Mrs. PIE

Seeking Uncommon Grace: Discover God's Favor in Times of Change

May 02, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 21
Seeking Uncommon Grace: Discover God's Favor in Times of Change
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Seeking Uncommon Grace: Discover God's Favor in Times of Change
May 02, 2024 Season 3 Episode 21
Shelley Jeffcoat

Join us in this transformative episode as we welcome May, a season of new beginnings and heartfelt reflection. Dive into the spiritual journey of the Come Out of the Wilderness prayer group and the newly launched 3 Praying Sisters. In this time of personal loss and profound insight, we explore the depths of 'uncommon grace'—a divine favor that lifts us to new heights of understanding and purpose, as illustrated by Ephesians 2.

Hear stories of personal breakthroughs and divine encounters that reveal God's infinite kindness. Learn how this grace isn't just a personal blessing but a wellspring meant to enrich the lives around us. Discover how to live in obedience and prayer, transforming challenges into opportunities for spreading sanctification and hope.

Call 3 Praying Sisters Prayer Phone Line for 30 mins of live prayer- Every Thursday 1pm and 7pm EST  - 📞 US: (605) 313-5711 📞 UK: +44 330 390 2135 🔒 Access Code: 3646034

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Join us in this transformative episode as we welcome May, a season of new beginnings and heartfelt reflection. Dive into the spiritual journey of the Come Out of the Wilderness prayer group and the newly launched 3 Praying Sisters. In this time of personal loss and profound insight, we explore the depths of 'uncommon grace'—a divine favor that lifts us to new heights of understanding and purpose, as illustrated by Ephesians 2.

Hear stories of personal breakthroughs and divine encounters that reveal God's infinite kindness. Learn how this grace isn't just a personal blessing but a wellspring meant to enrich the lives around us. Discover how to live in obedience and prayer, transforming challenges into opportunities for spreading sanctification and hope.

Call 3 Praying Sisters Prayer Phone Line for 30 mins of live prayer- Every Thursday 1pm and 7pm EST  - 📞 US: (605) 313-5711 📞 UK: +44 330 390 2135 🔒 Access Code: 3646034

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Come join us at our virtual events monthly. Visit our website to learn more.

Speaker 2:

no-transcript so Good morning y'all. For those of y'all who are wondering why we got some promos, it's because we got a lot of stuff going on and I am so honored to be here. I'm just putting on my silken music in the background because, you know, that sets my environment where I am. So I am so grateful we have made it to May. This is a very, very special Thursday morning. This is a very, very special Thursday morning. I am perplexed.

Speaker 2:

I am so choked up this morning because of what God has done for the Come Out of the Wilderness prayer group through three praying sisters that we're launching. So, father, we, just as we're even going into this month of May, as we are already stepping into May, we just thank you for the uncommon favor and grace that you've already shown us and we are so grateful for every single life that's going to be touched through the launch of Three Praying Sisters, lord, god, and we just thank you for the women who have given their time, their hearts, their treasures, who have signed up for this incredible, amazing, wonderful journey, lord, god, and I thank you, lord, from the bottom of my heart for using us, our broken and chipped vessels. I thank you for every single person who's going to be blessed, who's going to call in on these numbers and get a word of encouragement, or praying, or sometimes praying us off the cliffs, lord. I thank you, lord, god, for what you have done, especially thanking all the amazing women, sharon, carol and Tracy, for giving us their time and and just being in alignment with what you say that we need to go. You therefore not only teach but feed, and I thank you, lord, for what you're doing for us Y'all. He is so good I am so you know, let me listen, I'm human, right, and it's been a week and it's only Thursday.

Speaker 2:

And just to share something personal, we had a personal family loss. We lost a member of our close family this past weekend and it's been so crazy, it's been so amazing, it's been sad and it's been all of those things right as we're working out all of the logistic things, the things that we do to set funeral and burial in motion, and I just have to say that I have seen so much grace towards my family. I have seen so much grace from the Lord. When people talk about grace, we're talking about the favor of God, the kindness of God, and I watch how he's also even aligning, even this month. The number five in the word in the Bible not like spiritual in the I don't know new age thing, but five represents grace and favor and mercy. And so, as we move into the month of May, we're pulling on common grace and so I'm receiving it, as we're in day two of it, and I'm releasing it to y'all this morning. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to share Ephesians 2. I'm going to share my screen and remember I have people that listen to me on the streets, on the audio streets, later in the week. So I have to explain what I'm doing, but I really hope that this is going to bless you.

Speaker 2:

One of the videos we showed in our promo was around trust, and I got to tell you something. If you don't get to a point where you can trust God, if you're still struggling with trusting God, you're going to have some challenges with receiving his grace. And I'm going to show you why in this scripture, and I pray, god, that you will open their eyes so that those who are standing in need, those who are hungry for your word, hungry for your grace, hungry for your favor and kindness, that this is the month that it shows up in a mighty way for them, in the same way that you have blessed me with uncommon and overwhelming grace for God. I pray that that is released to every person under the sound of my voice, that this May will be a different month. You will come to know the grace of God, his throne of grace, amen. You'll be seated on his throne of grace. So, by grace, through faith.

Speaker 2:

This is Ephesians 2, 1 through 10, the HLE version, otherwise known as the ESV, and let me turn my music down. It says and you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience. Let me pause For those of y'all who are asking God to give you this immeasurable grace and favor the grace of heaven, the grace with men, the grace with angels, right, his angels, right, the angel of the Lord, because we operate spiritually and they carry out his word Like. Let me break it down For you to get that level of grace. There's some things that you once walk with, things that you did following the course of this world, where you were putting yourself, your wants, your needs in charge, where you were chasing money, where you have to let those things go in order to enter into this type of grace. This type of grace that we're talking about requires a purification, it requires a sanctification, requires for you to understand and know that God is God. God is holy, right, god is holy.

Speaker 2:

So there's a lot of performance, a lot of acting, a lot of I call it Charlie Wood where churches are doing a lot of entertainment so that they can get numbers in. More members equals more money. I'm just being honest, just being real, right, but if you are still walking the way you once were, you're not going to tap into the grace I'm talking about. So let me just put that qualification in there. This is going to cost you something. This is is gonna cost you to let go of some behaviors and some mindset and the way that you've been doing business and the way that you've been treating people around you, being selfish and all those things. This is gonna cost your flesh. This grace, this grace that I carry, this grace that you want, is gonna cost you something, amen.

Speaker 2:

So verse three, among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, he's still telling you the qualifications, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were, by nature, children of wrath, just chaos, like the rest of mankind. And it says but God being rich in mercy, because of the great love in which he loved us even when we were dead in our trespasses, right Made us alive together with Christ. It's by God, it's because of his great love, right Made us alive together with Christ. By grace, you have been saved and raised us up with him and seated us. When we talk about seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, there's a lot of within him right here. So I even encourage you to go back and as you read this word for yourself, I place myself in the word. I am the person he's talking to, right? So as you're reading this word, just even think about in your, in your we call your spiritual eyes. Ask God to open up your, your mind, so that he can even show you so you were. He raised us up with him. We are seated with Jesus in heavenly places, right, and it says so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness towards us. So the Lord is, god is showing his immeasurable riches of his grace and kindness towards me because I'm seated, because I belong to Jesus Christ. Amen, for grace you have been saved through faith. You got to believe, for by grace you have been saved through faith.

Speaker 2:

And this is not your own doing. There's nothing we did. There is no amount of tithe or seeds you can plant for nobody. This is nothing that we have done. It says it is the gift of God, not a result of work. Not the charity work and how good you are and how much you smile and people are. You know I'm living my best life and I'm doing my best and I'm just trying. No, nothing. The grace of God, and it increases over time. It just increases over time. Okay, but there's nothing, this is not your own doing. It is the gift of God, not a result of works. Why so? That no one may boast, so no one can say you know I did X. Therefore I got his favor, for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. And yet again it's saying that it's not our good works that gives us this grace. Isn't that amazing? Which God prepared beforehand that we should walk with him? He set this thing up. This level of grace requires sacrifice. So, understanding grace, I'm going to stop sharing and come back to the room. Thank you, tracy. Yes, this level of grace looks like favor in situations that you have never accounted for, where he opens doors that you never would have seen, where he saved your life time and time and time again.

Speaker 2:

Every morning, I wake up. I thank God for the mercy, because he extended my life. He gave me another day, but I also realized that he gave me this day for me to do something with the day. It's not just to show up and just be like, oh, it's Tuesday, oh it's Thursday. There is something that I'm meant to do with the gift of the day. It's not just to show up and just be like, oh, it's Tuesday, oh it's Thursday. There is something that I'm meant to do with the gift of the day, the gift of the day.

Speaker 2:

And so, because I come into this day and I'm thanking God for the gift of the day, my next question is what do you want me to do with this day? How can I glorify you, god, in this day? Use me today, partner with me today, so that you're glorified through me, so that when people see me, they see you. That's what it means to be in Christ, right you in him and he in you. Right Christ, holy Spirit is in me, but I'm also in Christ. That means now I'm operating through his work. It's his thoughts, it's his deeds, it's his will. So what do you want me to do on my job today, lord? How do you want me to show up today, lord? Would you use me to bless somebody else today? Maybe there's somebody on your job.

Speaker 2:

You can't stand and the Lord is like right and you're like Lord. I can't stand dealing with so-and-so at the job and she makes me crazy or he makes me. You know this man, blah, blah, blah. You know all those things. Right, lord? What do you want me to do? And he's like pray for them. Ah, right, and when you walk in that type of obedience, he rewards you for that.

Speaker 2:

Grace, amazing grace, amazing grace. Grace looks like favor for you in your decision. Grace looks like favor for you. Grace looks like kindness coming towards you. Stuff you don't deserve, right. Even the type of grace where your enemies become your cheerleaders. I have been seeing this for the past couple of weeks Women who were, I know they were in their corner, gossiping and planning, plotting stuff right and literally watching God use them to bless me. That's amazing grace, right, that's grace. That's favor. Asking God to give you the kind of favor that you know anything, anything favor in your life. Everything that you touch is productive right.

Speaker 2:

For those of y'all again because I'm on the LinkedIn streets a lot for those of y'all who are in business asking God to give you the kind of grace and favor so that you have productive teams. You have, you know, people working for you who feel fulfilled and they are blessed, not just financially blessed, but they are whole. They are blessed to make you the kind of leader that people trust. That's grace on your life. Everybody don't and listen, everybody don't have it To give you the kind of favor in your job search that he will. Lord, favor me with the right job. I want to find the job that aligns with what you want me to do so that when I'm in this job you get all the glory. Father, give me the grace and favor with my sibling, my spouse, my partners, my children, this month of grace.

Speaker 2:

I pray that this month number five, that you will come to understand that this is uncommon grace called charis. This is uncommon grace we're talking about. I'm not talking about, you know, the grace that maybe most of y'all are used to. I'm talking uncommon, supernatural doors flinging open, breakthrough, healing. That kind of grace, the kind of grace where you start to understand the mysteries of God and he starts to show up and move through your life and he puts you in the right places, not you clawing for it, you don't have to beg, borrow or steal for anything, because God just puts you there and he opens doors in rooms that you will never enter and yet your name is in those rooms and he starts to move in your life in a supernatural way, so much so that all you can do is be in awe.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you, I don't even keep record anymore. I have a notebook and y'all keep journals and all those things, and I used to journal encounters, right, the ones that really were like what you know, like that, because sometimes, to be honest, I was writing them down because I just thought I was going nuts. This is really happening. I was really struggling for a while like this. Is anyone else seeing what's going on? And a part of what God did for me, how he graced me is that he also gave me favor with some women and I don't even call it a circle anymore because it keeps growing. But he gave me grace with some women so that I now have witnesses who are witnessing some of this incredible supernatural, amazing things that's happening. That part of that was his kindness towards me.

Speaker 2:

Y'all might have missed this right. God is doing some things in your life and you don't even think it's a blessing. Oh, it's not a big deal, and yet you're missing his kindness because you're looking for mountains to shift and bills just to be paid. And you're looking for, you know, mountains to shift and bills just to be paid, and you know you want to be miraculously healed. Those things are true, but you're missing his kindness. And so one thing that he's been doing with me out of his own grace, out of his kindness, so that I don't lose my natural mind, do you understand? Is that he would send. He started to send witnesses and they were partakers now of the grace on my life. So the grace now that I carry, the favor that I carry, the mercy that I carry, is now overflowing into these people who are around me. So now they're catching the overflow of the grace that God gave me, and that is what you're supposed to do, the overflow of the grace that God gave me, and that is what you're supposed to do, not just hoard it.

Speaker 2:

We're not asking for uncommon grace and favor just for ourselves and our families. We ask for uncommon grace so that we can go bless the world with it, and so I watch him pouring out this grace through me, demonstrating the Holy Spirit through me to other people. That's uncommon grace. That's the level of grace that we're talking about, because God is going to bless you and give you what you need. He will give you manna for the day through his word and if you're obedient, if you listen to him, if you follow what he says, if you follow his instructions, if you have a life of prayer, a lifestyle I have a lifestyle of prayer, I have a lifestyle of prayer, and so if you have that, you're going to get that. But what we're talking about here is uncommon grace. We're talking level up grace. We're talking the kind of grace and favor on your life, so that your blessing it's not just your blessing, it's your blessing the people all around you Children, family, community, county nations.

Speaker 2:

Uncommon grace, right, uncommon grace. And, by the way, I am not special, I mean, I'm his favorite. I say that all the time. I'm his favorite, I'm the apple of his eye, but I'm not special. This is available to you and the only thing that's different, maybe, if you're not experiencing this kind of grace and faith, by the way, it comes with a lot of peace. It comes with a lot of peace. And if you're not experiencing this, it's not because it's being withheld from you. It's because of what I said in Ephesians 2, when we start out again, when he says that you're in, in which you once walk.

Speaker 2:

If you're still following the course of the world, if you're still following, you know, the prince of the power, if you're still getting, you know, you get filled up on the things that are happening around you and your, your, your, your. Everything is your prayers are all based on. You know what you need. If you're not even asking God for how you can bless somebody else, if you, it's different, right, that's. That's a different level of Lord. You know, just give me what I need for the day. But when you realize that you have what you need for the day, you start asking for more, because you want more grace, more favor. Why do you want that? Because I want to bless as many people as I can for as long as I'm here because I want you guys to understand the God that I serve is for real. For real because I am a witness to his kindness. Understand so. I hope that blesses you. Uncommon grace is what we're coming into. This is a month, so asking God, ask him to show you, ask him to reveal what are the things that you need to do in your life, what are the things that you need to let go of. Maybe it's your mindset.

Speaker 2:

We played a video that talks about trust. A lot of y'all just don't trust God because he didn't come through on the ask. I don't trust him because my so-and-so died. I don't trust him because I lost my job. I don't trust him because my boss is mean. I don't trust him because my partner is mean. I don't trust him because my kids are disobedient. I don't trust God. I don't trust God because of that one time. I don't trust God because of the things that's happening in the world and there's war and famine. What do you think? What did you think was going to happen? It's literally in the word. So you don't trust God because of what you're seeing in the natural and you're missing. You're holding onto those things right, and yet you have access to this amazing, amazing grace, mercy, favor and kindness that can only come to you if you have a relationship with the Lord. It's not magic, it's just God.

Speaker 2:

So, father, I thank you this morning for reminding us of your uncommon grace. The kind of grace, though, that requires us to do something. We have free will, and so it requires us to sacrifice the way we think, behave, speak, act, everything that we touch in this world, in this life, everything that is unclean and not from you. It requires us to be purified in thought and deed. It requires us to love each other. It requires us to trust you in the most incredible extreme situations. To trust you in the most incredible extreme situations.

Speaker 2:

This kind of faith requires us to really believe who you say you are and who you say we are, and that we are seated with you. This is the kind of grace that comes with understanding that is only the blood of Jesus Christ that does this for us. This is the kind of grace that causes us to show up as witnesses on our jobs, in our communities, in our family. It's the kind of grace that comes with a lifestyle of prayer and worship. It's the kind of grace that, oh Lord, that we don't deserve, and it's only because of you and your love for us.

Speaker 2:

I thank you, lord, for blessing us with this uncommon grace. I thank you for giving the grace to every single person under the sound of my voice, whether they're watching live or replay. The kind of grace and favor that they will need in business, the kind of grace and favor that we'll need in their household, the kind of grace and favor that they will need in their communities to bring peace. Lord God, and though we know that peace will never truly come until the Prince of Peace truly comes right, until the Lord Jesus comes visions through confirmations that they will be reminded. Would you even open their eyes so that they can see you working? They can see and they can understand your grace and your favor and your mercy and your kindness towards us. We thank you for blessing every single person who's listening. Lord God, I thank you. I thank you for the three praying sisters.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, I thank you for the immeasurable riches of grace that you have given us so that we can help other people. That is your uncommon grace. Thank you, lord, for everyone who stands in need of something today, lord God, whether it's a job, whether it's just peace, whether it's comfort, whether it's healing, whatever it is they stand in need of, I ask, lord God, that you will bless them. Thank you, lord God, thank you, holy Spirit. We're always leading these prayers, all these things we ask in Jesus' name. Amen, amen, y'all. Isn't that amazing Uncommon grace, charis.

Speaker 2:

I live in that and you can declare that for yourself. I have God's uncommon grace. I speak that out for myself. Remember, we say these for yourself. I have God's uncommon grace. I speak that out for myself. Remember, we say these things right, we create with our mouth. So instead of saying, you know, I am tired, I am broke, no, those affirmations, I am this, I am that, just say I have God's uncommon grace, I am his favorite. Right Things that disturb the enemy, you can't touch me with that. I am his favorite, I have his uncommon grace. I have God's mercy, I have his favor. Come on, all these things are in the word.

Speaker 2:

If you're looking for something to help you out, all right, that's what I had. Listen, don't forget and I say it every week please be kind to each other, be nice to your friends, be nice to your colleagues. You don't know what people are going through and if it's somebody you're working with, you can't stand. Just go pray. Lord, give me the strength to deal with so-and-so and let him deal with it All right. All right, I love y'all. Thank you so much for watching. For those of y'all who are going to be out and about Mother's Day in Georgia, come and see me. I'll be speaking at the Eastgate Church for Mother's Day. I am so beyond excited and honored. Thank you, god, for opportunities to just talk about you Y'all. Have a good rest of your Thursday and I will see you next week. Bye.

Embracing God's Grace and Favor
Embracing Uncommon Grace