Remembering Together

Celebrating Connections: Dominic Seldis

British Embassy The Netherlands Season 1 Episode 1

The Celebrating Connections Podcast is a short series of podcasts celebrating the amazing things happening on either side of the North Sea. The podcast series features a group of exceptional people who are writing a new chapter in Anglo-Dutch relations. Dutch people living and working in the UK and British people making a name for themselves in the Netherlands. The series explores what it takes to move from the countries they grew up in, and thrive in the countries they came to call home. The podcast is hosted by Nick Heath, Britain’s Deputy Ambassador to the Netherlands.  

In this first episode of the Celebrating Connections podcast, Nick interviews contrabass player and TV presenter Dominic Seldis. After joining the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Dominic became a judge on the Dutch version of TV programme Maestro. He has since grown to be a familiar face on Dutch television. In conversation with Nick, he tells stories of his colourful career and what the move from the UK to the Netherlands has meant for him personally and professionally.