SF Bay Area Live Music
San Francisco Bay Area Live Music is a free service showcasing local, original music artists and bands. We can help you promote upcoming shows! We blast and promote you on social platforms, YouTube and our podcast. We interview and feature three original songs. JOIN OUR COMMUNITY OF ARTISTS!! Never a fee. It’s all about the music! www.sanfranciscobayarealivemusic.com
SF Bay Area Live Music
Backline Chat w/ Kimberlye Gold - Singer/Songwriter, Actor, Journalist
This episode highlights local singer-songwriter Kimberlye Gold.
The music scene has been integral to Kimberlye's life since childhood, starting with singing in musicals, moving on to playing in cover bands, and eventually showcasing her own music.
Throughout her journey in LA, NY, and Nashville, she encountered numerous well-known musicians and celebrities.
I invite you to listen to Kimberlye's tales about her friendship with Huey Lewis, performing for Diana Ross and Gene Simmons in LA (while working as a singing waitress), sharing the stage with Richard Marx, opening act for Tower of Power, working with Ben Fong-Torres of Rolling Stone Magazine fame, interviewed Paul Rogers of Bad Company as well as, comedian Richard Lewis, collaborated with Tom Politzer of Tower of Power, and musician-producer Jimmy Goings.
In addition to being a singer/songwriter, she has worked as an actor for the Investigation Discovery Network, a singing telegram artist, and a journalist for the San Francisco Herald.
Kimberlye has experienced many different lives and has numerous stories about being "almost famous."
Visit our website for more information of our FREE services, and links to our YouTube channel, podcast and social media platforms. We are actively seeking industry personnel and local musicians for an upcoming episode on our podcast.
It’s all about the music!