Mrs. PIE

Invoking Uncommon Favor: Embracing the Power of Divine Blessings and Spiritual Transformation

April 22, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 15
Invoking Uncommon Favor: Embracing the Power of Divine Blessings and Spiritual Transformation
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Invoking Uncommon Favor: Embracing the Power of Divine Blessings and Spiritual Transformation
Apr 22, 2024 Season 3 Episode 15
Shelley Jeffcoat

Catch the replay of our powerful live prayer session focused on 'Uncommon Favor.' Experience the spiritual enrichment as we discuss the transformative impact of daily prayer, drawing inspiration from the biblical story of Mary's divine encounter. This episode dives into the practice of inviting the Holy Spirit into our daily routines, reinforcing our faith and preparing us for blessings in every area of life.

We reflect on the essence of divine favor, guided by Psalm 5:12, and close with a fervent prayer for supernatural blessings in health, finances, and beyond. Tune in to rediscover the peace and favor that can shape our lives.

#UncommonFavor #PrayerSessionReplay #SpiritualGrowth

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Catch the replay of our powerful live prayer session focused on 'Uncommon Favor.' Experience the spiritual enrichment as we discuss the transformative impact of daily prayer, drawing inspiration from the biblical story of Mary's divine encounter. This episode dives into the practice of inviting the Holy Spirit into our daily routines, reinforcing our faith and preparing us for blessings in every area of life.

We reflect on the essence of divine favor, guided by Psalm 5:12, and close with a fervent prayer for supernatural blessings in health, finances, and beyond. Tune in to rediscover the peace and favor that can shape our lives.

#UncommonFavor #PrayerSessionReplay #SpiritualGrowth

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Speaker 1:

He's always on my side. What's it? I say say it Come on, jump, jump, jump, jump. Aiee. Oh ya, this my God, oh this my God. He's a very big God, very big God, aiee, amen, amen, amen, amen, Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen. I have a very big God, a very big God. He's only for my life. He's always on my side. A very big God. I have a very big God, a very big God.

Speaker 2:

He's always on my side, again and again, oh yeah, ae, ae, ae, ae, oh ya say this, my God, oh, this my God.

Speaker 1:

He's a very big God. Oh, for the last time, ae, ae, ae, ae.

Speaker 2:

Come on.

Speaker 1:

Junker, everybody sound, everybody sing. What do you say? Say A-e what you say Energy, energy, energy, energy A-e Yelelele, yelelele, a-e, ayeyeyeye, ayeyeye. Give me the, give me the, give me the sound.

Speaker 2:

A-e. One time say Now, now say A-e, he is so young. Okay, now say Yipi Sabita, one, two, three. One, two, three.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's go. Let's go. Hey hey, hey, hey, hey hey. Who's having fun? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey hey.

Speaker 2:

Hey, who's having fun? One more time, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, let's go. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four, amen. That song is called Big God by Tim Godfrey, and I've been playing it on rotation, especially as we're coming into this prayer session where we're asking God for uncommon favor.

Speaker 2:

So, father, we just thank you so much for allowing us already to see your work. We thank you, we are already receiving your uncommon favor in every area of our lives in our jobs, in our homes, in our health, in our finances, in our souls. Our God, uncommon favor, lord God, is what we're praying and coming in agreement with what you say we should have as your children. So we thank you, lord, god, for reminding us, even through music, through your worship songs, that we serve a very big God, a God who is bigger than every situation, every problem, every hurt, every pain, every lack that there is, that we serve a very big God and we just thank you, lord, for already showing up. Thank you, holy Spirit, for running this meeting, for praying on our behalf, for interceding for us and we're, just as we pray today, just coming in agreement with what heaven says. We thank you for everything that we're receiving in the spirit now, for just lifting up our very souls and just pouring out fresh oil on all of us, our God, those of us who are standing in need of just a refresh of heaven. But as we cling to your very robe, we just thank you, lord, that you are reminding us that you, you are. You are the King, you are Jehovah Jireh, and we're coming now to you for uncommon favor in Jesus' name.

Speaker 2:

Before we get further, I wanted to say a quick thank you to all the women. A lot of times when we do this, people only see my face because your guys are not on camera. But I want to call this out because we have faithful women who've been coming on 630 Bright AM for months and praying alongside, not just with me, for me, but for every person under the sound of our voices. I want to make sure that you guys know that I am so grateful for you, for showing up early, and also for those who've been coming Tuesday night and even staying late for fellowship. So I just wanted to thank you so much and I pray that God will show you uncommon favor as you are so faithful. You are faithful to him and faithful to me. So I just wanted to start there. So, before we go too far, I want to pop open my screen. I'm going to share the word because we don't want to miss a thing this morning and I also like to honor people's times, right, because it's still early, y'all. So here we are on monday and I just want to confirm you guys can see uncommon favor on the screen. Yes, amen, all right, y'all.

Speaker 2:

So before we you know I was I was in this, um, I was in this dream where I was talking to the Holy Spirit preparing for this Mother's Day sermon, and he's already shown me everything. We already did it, it was nice and it was awesome. So while we were preparing, there is I don't know if it's a formula, I don't know why he gave this to me, why this is kind of how he enters in for me, this is kind of how I usher him in always, and I've been doing it for so much, for so long, for so much time now, that I didn't really realize that this was kind of a thing between him and and me, and I always have him, uh, like for me, he's standing by the door and when I start giving thanks. He just comes walking in the room with a smile. It's like our, it's kind of how we connect, that's how we meet up, and so I usher him. He's already here. You know, don't hear what I'm not saying. The Holy Spirit is already here.

Speaker 2:

But for me, the way that we connect, we connect through giving thanks. But for me, the way that we connect, we connect through giving thanks, and he always reminds me of the verse you know, entering into our court with praise be thankful unto him, bless his name, for the Lord is good, his love endures forever. And I just want to encourage you to always give thanks before you start asking for some things. So we're just going to spend a minute just giving thanks to the Lord, again, the words that he's good, his love endures forever, and even in your situation, even when it looks like things aren't working out, can I just encourage you that they are. They really are. So we're just going to give thanks to the Lord just for a minute. We just thank you, lord. Thank you so much for waking us up this morning, for blessing us with eyes to hear You've blessed us already on this Monday morning.

Speaker 2:

We thank you for your presence, Father.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for your love. Thank you for your grace and mercy, lord, thank you for always being with us, father God.

Speaker 2:

We just thank you, Lord, for the women.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Your word is true, Lord. Thank you for each person on this call this morning.

Speaker 2:

See your face and seek your rhythm and everything Thank you for your love.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for waking us up this morning and giving us an opportunity to serve the Lord.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Thank you for growth, thank you for revelation.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for using, thank you for protection, thank you for mercy. I thank you for every person who is connected to us in any way, that they will be in the overflow of the blessings that we're getting. Amen, we thank you for your word, brother. Thank you for your love. Thank you, jesus, thank you, jesus.

Speaker 2:

Now we're going to do the cleansing of our souls, if you will. This is confession. Confession says it's good for your soul, but it's's good to remind us. When I say this confession, it reminds me that it's only his grace, it's really only his grace. We don't deserve anything. If it wasn't for the blood of Jesus Christ, y'all we'd be in trouble. So I just open up our mouth now. We confess, almighty God.

Speaker 1:

We acknowledge almighty god, we acknowledge and confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed. We have not loved you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We have not loved our neighbor as ourselves, deep and within us, our sorrow for the wrong we have done and the good we have left undone.

Speaker 2:

Lord, you are full of compassion and graciousness full of anger and plenty of mercy. There is always forgiveness with you, lord. To us the joy of your salvation. Bind up that which is broken.

Speaker 1:

Give light to our minds, strength to our wills and rest to our souls. Speak to each of us and let your word abide with us until it has brought in us your holy will.

Speaker 2:

Amen, amen, lord, we just thank you for receiving our confession. There is no condemnation in Christ. So, father, we ask now for just a cleansing, a cleaning of our very souls, anything that was seated in there last night, the night before, even this morning. Anything that comes against the will that you have for us, the way that you love us, anything that is disturbing us or causing chaos in our hearts and our minds, any bit of worry or stress for God, we're handing it over to you now. We confess oh.

Speaker 2:

God that we are not God. So we're handing this over to you, abba, because of your love. Your word says we are the apple of your eye and you are our father. Your word says that you are the I am, you're the great I am, and so as the.

Speaker 2:

I am in our lives. I know, lord, god, that you're going to produce for us your children, because nothing else, nothing else, but because of your love for us. Who are we but dust? Lord, God, that you can love us in this way, we don't understand, but we receive it and we thank you, lord, that you've received our confession and our sleeves are white, clean. We can go into this day feeling lighter. Don't feel heavy, feel lighter. We forgive, we forgive, we forgive. That's what heaven said. We forgive, we moved on, we forgive, amen.

Speaker 2:

So in the scripture we're talking about uncommon favor, and it brought me to Mary. You know Mary, the vessel, and Luke 1, 26 through 30. As we're moving into the month of May, which is, you know, just a couple of weeks from now, and I really was thinking about, you know what kind of favor that Mary has. So in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin bethrothed, to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David, and the virgin's name was Mary, and he came to her and said greetings. Oh, favored one, the Lord is with you. Don't you want him to greet you like that? Don't you want him to. You know, lord, activate any angel that you dispatch that they will know our name.

Speaker 2:

Our name is no longer Shelly. Our name is no longer Tracy. Our name is no longer Iris. Our name is no longer Carmen. Our name is no longer Iris. Our name is no longer Carmen. Our name is O favored one. I'm receiving that right now. You need to change your name. Greetings O, favored one.

Speaker 2:

The Lord is with you, but she was greatly troubled at the saying and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be, and I wondered. I asked the Lord, what would she be troubled at? That she had been so faithful. It tells you some things about her that she was in this situation that was so uncommon. Right, she was in this situation that was precarious an angel showing up y'all Again. For those who have had these experiences, it's frightening. It's not as awesome as people make it out on the Yahoo, facebook, youtube streets, but she was greatly troubled at the saying and I wondered why she was troubled. And part of what the Lord was reminding me, even for myself, is how we're greeting even ourselves. This is why it's so important for us to know how he sees us and, father, I ask that you even open up our eyes so that it is put into a heart that you see us as your daughters and sons, oh, favored ones, and that the Lord is with us. Verse 30 says the angel said to her do not be afraid, mary, for you have found favor with God and I want you to receive this into your heart, into your very soul. This is you, you're Mary, I'm Mary, we're in the story and I thank you, lord.

Speaker 2:

As we're going into these prayers now, we're going to be praying and receiving uncommon favor Greetings O, favored one. When you wake up in the morning, greetings O, favored one. When you look at yourself, look at yourself in the mirror, greetings O favored one, child of God. So the first verse is Psalm 512. And this is something that we say when we're declaring. It says for you bless the righteous, o Lord, you cover him with favor as a shield. So we're going to ask the Lord to cover us with favor as a shield and ask him for you know where do you need this favor? Ask him to cover you with favor as a shield, as protection. Even Ask him, lord, to ask him to bless you.

Speaker 2:

And as you're praying this for yourself Father, bless me, bless me. I am righteous. Even again, he reminds me that, as his name says that he is, the great I am, it's also the name that we call him. It's also the name he gonna call you. I am favored, I am highly favored. I am righteous and we're going to receive this. As we pray this out, pray this over yourself, to ask God to cover you with favor as a shield, let's go ahead and pray for a couple of minutes. Father, we just thank you that you have blessed the righteous under the sound of my voice. Father, I thank you that you've blessed the righteous who are listening later. Father, I thank you that you have called us to your chosen ones. It is you, abba, not us. Father, I thank you that you have blessed us with righteousness that comes only through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. You are the Lord and Lord, the King of kings, holy Spirit, I thank you that you have shown up for us.

Speaker 1:

Let us believe your word, because your word is true. If there is any doubt in any of us that we believe that we are righteous Father, God show us now, father God, reveal to us what it means to be righteous.

Speaker 1:

Let us believe that your word is true. Let us believe this about ourselves that we are righteous because we have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, father God, that we are under the covering of salvation, lord Jesus, and if there be any doubt, let it remove it from us, father God, so we can focus on our purpose.

Speaker 2:

Lord Jesus, Hallelujah, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord and you bless the righteous Lord.

Speaker 1:

That means you bless us. Father God you cover us with favor, father God. Let us not doubt it. Father God, remove any doubt that this word applies to us. Lord Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

If there's any doubt in any of us, Father God, please remove it and let us walk in the righteousness that you have given us. Let us walk in the favor that you have given us, Father.

Speaker 2:

Father, I bring back to your word. Thank you, Jesus. The word says about us that we are favored let us believe that your word is true.

Speaker 2:

The word says and as the same way that you have blessed the virgin mary, lord god, I thank you that you're blessing us today. He said the same way that she was a vessel of god. You are too. Amen for those who keep worshiping, worshiping Mary. Remember she was a vessel. We are a vessel as well.

Speaker 2:

Don't give up your station. You are seated in the heavenly places and you have this favor. So I thank you, lord, that we are favor. We have favor as a shield of protection in every meeting that we go into, every place that we drive to this week, every conversation we have. Would you even give us favor with our enemies, lord God? Would you even do that, with those who have come against us? Lord God, would you even give us favor in those conversations? Would you give us your uncommon favor in rooms we haven't been in, lord God, would you give us uncommon favor in the marketplace? Would you give us uncommon favor in our families, oh God, would you give us uncommon favor in ministry? Would you give us uncommon favor as we serve Father? Would you let us become, lord God, your favored ones? Would you change our names, lord God, in the spirit to oh, favored ones, and look at us at all. Let us be recognized, Lord God, as we lift our shields. Lord God, favor has become our shield. There is no attack, there is nothing that the enemy can do, because favor surrounds us as a shield, and we thank you for what your word says about us. Thank you, lord God. Amen. Lord God, I thank you that my mouth will make known your faithfulness to all generations. I cry that out from Psalm 89. Everything that comes from my mouth makes known your faithfulness to all generations, and so everything we pray for today, lord God, aligns with your word and what you say, lord God, and we bring that back now to you out of my mouth, lord God, I will make your name known for all generations, and so all the generations that's connected to us this morning, all the generations that's connected to every single person listening, watching, hearing this prayer. Lord God, anyone connected to us, may they find favor as a shield, May they have uncommon favor for all their generations, for generations and generations and generations to come. Thank you, lord God, for that reminding.

Speaker 2:

We're going into blessing Psalm 84, 11. For the Lord, god is a sun and shield. The Lord bestows favor and honor. Yeah, I see that, and no good thing does he withhold from those who walk upright? The Lord, god, is a sun and shield the purity of the sun. You know the sun. You know not just the S-U-N but the S-O-N. Amen is what he said.

Speaker 1:

Get it right, shelly.

Speaker 2:

He said not just S-U-N, shelly, s-o-n. Amen is what he said. Get it right, shelly. He said not just S-O-N, shelly, s-o-n. The Lord is the sun, amen and the shield. I thank you for that. I thank you for that. You know, when I just saw this, you know when you're like an armor and you're fully armored up, and if the sun glistens, if light hits you a certain way, it blinds you to some things. So I thank you, lord, that. I thank you for that sight. I thank you, lord, god, that as we are shielded up, as we're wearing favor as a shield, what happens is that the enemy is blinded from the light that we carry. Amen, I thank you for that. So, lord, I'm even asking for that.

Speaker 2:

When it says the Lord bestows favor and honor, no good thing does he withhold, we're going to pray this over ourselves. We're going to receive. Thank you, god, that you are our son and our shield. We're going to thank God for bestowing favor and honor. Amen, because some of our names have been distorted by others. Ah, hashtag, jealousy, no, okay. And then we're also going to pray that no good thing is he going to withhold from you and you're going to pray that we're going to walk upright. So let's go ahead and pray the blessing as you pray that we're going to walk upright. So let's go ahead and pray the blessing as you pray that I'm going to pray over you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, lord. Lord God, that you are the sun, yes, and the shield. I thank you, lord God, that you are even blinding our enemies, or God, so that they won't even see us no more. I thank you that the shield of the shield of favor that you have lifted for your sons and daughters, lord God, that the enemy can't even see what you're doing. We are protected by the sun, the light. Amen. I thank you for the light. Thank you for the light. I thank you for the light. I thank you for the light. I thank you for the light of God. Thank you, lord Jesus, for that. Father, I ask that you bestow favor and honor on every person under the sound of my voice. Would you even restore honor to their names and their character, lord God, those who have been attacked, those names who have been distorted by people who have been jealous or people who have been coming for them in different ways?

Speaker 2:

those who have been distorting them, distorting the way they see themselves questioning their faith and throwing them into the air.

Speaker 1:

Every single attack with someone who's trying to cause chaos in your belief, where the devil is separating you from what, and thank you that love with whom will be with him from all his work of righteousness, father God, let us believe in the word of Jesus and when we try to do right, when we try to walk in obedience, father God, that you are walking upright, father God, let us believe it and receive it in the name of Jesus, hallelujah. If there be any doubt that this does not apply to us, father God just let us receive it.

Speaker 2:

We just know your favor and your honor. Uncommon favor and uncommon honor, lord God. So they will know, people will know that they are yours, they are protected, they are blessed.

Speaker 1:

Would you bless? Them with such a favor and honor that God's will be with them before they even receive it and know that it is true and that your word does not come back on you, and that it is true and that your word does not come back on you, and that it applies to all of your children.

Speaker 2:

Father God, thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Thank you, Jesus Thank you, Jesus, Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus. If there's anything that is blocking us from walking in obedience, Let us ask that you deliver us from it now. We rebuke you in the mighty name of Jesus Father. We're delivered from anything that is not of you, so we may walk in obedience, father God.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, hallelujah. Thank you, jesus, stand up. Help us to walk up and not be wishy-washy, in faith that when you say such a thing, we hold on and we believe that you are right. Let us receive you, let us feel your presence, because it says no good thing you can hold. So, father God, I ask that you release that good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Release that good thing now to every person connected to me, to every person connected to me, to every person connected to me, that good thing will be God.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Father, you know what they're crying out for they're in wonder and sorrow. Oh God, you are such a good father.

Speaker 1:

Lift the burden, brother. God, let us lay our burdens at your feet, because your yoke is high.

Speaker 2:

We thank you for your favor and your honor. We honor those, lord God, who have been so faithful to you. I thank you, god.

Speaker 1:

I thank you for doing this for us. You are so amazing, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for your blessing, Lord God.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for your shield of protection, Lord God.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, god, that you have restored their names. Oh my God, I thank you that you have restored their names.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, I thank you that you are restoring their names?

Speaker 2:

Any gossip. Or God, any gossip or anything, anything that anyone has been saying behind their backs to tear them down, those who have been smiling in their faces and distorting their names, or God, restore the honor to your sons and daughters, every single person under the sound of my voice.

Speaker 1:

Let their names be crying out in heaven let them be known as oh favored one oh, god thank you, jesus, that you're giving us a name change I am thank you. Jesus, you said, I am oh favored one thank you for not holding anything that is permanent or good.

Speaker 2:

Father God thank you, jesus, and let us is permanent good.

Speaker 1:

Father God. Thank you Jesus. Let us focus on the spiritual, father God. Let us focus on the things of this world.

Speaker 2:

In the same way that Gabriel was dispatched with that name from Mary. I receive that now for us.

Speaker 1:

Let us focus on that. Let us focus on the spiritual. Father God, thank you Jesus. Let us focus on that. Let us focus on why you have us here, father God. Thank you Jesus. Let us focus on that.

Speaker 2:

Let us focus on why you have us here, father God, and not on anything that is without you. Oh God, I thank you that we are called to pray with one hope for the Lord, amen.

Speaker 1:

I don't care what anybody says about no matter what season that we're in, Lord Jesus. Whether we're in a season of action or a season of waiting, Father God, let us focus on what you want to happen. Thank you, Father God. Keep us encouraged that we can continue to grow spiritually, Father God, that we continue to increase our faith, increase our knowledge, our wisdom and understanding, Father God, Thank you Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, thank you, lord. Thank you for the honor and respect that families have heard out of my God. Thank you, lord, thank you for the honor and respect of the families who have sounded my voice, those who have gone through generations of pain.

Speaker 1:

All those who are hurting and cannot see Father God Open them, oh God. Every single couple that's still in touch with us, oh God.

Speaker 2:

Through cancer through death. Oh my God, thank you, jesus, that you're breaking off these strongholds, off our lives.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Thank you, Jesus, that you're breaking off these strongholds off our lives, those who have worshipped the small gods and worshipped wooden idols. Those who have worshipped saints, men and not you, Lord Jesus. Christ, I ask that you knock that over this morning. Oh God, that you will clear our altars with the cross of your name. Thank you for your guidance, Father.

Speaker 1:

Thank you that you love us enough thank you for what you have. You're confused let us focus on what you would have us do today, each one of us. Let us not focus on ourselves. Let us focus on our purpose. Let us focus on what you would have us do we could find special favor.

Speaker 2:

Father, I ask that you destroy every single thing, every conjuring, anything that we have set up as idols and altars. That's been there just to please our flesh, that it is knocked over and destroyed. That's why you don't have honor. You don't have honor because your grandparents set up some altars before you were born. People were trying to get rich quick.

Speaker 2:

Oh god, I even you're showing me this because you will knock over this right now, that you destroy every altar that was set up for us. So you're clearing up the faith of god. We want to get us on that favor and honor and thank you, now that jesus christ has knocked over everything.

Speaker 1:

You have already given us the strength to overcome lord jesus. Just let us believe in him. Every barter, every trade that wasiver us from anything that has us bound by God. Deliver us from anything that is holding us back by God, that we may walk fully in our purpose, lord Jesus, that we will be the children that you chose us to be by God. Thank you, jesus.

Speaker 2:

It's the heavenly father, it's the worship of the one true God. If you're looking for a quick way out. Your heart is going to do it. Thank you, jesus. Those who are worshiping ancestors, those who are speaking to the dead. You got to let that thing go.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, jesus, that you are the only one who says only the Holy Spirit has that kind of power. Thank you, lord, because there are people who have been setting up altars for years and not knowing it, those who have been going to the yoga class and doing sun poses and worshiping you, don't even know what you did. Thank you for showing me that, lord, that we will recognize when it's you. Don't you know that even your dance is worship? Oh my God, don't you know that your word?

Speaker 1:

is worship.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I thank you, god, for showing us we have been canceling out our blessings, we have been dishonoring ourselves and we are his favored ones. Oh, I thank you, lord God, for setting things right this morning. We want your uncommon favor, lord. I don't want the kind of favor that just everybody has. I want your supernatural favor. I want the kind of favor from my friends and family that you open doors before we even think of them. I want the kind of favor that gives us a forecast, lord God, to let us know where we're going, and confirms, through your word, that we are there.

Speaker 2:

I thank you, lord God, for the blessings now that you're releasing. I thank you for cleaning up our spaces, cleaning up our hearts and mind and disconnecting us, lord God, from anything that was put in place from generations before that this is a clean path. Amen. Thank you, lord God, thank you, holy Spirit, for pleading on our behalf. By the power of the Holy Spirit, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, you are disconnected. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord. Now we can receive his favor and honor, because you got to let those things go from the past.

Speaker 1:

Yes, lord, yes, lord, thank you. Let us receive and believe it, father God, thank you. Thank you With the supernatural faith and belief. Father God, in the name of Jesus, right now, we claim it with the supernatural faith and belief. We receive it. Father God, thank you, lord.

Speaker 2:

Thank you Lord, thank you Lord.

Speaker 1:

We receive it, we walk in it, father God. Thank you. Right now, father God, we feel your presence. Lord Jesus, thank you, lord, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

I thank you that you're showing favor to all of us. That is what your word says Glory to your name.

Speaker 1:

We come before you, Father God. This is our time to be with you by the grace of Jesus.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for the favor over this prayer of God, that every prayer that has been lifted by God has been lifted from their lips that heaven has heard it.

Speaker 1:

It is documented.

Speaker 2:

I thank you that you have answered that you are shaking your chances now. Any prayer that has been blocked up and locked up in heaven anything that was stopped by. God, anything that was interrupted in our ass any answers that? Was on their way, but it was set aside, because we were disobedient, any prayer that we prayed, lord God, but it came from the wrong altar, lord God. I thank you, lord, that you are releasing that Entreat, the favor, entreat the favor, we get the favor.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, Lord, for your favor. I thank you. Entreat the favor. This is not about anyone Entreat the favor, we get the favor.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Lord, for your favor. I thank you, God, for the favor.

Speaker 1:

I just pray for any two to come together. Father God, that you are amongst us. Father God, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for the rest of this year. I thank you, lord God, for the uncommon supernatural favor the kind. Thank you, lord, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Lord, Thank you Lord.

Speaker 2:

Thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord.

Speaker 1:

Thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Thank you, God.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for every situation, lord God, now I must bow to you. Lord Jesus Christ. Every challenge must bow to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Every lack must bow to you. Now, lord Jesus Christ, because we are your favorite ones, favorite ones. We carry the favor of God. That's what you say about yourself. Oh, I'm a favored one and I carry the favor of God. There is nothing you need to do or say. You don't need to argue the point. The devil is a liar. He knows more about you than you know about yourself. He knew that you were a favored one. That's why he's been coming at you. He's been testing to see if you know it. And now you know it.

Speaker 1:

But now, you got to receive it. Yes, yes, lord, yes, lord, thank you. Thank you for revelation. Father God In my marriage.

Speaker 2:

I'm a favored one In my health in my children. I'm a favored one, I'm a favored one. In business I'm a favored one. In ministry, I'm a favored one. I'm a favored one, I'm a favored intercessor.

Speaker 1:

This is hardiness, understanding that we are favored because it's your word Father, God it shows wants to do with the favor.

Speaker 2:

Father God. Thank you, Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, Lord.

Speaker 2:

Even on the battlefield, we are the favored one. Thank you, Lord. I thank you that we can walk with that, as you're dispatching angels right now to back up what we say. How can we be witnesses without your favor? How can we? Tell the world about you, lord, god, so lord, we ask now that you overflow favor, favor so our lives become witness to your favor.

Speaker 2:

We don't have to say a word. Just by our lives, our lives, our god, become those witnesses of your favor. Let the world look on us and see your favor, lord, lord, god, so they'll be drawn to you, they'll want to get to you, the God that we serve, because the favor that we carry, that's uncommon favor, that's the uncommon favor, lord God, amen. We thank you, lord, amen. We thank you. We're going right into declaration. We're going right into declaration. We're going right into declaration. I declare this day that no weapon formed against me. Can I declare?

Speaker 1:

this day that no weapon formed against me can prosper, because I am the righteousness of god. Favor surrounds me as a shield. Divine protection surrounds me as a shield. I am therefore in the right place at the right time. I cannot be defeated or destroyed. In fact, every tongue that accuses me, every tongue that attacks me, I condemn with my words.

Speaker 1:

This is my heritage, this is my right as a child of God, made in His image, made with His dominion and authority living in me, coming forth out of my spirit. Through my words, I declare today that Satan has no power over my life, that every weapon that he has has been defeated.

Speaker 2:

The fear is cast out.

Speaker 1:

That love makes my faith and work and therefore I cannot fail. God's word cannot fail and that's what I am made of. Thank you, jesus, his word made in his image, after his likeness. With the power of the Holy Spirit and authority in the secret place of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, by the blood of Jesus, I dwell in the secret place of the Holy Spirit. I abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I say of the Lord that you are my refuge and my fortress, my God. In you will I trust.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Thank you, lord, god. As we say these words, we know these are words that are connected with the word.

Speaker 2:

It's what God says about us, it's not stuff we're making up. So, lord, as we say, as we speak these words, I pray that they form, they become something in our lives, they take form. Oh, I thank you, lord, god, that these words take form in our life, they take root in our lives. Oh God, I thank you for your words. I thank you for what you say about us. Thank God, I thank you for your words. I thank you for what you say about us. Thank you, lord, god, thank you for the healing that comes from these words. These words heal, these words heal. These words heal because it's not me saying it.

Speaker 2:

It's what the word says about us, and so, as we're coming, into all the acres where he was at we thank you, lord, god, that these words are healing us right now. Thank you, lord. All right, we're going into mark 11 and the word says therefore, I tell you, whatever, I tell you whatever you ask and pray, believe that you have reached the student. It will be you're believing that we're receiving what your word says.

Speaker 2:

We're relieving everything right in prayer, lord, god. We're believing. It's a mindset. You got to believe what he said. You got to believe no matter what people say. You got to believe despite your circumstances. You might have 13 in your bank account, but you got to believe what he says. When he says I'm your provider, you can't lose faith. You got to believe it and you got to receive it and you will. It says it will not might. It will be yours. So now just take a minute to just praise him. We just praise you, god. We praise him. I'm praising you because you have already released your favor among us, or god. I thank you, lord, for this.

Speaker 1:

This amazing monday, miraculous monday I thank you, lord god, for this uncommon favor. I thank you, father God. We lift you up. We need your name.

Speaker 2:

Even let us hear that in our dreams, in our darkest times, would you just release Lord God, these words, lord, let them become a part of our walk our thoughts our deeds Lord. God oh, favored one In the times when we are going up against the wall, Lord God, when we really need to be encouraged.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, would you let that word sink in? O favored one. Would you remind us, lord God, in the same way that the angel Gabriel showed up for Mary and called her this name O favored one. Lord God, would you dispatch your angels now and let them call us by this name, o favored one. And we will respond, because we know what you say about us is true and we thank you, lord God. We praise your holy name. We thank you for what you are doing in our lives. We thank you for the doors that you have closed, the ones that we were never meant to walk through. We thank you for new opportunities. We thank you, lord God, for new opportunities. We thank you for changing our path. We thank you for giving us the best of yet to come. We thank you for reviving our faith and belief in you. We thank you, lord God, for opening our mouth, lord God, so that we can give praise to you for even breath. We thank you that this is a life-changing situation.

Speaker 2:

Right now, we are walking in uncommon favor, and if only we'd receive it, we'd believe it. So we thank you, lord God, that you have shifted us into uncommon favor. I thank you for a favor. That don't make no sense. I thank you for the kind of favor that you've given to every single person under the sound of my voice. That makes no sense. That your family's going to look at you and say, where did you come from. That the marketplace is going to look at you and say, how did that happen. I thank you, lord God, for uncommon favor. Lord God, that people are going to see these sons and daughters and not understand, but it will be done in such a way.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be done. We praise your holy name, father, god, god knows that it is you, lord, god. We praise you, Father God, that you are the almighty God wouldn't get the credit.

Speaker 2:

So I ask you, lord, god, you bless us with unhappiness. We praise you for who you are so much so, lord God, that when people see us they will know that is God. That is God. Let our lives be written in sins.

Speaker 1:

We praise you for being Jehovah's. We praise you for being Jehovah, nisi.

Speaker 2:

Healing our very spiritual hearts. Broken hearts Anything, lord God, any form of disappointment, lord God, or sadness, or loneliness that is the place that we are for being who you are.

Speaker 1:

You are the.

Speaker 2:

I am the healing in our families, bringing the children back to mothers and sons, those who have been set apart from their children those who have been praying for reconciliation that you will receive uncommon favor.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, thank you, jesus. I thank you for what you're shifting, even the spouses that don't speak. Lord God, that they will have uncommon favor. That there is a period of healing and bringing things back to the family, lord God, I thank you for healing families, lord God, that is uncommon favor. I thank you for those who are struggling financially. Lord God, that they will have uncommon favor with you. That you will bless them, lord God, with the opportunities to overflow their bank accounts. That you, lord God, you will send them the right help, not just anybody.

Speaker 2:

Father God, I thank you that you have said no. When you have said no, you have protected us. Divine protection is a shield. So we're asking for more of your divine protection. Even if it hurts in the temporary, we know, in the long term it is a blessing. So, lord God, we thank you, lord God, for divine protection, because that is a shield.

Speaker 2:

We thank you for saying no for the job interviews that were never meant to touch, for the meetings we were never supposed to participate in, for the deals, lord God, maybe some people have started businesses and that wasn't the call on their lives. You've said no to going on a trip. Maybe you've said no to the healing in a marriage and you've said no, that is enough. You said no to abuse. You've said no to lies, you said no to chaos, you said no to confusion. Oh, lord, god, I thank you because that is divine protection as a shield. Lord, we don't always understand how you do these things, but we receive and believe that we are your favorite ones and because we are all favorite ones, that everything that you do is in our favor, it is for our good.

Speaker 2:

So, Lord, I ask that you will even breathe into our hearts this morning, the hearts that have been broken. Lord God, watching all the loss, Lord God, around us, Lord God, I ask, Lord God, that you will speak to our very hearts and spirits. The Holy Spirit that you will come through. Yes, Thank you, Lord God, that you will speak to our very hearts and spirits. The Holy Spirit that you will come through. Yes, Thank you, Lord God, that you will speak to our hearts and remind us this is happening because you are favored one Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus, for lifting us just a little this morning we are all favored, Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Lord for your uncommon favor. I thank you, lord, god, for your uncommon favor.

Speaker 1:

Everything we touch is blessed.

Speaker 2:

Everywhere we go is blessed.

Speaker 1:

We are so blessed this year.

Speaker 2:

I thank you Lord. God for the amazing, wonderful, awesome God that you are. We thank you for your righteousness. We thank you, Holy Spirit, for your presence and your fire. I thank you for your fire. I thank you for your healing our hearts and minds, Lord God, turning us back to you. Uncommon favor I receive that. I receive every part of my being, lord God, that we have that. We have that now. Amen, amen In addiction y'all. Ephesians 3, 20, 21.

Speaker 1:

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power and worth within us. To him glory, in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever amen amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

All right, let me stop sharing um, for those of y'all on the facebook and the recording, streets is where we stop, so we can go to fellowship. Y'all have a blessed week okay, let me stop recording.

Uncommon Favor Prayer Session
Uncommon Favor
Seeking Supernatural Favor and Blessings
Praise for Uncommon Favor
Prayer for Uncommon Favor