The Green Elephant in the Room: Solutions To Restoring the Health of People and the Living Planett

From Personal to Planetary: Why We Need Both Individual and Systemic Climate Action

February 27, 2024 Rico Verde
From Personal to Planetary: Why We Need Both Individual and Systemic Climate Action
The Green Elephant in the Room: Solutions To Restoring the Health of People and the Living Planett
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The Green Elephant in the Room: Solutions To Restoring the Health of People and the Living Planett
From Personal to Planetary: Why We Need Both Individual and Systemic Climate Action
Feb 27, 2024
Rico Verde

In our last episode we explored this question: Is it possible that individual actions will move the needle on large scale eco-issues such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and widespread habitat loss, or is individual action virtually pointless? 

In researching this question, not surprisingly, we have uncovered a basic truth, our eco-issues are complex, and humans are complicated.  

Covering a topic that will be impacting us for centuries, and involves every person, and most every other living creature on the planet, is bound to be convoluted and problematic. 

What we have concluding is, yes, individual actions are essential, and can and do make a difference, but in the end, we must collectively work together to have any hope of limiting the tremendous changes happening to our home planet.


  • On-line Carbon Calculators — Are we Deceiving Ourselves?
  • How Much do Individual Actions Really Matter?
  • How do we Achieve Systematic Climate Action?
  • How You and the Earth can Benefit From the Largest Climate Bill Ever Passed.
  • What are the Top High-Impact Climate Actions for Households and Individuals?

Episode Webpage

"A CALL TO ACT" :  A Comprehensive On-line Encyclopedia of Eco-Solutions. 

Show Notes

In our last episode we explored this question: Is it possible that individual actions will move the needle on large scale eco-issues such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and widespread habitat loss, or is individual action virtually pointless? 

In researching this question, not surprisingly, we have uncovered a basic truth, our eco-issues are complex, and humans are complicated.  

Covering a topic that will be impacting us for centuries, and involves every person, and most every other living creature on the planet, is bound to be convoluted and problematic. 

What we have concluding is, yes, individual actions are essential, and can and do make a difference, but in the end, we must collectively work together to have any hope of limiting the tremendous changes happening to our home planet.


  • On-line Carbon Calculators — Are we Deceiving Ourselves?
  • How Much do Individual Actions Really Matter?
  • How do we Achieve Systematic Climate Action?
  • How You and the Earth can Benefit From the Largest Climate Bill Ever Passed.
  • What are the Top High-Impact Climate Actions for Households and Individuals?

Episode Webpage

"A CALL TO ACT" :  A Comprehensive On-line Encyclopedia of Eco-Solutions.