about intentionality and, man, I'm trying not to get into my notes for tonight, but I'm telling you, bro. I mean we are talking about exactly what I'm talking about tonight and basically, I think the number one thing of why or I'll say the number one, it's pretty close for me. One and two, I think on the average for most people, just experience that I've had for myself it's one self preservation is the reason why we aren't as righteous as we should be.

Speaker 1:

And two, laziness slothfulness like just flat out being lazy, just not wanting to be the hands and feet, and so I think that's probably what prevents us most of the time. Those two things are probably the top two that I've seen people experience over my lifetime of reason why they aren't purpose driven, why they aren't righteous, why they aren't fulfilling what God has called us to do.

Speaker 2:

You won't find purpose in your comfort.

Speaker 1:

No, absolutely not. If you wait to do it when you feel like it, it'll never get done.

Speaker 2:

Nope, that's right. Ain't that the truth?

Speaker 1:

Yes, sir, oh my goodness.

Speaker 2:

You know I don't want to go too broad or too deep with the purpose thing, but you just think about us and what I've experienced sometimes is just pursuing church and ministry and work, and work, and work, and work and work. That God's like. You left me way over here.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, bro. I experienced this.

Speaker 2:

Like being busy. Let me say this way being busy for the Lord doesn't mean you're doing the work of the Lord. That's it. And we, we could do this. You know I've thought you put this in your marriage. How many times have my wife told me? You know, I'm starting to feel like a roommate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wow.

Speaker 2:

I see you every day. We eat together and we go to bed together, but we, we generally I don't feel heard, I don't feel seen? How many times does God feel like, okay, he's just, he's just in my proximity, close enough to know that I'm there.

Speaker 2:

but he's not hearing me, he's not being led by me, he's not sensing me or feeling me or moving by me and my spirit. I think we've got to be where we are purpose driven, but driven by the right thing, right, absolutely. And that is what does God want me to do today. How many times we ask ourselves this today?

Speaker 1:

Well, again, seek first the kingdom and his righteousness.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And all these things will be added. Come on, yeah, that's perfect, man, and it happens. It is so easy to happen, and I think we talked about this recently. There's so many things vying for your time. There's so many distractions in the world.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Um, you get distracted in ministry. I mean, look, I'm going from a budget meeting to um to a board meeting, to, you know, leadership cabinet meeting, to planning something like we get all these different things and and you know, studying being being ready. But he meant yesterday, just just yesterday. I'm on the way in the car and I'm driving um up to work and I just I just turn music on and I'm like there's no intent, there's no planning a worship session, there's no, it's just, it's just worship, that's all it is.

Speaker 1:

Man, and I felt almost like a rekindling, in a way of a fire inside of me. Man Just just fell in the presence of God. There was no, there were. Let me get it, let me get this wrong, like there was. Go through the busy season, right, I mean, there are things we have to do, we're responsible for. But when we get away from the ultimate reason, when we get away from the purpose of just spending God time with God, man, you end up working, you look around and be like where's God? Like what you? You never spent time with him. I mean you did.

Speaker 1:

I'm here right, I'm still here, right, and so it's about it's, it's instead of so. Yesterday was, instead of listening to music and and praying, you know, just kind of Preparing for worship. Said it was just worship. Yeah and man. It made a huge difference in my drive. I probably drove a little faster than I normally do. I would just praise and and shouting and tears all in my eyes Driving down the road. I'm like Remember.

Speaker 2:

I remember driving down the road and I missed my exit two times.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

I did it two times and I remember I made a post one time. I was like the worst is the worst about just did in my car. My eyes when I was driving the Chevy cruise. It was now lay with brother Cruz.

Speaker 1:

It didn't got say the cruise Running on fumes and Jesus my god, how off, how true is that. I, like you know how long that's a word.

Speaker 2:

So I just think, when we talk about purpose, like if we'll just ask the right question yeah, what is my purpose in life? But what is my purpose in this moment? Yeah, what we'll live a more fulfilled life.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely glory to glory. Yeah yeah, we want to see glory, glory, but there's a two in between those two words amen, Amen.

Speaker 2:

We hope that's as encouraged you and challenge you to be more focused in your purpose and your vision for life and where you are with God. Pastor J, anything else on your end?

Speaker 1:

you know, man, look, I think this is great, it's a great reminder for everybody. This, this particular episode, this show, is just a great reminder to be intentional. Now, that's a word for us this year, for cross-point, and for our leadership that I shared with them when we went on a literary treat is intentional, be intentional, be purposeful, yeah and yeah. So I think it's just right, along with what I was already feeling this year anyway.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I love it. Pastor J, won't you bless them?

Speaker 1:

All right, let's do it, and we do this at the end of every episode. It's comes from numbers six 24 bless any man, yeah, through 26. And they just says this the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countess upon you and give you peace. Hey, this is pastor to pastor podcast. We thank you so much for joining us on this episode. Look, we need you to like it. Share it with somebody. Be an encouragement to them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and we look forward to seeing you right here next time. God bless you. See you soon.

Discussion on Finding Purpose in Life
Finding Purpose in Christian Living
Living a Purpose-Driven Life
Living a Purposeful and Righteous Life
Pastor J Gives Podcast Ending Blessing