Mrs. PIE

Embracing Renewed Strength: Finding Divine Power and Spiritual Fortification in Prayer

April 25, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 17
Embracing Renewed Strength: Finding Divine Power and Spiritual Fortification in Prayer
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Embracing Renewed Strength: Finding Divine Power and Spiritual Fortification in Prayer
Apr 25, 2024 Season 3 Episode 17
Shelley Jeffcoat

Our Renewal series concludes with a powerful discussion on 'Renewed Strength,' guiding you to tap into divine power for soul rejuvenation. 

Revisit the series on platforms like YouTube and Grace and Grit Media. Plus, explore the Three Praying Sisters prayer line for strategic prayer backed by angelic ministry. 

Join me as we discuss the importance of early morning prayer and direct communication with the Divine, leading to personal transformation. Find empowerment, clarity, and guidance in this episode. Let's embrace the renewed strength together.

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Our Renewal series concludes with a powerful discussion on 'Renewed Strength,' guiding you to tap into divine power for soul rejuvenation. 

Revisit the series on platforms like YouTube and Grace and Grit Media. Plus, explore the Three Praying Sisters prayer line for strategic prayer backed by angelic ministry. 

Join me as we discuss the importance of early morning prayer and direct communication with the Divine, leading to personal transformation. Find empowerment, clarity, and guidance in this episode. Let's embrace the renewed strength together.

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Renewal. So I think everybody can hear me. I know again, there's issues with StreamYard. So if you're on the Facebook streets, good morning, faithful Tracy. That, you guys, tracy, if you can, just let me know if you can hear me, tracy, that you guys, tracy, if you can, just let me know if you can hear me. And also the folks on the Langton streets that we are coming to the end of our renewal series in April.

Speaker 2:

This one is Renewed Strength. So, lord, we just thank you for what you've already done. We thank you for bringing us here to see another Thursday morning. Lord God, I bless every person under the sound of my voice the Thursday morning. Lord God, I bless every person under the sound of my voice, those who are looking for a renewal just in their strength, lord God, not in ours, but through you, and I thank you for the word that you're going to open up this morning to all of us. Amen. Yes, you can hear me, Y'all, if you were here last week. There were some things going down with the word I had and I'm telling you it was a fight but we got it out.

Speaker 2:

So for those of y'all who have missed the April Renewal series, you can either watch it on the Mrs Pie channel on the YouTube streets or you can listen to it wherever you get your podcasts at this point, anywhere you get your podcasts Audible, iTunes, whatever Apple, I don't know wherever you get your audio versions. You can download all the episodes. You can even listen to them on the Grace and Grit Media site. You can go to Parade Deck Live. So shout out to the folks who are watching on Parade Deck Live TV Good morning our veterans and military spouses around the world. God bless you, god bless everybody who is watching. And again, if you're on Facebook and you're watching this, after the fact, there's been some changes with StreamYard, so it's just best to catch us on the YouTube streets or, you know, wherever else Twitter or X or whatever. Wherever else you get your thing.

Speaker 2:

But before I go into this word, I wanted to give a quick heads up on a couple of things. The first one is the number that you see scrolling at the bottom is three praying sisters. This is a prayer line that will be launched, thank God, in May, so May 2nd. So y'all need to write these numbers down, put it in your phone. These are numbers that you can call twice a day, whether you're in the US or the UK at one o'clock and seven o'clock that's Eastern Standard Time. That's an access code. It's free, and if you call that number any one of you call that number for 30 minutes. We're going to have prayer, right, it's just 30 minutes of prayer. So, whatever it is you're going through, it's confidential. We're not looking at each other on Zoom, right? You just call it in. It's a phone line for you to call in for prayer. So again, just go ahead and jot the number down, add it to your phone, three praying sisters, put it in your favorites, right, and come join us for prayer. Again, it's open to anyone, anyone at all in the US and the UK, and this is just going to be powerful.

Speaker 2:

Tracy, who's on the line right now oh Lord, thank you. Tracy's on the main line right now. She's one of the women who volunteers for that and I really have my God. I really know that. I know in my heart and soul that this is going to be a blessing for many. So I also want to give a shout out to Cindy Nicholson, who's in the UK, who's one of the amazing women in our prayer ministry that she's going to help us lift and bring awareness to the UK for this free phone number. There's a lot happening around the world. She's going to help us lift and make up, bring awareness to the UK for this free phone number. There's a lot happening around the world and we want to help a lot of people, y'all just through prayer. So I want to leave that with you and then also for the folks who are watching us and trying to figure out where to where to reach exactly. Bring your cares and burdens to the Lord will petition exactly. He's thrown on your behalf. You know, all last night this is going to go a little sideways All last night and yesterday the Lord was teaching me about watch hour and the specific prayer and what happens at specific times, and so I'm going to and I was led to some really solid teaching on that behalf I'm going to, and I was led to some really solid teaching on that behalf.

Speaker 2:

So I'm going to, if the Lord lets me, I'm going to pull those together and share that with the folks in the Come Out of the Wilderness prayer ministry, because that's what we do we pray, we pray, but we have to be strategic in our prayer and there are watch hours and there are certain things that you know. When we pray, we pray to God, but he releases angels to do the work. So when we pray to him, there are specific times that you pray for certain things. And I'm going to again. If he blesses me, if he's not done teaching me, then it won't come out. But I'm going to pull that together. I believe that's his will for us to know, because we get a lot of prayer requests and sometimes, when we get the prayer requests, you miss the window for when that angelic ministry can be opened out. If you go back in there and I'll include scriptures y'all, so you know it ain't just Shelly talking, it'll be very solid. So, if you just bear with me, that's part of the renewing of my own strength, lord, renew my strength so I can make sure that your word goes out. We have to be strategic in prayer, right? We don't want to miss any window. We don't want to miss any window.

Speaker 2:

So, speaking of this, here we are. It is the 6 am to 9 am hour, and I'm just looking at my notes really quickly because I just wanted to share something that happens within this watch hour. This is when you start watching for spiritual gifts, is when you pray for spiritual gifts and revelation and visions, impartation, personal healing, things like that. How we know? We know that in Acts 2, verse 15, peter's sermon at Pentecost, where he starts out by saying for these people are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. You got to understand the mysteries of the world, as you will. And so he goes further down and he talks about what was uttered through the prophet Joel and he recalls what that is. In part, some of that includes gifts and prophecy and dreams.

Speaker 2:

So, as I'm saying this now, my prayer, even as I'm speaking to you guys, as we're talking about renewing our strength, is that God will give us not just the strength but impart that kind of strength, that impartation of his strength to us, so that we'll be able to move through this day, even through the next hours. All right, right, so that's a whole lot, but again, I'm gonna pull this together. Um, bear with me for the folks in the prayer ministry. If you're trying to find us, come out of the wilderness prayer ministries on facebook, it's free, y'all can find us. We pray, uh, I teach preach many times a week, but we have specific strategic prayers and I'm gonna pull that together so that we can we can be in alignment with our watch, our prayers, and really start pulling some things out as he teaches me. I'm teaching y'all, all right, that's a whole mouthful. But now let me get to what today we're talking about renewing our strength. Renewing our strength. So for those of y'all who are listening, this is a point where I'm going to share my screen.

Speaker 2:

I'm in Isaiah 40, the ESBA Shelley version. This is pretty familiar. I think a lot of us know some of these verbs, verbs, some of these words. He said verbs because you got, he said verbs and nouns, some of these things you got to do and you got to say All right. But in in Isaiah 40, just to scroll back, to just bring it back into a little bit of a context, this talks about the comfort for God's God's people when he you know comfort. Comfort for my people says your God, he's he's people when he, you know. Comfort for my people says you're God, he's speaking. This is a prayer. Isaiah is speaking tenderly to Jerusalem. He's basically crying out.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of prophetic words in here, where in verse three he talks about the voice cries in the wilderness. Thank you, lord, for this. Listen, when I get the lesson sometimes, just to be honest, y'all, I'm not going back to do anything deeper, I'm just showing up and saying Holy Spirit, just use me and teach me. He's teaching me even along the way, amen. So I thank you for what you showed me, even in the wilderness, because come out of the wilderness was born out of the belly of Isaiah 40. And I'm going to tell you I didn't know all of this until after the fact. I was just being obedient.

Speaker 2:

But the word says in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord makes straight in the desert. So he's talking about every valley being lifted up and all of those things. It goes further down into verse six through eight. It talks about the voice of God standing forever and the voice saying cry. You know all of these things. This is such a powerful passage scripture. But these are. These are his way, god's way of showing you his greatness. His word is forever.

Speaker 2:

Some of you have, you know, have lost steam. It's the end of April. You've lost steam on some of the promises that the Lord made over your life, concerning your life. Some of y'all have had people speak over your lives many years ago, 10 years ago, five years ago, and you've lost steam. And I just want to remind you that the word of God stands forever, says. The grass withers, the flower fades when the breath of the Lord blows on it. Surely, people, all of these things, but the word of our God will stand forever. So, people will fade, you know, businesses might fade, jobs might fade, listen, but the word of our God, what he said to you, stands forever and I think that's going to help build up your strength. Right? I have this image when I think of God strengthening me, of a man and I don't know if I've seen this somewhere or this is like for real, but a man just on the ground and the angel of the Lord stretching out his hand to pull him up vision of God's strength is being pulled up, and being pulled up by his strength and him pulling you out of the pit and you relying on his strength, not yours, because you know we are tired. Right? The greatness of God.

Speaker 2:

It goes on to talk about the greatness of God and that God comes with might and his own rules for him, as his reward is with him. And why? It's because in this scripture it is reminding us of God's greatness of his might. It is so important because, again, a lot of us are depending on our own strength and sometimes our own will, and the truth is we are reliant on his strength. It is impossible for me to do the amount of things that I do by myself. I have heaven's help, okay, and it is impossible for me to even get into conversations with people. Most of the time I can't do it without the help of heaven. I really cannot. So, relying on the greatness of God, knowing that he's carrying you, that he's leading you, you know that it is a reminder of him, of God's greatness. We've dumbed down God so much that we're treating him like he's a grandpa, you know, like he's just a little grandfather that you talk to. He's just a name that you invoke and whatever, whichever name you invoke, that's the best one. Like you know, we have. We have really made a mess of things, okay, but I'm telling you that that is not the God you serve.

Speaker 2:

So, if you want to understand the greatness of God, go into Isaiah 40. That's going to bring us down to our chapter, our verse this morning in 29. I'm going to go back to 28. It says have you not known, have you not heard. The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary. His understanding is unsearchable, unsearchable, again unsearchable. But verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might. He increases strength. Even youth shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted. But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not be faint. He gives power to the faint. He gives power to the faint. Remember I said I'm going to stop sharing. Remember I said that there are certain watch hours. There are certain times where we watch, where we again watch hours as intercessors, again as people who pray.

Speaker 2:

And I gave this teaching, I think earlier, a couple months ago. My time is not your time, but I gave this teaching about the difference between intercessing and just being a prayer warrior. A prayer warrior is someone who you're praying for yourself or your family and you're just praying. An intercessor listens, hears from God's heart and then speaks that prayer. That's what we pray. So it's different.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm going to talk to those who are prayer warriors who are? You know, praying is a part of your worship. You pray before you go to work, you pray before your meetings, you pray for your children. You're praying for your community. I'm talking to my prayer warriors. But this is the hour of day, between 6 am and 9 am, where you start to pull down and pray God to give you not only give you a strength, but to impart the gifts and the revelation of the day, to show you what it is that he wants you to see. And when you start to do that, when you start relying on again, as you are faint and you might be tired, maybe even before you're going on again as you are faint and you might be tired, maybe even before you're going into the day, like when you wake up, you start asking Lord, give me the strength, lord, give me your strength, I rely on your strength. Why do we do that? It's because we are spirit and God is spirit. So it's a spirit to spirit conversation.

Speaker 2:

Where I think a lot of people fall off is because when you talk to God, you're thinking God is like you or God is like me, god is not a man, right? So when we speak to our heavenly father, when we speak to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the spirit of the Lord, right, it's spirit to spirit, right. So, as your spirit, as you're praying through your spirit to our Father. Let me just make it very, very clear, because a lot of people say, god, it ain't the same God. When we're talking spirit to spirit, I'm asking for that kind of spiritual strength. Right, I need that kind of spiritual strength. That strength helps me when I'm faint, when I'm tired, when I'm exhausted, not just physically, y'all. Not just physically, right, because there are things physically that we have to do to our flesh, meaning you might be tired because you didn't eat right or you're not, your diet is messed up or you're stressed out or you know things like that, those physical things. But your spirit can also be tired, be tired, your spirit can also be exhausted, especially prayer warriors.

Speaker 2:

If you've been praying for something time and time again and you're not seeing what you believe is God answering you, in that hour, right, that month, that day, you've been praying for God to heal someone close to you and you're not seeing the results you want, right, and the truth is that you are burned out and you're tired of praying and now you're losing steam and grown faint. And the truth is that you are burned out and you're tired of praying. And now you're losing steam and grow, grow, faint. And the word says that we you know, men and women we might grow faint, but the Lord does not. So this is where we start to ask the Lord to renew our strength so that we can continue the work that he started in us.

Speaker 2:

Whatever he's called you to do he might have caused you to be a teacher, a preacher, a business person, a stay-at-home mom, whatever it is that he's called you to do, right, whatever it is, whatever it is, especially for those of y'all because I talked to a lot of folks in business, a lot of folks who were in the job market, a lot of folks who were, quite frankly, stressed out. A lot of y'all are stressed out because you're trying to control the situation and you cannot, and so you've exhausted your resources, you've exhausted yourself. This is the time when you start to ask God to renew your strength. Father, renew our strength.

Speaker 2:

So, for those prayer warriors doing the 6 am and 9 am, this is the watch hour where you start to ask God to reveal even your spiritual gifts. Right, sometimes you're exhausted because you're, you're tapping, you think you have and you don't. So, lord, show me my true spiritual gifts. I want to be in alignment with what heaven says about me. Give me visions, lord God, so I can see what heaven's doing in my life. Give me the visions, Lord God, impart the blessings, impart the strength and Father personal healing. And again, you don't have to take my word. I'm coming out of Acts 2, verse 15, all the way down, and if you understand scripture, you ask the Lord. Lord, give me the revelation so I can understand how to even align my prayers with what heaven is doing.

Speaker 2:

Right and, lord, we just thank you that you are now teaching us, as you're teaching us, two things, that you're teaching us how to be connected back to heaven, as you're teaching us how heaven works. Lord God, as we pray to you, you dispatch the help that we need, lord God. So, father, as we're entering into this area now, I'm asking for you to dispatch angelic help, lord God, to help us, to not only strengthen us, but impart your strength, to send help, lord God, to bless every person under the sound of my voice who is standing in need of clear guidelines and understanding of what they should do, those who are exhausted spiritually, lord, that have tapped into something, and they're so tired. They've been praying over the same thing, over the same people for season on season. Thank you, lord, for reminding us that there is a structure, there is a way to do it, there is a protocol. Heaven is a kingdom.

Speaker 2:

So, as we're tapping in now into what your word says, we're asking, lord God, that this watch hour that you will release this for your people, for those who are standing in need of just being strengthened, lord God, of being renewed, lord God. We need that renewal, lord God, because our perspective is different when we've been resting in you. When our strength comes from you, our perspective changes For those who have just been so tired and exhausted, dealing with life, dealing with loss, dealing with health issues, dealing with family, dealing with the job, dealing with traffic, whatever it is folks who have been so stressed out. Their souls are tired. Lord God, I ask that there'll be a renewal in strength for them as well, so they can make it through just one more day.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for these blessings, I thank you for your teaching and I thank you for your word in Jesus' name, amen. I hope that blesses y'all. I hope that blesses y'all. You've got to know strategically when to ask, how to ask for help from heaven. Again, you're right, my super secret is it's the Holy Spirit, it's not me, but I know when to tap in, I know when to pull things down and as he's teaching me, I'm teaching y'all because I'm not selfish, right? So don't be selfish. Make sure you like the video that helps us get more eyeballs, because we want to get these teachings out to as many people as possible.

Speaker 2:

Don't be selfish. Share the teachings y'all. Bless somebody else and as you go through your day-to-day, as I always say, please be kind to somebody Christians, because you don't know who's going through stuff. Be kind to people on your job. If you don't know what to say, go say a prayer Lord is my shepherd and bless them, lord, and move on Right, and I pray that this bless you. I pray that God's going to keep you, he's going to strengthen you and I hope that you're going to come back next week. Tell a friend, bring a friend, be committed, be faithful like Tracy, be faithful like Tracy. Be faithful like Tracy. Amen. God bless you. All. Right, I will see y'all next week. You so much for watching. Have a good rest of your day. Bye.

Renewed Strength Series Announcement
Renewing Strength Through Spirit Prayer