Beyond Empty Nest

What Animals Are Here To Teach Us

November 20, 2023 Jodi Silverman Season 2 Episode 36
What Animals Are Here To Teach Us
Beyond Empty Nest
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Beyond Empty Nest
What Animals Are Here To Teach Us
Nov 20, 2023 Season 2 Episode 36
Jodi Silverman

Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to our extraordinary guest, Reverend Karen Cleveland. She is a  spiritual connection specialist, a new thought minister, a mindset mentor, and believe it or not, an animal communicator! Reverend Karen possesses a unique blend of talents that guide others toward profound self-discovery and fulfillment.

In her hands, experiences become carefully curated transformational adventures, primarily designed for women who are eager to rediscover meaning and fulfillment in their lives. Through awe-inspiring safaris across the globe, she offers a chance for individuals to connect with the beauty of nature, immerse themselves in its wisdom, and rediscover their inner selves. But the journey doesn’t end there; upon returning home, participants continue their exploration through mind, body, and soul connection exercises, rekindling long-buried dreams and passions.

In this episode, Reverend Karen Cleveland joins us to unravel the mysteries of the animal kingdom and enlighten us on the profound lessons these creatures have to offer. As an animal communicator, she delves into the depths of interspecies communication, unveiling the invaluable teachings that animals hold for us. Get ready to join us on a fascinating exploration into the world of animal wisdom and discover the profound insights they offer about life, love, and the essence of our existence.

❤️ DARE and sit quiety for 5 minutes in the presense of an animal and pay attention to what you feel and pick up.  When your mind begins to wander, bring your focus back to the animal.

🤗 Take Jodi's  7-Day Mini Self-Talk Clean Up Challenge HERE to grow your confidence, increase your happiness, and improve your relationships by taking only 5 conscious minutes of your time each day.

🌟 Share & Grow Your Business/Brand with Us - Apply HERE 🌟

Show Notes

Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to our extraordinary guest, Reverend Karen Cleveland. She is a  spiritual connection specialist, a new thought minister, a mindset mentor, and believe it or not, an animal communicator! Reverend Karen possesses a unique blend of talents that guide others toward profound self-discovery and fulfillment.

In her hands, experiences become carefully curated transformational adventures, primarily designed for women who are eager to rediscover meaning and fulfillment in their lives. Through awe-inspiring safaris across the globe, she offers a chance for individuals to connect with the beauty of nature, immerse themselves in its wisdom, and rediscover their inner selves. But the journey doesn’t end there; upon returning home, participants continue their exploration through mind, body, and soul connection exercises, rekindling long-buried dreams and passions.

In this episode, Reverend Karen Cleveland joins us to unravel the mysteries of the animal kingdom and enlighten us on the profound lessons these creatures have to offer. As an animal communicator, she delves into the depths of interspecies communication, unveiling the invaluable teachings that animals hold for us. Get ready to join us on a fascinating exploration into the world of animal wisdom and discover the profound insights they offer about life, love, and the essence of our existence.

❤️ DARE and sit quiety for 5 minutes in the presense of an animal and pay attention to what you feel and pick up.  When your mind begins to wander, bring your focus back to the animal.

🤗 Take Jodi's  7-Day Mini Self-Talk Clean Up Challenge HERE to grow your confidence, increase your happiness, and improve your relationships by taking only 5 conscious minutes of your time each day.

🌟 Share & Grow Your Business/Brand with Us - Apply HERE 🌟