The Green Elephant in the Room: Solutions To Restoring the Health of People and the Living Planett

Mega-Summer Musical Tours: Extravaganza vs. The Extravagant Carbon Footprint

July 03, 2023 Rico Verde
The Green Elephant in the Room: Solutions To Restoring the Health of People and the Living Planett
Mega-Summer Musical Tours: Extravaganza vs. The Extravagant Carbon Footprint
Show Notes

The Two Overarching Goals of This Podcast Project:

1.  To raise awareness about the scope and scale of the twin evils, the climate and biodiversity crises. Because the extent of our eco-problems are global, we think most people don’t truly conceive of the magnitude of what is happening. After all, the sky is blue, and the birds are singing – what’s the issue?

2. To promote a better understanding that, even with all the progress we have accomplished, it is sadly, nowhere near the efforts we must undertake to realize any real headway in this mother-of-all planetary threats. (See #1)

To illustrate this, we share two tales. One of a legendary superstar musical couple trying to make a healing gesture to the earth. 

The other is about The Disney Corporation marketing an elite “Bucket Lists Adventure” around the world package tour. The “Happiest Place on Earth” is not doing much to make the Earth happy. 

OK, we lied, we do have a Third Goal: Solutions.
Below, find a link for The Green Elephant’s fabulous new resource, A CALL TO ACT: A Comprehensive On-line Encyclopedia of Eco-Solutions.  

“A Call to Act” is NOT about going vegan, boycotting fast-fashion, and upping your home recycling game. 

"A Call to Act" is a well-organized, thoughtfully laid-out resource with  hundreds of climate & environmental groups to join, and eco-action activities to be taken. 

Check it out – it is a site to behold.

A CALL TO ACT: An Incredible On-Line Encyclopedia of Eco-Solutions