Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Awakening to One's Inner Power: A Conversation with Nicole Starbuck

August 23, 2023 Kelly Season 1 Episode 11
Awakening to One's Inner Power: A Conversation with Nicole Starbuck
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
Awakening to One's Inner Power: A Conversation with Nicole Starbuck
Aug 23, 2023 Season 1 Episode 11

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Hello Beautiful Souls! Have you ever felt a yearning for something more, a pull towards understanding the unseen elements of life? Our special guest, Nicole Starbuck, an empathic psychic medium and spiritual guide, has experienced this calling from a young age and now dedicates her life to helping others explore their own psychic potentials. Listen in as she reveals her personal journey, from her repressed intuitive abilities leading to her struggle with mental health issues, to the clarity and healing she found in embracing her spiritual gifts.

Nicole is a master in the art of intertwining the mundane and the spiritual, leading to a life enriched with synchronicity and meaning. She unveils her ABC technique - alignment, balance, and calm, a powerful tool that may just be your ticket to a more grounded and serene existence. If you've ever felt out of sync with your life's rhythm, Nicole's insights into surrendering control and embracing life's flow might be the nudge you need to regain your balance. 

Get ready to awaken your inner power as we navigate the realm of spiritual transformation. Nicole dives into the profound changes that came with opening her third eye and the subsequent radical shifts in her life that followed. She encourages us all to tap into our spiritual superpowers and share her practical tips on integrating spiritual practices into everyday life. This episode is more than just a conversation; it's an invitation to explore your own spiritual journey and awaken to your inner wisdom. Nicole's experiences and insights serve as a beacon, guiding us towards our own divine potentials. Tune in and let's embark on this mystical journey together. 

Thank you for listening! Wishing you a day filled with love, joy, blessings, and magic.

To get in touch with Nicole:



@nicole.starbuck on Instagram

Nicole Starbuck on Facebook

To get in touch with me:


@kellymatthews840 on Instagram

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Hello Beautiful Souls! Have you ever felt a yearning for something more, a pull towards understanding the unseen elements of life? Our special guest, Nicole Starbuck, an empathic psychic medium and spiritual guide, has experienced this calling from a young age and now dedicates her life to helping others explore their own psychic potentials. Listen in as she reveals her personal journey, from her repressed intuitive abilities leading to her struggle with mental health issues, to the clarity and healing she found in embracing her spiritual gifts.

Nicole is a master in the art of intertwining the mundane and the spiritual, leading to a life enriched with synchronicity and meaning. She unveils her ABC technique - alignment, balance, and calm, a powerful tool that may just be your ticket to a more grounded and serene existence. If you've ever felt out of sync with your life's rhythm, Nicole's insights into surrendering control and embracing life's flow might be the nudge you need to regain your balance. 

Get ready to awaken your inner power as we navigate the realm of spiritual transformation. Nicole dives into the profound changes that came with opening her third eye and the subsequent radical shifts in her life that followed. She encourages us all to tap into our spiritual superpowers and share her practical tips on integrating spiritual practices into everyday life. This episode is more than just a conversation; it's an invitation to explore your own spiritual journey and awaken to your inner wisdom. Nicole's experiences and insights serve as a beacon, guiding us towards our own divine potentials. Tune in and let's embark on this mystical journey together. 

Thank you for listening! Wishing you a day filled with love, joy, blessings, and magic.

To get in touch with Nicole:



@nicole.starbuck on Instagram

Nicole Starbuck on Facebook

To get in touch with me:


@kellymatthews840 on Instagram

Speaker 1:

Welcome, beautiful souls, to another episode of Enlighten Elevate. This episode, our guest is going to talk about intuition how to balance your spiritual side with your business side and your parenting side, how you can balance all those and be everything all at once. She speaks to getting in touch with your life purpose and soul mission and saying no to everything else. We also discuss worthiness and the concept of surrender. Thank you so much for being here and enjoy this episode.

Speaker 2:

Hello Soul Family. I am so excited to welcome our guest today, Nicole Starbuck. She is a conscious coach and mystic mentor. She is a psychic empath, quantum energy healer, a spiritual mentor who empowers people to ignite their intuition and supercharge their psychic skills so they can make their dreams a reality. Thank you so much for being here, Nicole.

Speaker 3:

Hi. Well, thank you so much for having me as such an honor and privilege to be here and share my story and provide some practical tools and tips for blending our spiritual life with our daily life. My story is that I first discovered my psychic skills and abilities when I was nine years old. I was coming out of school and getting ready to be picked up and, just out of nowhere, I had this random thought a bird is going to poop on me and then, sure enough, a few seconds later, it landed right here on my shoulder and I just remember looking down like, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, this is gross, but also cool because I predicted this. And it's scary because I predicted this. And what do I do with this information?

Speaker 3:

And just ever since then, I've just had all these sorts of dreams and premonitions and predictions that would come true, and then, at the time, I didn't know what to do with that information, because I grew up in a conservative, religious household where things like that were not only frowned upon but construed as being evil or witchcraft, and so I would hide all of these premonitions that I was receiving, which ended up resulting in a lot of anxiety because I would get an intuitive hit, I would see an outcome, and I didn't feel like I could control the outcome.

Speaker 3:

I didn't feel like I could control what was happening to me, so I just had a lot of stress and anxiety around that, which led to a lot of depression because I wasn't living in my authentic truth, I wasn't being my true self, which then led to a lot of chronic illness. So that was a whole other thing. So it's been this reawakening to my spiritual gifts and abilities, and the more I've done that, the less and less I've had anxiety, depression, chronic illness and all the things. And so now what I do is I show others how to develop their spiritual gifts and abilities, specifically psychic intuition. That's what I specialize in, so that they don't have to take that 20 something years to discover that and develop that the way that I did. You can have a shortcut to that. Oh that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

So I know you're a mother and you talk about how being a parent and a priestess or working with spirit is not mutually exclusive. They compliment each other. Let's talk about that, because I know there's a lot of people out there who have kids and life gets crazy, and let's talk about it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I have two kiddos. I have a two and a half year old daughter and then I'm almost 10 month old son, and they're both very empathic. We could spend a whole conversation about what that looks like in children, but for me it's about embodying all aspects of self, regardless of which arena or area we're in. So it's not so much that my work is over here, my business is over here, my relationship with my spouse is over here, my kids are over here, but it's embodying all of these archetypes all in one.

Speaker 3:

So in my practice I sometimes work with what we call the triple goddess the maiden, the mother and the crown. So these three different archetypes and our energies. So as a child, we are the maiden and we step into our adulthood, whether or not you have kids, that's the mother, and then later in life, as we get to be able, our grandparent age is the crown. So it's not so much that you're one or the other, but you can embody all three. And the same with our daily life is you get to be that entrepreneur, business owner, and you get to be that wife and you get to be that mother, all at the same time, not compartmentalizing, but you get to be everything all at one, and with the priestess aspect of it.

Speaker 3:

For anyone that's not familiar with this terminology or has some preconceived notions about that, to me a priestess is anyone, or priest even is not necessarily someone who is in the church teaching the sermon, but somebody who holds themselves to a higher standard, that is answering to God, source, universe, whatever you like to call that higher power that then is able to see in people what is their highest truth, what is their greatest potential, what is their higher self, and help them and empower them to connect with that. So the more that I pursue this priestess path in my spiritual studies, the more I'm able to bring those teachings to all other aspects of life, not just my work in my business, but also my relationship with my kids, my relationship with my husband, even my friendships, etc.

Speaker 2:

It's like that ripple effect. Right, you bring that goodness into everything. That's amazing. Yeah, let's talk about some techniques and tools for finding alignment, balance and palms, nicole, clean. This the ABC alignment, balance, calm. How fun is that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love acronyms and I like this one because as we are bringing in the motherhood and the spiritual aspect. My daughter is two and half. She's learning the ABC. She sings them beautifully, out of order. I love it. She sings the tune, but just not the right letters in the right order, and so I love to really get people into alignment with their souls, mission and their life purpose.

Speaker 3:

If you don't know what that is, the easiest way to get there is what did you use or what did you love when you were little and a small child and nobody had yet told you oh, you can't do that, that's not realistic. You need to get a real job Right. And so, for me, I wanted to be an artist. I was the only kid in my kindergarten class that said artist. I went to school for studio or I don't actually use that degree, but I am a creator. That's all I do all day is create conversations, create community, create content. That's what I do courses program. So I am indeed the artist, just in a non-traditional sense.

Speaker 3:

And so alignment is really this tuning into. What on earth am I here for and why is that important? So for me, my soul's mission in life is to become the best possible version of myself so that I can show others how to do the same. And that's important, because the more that we are tuning in and getting into alignment with that mission and purpose, the less disease or disease we're going to experience. So we always have this choice of we can go the traditional route of the quote, unquote American dream of go to school, get good grades, get a good job, everything will be fine, which is what I thought would be true. Right, that didn't work for me, and what I realized is it doesn't have to be that way. There is another path, and that path is your path, your spiritual path, whatever that looks like for you.

Speaker 2:

So for people who are listening, who are saying, okay, soul alignment, how do I just like begin to start to figure that out?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. So we want to start with. I like to start with our core values. So what are the top five most important things in your life? Non-negotiable, no matter what happens. These never change.

Speaker 3:

This is different than like oh, sometimes this is important and like that's not priority, that's not a core value. So an example of a core value would be something like your family, your finances, your health. For me, it's those. So my health, my family, my finances, learning and then teaching others those are my top five. And so you want to identify for yourself what the top five are and then put them in order, because that creates a hierarchy, and what you do is you run everything, all your decisions, all your invitations, all your choices, through the filter. Is it adding value to what who I am at a soul level, to what I stand for, to my belief systems? Running it through that checklist health, family, finances, learning, teaching those are mine. Pick your own. But is it adding value? And if not, then we have this beautiful invitation and empowerment to say no, because I think that's where people get so lost and not really knowing who they are, as they have this people pleasing tendency to say yes to everything that they're not actually honoring themselves.

Speaker 2:

Yes, when somebody sets a boundary, sometimes people might fear that or they might experience pushback from the person that they're setting the boundary with. Do you have any recommendations? For I say just do it, because you have to set the boundary and people will follow. I mean they may not like it at first, but you have to establish that. I mean it's honoring yourself and I mean it's not only respecting yourself but it's respecting others too. I feel like yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think really is. We've come to as a society equates agreement with validation, and then we pair that with self-worth. So we think that in order for us to be worthy, that somebody has to agree to us, because that's the only way we're going to be validated. And validation and self-worth does not come from other sources. It comes from within. So if you are so rooted in who you are and what you believe in again going back to your purpose and your core values it doesn't actually matter what anyone else thinks 100%, Because that does not translate into your worthiness. You are worthy simply because you are.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I love that. You said that we are born worthy. Everybody is worthy. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. You don't need to have a certain title, a level of income, a degree, any of that stuff, and I feel like those are societal things and that is how often people measure their worth or how accomplished or successful they are in life, and that is not the measure of a successful life, that is not the measure of your worth.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, yeah, and so that's alignment. I mean, we could go on and on about alignment, but the next one, balance, is understanding that there is no such thing as balance. It is natural to have cycles and seasons and ebbs and flows, and it's just a matter of tuning into that in the moment, what that feels like. And, especially as women, we have these hormones right, shifting and cycling. Whether or not you're menstruate, you're still having hormones and cycles. And then put on top of that, like the moon cycle I just taught today in my Facebook group a free masterclass on manifesting with the moon we have the lunar cycle happening every 28, 29 days, we have the seasons of the year, we have seasons of life, like I talked about the maid and the mother of the crown. So when you start tuning into the natural cycles, you are then going with the flow, which is how you feel balanced, even if it's going up and down, so you can find peace in any situation.

Speaker 3:

And I feel like this flow is this vision of if we have this river so much of the time, especially in this very power-driven, like masculine type energy that we live in these days right, it's toxin-masculinity of go, go, go, go, go, get, get, get, get, achieve, achieve, achieve right. That's us swimming against the current, that's us trying to make something happen, not allowing the universe to do its thing. That's us swimming upstream, whereas if we let go and let the river, the current, take, us, take, let life show us what it wants to reveal to us, that's much more eased and relaxed and that's a balanced life, right. So, even if the river goes flat, or it goes right, or there's a little waterfall or whatever, we are finding that peace and that balance, regardless of what else is happening.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, that's. I love your metaphor there. That is really good, and talking about the ebbs and flows and the ups and downs and the calm.

Speaker 3:

With that, with finding the alignment and finding the balance and really experiencing that, that's where we get the calm.

Speaker 3:

It's this deep inner knowing that I like to call trusting and allowing, where we feel so divinely supported that the universe always has our back. And so I think of a lot of the time when we are living our lives or manifesting, we tend to have like control issues. Right, we wanna like really hold on to control and have all the answers and know exactly what's gonna happen, when it's gonna happen, how it's gonna happen. And we hold on like this when it's so tense and so stressful, and so like we shake that off and just really like lean into this, allowing this trusting, with hands open, arms open, heart open Ah, doesn't that feel like so much better? Like just try that with me right now. Like go like this and just clench your fists and just like, oh, I just like, ah, I just wanna know what's gonna happen and I want all my kids to behave and I want like my work to figure itself out and for people to stop following me on and okay, so like shake it off, let it go.

Speaker 2:

No, that feels amazing.

Speaker 3:

You just naturally just take a deep breath when you do that, because you're just like, oh, yes.

Speaker 2:

So, speaking on that, when you're talking about allowing, that goes with the concept of surrendering, surrendering to spirit and the control issue, I think, is 100% true.

Speaker 2:

I think we as humans or mothers not only mothers, but it can be anyone you want to know the results, we want to know that this is going to happen, or we want to try to get ahead of something or control it, and I think that's something, at least for me. It's taken me a little bit of learning how to do that and trusting, but miracles happen every day. And I feel like just to say to people who are listening if you're listening to something, you think how do you do that? I can't just let it be, but I would say and I don't know if you would agree, but maybe try just doing one small thing. And try doing one small thing and just see how that goes, and then sort of lean into that and maybe expand a little bit, a little bit, and then, before you know it, you will be surrendering more and more and becoming more calm, aligned and balanced in your life.

Speaker 3:

I'll give you two concrete personal examples from my own life. I'll be the first to tell you I am not a guru. My role is to show you how to be your own guru, and so I'm always constantly learning and growing and expanding as well. And so one of the things is in my deep perfectionism. This was years ago. I'm now a recovering perfectionist, but in my darkest days as a perfectionist, I would actually go through the dishwasher and rearrange it because it wasn't perfectly arranged. There's no logical reason to do that.

Speaker 3:

So what I started doing to really break this cycle is I strategically, intentionally stopped doing that, which is one little simple practice, and it really showed me that, a, this isn't a big deal. Two, it doesn't really matter. And three, I will survive if it's not completely perfect the way I wanna have it. That's from a few years ago. But to give you a more recent example, talking about surrendering, the big word that comes through for me as a wife, as a mother, as an entrepreneur, is delegation. Is can you actually trust someone or something outside of yourself to support you? Because we get it in our heads that nobody can do it as well as I can. So let me do everything by myself, and when we take that attitude on with God's Source Universe, whatever you call that higher power, what makes us think that we're better than God, that we can do it better than he can or she can?

Speaker 2:

whatever you resonate with, yeah, and I think that leads to burnout too. It does If you put the weight of the world on your shoulders. You're gonna burn out, you're gonna be exhausted, you're gonna not have high energy or be able to do everything you wanna do, because you're just gonna be exhausted.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So like the example from my life recently as recently as yesterday is we needed the order groceries. I was always the one that has done it. I've done it for going on three years. Whenever COVID started and I just thought it in my head well, no one can order groceries except me because it has to be a certain way and whatever. And my husband's like why don't you just let me do it?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I'm like no, no, no, I'm gonna do it. And he's like, no, just let me do it. So this is the recent as yesterday, y'all's the rendering to find everything supported. And it goes back to that self-love, self-worth piece is if we don't really trust other people to do things for us or to help us, if we don't trust the universe, well, what does that mean? It means that I'm not whoever is not open to receiving. So what does that mean? Do I believe, do you believe, that you are worthy of being loved, of receiving love, of receiving help?

Speaker 2:

That's it is so insightful. That is beautiful. I love that. I wanna we talked a little bit, before we got started, about Christ consciousness and how people can for people going through an awakening, or just somebody who was formerly Christian or from a. I was raised Catholic my whole life, maybe as you evolve and grow and shed some beliefs, maybe making peace with that, but still, at the same time, honoring the things in it that do hold value, because I do believe that there are Christian teachings and Mother Mary and Jesus are very valuable sended masters and helpers in the universe. Do you wanna speak a little bit about that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I think this ties really beautifully into what we had touched on earlier, like the priestess and the parent, how they're not mutually exclusive. And for me we talk about Christ, consciousness and the cosmos not mutually exclusive. Magic and the Messiah not that mutually exclusive. And for me it's this idea that daily life and spiritual life are one. We need to get over this idea that things have to be either or there's this world over here or that world over there, and for me it's about being that bridge between these two seemingly different worlds, to blend and merge the two so that we can lean even more into being this channel for grace. That's what priestess thing is all about, that's what parenting is all about, that's what being a co-tor or a mentor is all about. Is just being that channel, that vessel for good works to happen, for beautiful things to happen, or magic if you want to call it that.

Speaker 3:

And I believe that there's no right or wrong way to do things, there's only what's true for you, and that a lot of these different religions or different trains of thought or modalities all have an aspect of truth to them, and that's all we're searching for is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We're all looking for this capital T truth, right and really, I mean, I believe that the truth is within us. It's just a matter of tuning in and remembering what we already know and what we already feel on a soul level. But there's all this outside noise, all these other voices and opinions, our parents and how they grew up and our ancestors and how they got on, and things in the big C church and social media, and we listen to all the news. We listen to all this noise. We're not actually listening to ourselves and tuning in and listening to our higher selves, which is God consciousness?

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I have been told by some spiritual mentors too, and I think this can resonate with other people is take what spiritual beliefs, as you learn in Ebald and Grow, take what works for you and then discard the rest, like and that's okay. Like you said, it's okay. There is no wrong way, and I've talked about this before too, and I teach this to my kids. There are many pathways to source and no one's pathway is wrong. Whatever works for a person, wherever you find your peace, wherever you find that connection, that's what you should pursue. What it nets, that is your church, whatever. That is not necessarily four walls or you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, I've been having conversations about this on podcasts like this and even with people at my church, and the guest pastor there on Sunday shared this beautiful sermon about how we all have these prophetic gifts and, for one reason or another, we feel like we're not able to share them because people look down upon us or criticize us and some people get so hung up on, say, the Holy Bible in particular, that that's the only source of truth, that we're actually policing other people and telling them how they can and can't worship or how they can and can't connect to the divine and that's. Is that love, like that would be my question. Is that really love?

Speaker 2:

So funny that you say that, because I had this thought earlier today with the Bible. I have talked about this before on my podcast too. You know my son had come to me and said he's 13 years old and he was like. He was like oh well, it's cool, so-and-so, said this about the Bible and I wanted him to think for himself and know that the Bible has many versions, that there are books that were left out of the Bible and that I wanted him to be mindful of.

Speaker 2:

So what happens when somebody is telling you you can only read this, this and this? I wanted him to really think about why that would be, and I think exactly what you just said is telling him and teaching my other children if it does not feel like it comes from love, then exactly what you just said I mean, I had this thought earlier today. I must, we must have been pulling in the energy before we got started, but I had that exact thought is if it doesn't come from love, then that is not something that you should be taking as a core value or belief. Again, this is my opinion. People are free to believe whatever they want, but you know, but I mean it goes the other way too.

Speaker 3:

Even we get more into this spiritual, esoteric, metaphysical type practices is we get into our heads that it has to be. You have to journal and you have to meditate and you have to do this and you have to do that. But that's not the case, right? It's just like what you said earlier is what resonates with you in the moment, right now.

Speaker 3:

In general, I have two basic practices that I tend to do pretty regularly. Which is in the shower I will visualize the water, washing away all the energy that from the previous day that's no longer serving me, and then bringing in. I'm imagining it bringing in all of the wealth, prosperity, abundance, positive vibes, like all of those things for the new day. And then the second one is being very mindful and intentional with my coffee. I do little magical things like turning it clockwise for positivity and cinnamon to accelerate abundance and stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

But regardless, this is practice of taking and I actually don't drink coffee anymore, I drink coffee, alternative mushroom coffee but so taking it and then like mindfully stepping in and just like allowing that, like beginning of the day, to like really set the tone for the day. So that's what I do. But then there's certain seasons where, like, I do journal pretty heavily, and then there's seasons where I don't do that and maybe I meditate more and I'm a huge fan of something called active meditation, which is not necessarily sitting down in a darkroom closing our eyes and chanting for however long, but it's just. You know something as simple, because you know we're all busy something as simple as washing the dishes and just allowing that meditative, repetitive process to be that form of meditation. And then, or doing the laundry folding the laundry is a big one for me, and so I do it as well Vacuuming anything yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm there with you.

Speaker 3:

That is amazing that all these things you're talking about, yeah, yeah and so when you really look at these things, like being able to find what resonates with you and recognizing when you're just doing it, to do it, like, for example, I had a terror reading practice where I was like doing the terror journal, and I realized that I was doing it just to do it. I wasn't doing it because I enjoyed doing it and I was, oh, that's not, that's not the vibe, right, we don't do something just to do it, to mark a checkbox off our list. We do it because it brings us joy or it raises our vibration or it's adding love and peace into our home, right yeah?

Speaker 2:

I love that. That's actually a really good point, because there are so many things out there about journaling, meditating and using affirmations. I really agree. You just have to find. I think having a spiritual practice is important, but what that means for you individually can be anything, and I think that once you find what resonates for you, that's what you should incorporate that in your life. Yeah, is there anything that has been like recently coming up for you and your clients or that you might wanna speak on, or something that like repeatedly keeps coming up that you might wanna to talk about?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the thing that's really been coming up that we actually just started our program. So we launched and started our psychic school, because that was the biggest question I was getting. I had actually done professional psychic readings for several years and I found that many of the people that were coming me had one or two things or both. So either they were coming to me with a lot of anxiety about the future because they were getting these intuitive hits and not knowing how to process or channel that information. Then they would come to me for clarification or confirmation so that was number one. And or people who were highly empathic that didn't know they were taking on other people's energy, so then they were ending up with a lot of disease or disease or chronic illness and they were coming to me for energy healing sessions quantum energy healing session and so what I noticed was this need and desire for tools and resources for people to develop this further.

Speaker 3:

So I actually stepped away from doing professional readings, although I do do them upon request, but not really. What I do is I show other people how to develop their spiritual gifts and abilities, specifically psychic intuition, and I believe everyone is psychic. It's just that through conditioning and over time we've kind of hushed that down, tone that down, so I helped them to bring that back out. And so what we do in psychic school is we step by step show you how to re-acidate and amplify those gifts and abilities, to use that to read for yourself and for others. We get into the energy healing side of that and being able to use your intuition to do energy healing for yourself and others. And then we do all kinds of fun stuff. By the end we get into astral travel, astral production and all those fun things as well.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, that sounds amazing.

Speaker 2:

Nicole, I agree with you and I have talked about this in other podcasts that everybody does have psychic abilities.

Speaker 2:

I think some people are maybe like you you're born with it turned on and other people they have to develop it and I think that's just part of their soul path and purpose, that they learn it as they go or later in their life or at some particular point in their life, because that's when it's just supposed to happen.

Speaker 2:

But I really agree with that and learning energy tools, how to protect your energy field, how to release throughout the day I've talked about that many times too. I mean, it is truly important to release what no longer serves, and we do interact with people all day and sometimes it can feel really heavy, but connecting, and I do it through meditation. But there are many ways to clear your energy field, but I do recommend doing that. That definitely helps with the balance and the calm and I feel like if you make that a regular practice, the better you feel and the more clear your channel is, the clearer the messages are that when they come through to you, when you kind of establish these practices, learn how to ignite your skill sets, you can use them to help people live their life dreams.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Do you wanna talk a little bit about that? Do you have an example of a client who learned some of the tools that you teach and is now living their dream reality, whatever that is for them?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So some of the incredible transformations we are what halfway through July? And we've only done one module for a psychic school and one group call. So we're alternating modules and calls. And already it was three days after the group call and the ladies were like I'm still buzzing for the call.

Speaker 3:

My third eye is waking up. I can't go back to my regular day job because it just doesn't make sense anymore. My soul doesn't fit in this box. So there's all kinds of relationship changes happening, people leaving relationships that aren't resonating with them anymore, job changes that are happening because that's not resonating anymore. And I just had a private session with one of the girls and she's like you know what? I'm gonna quit my job and move and I'm gonna start a business and I'm gonna get back to my soul's calling. I wanna do some work with kids.

Speaker 3:

And that's just the most recent example of what's come up in activating the third eye and that's one of the things I tell people. You know that was something that would come up a lot in my healing practices, nicole, can you help me activate my third eye? And I was like okay, but it's kind of like taking that pill. If you've ever seen the matrix, it's kind of like taking that pill and all of a sudden you wake up and there's no going back. So are you ready for your life to radically shift and transform? Oh, no, I'm not ready. Okay, well then you're not ready. I'm not gonna guide you. You're not ready, but nine times out of 10, they're ready. Right, yes, please turn it on. Let's go. And I also wanna be clear that you don't necessarily need someone like me to activate you or do that for you. I'm just a guide. I'm just there to facilitate.

Speaker 2:

I love that. I love that. The matrix now. I've loved the matrix ever since it came out, all the movies. I think it's a great movie and has so many awesome metaphors for life. But I do love the things that you talked about. You know and how, once you do go through these spiritual awakenings, you do learn tools. You are a different person, you've evolved and that's why things don't resonate anymore and it can be a little bit of a painful process, but when you come out of the, on the other side, things are always better. It has been such a pleasure to talk with you. I love this. Like it's cool If people who are listening, if they are interested in joining, where can they find information?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so you can find me online. My new website is oracleacademycom, so that's a play on words oracle as an aura a, you are a, c, l, e, academy calm. And then I also have a free Facebook group for like minded kindred spirits, so that's Facebook comm slash groups, slash oracle academy. And then you can find me on Instagram as well, which is Instagram comm slash Nicole dot star buck. There's a dot in between my first and last name there.

Speaker 2:

Amazing. Is there any closing thoughts or anything that you would like?

Speaker 3:

to leave with our listeners. Yeah, um, I'll. I'll end with just a free gift. In addition to the free group, we also have a quiz on our website, oracle academy comm slash quiz, which will show you your Spiritual superpower or intuitive types. We have five different archetypes that you can resonate with. We have the artist, the healer, the priestess, the psychic and the witch, so you're gonna be one of those and that'll have some guidance and insight for how you can continue to develop that further and connect with Source. And then there's the last thing that I will leave people with, just like a word of wisdom, if you will, is that you are Powerful and you already have the answers. The answers are inside of you. It's just a question of whether or not you're listening.

Speaker 2:

That is amazing. You have been an amazing guest. I have loved everything that you have talked about today. I have so much gratitude for you coming here and speaking and sharing your time with us today.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much, Nicole. Thanks for having me.

Speaker 1:

Thank you again for listening to this episode. Beautiful souls, please rate, review and follow so that you never miss an episode.

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