As we continue in Chapter 1 of Mark, we see Jesus’ next step in his ministry was calling his followers. And we see that the disciples do not choose Jesus, he chooses and calls them -we are called by grace. The disciples leave everything behind (their careers and even their family) to answer this call- we follow by faith. Jesus gives them a new purpose in life…they go from being fishermen to fishers of men – we are transformed by discipleship. And so, each one of us can be thankful that God has chosen us, accept his call, and be resolute in our faith as we follow him and allow him to transform us according to his will and purposes: “to do all the good works [he has] prepared for us to walk in…”
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As we get set to start a series journey through the Gospel according to Mark in its entirety, we simply ask ourselves the question: What is the Gospel? What is the point? Why do I need to hear this again? Why does this matter to the world today?
We will again recognize that even though we live in a culture that considers itself though self righteous eyes, we actually life in a broken world. And we will remind ourselves that change is necessary, change is possible, and (with Jesus) change is inevitable.
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In response to challenges to his leadership, Paul feels compelled to reestablish the church in Corinth’s trust in him. Because his opponents were going about boasting about their spiritual experiences and visions, Paul is also forced to verify his credentials by “boasting” about his own visions and revelations. However, he is able to outdo his opponents by pointing out that this is actually boasting as well as how foolish it is. Paul then turns the conversation around to explain that rather than boasting about his unique ministry, he would rather boast about his weakness. He shares that even though he has been given a thorn in his side (a hindrance to his ministry), God’s grace is sufficient and is what carries him (and those he is leading) through.
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Rev. Jonathan Ellis
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Rev. Jonathan Ellis
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This week we are joined by the Rev. Alastair Sterne.
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In this episode we reflect on the ascension of Jesus. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He prepared his disciples (inspired by the Holy Spirit) for their ministry and mission to present their eye-witness testimony of the gospel message to the world. Jesus was then glorified, ascending back into heaven, and the disciples were left with nothing to do but wait…and worship Him. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us, enlighten us and open our minds to his will and rely on his strength to help us follow that.
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In this episode we continue to reflect on how believing in the name of Jesus, loving our brothers and sisters, and living morally upright lives is not possible without the Spirit of God living in us. God is love and He lives in us so our ability to love flows through us from Him.
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This week we are joined by the Rev. Alastair Sterne with an encouraging message on what complete joy looks like in the Christian way of life.
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In this episode we look at how the road to love is paved with faith in Christ. Faith keeps the commandments of God.
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Over the last couple of years at our Easter services, the message has focussed on how we celebrate that the gospel accounts of the resurrection are not theological lessons about the meaning of the resurrection, they are an account of the details of what happened that day. That the gospels don’t tell us what it means, they just tell us that it happened. We have celebrated that the resurrection isn’t an idea or a philosophy, it is a historical event that happened!
Now that we have established that Jesus Christ was crucified, died, and was buried, and on the third day, he rose again from the dead and was seen by numerous eye witnesses and then many more I witnesses in the days that followed… We can celebrate what it means: that because of this, we have been granted forgiveness of sins AND life everlasting.
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In this episode focusing on the reading from Philippians, we will see how Jesus’s example of divine kingship is one of humility, even to the point of servanthood and death on the cross, but that because of this God has exalted Him above all earthly rulers.
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In this episode we will look at how, through the prophet Jeremiah, God promised his people in exile a new covenant - a next step in their relationship with Him. Even though the majority of Israel had failed to keep the covenant of the law and rejected God, this was not enough to cause God to turn away from his everlasting covenantal, relational love (which was always based on grace) And so this new covenant that was promised emphasizes radical shift through challenging traditional religious structures, the internalization of God's law, and pointing towards universal knowledge of God and forgiveness of sins – all brought about by Jesus’s work on the cross.
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In this episode we are looking at 2 Chronicles 36:14-23 which highlights themes of sin, judgment, redemption, and restoration, showcasing God's enduring love and faithfulness to His people even in the face of disobedience.
We first see the consequences of sin - the persistence of idolatry (despite persistent divine warnings) leads to the fall of Judah, the destruction of the temple, and exile into Babylonian captivity.
However, even amidst God divine wrath and just judgment, His patience and mercy is apparent. The people are not completely destroyed , instead a remnant of the people is preserved.
The passage concludes with hope for repentance and renewal as it describes the renewal of the covenant, return to Jerusalem and rebuilding of the temple.. The fulfilment of prophecies also demonstrate God's faithfulness as well as His sovereignty over earthly rulers like Cyrus the Great, who plays a pivotal role in the restoration of the exiled Jews.
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We continue our Lent series this week, looking at how the Old Testament prophesies point us towards to Jesus and his death and resurrection. God gave the law through Moses as the foundation of his covenantal relationship with His people Israel.
The law is not merely guidelines or suggestions, it is the law. Jesus came, not to abolish the law but to fulfill it and to uphold it.
During the season of Lent we intentionally face our disobedience, that we have broken God's laws. But we do so remembering that Jesus' fulfilling the law also means He bore the consequences for our sins.
Though we all have failed to live up to our covenantal vows, because of Jesus we are forgiven by grace through faith. However, this doesn't give us a free pass to do whatever we want, nor does it mean ignoring our fellow Christians when they falter.
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In this episode we begin a series that looks at how the Old Testament points us towards Jesus and his death and resurrection. We begin with Genesis 9, God's promise to Noah.
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In this episode we look at the Transfiguration of Jesus and see how we are also transformed by His power and grace in our lives. It may be hard for us to see ourselves as the "communion of saints", but He has made us all worthy to play our part in the kingdom.
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