The Green Elephant in the Room: Solutions To Restoring the Health of People and the Living Planett

Beyond Truth: Why is Climate Change so Hard to Fix? Part 2

August 21, 2023 Rico Verde Season 5 Episode 79
The Green Elephant in the Room: Solutions To Restoring the Health of People and the Living Planett
Beyond Truth: Why is Climate Change so Hard to Fix? Part 2
Show Notes

1. Why is it so hard to fully address climate change? Is it because it is mind-crushingly beyond any human scale? Climate change is the ultimate hyper-object – something so vast that it is impossible to hold in our mind. A hyper-object, even as it surrounds us, we can’t perceive it – it is invisible, yet it exists. Climate change despite being so definitely caused by humans is so profoundly non-human; so expansive that our understanding is continually outpaced and exhausted. Maybe by viewing this phenomenon through a different interpretation will unleash the immense capacity of human creativity, even bravery in moving forward.
2. Speaking of mind-boggling, we dissect the greatest entity in the known universe – the human brain. Nothing compares. But if we are so smart, why are we not taking collective action on a pending apocalypse that is unfolding right in front of our eyes?
3. Using the tragic events in Lahaina, Maui as a lens to focus on the miserable job the news media is doing on reporting on the environmental problems that are beginning to overwhelm the planet. And more importantly, what they – and you can do about it.

A CALL TO ACT: A Comprehensive On-Line Encyclopedia of Accessible Eco-Solutions

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