Pastor to Pastor

Defending The Faith: Reflecting on Tye Tribbett's 'Church is Wack' comment

March 18, 2024 Jason Watson & Seth Odom Season 2 Episode 7
Defending The Faith: Reflecting on Tye Tribbett's 'Church is Wack' comment
Pastor to Pastor
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Pastor to Pastor
Defending The Faith: Reflecting on Tye Tribbett's 'Church is Wack' comment
Mar 18, 2024 Season 2 Episode 7
Jason Watson & Seth Odom

Embark on a soul-nourishing quest with us, Pastors Seth and Jason, as we navigate the complexities of faith within the modern church, contemplating the essence that resonates within a congregation. As we reflect on our personal journeys, we confront the question of whether a physical church is paramount to fostering a spiritual connection. The power of online services to break down barriers and invite inclusivity is also celebrated, challenging traditional perceptions of worship and community. The episode takes a turn towards public representation of faith, particularly through the lens of Ty Tribbett's appearance on The Breakfast Club, emphasizing the responsibility to honor one's convictions amidst diverse audiences.

Finally, we stress the irreplaceable value of unity and personal connection within the church body, exploring the sacred practice of physical touch in imparting blessings and gifts. Transitioning between churches is approached with care, highlighting the importance of God's guidance and open communication with pastoral leadership. Our conversation concludes with a call to embrace every chance to share the gospel, to live with intention, and to defend faith with grace and wisdom. Join us on this spiritual expedition, where our collective insights aim to inspire and guide you to be a beacon of blessing in all walks of life.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Embark on a soul-nourishing quest with us, Pastors Seth and Jason, as we navigate the complexities of faith within the modern church, contemplating the essence that resonates within a congregation. As we reflect on our personal journeys, we confront the question of whether a physical church is paramount to fostering a spiritual connection. The power of online services to break down barriers and invite inclusivity is also celebrated, challenging traditional perceptions of worship and community. The episode takes a turn towards public representation of faith, particularly through the lens of Ty Tribbett's appearance on The Breakfast Club, emphasizing the responsibility to honor one's convictions amidst diverse audiences.

Finally, we stress the irreplaceable value of unity and personal connection within the church body, exploring the sacred practice of physical touch in imparting blessings and gifts. Transitioning between churches is approached with care, highlighting the importance of God's guidance and open communication with pastoral leadership. Our conversation concludes with a call to embrace every chance to share the gospel, to live with intention, and to defend faith with grace and wisdom. Join us on this spiritual expedition, where our collective insights aim to inspire and guide you to be a beacon of blessing in all walks of life.

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's up? Family, here we are with another episode of pastor to pastor. I'm pastor Seth, I've got Pastor Jay Watson across from me. Hey, everybody looking strong and courageous with that beard, my boy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man, look, I've got to do something with this thing because it is getting I mean it's getting large and in charge. You know I'm saying like it's everywhere. I'm trying to eat and, my goodness man, I got to get it taken care of.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Man, are you trying to get that thing anointed?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's funny. Somebody said something the other day. They were like pastor. You know, what you could do is just get up in the morning and fix it with anointing oil, so that way, when you need to anoint somebody, you just, you know, rub your beard and slap it on them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's probably better for you than the beard oil. It probably is, yes. You'll have to touch it, you'll have to scream bring the oil.

Speaker 2:

you know you carry it with you. I got it. It's with me all on my shirt and everywhere.

Speaker 1:

It's a mess.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I love it. Man, how's things going your way to church doing good family.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, man. Look, here's an awesome thing we actually have a new worship pastor.

Speaker 1:

Thank God, because you don't have to do it no more.

Speaker 2:

Man, look, I've been holding this thing down now for quite some time and it has been something else. But no, we, literally just this past Sunday, pastor Cedric Cobb from Surface Church in I think, they're in the Apex North Carolina, so he's making the commute every Sunday he's coming down to do practices with us. He is a part of the cross-point family. We are super excited man he was just worshiping. He carries such a strong anointing.

Speaker 2:

He was worshiping this past Sunday, man, holy Spirit was moving. We were just, I am, so excited for this next step in cross-points history. I know it's the right step. Ever since we came back from our leaders retreat in Myrtle Beach, like I just felt this urgency and this need to keep moving toward finding us an actual worship pastor, and and and we anyway the things worked out. I believe it, he is the one. I believe that the the stars lined up for him to be able to be here and we are excited about him coming and joining the cross-point family.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you. I call Pastor Cedric. The cheat code the ministry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah creative, he can worship, he can sing he can preach yeah, he knows just about everything there is to know and we know surface church is gonna do great absolutely he's gonna really do a lot of great things for you guys across point yeah, yeah, we're excited about it, man, but that's just one thing new for us, so tell me about relying what's happening yeah, man, I just got a shout out.

Speaker 1:

Get the Lord a shout out. This past Sunday, bro, he showed off, he healed three different people.

Speaker 2:

Crazy service and what's the post on it?

Speaker 1:

yeah, what's crazy is I had already is like, are we gonna transition, go into announcements to the end of our service? And I was like, hey, man, you guys, you're gonna take a seat. I'm like wait, hold on. Holy Spirit wants to do something yeah if you need healing in your body, I need you to come right now. We're gonna go.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna go right back into worship and we have people come down and I don't know. I know you have experience in healing, but maybe people who don't listen, who listen, haven't experienced it. But I don't know if you've ever experienced this, but I laid hands on one of the the women that were had some body pain. I didn't really know specifically what the issue was, but when I laid hands on her man, I felt this pain shoot right down my leg, yeah, and I started praying for her, specifically for her leg, and after service I said, hey, I gotta know where's your pain at, because I've got, I had this pain shoot from top to bottom down my leg and she said it's literally from the hip all the way down and it just shoots consistently down my leg and it just shows man how intentional God is, like how he guides our prayers yeah, he wants us to have the right thing and the right thing on our minds and stuff and many a heal people from shoulder pain, back pain, leg pain, just mental blocks and stuff.

Speaker 1:

It was just a fantastic day at Reline Church absolutely, man, and yeah, I've experienced that.

Speaker 2:

I've experienced it here in the States, we've experienced it in India. Right, those are almost like sympathetic pains and you get why you're praying for people and yeah, it's beautiful it is. It is. I've been on stage and felt something yeah and, and then we, we address it.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, I get it, man, and but it is. It's a beautiful thing that guy will allow for us to be a vessel, to be able to feel some of what they're feeling and be able to pray for them. Yeah, how better to pray for somebody except for knowing what they're going through?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I love it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 2:

So it's beautiful man, but well, that's great to hear man like, here's the thing God's deal healing he's hey running out of me he ain't stopped, that's right he's still saving, he's still doing these different things and and I am excited about the this move, because I feel this I don't know if you've experienced this, but I do feel this this energy, and I wouldn't say I shouldn't call it energy, but I feel like the Holy Spirit is moving and drawing people and I do believe man these signs on as a miracle is going to happen more and more often and people who are pure and hard and really believe it and really seeking after God it's kind of like this motive, this momentum yeah, yeah, exactly, it's great with a kind of explain it yeah, I love it and I know we could talk about that all day long man of what God's doing and what he's been doing and just how he's moving and showing himself to still be the strongest power here absolutely among the world and the earth, and but I'm

Speaker 1:

excited to talk about what we're talking about today, and most people have probably heard the link or the I mean the clip from what we're talking about, and we're gonna be talking about defending our faith really, what it looks like as followers of Jesus, what it looks like to look at our opportunities, because here's the truth, pastor Jason everybody has a platform.

Speaker 1:

That's right everybody small platforms, big platforms and the question that we had to ask ourselves what am I doing with the platform that God has given us and what we want to do? We're gonna take a moment, we're gonna share a clip and we're gonna talk about it. Some things that kind of challenged me in listening to it and I felt really burdened about it and I asked if we could talk about it you said to me you're like man, what do you think about this?

Speaker 2:

I mean cuz you could tell you were passionate yeah almost like a righteous indignation, like a, like a you were upset yeah, I was fired up, bro.

Speaker 1:

I'm like we gotta do better as the church yeah and so I know if I was that fired up about it and I want to make sure we keep the right, the right perspective in this. That it's it's. This is to encourage us, as Christians and laymen of the gospel, on how we should take like we talked about last week the purpose. Purpose every moment. Don't waste purpose in the platforms that God has given us. And so if you got a second, let's go ahead. We could play that clip and then we'll come right back and just kind of dissect it a little bit. Okay, let's go doing this.

Speaker 3:

I think it's a system. Now, oh God, it's a system. Everything is a system, and systems work with or without God. So I think the institution of church is whack. I think how church is ran is whack. I think the religious system and structure is whack. I don't subscribe to it, even though I grew up in it. I benefited from it, but I learned that God is not the church, and once I realized, whoa, god ain't church? Doubt for me, you know. I mean, I'm from the streets, I'm from the church, so that was a huge thing as well.

Speaker 4:

It's in the Bible, so you can't even find God in the man-made temple. Why don't we read that?

Speaker 3:

though. How often do you hear that sermon? No, you hear cut people. Pastors make the people about the church. We've got the church name we church in the church in the bumper stick of the church. The church should be about the people, but the church makes the people about the church.

Speaker 3:

So all churches now are a movement, but they're not about the people, they're not about serving and loving the people. So I I just kind of pulled that we're online right now. We're not even in a building, a physical building or nothing like that. So live church, shout out the live church. I love y'all so much. Live church Orlando. We're online right now and Because we had an issue with a building and now I'm like, hold up what's going on here, like do I do we need a bit? Like you understand, I'm saying like in order to do what we need to do, affect people, serve and love and minister. I'm just looking at everything differently at this point because the church structure has really I mean it's a lot of people who won't even go to church obviously when the last time y'all been to church.

Speaker 4:

I go every Sunday. Go bedside Baptist, like watching potter's house online.

Speaker 5:

Oh, yeah, wait.

Speaker 4:

Honestly, is because it's not too many churches that speak to my spirit. I really do like what they do in the potter's house. I think there's a lot of anointing in that church from Bishop TD Jakes.

Speaker 1:

It's a Jake Robbins the pastor Torrey.

Speaker 4:

So even when I'm in Dallas, if I'm nailing like this Saturday, I'll stay it just to go to go on like that. You physically go.

Speaker 6:

Oh, absolutely what about you, Henry, For me it's. I used to hate going to church as a kid, right Cuz Baptist church you're staying in for five hours. Especially if somebody's getting baptized. You got to dress up, so it may not necessarily love it right, and I noticed that with my kids when I took them to church. It became mature like I gotta get dressed. I got this, but now on Sunday morning we can cook breakfast together, sit down on the couch and watch it, and it's comfortable.

Speaker 6:

They ain't got to get dressed. They ain't got. Mommy ain't got to do the kids here. Yeah, they got to make sure things are right, cuz they got a sit now. It's not that at all. Yeah, all about the church.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

I prefer. So yeah, we go online. You know, man, and I don't have to just stick to one church. You know, as a kid growing up in New York, we always had to go to Brooklyn, the grandma's church. There was no option, it was not you. Let me try something else now. On TV One day I can turn and I can get different feelings in my kids can as well. So I prefer that.

Speaker 5:

Well, you don't go, jess, I was, he was gonna ask me. I still belong to my home church in Baltimore City Restoration Christian Ecclesia Church and I. I'm not in Baltimore on Sundays anymore. You know, I have to be here. I got a wake up 345 in the morning, but even before that.

Speaker 5:

I was doing shows Thursday through Sunday, so I wasn't able to go, and if I just try more, I can definitely get on the road and come up here after church, because church is from 10 to 12, 10 to 1 sometimes, but I Still pay my ties. You know, I mean I still offering my mom's a deacon. I grew up in that church. It was called Holy Church of Christ. When I was younger and my son has been Christian in that church and my, my baby that I'm having that will go and get Christian.

Speaker 5:

I'm never I don't want to go to another church. You know, I will listen to a sermon from someone else. Okay, I listen to Sarah Jakes. I look, you know, I will end different podcasts as well, but I just my. My reason is simply just an excuse. I just don't go to church because I travel. Okay.

Speaker 3:

I get, I get. What do y'all look for when you go to a church? What do y'all, what do y'all look for? Like you said everyone, don't, don't touch your soul, don't minister to your spirit.

Speaker 4:

It's not about what I look for is about what I feel got it.

Speaker 3:

It's a feeling.

Speaker 1:

You know I mean like you just know to me.

Speaker 4:

Some people just speak to your soul.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, I think.

Speaker 4:

Sarah Jakes right now man.

Speaker 1:

I love it all the time yeah.

Speaker 4:

Listen to her podcast them. So I just think some people have an anointing on them for the moment that we are in and, just like her Father had it and still has it, you know, of course she has for the current moment that we're in word and then another thing.

Speaker 5:

So growing up in a church where you know I'm so used to, that back in the day like fanciness, I don't want to go to a big, big, big church. Yeah because the pastor don't know me. I'm used to going to talk to the pastor.

Speaker 1:

Pastor after church, going to get that Visual prayer going to tell him what I'm struggling with and all as a teenage, I was going through a lot of things.

Speaker 5:

You know, I mean so I would be able to go and talk to my uncle he is the Bishop, like going to talk to him and stuff like that. But I've gone to churches where you know Pastor Tony, he know you and he not even tripping off, getting to know nobody. Yeah, I'm saying he just come and he do his thing. They sing a whole album before he started the sermon Only one.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yes, right you shout. I see people shouting. I see you know all of that and that's what I'm used to, because you're not cutting the church.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I start coming there Okay.

Speaker 4:

You show and then absolutely not grow to a witness. Okay, I start going to church. Oh, later, god, she's too grown for that.

Speaker 5:

Hold on, I can only do it.

Speaker 1:

How you growing for the whole ago. Yeah, let's cut it right there. Let's cut it right. So I got in my mind.

Speaker 2:

So first let's let's I don't think we've covered this let's back up. Let's talk about who it is, yeah, what they're doing.

Speaker 1:

Yep, so this is touch for a bit, and he is a guest on the Breakfast Club podcast.

Speaker 2:

And if you don't know, I don't know who he is. I just know that he's a Grammy award-winning gospel singer.

Speaker 1:

He just won, I think, album of the year for gospel and he's a pastor. He's traveled all over the world. I mean this guy.

Speaker 2:

He even said he's benefited from church.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's benefited quite a bit, and I'm talking like hundreds of thousands.

Speaker 2:

Huge platform.

Speaker 1:

Millions of dollars from the church. So he has a huge platform. He's a pretty solid preacher and stuff. I mean he's a great guy and he's on Charlotte Maines podcast and stuff and so it's a huge secular platform that this pastor, gospel artist Christian, has a beautiful opportunity to represent the body of Christ very strongly, and so there was a lot to impact there. There's some key things that I think we need to talk about. That, not necessarily of what Ty Tribbitt said but, what he did not say.

Speaker 2:

Right, Right and look. I don't want people to think that we're attacking Ty. He's on his own journey.

Speaker 1:

He's doing his own walk.

Speaker 2:

But look, we are simply, in our faith, called to defend our faith, and it's important that we learn from other people and learn from opportunities to where we can grow as individuals. So I think, if anything, I hope that, if anything, that Ty at some point will come to the realization that what he said was an error and we'll correct it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and so, but yeah, go ahead. I'm sorry and I get the some of the thought process of what Ty said is correct. I think the way he expressed it was just kind of an error. For the overall goal, I think there's. It's very important too when we talk about platforms, pastor Jason, is that we we do not compromise our faith based on who's in the room.

Speaker 1:

Right, Based on the conversation we're having with whoever we're having whoever it is, and I think and again, I don't know this, but just from outside of watching and listening, I think that could be what happened here, because, as you can see, there's a lot of banter with the jokes about church, about the Holy Spirit and all those things, and I want to dive in a little bit about that and I want to encourage us, as believers, of how we need to be more intentional with the platforms that God gives us. One thing that Ty was talking about, which is very true. He said God is not the church. You're right God is not the church.

Speaker 2:

God is not church. The organization of the church, the structure of the church, right right, right, and, and the church is the bride of Christ. Right.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, he's, he's. He's got that part pretty right, but he had missed an opportunity to correct Charlemagne when he started quoting scripture. Okay, always be careful when people say that they, they go to church and all this kind of stuff and start quoting scripture when there's no fruit in their life that they are producing actual person who've been led by the spirit, walks by faith, and so what Charlemagne said was uh yeah, scriptures, the Bible says that you cannot find God in a man made temple.

Speaker 2:

Uh, and he's quoting acts, I believe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's quoting acts and really what? What was funny is, when I let Pastor Jay uh listen to that for the first time, he just made a face like wait, what the Bible? You sure the Bible says that? And I was like no, the Bible does not say that. What? What Paul is expressing here? What Paul, what is it? Paul? Is Peter, paul or Peter? One of Paul? Paul he was. He was expressing this reality is that God is not in in idols. He doesn't reside there to live in idols and, um, that's very that, that's true, but it's not pertaining to the church. He's not talking about the church, that God is not in the church. He's saying I'm not in these Greek mythology, these Greek based religious idols that they're creating. That is man made Right, no different than the, the, uh, the, you know the statue of Baal and tower of Baal and all these things that were in the Old Testament.

Speaker 1:

He's relating it to that. See, Ty had a beautiful opportunity to correct that, but you know what Ty said. Ty said why are we not preaching that? Why are we not talking about? Why does it not a sermon? Well, Ty, respectively, it's not a sermon because it's not biblical.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's not biblical. You just allow someone to promote that God is not in church.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

He shows up to my services every week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's right yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know, yeah, what's your thoughts on that?

Speaker 2:

So I understand and I think we both agree. We understand what he was trying to say. I think it was how it came out. It just he. You're right. He missed an opportunity, like we miss opportunities all the time, as in on our platform and our conversations with our people. You know, in general Christians themselves, we are the bride of Christ and look, I know about you. I love people, but I'm protective of my bride.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm protective of my queen and so you think Jesus isn't like like Jesus, like we are the bride of Christ. I mean, if you like it, then you should have put a ring right when he put a ring on you. That's right.

Speaker 1:

He sealed you and marked you with the Holy Spirit trying to make me preach up in here, right, but he did he.

Speaker 2:

I think it's Ephesians 1, 6. He talks about how he marked us and he did, and he's 113, 113. There you go. Yeah, and so he does. He loves us. He sealed us with it, with his Holy Spirit of promise, the day we were saved, and so he cares about his church. He cares about his bride and we are his bride. Ty is his Long to the church and he just, and he just Through the church under a bus and instead of bringing people to it, he pushed people away from it. Notice what they were saying in there. The way I feel, the way I feel comfortable, comfortable, right, and we get to sit at home and watch and watch it oh man scripture says fail not to assemble yourself as you see this day approaching.

Speaker 2:

I don't know about you, but Jesus is coming today, yeah, and he was 2000 years ago, like like. He is coming back and the closer we get to that, the more we should be gathering, the more we should be Coming together. Man, I feel the Holy Spirit, come on like it is important for us to gather together now. Maybe mega churches aren't your thing, like that one lady like maybe those big churches aren't your thing.

Speaker 2:

I believe they have things in place to help them, like the, the Moses, my Moses and just run Moses model where you know he had captains under him because they had so many people. I'm sure there are churches that are on a huge scale, mega scale, that have Associate pastors that help lead and shepherds the flock right. But maybe you want to be close to a head pastor? Look, we are all different members but the same body and this is important for us to showcase. Like, if you're, if you don't feel at home in a Large church, go find you a small church or the church where you feel, and not just feeling, but where you're called to, where God has you.

Speaker 2:

Go get rooted, go get planted and start producing fruit. Yeah, you don't produce fruit at home sitting behind a TV, come on. And so you've got to get planted and get involved and start reached out to the community and inviting people, more people, in, like, like. I mean, that's what we're called to do. We're called to come together. But they are. They're living a life based on feelings, living a life based on comfort, living a life based on how they feel in a particular Moment, and and COVID is a big part of this but instead of returning people back to the faith and their hearts back to the father, time is the beautiful opportunity To do that to bring people back home.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cuz even says you know, we we got to build in problem like, and so we're online right now. So instead of saying, while online has its place, it has its fruit, it has. It's a blessing to the church, right.

Speaker 2:

Duh, I'm sorry before I could you know.

Speaker 1:

I lose this thought Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Pa was talking to Tim, but he said the gifts you receive from the laying on of hands. How are you laying hands on people online?

Speaker 2:

Well yeah, I mean yes, the Holy Spirit can do whatever the Holy Spirit wants to do. God can do whatever God wants to do. But if Paul is instilling in Timothy, look these gifts you received by the laying on of hands and I don't care how many people touch their screen and touch that like, like you need to have man hands from a holy person of God laying hands on you. Man, I can't, I couldn't imagine I live in a life of faith without some of the older Saints and their lives praying over me, prophesying over In their hands on me.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Bring them. Anoint them in play. Yeah man.

Speaker 2:

Look there, the church. Yes, the church in itself operates out of order in many places, yeah, but you can't blanket, you can't take a broad brush and paint. Every church the same, every church every, every body the same, because Not every body of Christ isn't the same, right, but we are all still together. But he just he did. You're right, you missed an opportunity to defend the faith, which is what scripture calls us to do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what we should do is encourage people to not forsake the church as a whole based off one experience right, or two Experiences or three experiences. The problem is a lot of us. We see stuff on the outside that we like right and instead of praying God, where's the house that you've called me to be a?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely yeah give me the purpose, the what the gifts that you've given me show me the place that you've called me To put my gifts into work and usage at. And we've got to do that. We this is what this? We're in a church hopping.

Speaker 2:

Fine, where God has called you to be.

Speaker 1:

Come on and get there we talk about this all the time. I do do this in your Grootrack next steps, what do you call it? We do this in ours too, hey, if, if you're gonna leave, we want you to be blessed because we want you to go where you feel a lid by the Lord, because we do not own people we don't.

Speaker 2:

God sent you here. I believe in you, know God will move you. Not everybody's gonna finish the race with you.

Speaker 1:

And here's in Washington's Pastor Jay scripture says that some plant, some water, some harvest that God Just increase that includes people. So, for a season. You might have been just planting seeds, but somebody will reap a harvest. Is the season changes for them to go in another direction, as another church. Let me free some pastors in on somebody that are in on the podcast today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you don't have to feel like you have to do it all for certain people, right? God changes people in seasons and sometimes you're just having them and stored it them for a season.

Speaker 2:

I don't care where you go, if you, if you feel like you are, you're, if you feel like God and I talk about feelings but if you, if you truly in your knower, you know when you know her right now. God is is leading you somewhere else, like let's have a conversation, let's talk about it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because there's a right way to do it and maybe you just decide you want to go visit someone somewhere else on Sunday. I don't care. Yeah, I mean not in a not in a bad way, not like I don't care in a bad way, like I don't care about you. No, I do care, but I care more about your soul than I do your gifts. I care more about your soul than I do. A number on a red report that I report. I care about you more than all of those things and if you feel like Like God is is leading you to find something else, then then, whether it's a Sunday or whether it's a season, or whether it's to Rest your life, follow where God is leading you and but you're right, don't, don't, don't find and this is this is something I cover, because this comes from experience Don't find excuses on why you need to leave. Just have a conversation with your pastor and say, hey, that's right, I am, god is leading me somewhere else and I thank you for pouring into me. I thank you for the season that I have I've had here. Maybe I'll come back, I don't know. I just I'm. God is leading me somewhere else. Let the pastor bless you, because you never want to come out from under a covering without being blessed. Let let the man or woman of God you're under bless you and send you out the right way.

Speaker 2:

It's funny because when said Rick pastor said it came in this past week you know, we're loving man we were a family. I mean that I don't care how big we are, we wouldn't my, we would never get away from being a family in the father's house. And so I'm like, after we did worship, I said, hey, pastor Cedric, I need you to come down off the stage and stand down here. I said, because we're not a gang, we don't jump you in, but we're the body of Christ, we're gonna love you in. And so it literally we, everybody in the congregation, hundred people come around and they're just loving on Pastor Cedric's beautiful after hug, after hug, and we would do that for you. If your season is done here at cross point, if your season is done in other churches, we, I don't own you, you don't belong to me. I may be, I'm the under shepherd, I'm not the good shepherd. I do what God tells me to do. I'm sorry, man, I just took the whole podcast.

Speaker 1:

I gotta think about that too, and it's in along the lines of church. And you know, finding that place is it's one thing. When you become a burden to one pastor in a season, you should be a blessing to another. You, you have a pastor who can help store that. Yeah, yeah, help help store you and wall. That's what pastoring is. We're shepherding and leading people, and Ty had a beautiful opportunity pastor J to Push people to the house of God, to the church, to put value on it, and what he did is encourage them to disengage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah we, as believers, have got To push the mission and the structure that Jesus led us to, to be connected to the body of Christ and be in unity, yeah, unity there's a pulse it, fight for unity fight for it. Yeah, yeah, y'all fighting for reasons not to go to church.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's fine for reasons to go. It's borderline, so in discord, yep, which is one of the things that God hates.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's, uh, let's shift for a little bit. We're gonna give you an offer we're gonna take a ball friend here in a minute for a master plate around.

Speaker 2:

It's just me. I got a cash up for you.

Speaker 1:

One thing that I think Ty and we we also have to do better too is when they're there. You know she talked about we mentioned a little bit that she wanted to be connected to the pastor, and then she talked about shouting a little bit. Right and Ty, look that Charlotte main, and he said you shout. He said no, I grew up. Uh, that's your, your favorite people to knock on the door in there, man, look.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, I know I'm talking, I'm talking a lot of, I'm taking a lot of the time right now, but this I man. I really wish that the body itself was as eager to spread the gospel as the Jehovah's Witnesses. I already spread the faith the fake gospel yeah the false gospel and I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

you can, you can be upset. You can send me some hate mail if you want to, like I believe Uh, scriptures true, and if somebody else changes it, you don't need to associate with them. Yeah, like that's me, yeah, but anyway, um, I had some show up at the house couple days a couple years ago. We just got back from India, so you know, you know how fired up.

Speaker 2:

I was man and I'm outside I think I was washing the car and this, this beautiful couple man, beautiful older couple came up. They got out the car and they're dressed nice and they come up and they start talking hey, we want to talk to you about Jesus. And I said, man, that is a conversation I learned I yearn for. Let's talk about it, let's talk about Jesus. You start speaking until no not yet, and then.

Speaker 2:

So we start talking about well, do you believe in Jesus? I said absolutely Do. I didn't tell him I'm a pastor, nothing. I'm just like, yeah, I'm a definitely believe in Jesus. And so we start talking and they're like, well, do you think that the Adam and Eve would have lived forever? I said, yeah, yeah, I do. Well, what makes you think that? Because they're, they're, they're pushing a motive, and I'm just like, well, because, if you think about it, in the garden there wasn't just one tree that God told him about, there was two, as a one was the knowledge, good and evil, but when we don't talk about very often is it's a tree eternal life. Yeah, and, and dude, you could see the, the wheels turning in the guys, in the guys mind hold up.

Speaker 1:

He was like oh, oh, well, well.

Speaker 2:

And then wrote the woman stone walled it nope, nope. And then she starts getting aggressive and I said look, I'm not gonna argue with. I said what I didn't tell you is I'm a pastor and I just got back from India on a missions trip and I said I tell you what, and Won't you come inside? I want to show you something, bro. I pulled up that video of us laying hands on people and people slain in the spirit. It was a thank you video. People who had sowed into true Christ life, which you guys plug, you guys are headed back to India, I think, in the fall.

Speaker 2:

Yeah we're headed to Peru. We got a team going to Peru in May and in July, so, anyway, just to shut up true Christ life, the ministry we have for missions, but anyway. But I'm like, hey, we just like I'm sure I showed them this video and, man, people are slain in the spirit. Bro, you just watching the video and it's got that song that I put with it Yahweh man, he just talks about the power of God, verse powerful. Even even when I watch it now, man, I my eyes well up and I I just start crying, man, because I just remember how God moves so powerfully and you see us and on the video preaching and thousands of people and that's talking in tongues and it's just a powerful video, bro. I stopped that video, I turned around a look and they were like all right, so you have a great day, bro. They ran out the house and they haven't been back since. He showed them then you, but you know I was just trying to win them. The Jesus, you know the right way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, good things, charlie, man, and show about your house, because you would let him, I would have told him about some Jesus. But but what I was gonna say is that's pretty hilarious, and is that when he said do you shout? And he said when I, you know, grew up, uh, joe was witness. And then I, you know, followed the Lord. A little later he said I'm a, I'm too grown for that Holy. Ghost and Ty Trebut started laughing and was, like he said, he's too grown, but a holy ghost like bro yeah.

Speaker 1:

Where is the honor and respect? Right, there is no fear of the Holy Spirit Like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're not too grown. If you receive Christ, you've received him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's it, that's it.

Speaker 1:

So, matter of fact, let me tell you about the Holy Spirit, why the Holy Spirit's here, why you have it, what it looks like to have his gifts. Like a beautiful opportunity on a national platform, right To let the topic of discussion be the gift of the Holy Spirit to every person who receives Jesus Christ. How do you mean? I mean it was teed up for him to hit a homerun man. He had a hole in one and I think we again. I think that sometimes we let the environment compromise our faith Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you use that word that I think we have got to keep and focus, bro, at the beginning of the year God spoke this word to me and I have shared it with the congregation, I've shared it with the leaders and you're right Intentional. We have got to be intentional. I posted in our group the other day slow down, be intentional. And I posted it three times because I felt it three times that morning that I woke up. We have got to slow down and be intentional in everything we do in our conversations with God, in our reading of scripture, in our worship, in our attendance in church services, in our conversations with each other, in our conversations at work, not being quick to run into a conversation we shouldn't be a part of. We need to slow down and be intentional.

Speaker 2:

And had Ty had this, had realized, I think, what was happening and that he was a part of the conversation, he shouldn't have been a part of that. He should have been steering instead of getting steered by it. And I don't know. I assume that's what happened. I'm sure he feels a certain way. It just came off really bad.

Speaker 2:

But we talk about him, but there are so many times that we get sucked into the same conversation or so many times that we get pulled into the wrong way where we could be defending our faith. Like Second Corinthians 10-5 says casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. He missed an opportunity to do that?

Speaker 1:

Do you have? Do you have Titus 1-9 up?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, holding fast the faithful word, as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict.

Speaker 1:

And so Ty had an opportunity because of what he knows he's been pastoring and leading in this church ministry for a very long time to correct and just build a platform for the kingdom. And the whole interview wasn't a waste, the platform wasn't a waste, but there were some balls that were dropped, some things that he missed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I just want us to leave here today, off of this podcast, encouraged to really consider the platforms that we're given on a daily basis to actually share the gospel, to build up the kingdom and to express the goodness of God to the people who need to hear it.

Speaker 2:

And if you don't fit in, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's okay, you're called to stand out. Don't throw the pencil. You gotta stand out. You gotta stand out I believe in this.

Speaker 2:

In 1 Peter, 315, one other one we got here says but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts. Sanctify him in your hearts. Anybody going to talk about God as long as I'm around, anybody going to misrepresent, sanctify him in the hearts and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you, a reason for hope that is in you, with meekness and fear. There's that curse word again fear, fear of the Lord. Anyway, man, I know we got, we got. We're on 35 minutes now, but look, I hope you got anything else. Brother, I'm good. Yeah, so I hope this encourages you. Be ready, be intentional, do it in love, but look at the end of the day. You ain't talking about my Jesus, right? You ain't talking about Jesus as bright.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you about my Jesus.

Speaker 2:

He made a way Go ahead my man Go ahead, man Wilson, let's hear it.

Speaker 1:

Hey, why don't you bless them really fast before we end this podcast?

Speaker 2:

Listen them on the way. Hey, thank you so much for for listening to the podcast. I ask you to hey share with somebody. Look, and the goal is not to talk about tired is simply to eliminate an opportunity for you to be intentional, for you to defend the faith, for you to keep, you know, keep the Lord sanctified in your heart, like that's what. That's what this is about defending the faith, um, and we hope that you see opportunities and self-reflect and see opportunities where you missed it and where you could get it right next time.

Speaker 2:

I mean, iron sharpens iron that's really kind of the motto of the show anyway, and so we hope that this um will encourage you to sharpen your iron and to not miss opportunities yourself. But anyway, hey, this is a priestly blessing from Aaron that, uh, he spoke over him and he said uh, the people of Israel said the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen. Hey, I am Pastor Jason and I, along with me, pastor Seth.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, god bless you. We hope to hear from you or see you next time on the next pastor to pastor. All right, god bless.

Pastors Discuss Faith and Healing
Perspectives on Church and Religion
Discussion on Representation of Faith
Importance of Church Unity and Connection
Missed Opportunities for Sharing the Gospel
Defending the Faith