Right Hand Drive Guys

Choppin It Up With Jesse Iwuji - EP.64

RHDGUYS Season 1 Episode 64

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In this episode we interview Jesse Iwuji about his career in NASCAR and how he ended up getting his Nissan Skyline GTR. We also chat about how young enthusiasts can work their way to a GTR of their own. 

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Hey and welcome back to the right hand drive guys podcast the show for guys who leg right hand drives as always I'm Bobby. This is Aaron. Yeah, y'all and this is episode 63 Yeah, I'm pretty pretty excited for episode 63. I have quite a bit of my own Car stories, you know, you could say yeah, I'm sure you do too. Oh, yeah plenty of them and You know story telling and kind of experiencing other people's lives through story is always like a great time Like I feel like I'm like the most engaged when somebody's like telling a story that obviously I'm interested in right now So we figured we kind of just kind of do the same and and throw out you know three or four of our own Little stories that involve our our car lives Dude sounds good. Let's get into it. Yeah, I'm gonna let you go first. You're gonna have the first one. Oh Okay Sorry, I know I threw that rate on your life like this wasn't planned like so Well for my first story It's kind of a quick one. Okay, but it's one of those I guess you could say core memories I have yeah that I don't know I'll always kind of remember and it was the first time I rode in a drift car. Whoa on a track on a track correct, so I think it was like 2000 Either like 2007 early 2008 I had a buddy that lived in St. Louis and at the time I rode BMX so did he so I know through that But he was also into the 240 scene and you know drifted and did all that so Pretty much he said that there was a track day going on and I was like sweet. I'll check that out because I knew what drifting was I didn't have I didn't have a 240 or anything at the time But I was definitely interested, you know, I was still in the cars and still like I Know I was still super into it. I was just more into you know bikes and BMX at the time Yeah, yeah, that's more what you could afford right like that was that was the level before cars Yeah, I know that was the interest that was affordable with those ages right right all throughout high school and stuff That was the thing and then you know right as I graduated high school You know it started going more towards cars. So anyway Yeah, we were up for the weekend. We went to this track day and Yeah, just pretty much watch people drifting at Gateway Gateway speedway. No, what is it Gateway Motorsports Park? That's what it is. I think it's in St. Louis It's like an ask our track. They haven't in field. That's pretty sick And I think to this day Formula D has an event there, but they didn't at the time but Yeah, so we were checking out the event Watching everyone drive and I was like, dude, this is sick like Yeah, just seeing everything and like St. Louis is pretty close to Chicago and Chicago always had like a pretty decent scene and There was always sick cars coming down from Chicago to these events But you're like the origin people and people are later to found out to be like The guys from Togay factory. Mm-hmm They were out driving and One of those dudes was like one of the first guys to give me a ride long. Oh, that's sweet and it was It was in a 240 like S 13 coupe and it had like this crazy livery on it had an origin body kit like It's pretty sweet. Yeah, yeah for sure and it was SR and it sounded crazy, dude Like just super loud like you know how that S4 Yeah, you can you can you can you can picture the sound you know it is so yeah, I mean I hopped in the car through on a helmet and Yeah, I mean that track is super fast. I was like top of third year dude slams the sideways Go through this chicane slams it back the other way and just rip and dude like just Wide open tire smoke like just oh Yeah, and it was just like holy shit, dude. Yeah, it's like chaos, but harmony Yeah, yeah, yeah, and you like yeah, and he just killed it And then just like locked in on the sweeper and just like Just nailed it right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and it was just like the most perfect thing and I was like wow That was crazy. That was like the first time I was ever like in a drift car on a track and Like really getting that full experience and ever since then dude. It's always been like Trift oriented. Yeah, yeah, pretty much it was always that that was always picking my interest Yeah, no doubt that pivotal moment, you know, yeah, that's pretty sweet getting that feeling was just like No, no, yeah, yeah, it's crazy especially during those, you know years and in the late teens, you know early 20s Those type of experiences that come along like definitely can shape, you know the next the rest of your life, you know for sure so Yeah, a lot of a lot of my stories are more about me like getting in trouble Because I mean I've I've gotten I've gotten in a decent amount of Troubling cars for sure. I mean I've had yeah, I got I got too much so I'll try to make mine like somewhat quick. Maybe I can get through more of them, but yeah So when I lived in Tennessee, this was probably 2000 2006 Yeah, 2006 So I lived in Tennessee. I lived with My childhood best friend's mom she had moved down there. I lived with her and so Him and I growing up together he went into the military. I was doing college and So he bought an EVO 8 it was an O3 EVO 8 the first model year in the US It was yeah, it was sick. It had low mileage. It was black. It was it was a sweet car and so He was super it was Randy shout out Randy He was super awesome about it and this dude would let me Use this car like it was mine while he's you know at a base somewhere or potentially overseas. He's like Just use it like it yours. I want somebody to enjoy it and I'm like Okay Yeah, yeah, and like I I modified it for him and you know I Took care of it the best to my knowledge at that point in my car career, right? You know, I was I was young that was so wild. Yeah so We're I was in Tennessee. I was I think we said it was Gallatin pike, right? Yeah, so I stop at this place is Displaced dodges chicken and and this is like a four lane. It's a four lane highway. Yeah And so I stop at dodges chicken. I'm gassing up and there's a dude in a Mustang of course and He's chirping me chirping me chirping me and very common in that area. Yeah super super common in that area Yeah, if you must think guys. I know they're from around there. Yeah, so I was in their territory You could say it was pretty much like you know, I shouldn't have been out there, you know, but Yeah, so anyways, he's chirping me. He's chirping me There's another dude with me one of our brandy and eyes mutual friends and he's like dude just race him And I'm like dude. I don't want to like race this guy like what right and dudes like what come on listen to your buddy Raisin so I'm like all right, you know, whatever like 20 roll. Let's get it, you know, we do the 20 roll and we are ripping like For sure like rip way too fast, you know, rip and yeah and we in a sheriff not like the local cop But a sheriff comes on coming and it's four lanes, but there's no median right and so he comes and he whipsos on dude This this experience is the craziest police interaction that I've ever had in the sense of he did the 180 dude like Did the 180 dude, you know pulls us over I was in front of the Mustang of course You know, I was I was gapping him, you know and so the Mustang pulls behind me. I pull over right yeah The cop comes up and does the sideways screeching thing with the car dude. I Bullshit you not that's what I'm saying. This was the craziest thing. He does the Like sideways and stops and then swings open his door dude draws his gun dude Yes, dude cuz I mean in mind you we're definitely doing over a hundred. Yeah, right so in that area I'm sure it's like a 35 maybe 40 because it's the four lane, but yeah, but Dude so he draws his gun and puts it over the door thing like and I'm like Oh my gosh like, you know, I'm like originally obviously from Maine like very low-key here like definitely none of that stuff He draws the gun and he's like, you know ordering me to put my hands outside of the car with with the drop the keys outside of the car Open the door get out put your hands on the hood. I'm like, oh my gosh, dude like what did we do? No, so you know once dude realizes that we're just a bunch of idiots You know and he does the same thing to the Mustang dude But because I was in the front and the Mustang couldn't have left to get around me or him really He was focused on me first, but And then of course he asked us both the stories and I think the Mustang guy probably Like was acting like I was like harassing him and he was trying to get away from me or something and I was just like Yeah, no, he asked me if I wanted to race and we I'm sure the cop was like all right you guys are idiots, you know, but I got a super hefty Honestly gets you a long way a lot of times. Yeah, I mean Yeah, yeah, you still might get a ticket, but it might be a little less He didn't arrest me and you know I was going I was criminal speeding for sure and he didn't arrest me although I thought I was dying Dude I was I seriously thought I was like I would be thinking I'm dying too if a cop passes me sideways Yes hops out with the Yes, did he slide over the hood? No, no, he was kind of like heavy set like so I don't know if he's like trying to show his authority But yeah, that's my first Tennessee car story Yeah, yeah, they give a rowdy out there dude. I don't Yeah, luckily for me the police like Haven't had too many run-ins with him like while I'm doing stuff. I haven't had that many. Wow good for you Other than like speeding like Sure Like but nothing terrible. I mean I got like a reckless driving once, but it was because I was like I was in a completely bone stock 91 240 sx automatic car was meant just picked it up and like I don't know I would do this goofy thing where I would just floor it down this straight section of highway just to like Top it out and like You know what I mean? Yeah, of course So I was doing that one night and got caught and you got reckless for that you got reckless for that But it was like I was doing 10 or something they call wow and that thing was shaking dude smoking Part of you can do Well dude, it was an automatic So it didn't have like the speed limiter at 115 or whatever So you popped in and over driving you do. Yes That was like that was pretty cool. We like kind of goofy though, right? Yeah, just kind of Right kind of a point was like what the yeah, but dude. I mean But if you get a reckless driving ticket you have to go get booked and everything like you get mug shot taken fingerprint and all that like I didn't realize that at the time. I just thought I had like this what year was that Probably yeah, like 2008 2000 years because My next story is about my oh no, I got driving to endanger driving to endanger holy cow. Yeah, so yeah like so I would know what does that mean. Yeah, well, let's just say people in Well, so I was in this evil again, right and this time I ran deep my buddy was with me. So it was like all good right, right? But so we like over in goodlifts world. There's a KOA like opposite side of goodness well then then like rivergate and I'm like oh dude. This is a fucking evil dude rally Yeah, probably super stupid, but now mind you mind you Intensey and so KOA is yeah, yeah KOA is fully year-round mostly so there's a super like a really long dirt road And then like all these little offshoot like kind of like half circle comes back into the road things where the camping area is all right So I'm like hitting those like off off of it and just like sideways through those hammering back up the main road sideways And so it's dry as shit and so all of that dust is literally Pluming in the air dude. Yeah, of course of course. There's a cop coming down What is it? I can't remember that opposite pike whatever side that is on yeah, but he's coming down there and he sees All the dust in the air over the KOA and he's like what the hell so he just sits on the side of the road And of course, well, you know, he like let's me do it when I'm done. I come back up the car is brown Literally, it's brown And there's just a trail of shit behind me and he just flips the lights on like yeah, of course he did Yeah, and I just stop and dude. Yeah Driving to in danger was because there was people there Like in campers and stuff so I was in danger and yeah, so that was another big Tennessee Tennessee ticket that I got yeah So I mean yeah, I've gotten I got a lot of Tickets and tennis Tennessee. I was wiling out. I'm not gonna lie. That's crazy Like I did too much. Yeah, they were too busy with you. They didn't give me yeah, I would say I mean, I can go into the next one or you should go ahead holy cow you got another one with police Yeah, this this one was this one was pretty bad so And I hope some of the guys that were involved in this actually are listening but so Me and like three other guys two STIs and S2000 and I'm in this evo and it was after the bridge, you know one night like yeah, you know we hit the bridge We we do that whole thing and then everybody goes and takes runs, you know, and so yeah, we hit um I 40 And our thing was you know, yeah, okay listen this was a long time ago. I just want to say before I even say this Like I was like 2021 22 like Not yeah, like I would not do these things today That whole area was way less populated back then than it is now And there was a lot of car dudes in Tennessee and we all are in Nashville and we all did like the same we all did that, you know So but so we go on I 44 wide and you know, we're doing a 20 kick and like but I 40's 65 yeah, so we have to back traffic up for Oh long ways in order to get our 20 kick and so we just slowly slow traffic down four wide and then once we Have you know the solid space in front of us we do the 20 kick. Yeah, so but that's solid space, you know, we're racing You know, so anyways Dude we get it down to the 20 kick dude Bant bant Woo Dude right behind me was a undercover cop dude. It couldn't have been more crazy that The car directly behind me is an undercover dude and I'm like dude no So you know, I'm not evading right because he's right behind me The two sdi's do drop hammering bounce dude and it's only him so he can only get who pulls over if somebody leaves like they're gone Right, right so me and the s2000 pullover and oh my god dude dude same type of deal He didn't skid sideways in shit, but he got out dude drew his weapon Had us get out of the car dude on the hood on the trunk Dude the whole thing So then once he clears us that we don't have weapons and that we're really just idiots He one one by one because there's Me and another guy in my car him and another guy in his car one by one dude this took hours one by one He interrogates us puts us in the back of his vehicle You know go through the whole thing trying it and me like being 20 buddies. Yes. Well, of course he want to know who the sdi's right, but we definitely weren't playing that but I'm like no dude listen My car it's messed up. We were slowing down to listen for the noise. There was a noise And we were trying to write there's always something He's like do shut the hell On i40 right 1130 at night. Yes, exactly So he gave us legit street racing tickets Street racing tickets like I had never I had not even known that that was really a thing and he gave us legit street racing tickets that were not justifying It was a summons to court like no yeah no get out jail free no You know, and it was a 800 and something dollar fine dude Oh, yeah like in the second time dude you lose your license and you have to spend time in the slamma In the slamma dude out the second time you get a street racing ticket. Yeah So don't play in Nashville on that's pretty crazy like because I mean back then I was around a group of friends that Like we would go out street racing. We never really Brand into that many problems. I mean yeah, I mean neither until the undercover was chilling cow Any way to for us he like knew dude. He waited for the second honk. Yes, dude. I was like Yeah, but so that's that's my third that's my last Tennessee story I mean I have a couple more but like I don't want to play it out too hard you know on uh, you know Davis, a county you feel me Dude, I know that was heavy take a drink dude. Okay. What's your next one? My next one involves getting my first right hand drive car uh My 180 sx I had back in the day Pretty pretty cool story because that car was like kind of illegal Yeah, it honest like it was yeah friggin then swap chassis swap dude, but yeah swapped so Pretty much like this car came up for trade on the local forum 10 speed, right Came up for sale and he said he's looking for trades and I'm like Huh, I got this RB 20 s 13 coupe with a silver front end body kit. It looks pretty cool I'm gonna offer him a trade on this 180 sx because the 180 sx has like I don't know. It's like a Drift's car spec for that time. I guess it had like a bolt-in roll cage. It had like stripped interior A bucket seat with the halo like crazy. Yeah early early day drift day. Yeah, but it had an SR 20 with a 2871 R That was supposedly built and like had all these upgrades and whatnot um But yeah, I was like whatever. This is sick. I'm gonna take my shot and see if it he'll trade me He'll trade me dude. That'll be insane. Yeah, so I hit him up and like he's in Alabama like couple hours away and Yeah, and we pretty much just hawk and figure out the deal and Yeah, I'm like I can come down tomorrow night and drive my car. I can we can do the trade You driving that unpack. Yeah, dude right These cars are always driving back, right? I don't know why but whatever you don't have to have a trailer. So anyways like I'd end up getting one of my friends and we go down to Alabama, but it's not like any part of Alabama I've ever really been to it's like You go south a little bit then you get off the interstate and then you go down this highway down another highway and it's just like The sticks in Alabama. I don't know where I am. I'm to this day. I don't even remember where it was to be honest But it was somewhere in northern Alabama. Yeah, so like we believe that my house around 5 p.m. And gets dark pretty quick and we get there probably eight thirty at night and Check out the car and he checks out mine Everything seems to check out right to your sign my slips. Yeah, pretty much. Only thing was um I forgot why we didn't but I wanted to keep my wheels and he wanted to keep his so I don't think I had my wheel key or a jack or something Something along these lines because this kid lived in an apartment complex. He had no garage Just car was just sitting out like yeah, it full like You know 180 sx full body kit like just crazy looking car. Well, that's yeah. Yeah So anyway, we hop in the car and I didn't even test drive it before Driving it Driving home. We just you know took each other's word. Yeah, it was one of those. Yeah, I love those transactions It was just one of those things we did he like kind of talks so much it kind of side tracked me from you know my plan He knew what he was doing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I wanted to drive the car. Obviously before I drove it back through the night a few hours back home But I didn't But it did it work out So yeah, I mean we hop in the car we go to Go to a Walmart pick up some things because I was like the only thing that was open in the town She didn't oil change right there in the Yeah, you have filled a rope with some oil some some 2050 yeah Some rotella got some rotella for the ride over just a case But we got gas and everything and we pretty much just got on the road back home and like Like I said, we're just going down these highways and like We're in the middle of nowhere. Nothing is around nothing's open and I'm just in this unknown car right hand drive Straight by You know the bill but we're going through these small towns and there's cops everywhere like just you know There's one at every like Every time you enter town it seemed like there was a cop and I'm like holy cow man like Which ones coming out? Sweat in the whole time back But you know we eventually made it back to the interstate and everything was cool and you know Went up the interstate half an hour and I was getting off my exit and Everything was still cool and I'm like man. This is crazy. I can't believe I got this car and then As I'm driving I look at my review mirror and I see like I don't know I don't know about you, but I can always kind of pick out cars that I know and like my review and I saw what I thought Look like pop-up headlights. I was like is this an S 13 behind me like no way. It's like One or two a.m. Right now There's no way there's another S 13 behind me And dude, so I slow down a little bit Gets closer and he ends up Being an S 13. It's pretty sick and it's this dude that I've seen the car around like once or twice, but I never met the guy or anything and back then it was a small community with those cars So like everyone kind of knew each other. Yeah, but yeah, no, I was this guy was like hey Is that 180 sx? It was for sale on 10 speed? Like just random dude right? Yeah, and he's like Sweet, can I check it out like I'm like sure So we pull into this gas station and that ended up being this new Tony that like I still know to this day Yeah, I think he might still have that same exact car from way back there isn't that crazy But yeah, I mean it was kind of crazy, but I ended up making it home and You know nothing was too sketchy on the car for for a couple weeks, but yeah you love like being able to like Make it back after that like yeah for sure. I know that feeling Especially after like you know, it just being like the first time in a right-end drive car It kind of being sketchy back then because the car was a 98 I believe so it was only 10 years old. Yeah, well and I mean, that's not super old like that you know um So okay, so my story moves from Tennessee over to Colorado I was stationed at four carcinan Colorado for a couple years back in like 0809 Like 070809 so um Out there I felt like there's a very big all-wheel drive like oh yeah, I see that yeah a lot of STI's a lot of evos I feel like that's called me wrong military bases too. Yeah, I think so 35 are evos for sure Uh, and it's almost like the dealerships around there got more allocations for evos and STI's because there was Just so many and so yeah, that's where that was a thing. Yeah, I think so and so we um my wife and I both got evo 9MRs. I got a Gunmetal gray she got a wicked white and sick. Yeah, they were both used with super low miles and We each got one and yeah, that was awesome. We put um just like full bolt-ons on hers But mine We went ethanol with it like 85 cams fp red turbo You know all the bolt-ons whatever like yeah, it was 440 horsepower. Yeah, yeah to the wheels it was all four. Yeah, and that's no jokes where and So I worked at a shop called under pressure power and performance in Colorado Springs And so we did all the work there in tunit and whatnot and So we would do a lot of different stuff there and one and of course it's right outside the military base literally right So you know you get all kinds of people want to do stuff and we had a dude pull up and uh a donk a it was like uh I don't know what I can't I can't recall but it was a donk right and probably a box Chevy right something like that Yeah, yeah, for sure in his gas tank was like leaking or something like that and so we were swapping out gas tank and You know military housing all around and uh, you know, I had my EVO on the 85 whatever but Colorado does get pretty cold and if you know About ethanol when it's cold. It's it's like thicker so therefore if you don't warm up the car and get you know that fuel to kind of thin out Then it overloads and it's bad bad juju. So um I had been parked out front of the shop for hours and then the guy with the dog needed to ride home It was like two miles down the road like yeah, whatever Instead of taking like the shop van. I was like yeah, I'll bring you around this. He's like he's like oh your little cracker jack toy And I was like Yeah, I was like you show him Yeah, and I didn't know how to take it but I was like all right like he's like so I've never really been in these little four cylinder things Is this thing actually get up and go and you know, I knew better but I was like Little cracker jack toy like this because this thing would spin all four like all four off the rail Yeah, it especially cold tires right like it would just spin off for and just shoot flames like I love that car Until I'm like yeah, I'll show you what this thing has right didn't you know, we we were 500 feet from the shop we were taking this turn out of the shop and I'm like I can't even wait Right, you know, I'm like Dude the old friggin coolant shower on the windshield And dude, yeah, I blew a hole in the front end of the block like so big the whole yeah so big Yeah, pretty much like and so at first I'm like oh maybe I blew a radiator hose or Or right, yeah, or maybe it was I'm sure it was just the head gasket In my head at that time right No hell no, I as soon as I opened the hood I was like Through a rod right through the side of it dude We're close enough to the dudes house so that he can walk now right you know But yeah, I should have but he's like oh man, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you blow your motor Dude all right listen like I'm out of here dude Cuz like you know, it's no secret. You're not like killing it in the military But you're making enough to right do what you want right? It wasn't making enough to repair that motor that's for sure. So yeah, that's rough So she got a new car back then like yeah, that's pricey. Yeah exactly That's a block and everything yeah, so I had to do it all myself because I wasn't We tried to get it under like my little extended warranty thing but then they're better Yeah, they're like dude that ain't right But yeah, that's my my blowing motor story you got one more do I I don't know if not I got another one but Ah, yeah, I got one okay run it so Yeah drifting right mm-hmm street drifting Used to be a good time. Oh, yeah, it was one of those things where like Every time you went out someone in your group Was gonna do something silly. Yeah, of course dude like And it was always just you know Not everyone would and not everyone would every time but it was always someone dude that would hop a curb you know Run off the road like whatever it might be oh But yeah, the one time it was me We were at this one spot. It was like it's not necessarily a park, but it's kind of like a I don't even know how to describe it. It's like a little cut-through road, but it closes at night Right before it closes. There's like no traffic going through there. So it's like These two little turns that are an ice and fun to hit so we'd go through there and kind of hit those turns once or twice And be on our way. Well one of the nights uh Well one of the times I went through there My throttle head hung wide open wow throttle hang dude and Instead of like flicking the car back the other way I had straight towards this curb. Oh wow dude launched it right Luckily it was one of those like Sure, yeah, you know banked kind of curves it went like the straight up like sidewalk So I got lucky I but yeah still launched my car the guy that was in my passenger seat Wacked his head like off the ceiling from like dude it was pretty crazy. Yeah, the long travels on there Yeah, I felt like I did yeah, and I was like holy cow dude. What just happened. So I got the throttle on hung and drove my car pretty much right outside Of the park because we saw the security coming we're like okay, we can't be around here anymore So let's get out of here. So I'd limp the car back to the road. It was leaking oil everywhere. It was It was a medic it hit the oil pan it cracked the upper oil pan Wow, you really gave it to her. Yeah, the oil pan had bottomed out and like the sway bar head like hit the yeah It was insane. It was a lot of uh while the crunchiness up front but Nothing they couldn't be replaced so that was all good But it was a pain in the ass for a few days. I haven't fixed all the oil leaks in like oh yeah Yeah, just get it back to where it was and like yeah because you're not claiming that or something right You gotta do it. Yeah, no way I'm gonna claim that but didn't get in trouble so that was sick. That is good So I got my last story is I'll match your curb story With that same with that same EVO 9MR prior to the motor blowing the winter before You know in Colorado Springs we would get like You know generally like three or four inches and then it would melt away same day next day You know that type of thing But this one time we got like six and a half inches or something and no one was out and of course, you know That's when the boys like to play yeah So yeah, so me and the boys went to play and um We were on base because there was definitely there was one MP, you know, whatever he nobody's doing nothing So we were kind of just like you know drifting around those roads just scooting around and um We were looking for big parking lots and the swimming pool had like a big parking lot But I couldn't remember What the layout of it was right like in the way that the snow was sitting on no one had driven in this like you know It's not loud that no one had driven this so I'm like dude. I got a clear shot So dude I I come into that I come into that parking lot sideways Super fast cuz so good because I think that I'm about to slide all the way across this parking lot Dude and then cut hammer out of it right because it was like a in and out So I thought I'm coming dude So and I'm you know me and my homies we're having fun So I'm trying to show him like what's up, right right right dude. We hit this curb So hard dude It like seriously so hard no My buddy's head smashed off the side of the window So hard. I've never heard a noise like that and I broke both passengers side rims the stock evo 8 rims Both of them broke in like fell so the car couldn't even move after that because I This spokes would like yeah, yeah, yeah, so that's a heavy hit. Yeah, so it it been everything Been everything like the whole passenger side suspension had to get replaced plus the wheels obviously The front rotor was fucked up from the wheels breaking like dude Can you imagine dude? I'm coming into this parking lot dude. I'm fucking Ken blocking it dude I'm like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that was that was bad But luckily I was able to claim that on my insurance because it you know again that car was pretty new and like I wasn't Gonna be replacing on this I would do that today. I would replace all that no problem But back then especially living on base no garage It was the base garage, but I wasn't using that like that, you know, so Yeah, I mean huge mistake. I have never ever drifted into a parking lot without driving through it first The sense then yeah, that's one of my biggest fears up here in the in the winter time anytime I see those big wide open lots of yeah, what's in there? What's really hiding under there? Yeah, my buddy won't ride move me in a car anymore I'm like hey, dude, let's take a ride he's like hell no dude last time ended up with a station can push and dude I'm like fair enough. I mean do you blame him? No So yeah, man that those were just a few stories of ours just about you know our kind of come up throughout I'm obviously a trouble maker this guy is obviously just making good memories, but whatever tried yeah, it's something yeah But yeah, this this was episode 63 we definitely appreciate you listening As always hit us up DM us you got any questions you need help importing a car you want no our opinion on something It's at rhd g us check out the merch We're starting to list some use parts on our website as well and you can see that at rhd gus.com But for episode 63 I'm Bobby. This is Aaron. See ya peace[Music]