Young Gunners

Tips for Millennial Attorneys on Working in a Multi-generational Office

Aaron Burke and Nicole Soussan Caplan Season 2 Episode 3

Law firms and legal departments today have as many as four generations of attorneys working alongside one another. Some attorneys and staff that are a part of the older generations may hold a negative perception of millennial attorneys due to the prevalent negative stereotypes that seem to be everywhere. In this episode, we discuss how to overcome some of these negative stereotypes and provide practical tips on how we can work with all different age/generation groups from very senior partners to young partners, senior associates, and baby lawyers. 

This podcast was created by Texas Young Lawyers Association, and no part of it may be reproduced without the written consent of TYLA. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the TYLA or the State Bar of Texas.  The information in this podcast is provided as a resource of general information and is not intended to replace legal advice.  We recommend our listeners conduct their own research and exercise their own judgment.  If you are not a lawyer and need legal assistance related to any of the topics discussed in this podcast, you should consult an attorney.  

The Young Gunners Podcast features music by Otis McDonald and his song “Rest.”