That's a Good Question
That's A Good Question is a podcast that answers questions you have about the Christian faith from pastors at Peace Church. This podcast is published on Tuesdays each week.
Go to peacechurch.cc/question to submit a question for yourself.
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That's a Good Question
Defining Love: Exposing the "Love is Love" Lie Through a Biblical Lens
In this episode of "That's a Good Question," host Jon Delger, the Executive Pastor of Teaching at Peace Church, and Mitchell Leach, the Community Pastor at Peace, take a deep dive into the popular cultural mantra, "love is love," and explore why this phrase is actually a deceptive lie. We'll discuss what this slogan really implies in today's world, how it twists the true meaning of love, and how it falls short of God's design for relationships. Through the lens of Scripture, we'll uncover how God defines love and how it stands in stark contrast to society’s redefinition. Join us as we examine how the truth of God's love can guide us in a world full of confusion and distortion.
The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self - Carl R. Trueman
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