Sea Views
Sea Views podcast where we are floating the big issues in maritime safety. We talk with thought provoking experts and experienced practitioners in maritime. Every guest brings their own perspective on how to bring about change so that all seafarers will benefit from a safer and better life at sea.
Sea Views is supported by The CHIRP Charitable Trust and funded by The Seafarers' Charity.
Sea Views
Maritime Pilot Safety and reducing the risk in pilot transfer operations
“The problem with statistics is that it’s a bummer when it’s you!”
― Arie Palmers, Maritime Pilot
This is an in-depth discussion of the risks involved in maritime pilot transfers; an interesting job but with a risky commute to work.
Sadly there have been 7 deaths associated with maritime pilot transfer operations already in the first 6 months of 2023.
What are the current international regulations for ships and what are the barriers to reducing the risk? How can individuals, the industry, ports and ship builders make changes to save lives in the future?
Andrew Moll, OBE, Chief Inspector at Marine Accident Investigation Branch
Arie Palmers, Senior Maritime Pilot working in the Netherlands
Adam Parnell, Director at CHIRP Maritime Charitable Trust
Resources and links:
Visit the MAIB web site and submit a report here
Visit IMPA – International Maritime Pilots Association for resources and if you are working as a pilot you can download the IMPA incident reporting App
Pilot Ladder Safety web site
Read the detailed Snakes OR Ladders report
Follow Arie Palmers on Linked In for weekly “Ladder Misery”
Read about the recent prosecution by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)
Improving safety at sea worldwide through the confidential and independent reporting programme.
Make an incident report to CHIRP Maritime here
The Seafarers' Charity
Improving the lives of seafarers and their families for more than 105 years.
Sound and engineering by Rocket Ears