The AGvisorPOD

10. Connecting Consumers to Agriculture

May 30, 2023 Robert Saik

Today's podcast is a great one!  Why? Because connecting agriculture and modern farming techniques with consumers is a daunting task.  Rob Saik hosts a conversation here that will tackle the challenges and opportunities working through the value chain beginning with processors all the way to consumer packaged goods companies.

This is a great discussion for people who spend time thinking about how to bridge the gap between agriculture and consumers

Take a load off, grab a drink and a snack, and listen to our panelists as they delve into the strategies and solutions required to get consumers and farmers on the same page.

The panelists in this discussion are:

Terry Aberhart: Chief Officer of Future Growth at Aberhart Farms, Entrepreneur and Speaker

Tracy Bush: Sales Manager at MGM Seed and Grain

Sylvain Charlebois: Senior Director, Agri-Food Analytics Lab at Dalhousie University

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