Mrs. PIE

Uniting in Prayer: The Launch of the 3 Praying Sisters Prayer Line and the Bond of Spiritual Sisterhood

February 27, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 0
Uniting in Prayer: The Launch of the 3 Praying Sisters Prayer Line and the Bond of Spiritual Sisterhood
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Uniting in Prayer: The Launch of the 3 Praying Sisters Prayer Line and the Bond of Spiritual Sisterhood
Feb 27, 2024 Season 3 Episode 0
Shelley Jeffcoat

Are you ready to experience the life-changing impact of collective prayer? Dive into our latest episode this Tuesday, as we unveil the 3 Praying Sisters Prayer Line, your new home for spiritual connection and upliftment. Join us as volunteer prayer leaders Carol, Tracy and Sharon share their inspiring journeys, intertwining their stories with the mission of our prayer line, a testament to the power of prayer and community spirit. 

Spanning the US and UK, this initiative offers a haven for anyone in search of comfort and a strong, supportive network.

📅 Thursdays (Starting May 2, 2024)

⏰ 1PM (EST) & 7 PM (EST)
⏳ 30 Minutes of Guided Prayer

How to Join:

📞 US: (605) 313-5711

📞 UK: +44 330 390 2135

🔒 Access Code: 3646034

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Are you ready to experience the life-changing impact of collective prayer? Dive into our latest episode this Tuesday, as we unveil the 3 Praying Sisters Prayer Line, your new home for spiritual connection and upliftment. Join us as volunteer prayer leaders Carol, Tracy and Sharon share their inspiring journeys, intertwining their stories with the mission of our prayer line, a testament to the power of prayer and community spirit. 

Spanning the US and UK, this initiative offers a haven for anyone in search of comfort and a strong, supportive network.

📅 Thursdays (Starting May 2, 2024)

⏰ 1PM (EST) & 7 PM (EST)
⏳ 30 Minutes of Guided Prayer

How to Join:

📞 US: (605) 313-5711

📞 UK: +44 330 390 2135

🔒 Access Code: 3646034

Support the Show.

Come join us at our virtual events monthly. Visit our website to learn more.

Speaker 1:

Music, you, you.

Speaker 3:

You All right. Good evening, everybody, and welcome back to another Tuesday. It's Tuesday. I can't believe I feel like I'm missing a couple of days, but it is Tuesday. I am back to another.

Speaker 3:

Mrs Pi, I do have to do a quick shout out to the folks that are watching us on Parade deck live TV and I don't know y'all know this we have a community of over 7 million people that are subscribed over on those streets. And then, for those of y'all who are on facebook, please forgive me, it's not my fault, it's free in yard, but you can catch us on youtube, you can just on linkedin. You can catch us on Twitter as well, and you can also watch the replay. So today we have a very, very special lineup. As y'all can see, we have a really exciting announcement. I think I've been talking about this for weeks now. I tried to preview an initiative that we call the free praying sisters praying line prayer line, and this is really a unique opportunity that is really going to help a lot of people, including myself, dialing in on the phone. Y'all remember that every Thursday, one o'clock, seven o'clock, and Obviously we're going to cover the us and the uk. So today, what we're going to do is we're going to introduce the volunteers, the women who are going to lead us in prayer. They're doing this out of pure shared commitment To help us. You know, reach and teach and guide and pray for you.

Speaker 3:

So I'm going to be sharing this platform tonight with one of my other favorites, mckisha. Say hi, mckisha, from the dump on ground. Y'all know her. She's always. She's always supporting us. Those of y'all who are going to listen to us on the audio streets because we do video, but we also go live. In 48 or 48 hours I'll cast a replay on wherever you get, wherever you get your pot at your podcast, by-by iTunes, audible, whatever. Wherever you get it, you're missing the beautiful faces. Y'all need to come back and watch the video so you can see how pretty they are. But we're gonna have mckisha kind of co-hosting this with me so that we can properly introduce and talk to the ladies that I'm doing here. So I'm just gonna do a quick shout out to carol. I can see your, hey, carol.

Speaker 2:

Hi, how are you? I'm good. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having us. We're excited to be here.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, and introducing sharon more as well.

Speaker 4:

Hey sharon more. Good evening everybody.

Speaker 3:

We're glad you're here now. Y'all know tracy. Please don't act like you don't know tracy.

Speaker 3:

Okay tracy is a regular yeah, she's a regular on these three, so we're so excited to have y'all here. Um, so this, this thing, this initiative, this is so, first of all, I'm so grateful and I'm trying not to be choked up already, because this is something that Is actually coming to life. This is, this is a dream, but this is something that's needed. Um, and we just wanted to figure out how do we reach more people through prayer, and again, we have, as many of you know, we have Uh prayer lines where you can come in and you join the zoom or I know a lot of y'all are watching Replay and support us. In that way, you can come on on monday's uh 6 30 am and tuesday night at 8 30 pm. So that's happening tonight as well.

Speaker 3:

But what we wanted to do is to reach more people in the us and in the uk and just provide a phone line that you can call in twice a day, on thursdays for 30 minutes. You call in it's Compendential y'all can see the numbers on the scroll right now. So make sure you're dropping it in your phone, including the access number, and then you'll be able to have one of these amazing women pray with you. So I'm gonna start. I'm just gonna ask some General questions. I'm just gonna have a conversation about the three prayer sisters and I'm gonna just throw out a question to sharon and I kind of have a cheat sheet in my head like why would you say yes? But what made you say yes to the idea, um, for the three praying sisters Prayer line and what are some of your hopes for for it?

Speaker 4:

Yes, thank you, shelly, as carol said erie earlier for, thank you for thinking enough of us to choose us to assist Um with this and ever. Um I have to say it again because that's what I'm hearing to god be the glory, amen. I just thank god. When, uh, initially, uh, we had the initial conversation, I was a little hesitant because, to me, prayer life, my prayer life, I can pray to god. You know, I can go, we can have our conversation, but when you're talking about praying with and I can pray for other people, but when you're in an audience, um, I'm a little hesitant, um, but I realized that in order for my capacity in christ to grow, I had to say yes and step out in faith. So, because of these, these reasons, this is why I said yes and I'm looking forward to growing myself in christ, growing in prayer and, uh, some days and sometimes, if you catch me at the right time, I'm gonna, I'll lay hands I don't care where I'm at on anybody, at any sequence, though you know I always say watch out, world.

Speaker 3:

I love that, I love that. So how about?

Speaker 2:

you, carol. Well, I said yes because I've seen the power of prayer in my own life and I just think it's a great opportunity to just pass that on to other people, and I'm growing in my faith too with this journey. When you ask us this, I was excited to do it but, like Sharon, I pray for other people but not like right there with them like I'll say, oh, I will pray for you and I do like I'll go home and pray for them. So this is new for me, but I'm excited to do it because I just think it's so important.

Speaker 3:

I love that. So, makisha, I'm gonna toss it for you to take the next question over to Tracy.

Speaker 5:

So okay. So first I want to start with Miss Sharon. You said something that I had to interject in. You said I'm praying for people and all this stuff, but you're doing more than praying for people You're training up. You're so surpassed that you're walking in a king like in a court, like you're training up ministers, like you're surpassed. You know the way you just announced yourself. You know what I'm saying. No, I'm sorry, I had to just like is she serious? Right now I'm saying your whole ministry is training up ministers and with that it takes prayer. So you're, I'm sorry, I'm like no, miss Sharon, you need to do over in your introduction.

Speaker 4:

No, no, no no, it's the truth. Okay, so like to train people, and, with the word of God, I've been in those areas for so long that I don't want to say a second nature, but because of the experience, yes, that I can do that, but when I can pray for people and I do, you know but there's a difference. I guess. My understanding is when you're praying and I think I share with Shelly, even oh, I can pray over the telephone because people aren't looking at me and I can really be who I am in Christ Jesus and pray, whereas when you're praying in front of an audience, I feel like that they're looking for the these and the thou's and I like words and how to say this at this point and how to say that. And now, lord, you know.

Speaker 5:

I'm sorry, that was perfect, but I just want people to realize because the way you I mean you were you're such meek and you're trying to be humble, but you are general in this life of Christ. You are a general, you are a leader. You are out here leading others and building them up. So I just want the world to know that you're not just no booty poo, that's. You are a general. You know, and I want to give you the respect of that because of the, because God can trust you. It takes a trust factor from God through that and I don't want you to ever have to feel like you have to shut it down to be known, and not in pride, but you walk in the authority that God has given you. You, you are a general. You are training up ministers to of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is your gift. So for it comes with prayer, sorry it does not going to preach.

Speaker 3:

I love that, I love that. But that's a good point, because, you know, I don't want, I don't want anyone to think that Carol and Sharon and Tracy are not equipped this, this line of work, because it is work, this line of work and the trust that goes with it is is for growing, of same price, like this if you still have milk, the same for you, you know. So, tracy, what made you?

Speaker 1:

say yes, sorry, tracy, no, no problem. Like Shelley said, they already, they already know, they already know me. But um so Shelley is like that, for me the Oprah of social media streets. So when Oprah calls, right, you ain't a sir did you know?

Speaker 3:

that's my nickname from parade deck. Yep, what Oprah. I'm the. I'm the Oprah of parade deck, oh wow yeah, see, and I'm gale, hello, I'm gale yeah, that is my parade deck finally up, that is yeah yeah, I appreciate that. So let me. I want to ask um. So we're launching in um in a May 2nd, so I want to know, like, what are some of the things that you've been doing?

Speaker 1:

to get prepared for for May, so yeah go ahead, go ahead, tracy we have been praying and fasting, as you can imagine, because we want to be authentic, we want to reach the people, we want to meet the needs and, um, we know, as wonderful and smart as we think we are, um, we need God's hand on it. We need his, his divine wisdom to lead us when we, when we do, open up the line so we can meet the needs. So we've been praying and fasting and Carol jump in well, that's my exact answer.

Speaker 2:

It's been prayer, prayer thing. Not a day has gone by since I was asked to be a part of this that this ministry is not on my mind and usually first thing in the morning. So, um, I don't take it lightly. I, I want to do what God has for us to do for his people. That will call that line and um, so yeah, it's been prayer, prayer, yeah, seeking.

Speaker 4:

God and you guys fail to mention how we've also been journaling, looking at scriptures that we can use during the prayer time to assist.

Speaker 3:

So Wow, that's powerful. So the nature of this has shifted your spiritual walk also. Just by saying yes, it was more than just y'all, it's more than you know, y'all just calling into a prayer line, it's literally impacting your life, which is how it's supposed to be.

Speaker 5:

Right, the keeper they're gonna be doing it's the overflow. So you guys are gonna be operating in overflow and you're doing the groundwork towards that. So when that person does call you, automatically they just plugging into your overflow.

Speaker 4:

Praise God.

Speaker 1:

That's right, and you know people have spiritual needs, emotional needs, you know, but they also have physical needs. So we've also been researching, because we have to anticipate anything, and so we've been researching, like if someone needs shelter, if someone needs clothes, if someone needs food, we have found that the 211 number is pretty much universal. If it's not a direct connection, they'll connect you with a resource in the city or state that you're in where you can get those physical needs met. And, of course, 988, now you know we're gonna really go in hard with that, but you know someone may need a licensed professional, needs to talk to a licensed professional. So we just we wanna be as prepared as possible, but we want the Lord to have his way.

Speaker 4:

And we've been practicing. Also, we have Zoom meetings where we will, you know, talk and discuss certain things. We'll try things out and if it doesn't fit right or if it needs tweaking, we'll do that. So we've been meeting at least twice a week, also working on we wanna make sure we're comfortable in the mechanics as well, as I love that.

Speaker 3:

So the numbers that we're showing below show the US and the UK and obviously you know one of the connections that y'all have, and same as me, is we're connected into the veteran community or military spouses and parade deck. It is built on veterans and military communities as well. So one of the things that I was sharing is that I wanna make sure that, especially for those communities the veterans and male spouses or whatever kids, whatever right, wherever you are within the US and the UK, this is open to those individuals as well. So this is, by the way, there is no cost, there is no seed needed. This is free. So you're calling a free line. It's 30 minutes twice a day on Thursday, starting in May, and again, it's confidential for you to just call and we'll stand in parade and agreement with you.

Speaker 3:

So I wanna throw that out because there's a lot of there's a lot of veterans. Again, you might be stationed somewhere, right, you're stationed somewhere in the UK and you're looking for a way to tap in and this is your way to tap in. Also, teens, again, the times are strategic, the times are very strategic. So we either go and catch you, if you're in the UK, wanna clock. That's your dinner hour so you can put the kids away for a second and have a meeting dinner while you call in, or 7 pm, eastern Standard Time in the US, that's also a time that's around that dinner hour for your mom and dad and you really need to call in, or maybe that's after work or for those of us who are working during the day, this is you're taking a little bit of a break after lunch break or whatever that is, but for those who are standing in need it's a free call. You're calling in. You don't have to stay the whole 30 minutes. You call in and we'll pray for you, and if you have prayer requests that you wanna send in, you can send it. If you go to gracinggritmediacom, you can see how you can email the prayers. It's confidential. We can pray over everybody.

Speaker 3:

But one of the things that I shared with y'all was I don't for me, even if zero, literally, this is how faithful it is, and when the Lord was showing me, us, doing this, he kept saying it's not the numbers, it's the impact. It's the same thing he said for the prayer that became ministry, right, Mekisha, when it was just me, me, her, my sister-in-law okay, and this is I mean. You know it was always the impact, never the numbers, always the impact, never the numbers. And it's the same. It's the same theme that's on here, where I literally said, if it's just us praying, we have to do this. But now I'm hearing your testimonies, essentially about how preparing for this, how your spiritual lives have shifted, and I wonder if you have any advice for anyone who might be thinking, you know, can I, should I call? Or you know why should I call, especially folks who've been in the church for 40 years and they think they don't need it. But do you have any advice? Let's start with, like Carol, and then Tracy, and then Sharon.

Speaker 2:

I say this is for everyone, because none of us are there yet, no matter how long you've been walking and praying, just like when the pastor reads the scripture you've heard it 15 times, but that one time is that time when you go. Oh my, what a revelation. I never, that never occurred to me. So that's what I see this as Come on in for the prayer. God's going to uplift you. One of these ladies will say something that's going to push you on to keep going. So I say come on, no matter how long you've been praying, come on in.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and you know this goes back. My answer is actually going to go back to your first question of why this so come out of the wilderness has been such a blessing to me. When you ask I want it to be a blessing to someone else, this has blessed me. So I've been saved since I was 15 years old. 15 years old, and put that around, I'm 51. So I still need prayer. So everybody can benefit from prayer anytime, anywhere. So we can do the these and the dows and the dusts and we can just do the down and dirty, quick and dirty prayers or, you know, whatever the need is. We're just very real. We're all very humble and we're here. We're all servants of the Lord. That is something we all have in common and we're going to bring that to this ministry, to this call.

Speaker 4:

Amen, amen, amen. And I hear the scripture. God said he'll supply all of our needs according to his riches and glory, and you never know who or where your blessing can come from, and I'm believing that God is going to be on the prayer line and your need will be met. It may not be what you want or how you want it, but if you have size of a mustard seed, I promise you you will leave there. You won't be the same as you came in Jesus name.

Speaker 5:

But you don't pray. No, I'm just, I mean, but you, but you don't pray out, right, you just you, just you, just you just pray to a whole thing. But okay, I love you. You saw that I love your heart. You know, the most amazing thing about this for me is you guys are connected and you got it through from friendship, kinship and not Godship Like this is. This is so cool and you're able to still see each other growing Christ and able to be just, help each other, build each other. Even out of all of the years you live in different states or whatever, you still can come together and build your friendship and love. I just think it's so cool that y'all been friends over 30 plus years or 30. And that's uncommon, you know about it. That's a lot of people don't have that, and you guys have something special. So I think God is going to allow that to transcend her in different people's lives too, because they people are longing for people, right? People can have crisis, still be lonely, right.

Speaker 5:

So when you guys are exemplifying that it is possible that you can have people alongside you. Your friends can come alongside you and walk this walk with you. You don't have to walk this walk alone.

Speaker 5:

There are a lot of people like mine at heart that can do this journey with you. And that's what I see, that you guys are going to sow and seeds into people's lives to to see, hey, you don't have to do this by yourself. And this is a part of why the three supreme sisters, because y'all I've been doing this a long time and y'all going to sow that into people's lives because they need to see, I'm not by myself because, like, for instance, I go to a big church, right, and sometimes it gets intimidating and you feel like, oh, you know what I'm saying. But when you start seeing people who have friendships and serving and small groups and different things, it breaks up something big into something small and you can get involved with this. What this is, what this is going to be.

Speaker 3:

I love that. I don't know there's a book coming out of this somehow. I just I just had this flash. You know there's, um, there's photo album the one that you pulled the plastic back and you had to put the pictures in and I just saw one of y'all just opening this, uh, this album and talking about you know, coming when we did that thing just now.

Speaker 3:

So, uh, so, this, this is good, for I didn't even take, I didn't even think about that, mekisha, about the relationship component we were talking about. This is, oh my gosh, we're talking about this earlier today, in this event that I was sharing with Carol and Sharon, that really was so impactful, and part of what we were talking about was how do you maintain relationships and these connections that you have? And so it just hit me that this, this connection that the three of you have and where you're going with, by the way, three praying sisters, was what the Lord gave me for this. It literally it had to be three, and three was the training and three was a three y'all had to be free and focused and they had to be a bond.

Speaker 3:

It was sisterly, so it was never something that um cause I get this question now, you know, and I get coached on managing my platform right. But I know when it's not, it's, it's not meant for. I'm not supposed to do everything and I know when I'm supposed to support, you know, fall back, but this is one of those. That that's why I know that we're in the right um vein is because if it was just up to me, I wouldn't do it. I'd be like I've got enough for my plate. Lord, please don't put me out there, right, like people. Keep, you know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

But this is how I know that this is really him, because of how amazingly simple and simple for me, meaning that I don't have any um angst or worry or I don't have that. Okay, I don't. It's just not there, I'm not. I'm just, I've already I did what he said and y'all are in place and we're going to, we're going to bless anybody. If you don't, nobody. Should I keep saying, lord, if no one shows up, we're going to be on the line praying because there are lies to be safe. But we want, you know, please y'all, we want y'all that you know to call in and participate. But that angle I didn't even connect us now about somebody going to take us to write a book.

Speaker 4:

Carol is the picture person, so Shelly, uh, and the book writer, um, at the beginning of your segment, um, there was a lady with her hair in a coffer, um, pulled back and, you know, rolled over. Tracy used to wear her hair like that when we were in it. Really, I'm going to say uh and uh with Miss Carol. Uh, when I went through my uh, divorce, miss Carol really was there for me one day. So I just got fed up and, um, I was going to take, uh, I packed some, I packed a suitcase and I was going to drive home and I was talking to her on the phone and I said I'm going by the bank and I'm going to take all the money out and I'm going to drive my little nine hour drive back to my home. Carol said don't do it. And I went back in the house and God has been blessing me every since.

Speaker 4:

So there's history behind each one of us in our stories. So God's God of the glory, but the stories that we have, I don't look like what I've been through and they don't look like my God. Hallelujah, hallelujah. I mean God is good and the trip to England was purposeful, I know for me. He allowed me there. In London, england, we went to a retreat and by 10 o'clock that morning from about 10 o'clock to one o'clock because I think we missed lunch time yeah, it was a good span of time. The Holy Spirit came in and I was in with the ministers and before the congregation came in, someone stood up and said God said, if you ministers become unstuck, then everybody else would become unstuck.

Speaker 4:

And when the praise in God, and when the rest of the congregation came into the assembly where we were the next thing we know Holy Spirit took over. Oh my God, oh my God I'm talking about, to what I know, we miss lunch. But oh my God, I'm an unwanted experience and you can't tell us that God ain't real.

Speaker 1:

Amen Amen.

Speaker 4:

So you know that friendship, the kinship and the God ship is all a God thing and I thank God for both of the ladies. I'm proud of Tracy. She's just all that in a bag of chips. I thank God. I've never met her husband yet, but I just thank God for the people he has placed in her life and I think that she does Well. Miss Carol and I talk in a good way about miss Tracy like, oh, we got to look this way, we got to do it, yeah.

Speaker 5:

We got to meet miss Tracy stand.

Speaker 2:

It's a good thing.

Speaker 4:

And that's what we need in our lives. So thank God for my sister and the sister.

Speaker 1:

You know I am still contemplating y'all. So, mckisha, you brought that up, how we came together. So I'm looking for the parallelism in here and maybe Sharon will bring it on home, but or Carol, because Carol got them gifts over there.

Speaker 4:

She's sitting on yes.

Speaker 1:

But we were brought together in the ministry of music. We were in the choir together in England at the Gospel service on base at three o'clock. And so now it's interesting, 30 years later, we're coming together for prayer. So that's that's really interesting to me. And I keep, I keep. I don't want to say questioning God, but you know, I'm just, I'm just watching what he's doing and enjoying the ride.

Speaker 3:

I love it. I love it so much because the amount of testimonies that that just coming from just y'all three, that's going to bless somebody you know about relationship and everything, all the ships we talked about.

Speaker 1:

You know, listen, you all don't know.

Speaker 3:

Jesus, you come back on tears and one nothing. Okay, because it's for real, all right. But I think, that the best, most amazing, wonderful thing that's happening for me, and Mekisha is my right and left hand.

Speaker 5:

How Tracy, how Tracy make out, step your game up. There's nothing like having a sister that push you for greatness. You know, and it's not a competition, I know that God in you is, is inviting, and it going to attract to me. You know I'm saying fire that she has as long as I'm in her company is like we are, we both on fire. You know, yes, she has.

Speaker 5:

she has such a gift that she got gives her treasures to unlocking people with their potentials and their gifts that you know that lays dormant, that you probably have forgot about it, and God, and she'll come right up to you and it's just like a little key and she'll launch, launch, launch, launch. And it's no glory or oh, yeah, no yeah, and that is just truly pure, just because I love, and she just unlocked those keys and push you out, you be like, oh, it's like the bomber bird pushing you out the you know the nest, you know you're going to fly and you're scared. But she looking now like okay, I see, you know, but she's there. She's there all the time she got here, she got you.

Speaker 5:

And that's that gives me. That gives my husband be like what you and shelly been talking about today.

Speaker 3:

Like you won't believe what we told you.

Speaker 5:

You know, it's just amazing. I mean, over the years it really has been the best. God knew exactly what I needed and I'm just so great.

Speaker 4:

So I'm humble. You just described Carol. Carol have a lot of gifts? Yeah, she does. She tries to play that innocent.

Speaker 5:

It's Carol. We see you, carol, you can go in the shadows.

Speaker 2:

Like what is she talking about? I must say, from the first Tuesday night zoom with Michelle, I saw that in her teacher she pulled, she'll pull it out and I was wondering reasons I say yes to. I was like, oh, I don't think I can get out of this. So what to do? Three grand sisters and you're called and said Okay, 35 minutes.

Speaker 1:

It was like talking about it.

Speaker 3:

We were still praying, we were still thinking I will not let you fail it ain't gonna happen on my watch. I have help, I got angels help me, so it's not. It's. This is all the Holy Spirit I'm telling you. This is. This is all him, it's everything is him. You know, I'm just, I just like.

Speaker 5:

I don't know that's so amazing. That's her angels. Believe me, she ain't.

Speaker 5:

I'm not making it up, I'm not making it up I'll be like God, am I tripping or am I tripping? Yeah, it's amazing and it's just so cool because I mean, think about I'm from, I came from Baptist and you know, we, we're, we're what we was not taught. You know the Bible ministry and different things, like the pastor run the church and the mother board, right, and you really, and it's so sad and and I didn't learn about the Bible ministry until I moved here in Georgia in 98 and I lived my whole life in Baptist and I'm like what did Jesus hide this part of the Bible? Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I mean I love my church where I grew up with we always, you know, because he always told you about the cross, like Jesus, the cross, like that is our foundation and I love my pastor for for that.

Speaker 5:

But I'm like, did they not have access to that part of the Bible? Like it's a certain part that they had access to, like that's and that's. And I didn't learn that until I came here and I got into a non-denomination and I'm like, oh my God, so so they really are real, like it's a watch TV and you see the cute little angels and the people and stuff and you know, oh my God, you know. And then when you see you be like, uh, you don't look like a baby with a diaper Right.

Speaker 3:

That's right, that's right.

Speaker 5:

I've been seeing my whole life, you know, so it's just just experienced this with her.

Speaker 4:

I mean so, Carol has a story similar to yours, makisha, about growing up in the Baptist church and you know share Carol about praying and all of that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yes, I was just sharing with Sharon the other day. We were talking and it just came to me and I'm like you know what, like when I grew up, I didn't grow up hearing women pray in the church with the pastor and it was the deacons, because they did devotion before church started. And so I'm like, wow, I never thought about that, I didn't grow up. Now we might have a woman come to speak on women's day, but that was it as far as somebody getting up in the church praying, it was always the man and I had never thought about that until just the other day when we were talking and I was like, wow.

Speaker 2:

So I think that's why my prayer life has always been, you know, kind of the quiet prayer life prayer work at home or I pass by an ambulance and lift my hand and say God bless them, the person I would pray. And even in my classroom I had kindergarteners and first graders, so my prayers of course I pray with them, but I mean those are like just praying the children. You know, I didn't get all you know, and so I went, wow. So this is like really different for me, you know.

Speaker 3:

I love that.

Speaker 2:

Praying for other people like that, but yeah, but now it's different. You know, in the church you know the women are doing a lot more. But back then, when I grew up, that's a good point.

Speaker 3:

That's another call out, especially, you know. Again, that's why I said, if you've been some of the, some folks have been in the church for so long and there's a way to pray, you know prayer is strategic. There's a reason why you're not breaking what we call generational curses for 20, 30 years. Prayer is strategic and if you don't understand how heaven operates, you know, call in and we'll help you because there's a way, there's a preparation that goes into this, not just, you know, showing up and grabbing the verse. There's a lot that goes into it if you're looking for the kind of results that you're hoping for, and I'm so grateful. So I've got a few more minutes and I'm gonna see. I'm just gonna go to everybody to see if there's anything you wanted to say before we close. I'm gonna do Carol, then Mekisha, then Tracy and then have Sharon close us out. So, kara, anything else that you wanted to share with us.

Speaker 2:

Just that. I'm really grateful to be a part of this, and we do want the people to call in. I think you'll you might even get a giggle or two on the line, you know? Yeah, oh yeah, three of us together, you know, and we're new to this prayer line, so just come in. We want you to feel like it's family. Mekisha.

Speaker 5:

And that's another thing you want to feel like family, that you're not doing life by yourself. Again, I feel like, strategically, these three will place here to show that you can't cultivate a relationship. You can be friends for 30 years. You don't have to walk by yourself. You know you can have like-minded people in the process. So I'm believing that you've got to have results of people keeping their friendships together, keeping their kinships together, like being that light. Wherever they go, they go and expand the light, not just hold the light. You know what I'm saying, so I'm looking forward to seeing that.

Speaker 3:

How about you, Tracy?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. God has been absolutely so amazing in my life over the years and in all of our lives I'm sure we can share testimony after testimony. So we truly want people to send their prayer requests in, join the prayer line whenever and as often as they can, because we are going to be led by the Holy Spirit when and how we pray. And you know, we are going to open it up if anyone has a prayer request that they could not email in ahead of time, and then we're going to let the Lord have his way and we may even share testimonies. We're definitely going to share testimonies of God's goodness, so do I. Guys, Three prayer sisters, we are looking forward to fellowshiping with you.

Speaker 4:

I love that. Are you sharing? Amen. The song was playing in my mind Great and mighty is our God. Great and mighty is our God. If you have a need, or if you just need that refresher to help you make it through the rest of the day or even through the evening, if you just need encouragement, we would like to invite you to come and join us as we pray, as we seek the Almighty God in Jesus' name, and thank you all, and to God be the glory, amen.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to cry the whole prayer. That is so good. Thank you so much for watching y'all. As we come closer to May 2nd, we're going to bombard social media with the numbers. Again, you just want to make sure that we have all the information that's open to any and everybody across the United States and across the UK. That's kind of where we're going to minister for right now. Again, tell a friend, tell your mama, tell your daddy, tell your boss, tell your colleagues. There is going to be a number that y'all can call in. It is free and we're just so blessed With that.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to say thank you, especially to the folks on ParadeDecTV, for continuing to watch and support. For those of you all who are on the YouTube streets, don't forget to like the video so that we can keep coming back. For those of you who are listening to the audio version of this again, you know how to read. Just so, you can find all this information on wwwgracengritmcom. And then we're just again. We're just so excited. I'm humbled. I'm trying not to fog up my glasses and cry. With that, I'm just going to say thanks to everybody for hanging out for a little bit in our back room and we'll just tell these people to have a good night. Thanks all for watching.

Three Praying Sisters Prayer Initiative
Preparing for Prayer Ministry Launch
Power of Sisterhood and Faith
Appreciation for Viewer Support