
Season 4 Episode 7 Rebecca & Stefani Genes & High Risk

Tina Conrad Season 4 Episode 7

I met Rebecca and Stefani at a breast cancer event in October.  We did an interview together at a Francine’s Friends event and immediately hit it off!  I asked them to be guests on DJ Breast Cancer and they said yes!!!!!!  As big fans of podcasts, they were super excited and considered it a ”bucket list“ item.  

Rebecca is a Genetics Counselor at Parkview Hospital.  She is also an amazing singer and actively involved in theatre in Fort Wayne.  Please take a listen to this podcast all the way to the end and take in her beautiful voice!

Stefani is a Nurse Practitioner with a focus on high risk.  Stefani often sees patients after Rebecca has given a genetics consultation to talk patients through screening options and being proactive.  At the time of the recording Stefani was in her third trimester, patiently waiting for her beautiful daughter.