The Positive Voice: Empowering Women in Business

E4: When healing hurts more than the original offense

Coach Chef Kimberly Houston Episode 4

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"When Healing Hurts More Than the Original Offense," an episode dedicated to exploring the challenges and complexities of emotional healing. In this episode, we will discuss why healing can hurt more than the original offense, and how we can navigate the painful journey of emotional healing.

When we experience emotional trauma, our brains and bodies often go into survival mode. We may develop coping mechanisms, such as avoidance or numbing, in order to protect ourselves from further pain. While these coping mechanisms may have served us in the past, they can become barriers to healing in the present.

We will also explore the neuroscience of emotional and physical pain, and how our brains register emotional pain and physical pain in similar ways. This highlights the importance of taking emotional pain seriously, and taking steps to heal and address it.

Throughout the episode, we will provide tips and strategies for nurturing and caring for ourselves during the healing process. We will discuss the importance of self-compassion, building a support system, prioritizing self-care, engaging in creative expression, practicing mindfulness, seeking professional help, and setting realistic goals for ourselves.

Ultimately, the journey of emotional healing can be challenging and painful, but it's also an opportunity for growth, healing, and transformation. By acknowledging the pain of healing, and by taking steps to care for ourselves during the process, we can move towards a place of greater wholeness and well-being.

So, join us for "When Healing Hurts More Than the Original Offense: Navigating the Painful Journey of Emotional Healing," and discover how you can navigate the challenges of emotional healing with self-compassion, self-care, and resilience.

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