Grow with Purpose

From Professional Wrestler to Successful Entrepreneur: Melissa Maughn's Inspiring Journey

November 29, 2023 Episode 47
From Professional Wrestler to Successful Entrepreneur: Melissa Maughn's Inspiring Journey
Grow with Purpose
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Grow with Purpose
From Professional Wrestler to Successful Entrepreneur: Melissa Maughn's Inspiring Journey
Nov 29, 2023 Episode 47

In this inspiring episode, Melissa Maughn, a brand strategist and business developer, takes us on a journey from the world of professional wrestling to the heights of entrepreneurial success.

She unravels the secrets of crafting a compelling personal brand, harnessing the power of storytelling to connect with clients, and overcoming the fear of being on camera.


  • Building a personal brand and using storytelling can help attract clients and position oneself in the market.
  • Overcoming the fear of being on camera requires practice, confidence, and a focus on providing value to others.
  • Having a positive mindset and embracing mistakes are essential for personal and business growth.
  • Success is not solely defined by monetary goals but also by fulfilling one's purpose and making a positive impact.
  • Surrounding oneself with supportive and positive influences can contribute to personal and professional success

Listen to this episode now and discover the keys to building a successful business, overcoming your fears, and achieving your dreams.

Show Notes

In this inspiring episode, Melissa Maughn, a brand strategist and business developer, takes us on a journey from the world of professional wrestling to the heights of entrepreneurial success.

She unravels the secrets of crafting a compelling personal brand, harnessing the power of storytelling to connect with clients, and overcoming the fear of being on camera.


  • Building a personal brand and using storytelling can help attract clients and position oneself in the market.
  • Overcoming the fear of being on camera requires practice, confidence, and a focus on providing value to others.
  • Having a positive mindset and embracing mistakes are essential for personal and business growth.
  • Success is not solely defined by monetary goals but also by fulfilling one's purpose and making a positive impact.
  • Surrounding oneself with supportive and positive influences can contribute to personal and professional success

Listen to this episode now and discover the keys to building a successful business, overcoming your fears, and achieving your dreams.